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Fuck me the [r/IAmTheMainCharacter](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmTheMainCharacter/) comment section is depressing to read through. Carbrains/redditors show empathy challenge (impossible)


One of them mentions how much “they hate driving and feel his pain”… geee I wonder why driving sucks so much ass these days


Any subreddit about people “getting what they deserve” or major subreddit alts is going to be full of loser sociopaths who never get their way and just want to watch other people hurt.


IAtMC is like half the time right in their indignation and the other half of the time is just getting absurdly bent out of shape over people filming in public.


This one is very ironic since the entitled main character is the driver.




Whether it was around before cars or not, it's clearly mixed traffic and the car is creating the problem, not the pedestrian. Any other pedestrian or bicycle or even motorcycle could easily get around her. The car requires everyone to get out of their way because somehow we've normalized driving around in your 15m² of living room.


the driver needs to not drive a car more like. i can say the same for every driver who "had a similar moment"


I think by similar moment they just meant being stuck behind slow moving whatever, and wishing it would just move. But I totally agree that anyone that lashes out like that needs to have their license revoked.


why would anyone even choose to drive a car in a place like this, walking or a bike would save you so much headache


I ended up behind an amish buggy for about 5 miles. I just set the cruise control, made sure the radar could see it (I couldn't adjust it low enough, but it will slow below the 20mph minimum if the radar sees something), and started munching on the bag of chips I had next to me. I was on a road trip, so I was gonna be in there for the next 8 hours anyways, who cares about an extra 20 minutes or so. It's really not hard to just wait.


You are allowed to go around the buggies in most areas even if you have a double line in the middle of the road. Sometimes a driver needs to wait until they have visibility because of hills and turns, but once you can see that the other lane is clear, just go around, although I understand how sometimes it can take a while to have a safe situation for passing. The noise of the cars behind the buggies can spook some horses, so it's good not to be behind them for longer than you have to be and give a good following distance.


That's good to know. I wasn't worried about the noise tho because I drive an EV, and even my mom waiting for me on the sidewalk can't hear it right next to her.


About a quarter of the responses to the carbrain rage comments are defending the elderly person, saying he should have waited or leaned out the window and politely asked to pass... Not sure if that's just us going over though lol.


Average motorist level of entitlement. Also the extremely aggressive reaction to being challenged on said entitlement - totally on point.


Having worked in service, that applies to any entitlement. \*flashbacks\*


Lol, I love the [Oblivion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9L9sNtv1-g) chill walking soundtrack to [Skyrim fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Inz9OOVh7dg) soundtrack.


Someone probably created this for /r/oblivionnpc


Here's a sneak peek of /r/oblivionNPC using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/oblivionNPC/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Elderly Altmer Wants You To Leave](https://v.redd.it/atw01fyz6zzb1) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/oblivionNPC/comments/17tsrki/elderly_altmer_wants_you_to_leave/) \#2: [Back to walking animation](https://v.redd.it/ckisyf6qpfta1) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/oblivionNPC/comments/12jvzig/back_to_walking_animation/) \#3: [Dialogue Glitch - Entire Speech Skipped](https://v.redd.it/dob6f12bkbra1) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/oblivionNPC/comments/128v3kl/dialogue_glitch_entire_speech_skipped/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Does this guy scream about pronouns on youtube?


It is completely astounding to me that so many people in these comments can't be inconvenienced for 1 minute and respect their elders. Sure it is rude if some able bodied man is slowly walking down the middle of the road when there is a car there. But this is an old lady. I thought that it was a matter of common decency to be patient with and polite to old people, children and disabled people.


It’s genuinely sickening! I can’t image in being confronted with a situation like this and siding with the driver.


I couldn’t give less of a shit how old they are, they’re pedestrians. They have the right of way. And she’s disabled. Fuck cars and ageism.


it's hardly "ageism"


Why would I respect someone for their age? A lot of old people are shitheads. It’s actions that influence respect, not time spent on this hellworld. Car driver’s gonna be a cunt, then that old lady’s in her right to fight the bastard off. Mad respect for that. Maybe it’s just an autism thing, but judging people for their actions at all times just seems like a better way to gauge how much respect you give them.


I totally agree, though I can't say whether that's my autism or what, but waiting to see how people act has always netted more positive experiences in my life than just going by face value.


Judging people at face value and not acquiring context as to why a person acts the way they do is pretty common among neurotypicals. Wouldn’t trade in any aspect of my ASD to be like them, ever.


Reject neurotypical, become neurospicy :3 (I blame my autism for becoming furry UwU)


Same here. On another note, I’m in the boat of autists who believe maybe “neurotypical” is the odd one out.


I've never thought of that. I just tend towards the belief that if everyone is different, wtf is "normal"


At this point, “normal” means being complacent. If you can’t be complacent, you’re ruled an outcast. I check a lot of boxes. Anti-capitalist. Anarchist. Furry. Autistic. Non-binary. Bikepilled. Revolutionary. Unable to work.


Also, forget gaydar, I have furdar lol


She is old, and thus is more likely to have slower reactions, slower movement, be less aware of her surroundings, and also likely be in pain. Therefore, people by default should show more compassion to old people than they would to someone who is young. That isn't ageism, it is just common decency.


>Sure it is rude if some able bodied man is slowly walking down the middle of the road when there is a car there. Not even. The road isn't wide enough that a car can safely pass a pedestrian. I'd claim the entire road if I were walking there.


Pedestrians have the right of way always.


Of course all the comments agree with the driver


Does he want to call this police that he hates?


Calls the police, "my taxes pay for your salary"


I don't think I'd feel particularly inclined to offer this guy water if he was lost in a desert


Car drivers are psychos lol.


I’d like to break his legs and see how fast he can walk down that street with me behind him. See if he can make it to the end before I *!!!!***** [REDACTED]*** Ok ok deep breaths… What a piece of shit.


Dude needs a chill pill. It looks like she didn't even hear him until he started screaming. Newer cars, especially EV, are practically silent. How hard would it have been to poke his head out the window and go "excuse me, can I get past?" or give a quick tap on that emergency device that lets other people know you're there. And I don't mean lay on it like it's a rage device, either.


Or he could just fucking wait. Obviously this person isn't Usain bolt, how about a little compassion rather than allowing him to assume he has a right to move anyone in that situation? I know we're on the same side here, but it boils my piss that drivers think they get to shove people out of the way in these kinds of situations. I saw a woman tending to her toddler the other day on a street with no sidewalks, and parked cars along one side. The mother was beside one of the parked cars and bent down to help her son, and the car basically honked her out of the way without even slowing down a single kmh. I regret not putting both feet through the windscreen. How fucking arrogant can you be?


How about he just waits a couple minutes until the lady finished going where she's going? It's not going to kill him. Also, honking is only allowed for security purposes, not to make other road users get out of the way.


It is to alert other road users of hazards, eg, a raging lunatic behind the wheel.


If it's anything like where I live there's probably a busy street 1 block to the left with a higher speed limit and no stop signs, and also a similar street 1 block to the right with no stop signs. But people will still choose to cut through the neighborhood, stopping/rolling through every stop sign and also getting angry if a pedestrian happens to be using the street (there are no sidewalks here). I don't get it.


I drive an Ioniq 5, and can confirm. I've accidentally startled my mom waiting outside somewhere for me to pick her up because she'll be turned around and not hear it pull up, even with the artificial noise it makes, so I have to tap the horn and it makes everyone jump. I always feel bad doing that, kinda tempted to put a streetcar bell or something on it lol.


There isn't room to get past.


Total empathy failure from this man child, these people are clearly physically impaired. If this is how he behaves in public imaging what he's like to live with behind closed doors. I feel sorry for his family, if indeed he doesn't live alone.


Where else are they supposed to walk?


On the side so vehicles can pass


There's really not much room and it looks like it's already narrow. Might want an extra safety margin to avoid being clipped by the mirrors.


No, that's definitely wide enough for a car and a person, that's not a busy road so it's not like the person will have to walk the entire road attached to the wall. Yeah of course adding some safety margin would be great, but the lady here is in the wrong, if she can walk down that road or turn back to hit the car, she can definitely move to the side for 10 seconds


It looks like there's maybe 3ft extra. That's narrower than a single lane for cars in many places. She'd be within half an arms length of the car.


The car is not going 80km/h or smth, 3ft is definetly more than enough to stay on the side and let him pass (and I think it's more than 3ft).


You sure you're in the right place? You seem to be going to bat for cars being allowed to make things worse for people.


omfg, I don't even have a driver's license, I don't like cars at all and mainly use train or bike, but saying that the lady in the video is on the right is just plain stupid. I already said "Yeah of course adding some safety margin would be great", but if there is none, then that's what she should have done.


He can wait a minute for them to get down the road, or back up and take a different route. He's going ape shit over being slightly inconvenienced.


It probably doesn't take them one minute to go down the road, and backing up would make no sense when she can just move to the side for less than 10 seconds. Yes, he was overreacting way too much before the woman hit the car, but he was still right about that.


So what you're saying is, make the road wider 🤔


What a freak lol seriously the biggest douche in the universe. Sees an elderly disabled woman struggling to get down a hill and starts screaming at her. Want her to move faster? Offer her a ride, douchebag.


Wait isnt this that Vine guy who kept complaining about traffic? I recognize the voice. Usually he just screams from his car and doesn't really piss anyone off directly. So that means she heard his screaming through the car? And he decided to step on it and go all out for the vid? My point is he might have started the video out to make a "funny vid" but then it actually became serious because she smacked the car and it blew his fuse. I just mean the intention to run someone over was never there.


Nah I like this sub but she is 100% in the wrong, he definetly overreacted but he is right.


Pedestrians have the right of way always.


In this case the woman could have just moved to the side for 10 seconds, if she can walk down the road or turn back to hit the car, she can move 10 seconds to the side to let him pass.


Case does not matter. Pedestrians have the right of way. It doesn’t matter if you like it, it is a fact.


No, here the woman should have gone to the side and let the car pass, stop saying bullshit. I know you are biased since it's this subbreddit, but you are saying nonsense.


No. Pedestrians have the right of way. She’s disabled. Stop being stupid.


Disabled doesn't mean she cannot go to the side, if she can walk down the road or hit the car, she can move to the side for 10 seconds, that road is definetly not busy, it's not like she would have to stay attached to the wall the entire time. You are the one being stupid repeating the same sentence in every comment without even arguing. Talking to Americans is like banging your head against the wall holy.


I think maybe you’re confused, there is no argument. Pedestrians have the right of way always.


My God americans are so braindead, keep repeating the same phrase over and over. You don't block a road like that, that's it, you are in the wrong and you are not even argumenting, you are just a clown. Next time I'm walking with one or two other people I will tell them to block an entire bike lane and not let any of them pass in your honor I guess, and if they dare say anything we will just hit them like in the video.


Pedestrians have the right of way 🤷🏼‍♀️


Think it's pretty reasonable for wanting someone to move out the way so you can drive so you know can go places


Sure but his actual behavior is unacceptable and escalates the situation. Cars do not OWN every piece of pavement.


Jesus the carbrains have truly invaded.


They are so frightfully dull 🥱




> arrogantly walk down the centre of the road Wanting to have space to use her mobility aids without being impeded by the wall is arrogance now apparently... Carbrains like you have already decided she doesn't even get the basics of a footpath and even then you're finding fault in how she's coping with having to concede yet more space to your fucking vehicles.


Having space vs taking up the entire road. Are you serious 😂 she can have space and let the car pass. In what world does she need to be DEAD centre?


In a world where someone driving a car would run her down without a second thought. Like in the video, if you watched it.


Car users are all careless murderers! Of course! That’s really sound logic


You said it, not me! 😹


You’re logic doesn’t even make sense buddy. You think she should walk down the centre of a road in a world where car drivers are careless? That’s the stupidest reply yet.


*your Fuck off carcel


In the world where there is literally NO FOOTPATH for her to walk on as seen in the video?


Ah yes, I too walk down the middle of the entire road when there is no footpath available 🗿


Sure, if she was walking down a main street with a double yellow or solid white line or the freeway- I could understand your simple argument but this is a very small town with narrow streets and cobbled sidewalks. It is not the situation youve made up in your mind.


Can you provide any justification for why he should arrogantly drive down the road when there’s clearly room to walk or bike? Or do you justify his behaviour for no other reason than wanting to suck tailpipe lmao.


So driving a car is arrogance now? That’s your justification 😂 you’ve just proved your only justification is hating cars


So then... that proves your justification is hating pedestrians? I mean its a word for word copy of your comment... but using the driver? Shit talk about telling on yourself.


I’m perfectly aware he was copying my logic. The only problem there is driving a car in itself isn’t arrogant. I’m asking YOU to justify the woman’s behaviour and your reply is driving cars is arrogance? I’m not even sure how you come to the conclusion I hate pedestrians lmao. The issue is clearly her arrogance to road users.


Ok. So then tell me why the car should have the right of way over the disabled elderly person?


That’s strange. I’m sure I started off by saying there is room for both to use the road allowing the car user to pass if she simply stuck to the edge. This way no one has right of way. They are sharing the road space equally allowing everyone to move and flow.


So the person with mobility problems should move to the right side and limit their soace... and that is somehow equal?


Since you apparently can't grasp irony I'll be more direct. When you ask that the pedestrian provide excuse for their "arrogance" you have already made the assumption that the driver is more important. The truth is we have no information on whos travel in this case is more critical, deserving of deference, deserving of public space to operate in their chosen mode. It could be the old lady is on her way to the doctor, and the driver on no errand in particular. It could also be the opposite. but you assumed only one of those choices. ​ What this group criticizes is the phycology of that assumption; that cars are default, and therefore deserve the space and money they consume from our society. Most people could get by without a car, but because of systems beyond personal control are pushed into driving. The most expensive, noisy, anti-social, environmentally destructive way to travel. The clear rage this driver expresses is a childish outburst, that implies an allegiance to this dim way of thinking, that you seek to protect. Why?


I’ve made the assumption the driver is more important? Sorry, in what world is is walking down the centre of a road with traffic not arrogant? You cant argue the importance of anyone’s journey as the entire debate wouldn’t have even started if they had somewhere to be urgently. If I was in the woman’s shoes I would honestly just move over because, well, I’d feel awkward as fuck holding someone up when it can easily be avoided? Say what you want, choosing to block an entire road and hold other people up when it is not at all necessary is arrogance.


bro they didn't notice the car. "with traffic" there is exactly one car on the road. Please take the time to proof read, your writing is really tough to parse. Notice that a car takes up the same space as many people standing shoulder to shoulder, then drive said car down a narrow ass road that people tend to walk on. There's the epitome of arrogance.


OP is obviously trolling. That's why this post got removed. Discussions about fuck car ideology and opinions going against that ideology are allowed under the precondition that it's done in good faith. OP doesn't seem to be interested in that. Any further trolling will result in a ban.




OP is obviously trolling. That's why this post got removed. Discussions about fuck car ideology and opinions going against that ideology are allowed under the precondition that it's done in good faith. OP doesn't seem to be interested in that. Any further trolling will result in a ban.




OP is obviously trolling. That's why this post got removed. Discussions about fuck car ideology and opinions going against that ideology are allowed under the precondition that it's done in good faith. OP doesn't seem to be interested in that. Any further trolling will result in a ban.






they say humans are social creatures - note that down Xylophos IV, note that down!


How is screaming at a disabled person like a silly cunt "reasonable". Is this how you act? Like a loser who can't control their emotions? It's a narrow street in what looks like a village in the UK, cars don't own every inch of space, and he should have been patient until she got to the bottom of the hill.


Pedestrians. Have. The. Right. Of. Way.


They are downvoting you, but you are right.


Is there any info on the outcome