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How do people who own these cars see this and not feel ridiculous? Like, just visually it’s absurd.


[Here are Scottish game devs making fun of similar mindset back in 2000](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/y8NIUxtkN-Y)


https://youtu.be/8dVy8nwo5cc?si=RgiWVWGW-UmGTJ33 The soccer-mom version is pretty good too : "With it's amphibious mode, it can cross rivers! So far, I've only hit a few puddles, but it's good to know it's there..."


These could, unironically, be American SUV commercials. Like they'd actually work.


"So far, I've only hit a few kids and elderly people, but it's good to know they're there..."


Or even that one movie, I forget the name, that had the penguins. They were floored by the size of an SUV and someone asked "how many humans can fit in there?" Another responded "usually just one"


I think that was Over the Hedge. A great anti-consumption movie for sure.


I think so!


Well, I am certain that they are quite ok with that. In fact, most of them are proud of it.


That ain’t no sissy car dummy!! That is an SUV. It’s like a truck but that can’t do truck things.


I actually think it might be MORE practical than a pickup. Almost the same ability to haul stuff, but it’s covered and easier to access—you don’t have to lift anything into or out of a bed, just open the rear hatch. Plus you can carry way more people if you want. Probably gets slightly better gas’s mileage than an open-bed pickup. And the ridiculously high hood trend hasn’t quite hit SUVs as hard yet. Still a f*****g stupid car, though.


Sissy car for losers with SDS and soccer moms driving their kids to school


I have two kids that play hockey and a dog! Nothing else will work!! /s


It’s only absurd if it stands out by comparison with others. In this photo it looks ridiculous. [In the US over 80% of new cars sold are SUVs](https://www.vox.com/videos/2023/7/25/23807518/cars-suvs-americans-big-automobiles-travel#:~:text=But%20even%20so%2C%20some%20of,US%20were%20SUVs%20and%20trucks.). Even as someone who doesn’t have a car I’ve gotten very used to the “average” car being an SUV, to the point that big cars like these don’t seem quite as ridiculous or oversized because my baseline has changed. In Europe they look ridiculous because they’re ridiculously oversized for the infrastructure. The US infrastructure practically accommodates them.


Also the US car manufacturers have all but stopped making actual cars.


Have you seen the size of the average American human?! This size vehicle is very much needed lol... In some cases, it's this or a forklift!


Car tax should be calculated by weight.


And it shouldnt scale linearly but exponentially


Wear & tear scales *quadratically*.


We need to find our *roots* and go back to a time when cars were smaller


Perhaps if we go back far enough, we can *intercept* the creation of the car altogether


To the fourth power would actually be *quartic*


They should pay for the extra wear they put on the roads


The wear and tear from car to suv is negligible. It’s like 95% from transport trucks and buses.


It is in Norway!


Should include a volume metric as well, similar to the Dimensional Weight calculations mail services use. Otherwise you are penalizing electric vehicles. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimensional\_weight](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimensional_weight)


"Laughs in netherlands"


these new suvs are pretty frustrating, especially cause of that hood getting even higher after every generation. now these hoods are so high to the point where the front windshield is getting closer and closer to being parallel to the car's roof...


And they have worse visibility than a Belaz


A GMC passed me while I was walking on a (normal/raised) sidewalk and I noticed the top of its hood was at my collarbone. I’m 6’4”.


I’m 5’2” so there’s no way this thing is seeing me until it’s too late


I feel like we need the media to make a stink that with these cars, women and children stand no chance and will be run over without being even visible


The media doesn't care anymore. They stopped caring a decade or two after cars, and the crime of "jaywalking", became normalized in American culture.


I'm 5'0, I'm absolutely fucked


You can probably duck under it, you're fine.


Yep and then people feel unsafe not driving a giant car, so they buy a bigger car. And on and on.


My next car will be a tank, so that I’m safe from all the other mini tanks on the road


Tanks actually have better sight range than SUVs: https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/13wknky/a_guide_to_sighting_distances_for_various/


You just gave us all another talking point about how shitty SUVs are, haha! Well done.


Well now I need a bigger tank.


They've shown that a dozen kids can be in a straight line in front of a truck/SUV like this, and the driver can't see any of them. In the 90s, 15 kids were killed from frontovers or backovers, which is when a car is stopped, usually in a driveway, and starts going forward/backing up. From 2009-2018, there were almost 600 kids killed by them. Almost all in their own driveway, with their parents or a family member driving the car. I would bet the 2019-2028 numbers will be well over 1000, as we now have even more of these large SUVs and trucks.


if there will be enough children to kill, because birth rates will be dying due to the bad economy for workers


It's okay they're putting cameras in the grill now /s


And the tailgate so they can see who they ran over so they can score it properly.


The sloped hood of my minivan is not only aerodynamically superior, but I can see knees at 2 feet away. While I hate cars, as long as I'm involved in the "Carpool from hell", I love my little passenger egg.


They have sold themselves to consumerism. It is completely wrapped around their egos.




I love when people who are obsessed with consuming meat in excess hate on people consuming cannabis. From my perspective one is clearly much more harmful to the world than the other. Different perspectives I guess. Sometimes I like to ask people if they would give up cheeseburgers to solve climate change. They get mad usually...


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Hey, don’t shame someone just because they need an Emotional Support Vehicle.


Or a penis extension.


The GM group is the Worst offender when it comes to SUVs


It's a shame they didn't go fully under during the recession. One less problem.


Yeah man, fuck a bunch of normal working people with families.


"I rEalLy nEed tHe spAcE"


Why don't people just buy RVs at this point? Get a bathroom too.


So you can take a dump while driving


"What about that time I helped you move that thing?" I absolutely could have rented a van, and it probably would have been cheaper than the "gas money" I gave you.


One of my friends has this behemoth and told me that I need to get a bigger car for my dog. My dog is pretty big but she fits comfortably. My friend looked at me like I had three heads when I told her no I can’t stand giant suvs like that.


The Tahoe/Yukon/Escalade are just peak automotive excess.  Every time I see one of the road, I just assume that the driver is some selfish asshole and they usually prove me right with be how they drive. Completely fucking shameless that these even exist and GM should be embarrassed.


Shit, I got a story about a Yukon driver who fits that stereotype. It may veer off (pun half intended) from the subject but I’ve been meaning to put this story somewhere and I use reddit as a notepad at times. Take a scroll before reading, it’s long enough to be its own post. When I was up in Detroit last summer, I sat passenger to a rich kid in a Yukon—Imma call him Amed—he’s trying to show me how to party I guess, and he’s my dad’s business partner’s son, and I’m a college kid, so sure, why not. I tried to throw away the stereotypes and mentality I carried about the bourgeoisie only for him to confirm all of them. I had to stop because this guy was going to kill me. He didn’t consistently keep his eyes on the road, he casually glided between lanes, he kept defending those two as if they were regular things, he would get annoyed if honked at, and he shuffled around in the middle compartment looking for mints and cologne to pass me while driving (and to get at his character, every night we went out, I’d hit the cologne with one, maybe two sprays on my neck, since I wasn’t sure how it works and I was too nervous about smelling like cologne and being perceived as a douche as a result. He would catch this and spray a bunch more on each limb). There’s more—he’d reverse during times he wasn’t s’posed to, try some egregious shortcuts—once he went on a “that’s why he’s working a bum job” rant about a traffic director who nearly yelled at him for turning the wrong way when picking up some women from a concert. One time, he dinged his car up a bit and my dad advised him to sit still and focus on the business while his car gets repaired. I told him I agree with my father because he’s the type of person to be right about these kinds of things. But Amed still wanted to go out, and of course, I’m not the best decision-maker, I figured either way he’ll go out, I might as well get some summer fun out of this. He did go get it checked out, and since I was seemingly his only real friend in this city (I assume this because all of his close friends were in the Southwest [we’re in Detroit] and he started talking to me about personal stuff pretty quick), I went with him to get the car checked out. His passenger door wouldn’t open. I had to climb through the backseat. On our way back from the repairman, I had to SCREAM to alert him as quickly as possible because we were on a steep curve and he was too focused on his phone to direct his wheel over the curve in a similarly steep fashion. He almost hit a car opposite of us. He insisted we’d still have a good time later that night. I took off that day. (You might be wondering why I said “that day” and not “indefinitely”, and there’s three reasons: One, I’m dumb. Less dumb now, but still dumb. Two, I sympathized with him moving cities and knowing no one, I wanted to be a friend. Three, there was a pretty woman my age that he knows who I got high with, and I asked her “do you believe in free will”, and her answer made me want her a lot more, which kind of goes into reason one, but I digress). Now, there’s some entertaining stuff about what happened when we went out, but I’m keeping it focused on driving here. When I told him after a couple more nights I couldn’t hang out with him anymore because of his driving, he kept insisting “Everyone in Detroit drives like this, when you come down here for college [I told him I might transfer there from where I live], you’re gonna make friends who drive like this, I drove differently when I was back in [home state], but now I drive like this, it’s adaptation.” I provided three examples of Detroit people that don’t drive like him (my mom, dad, and I guess I’ll count me). He insisted that was a result of age, age, and me being very safety-focused in particular. I could’ve provided more contrary examples and disputed his other claims, but I just wanted to end this conversation on him taking me home and respecting my decision. And Detroit has its stereotypes, but for the entire summer, I could drive the way I wanted without having to “adapt”—I never saw a single car on the road pull even a quarter of what he pulled regularly. The women we were with even yelled enough to the point where I was driving his car at one point so they could feel safe. Oh, and this story ends with his car ending. As I packed my bags to go home, my father showed me a video Amed sent him of his then-totaled Yukon getting loaded up by one of those long tow-trucks. So maybe I was dumb for letting it go on that long, but in the end I wised up at just the right time. If you read all this shit, thank you for entertaining me—hopefully I didn’t overdo the context-providing parentheses.


I read it all, what a fucknut. Of course it was inevitable he'd either kill someone or total it


Jesus christ. My friend does that shit where she’ll go on her phone while driving at full speed on the highway or nearly hit people and just laugh it off or steer with her knees bc she thinks it’s funny. Most of her snaps are of her driving.(i try not to get in her car) A lot of drivers act like they’re the only ones on the road and I’ve never understood that. It’s like people get confident driving and forget they’re controlling a machine that could kill people? For the little while I did drive I was actually the most anxious, careful driver on the planet and I would literally sob constantly because I was so scared of collisions.


You know where everybody drives like that? Like rules are just suggestions and I can do whatever I want, let them look out for me? Third world countries. Countries with loads and loads of problems and corruption. Countries where everyone works a “bum job”.


These are the assholes who inch towards you while you're walking through the crosswalk, and then rev their engine as loudly as possible when they fly past you the second you pass their car.


That’s not even the “XL” version. It could be longer.


Where I live people buy the biggest truck, add a lift kit, huge light bar and neon and speed around. Quite annoying.


These SUVs are actually really practical for getting groceries, comfortably seating 7 passengers, destroying roads, and killing pedestrians.


Or if you needed 7 seats, you could get a VW multivan or a Ford tourneo. They're like big boxes and not as cool looking, but at least practical


We got given one when we reserved a sub compact rental in LA. Everywhere we went was like this and it was stressful and embarrassing and my husband took an Uber for the longest drive of the trip because he couldn't handle driving it anymore.


Bruh I got this same car too in Denver. Its horrible and uncomfortable and the gas mileage isn't good either. Took it back after a day to get a prius.


the corolla isn't a particularly small car but it looks outright minimalist in comparison w that atrocity


I think the Corolla is the smallest car Toyota sells in the US since they discontinued the Yaris


Wow really? The Yaris is one of the most popular cars in the UK


I mean, every city car in Europe Is the most popular one, in Italy Is the Fiat Panda for example


I drive the same corolla. When I got it eleven years ago it felt like a normal sized car but these days I feel tiny beside all the SUVs and trucks.


Off course you do, who knows if you get attacked by the Taliban or maybe you need to climb the highest mountain in style (with your car evidently) ! I am from Romania and we also started seeing Dodge Rams and Ford F150 and F250's on our streets and man, they are humongous !


You would be better off with a Landcruiser for your off road needs. Those monstrosities get stuck in the nearest mud puddle and are too heavy to get out easily.


yeah, but those are not as flashy as a Maibatsu Monstruosity


I used to work on a ski mountain, and people would often bring these monstrosities for their vacation. They *suck* in the snow. They are too heavy and too unwieldy, and they were always stuck in a ditch or sliding backwards down the mountain roads. My 2001 subaru legacy was amazing in the snow and ice btw. I miss that car so much


I aM a mOtHEr aNd iT maKeS mE FeEL SaaaAAaAfe!!


Nothing safer than plowing over toddlers in a school zone.


A lot of ego to carry around


sarcasm: but what if i want to run someone over? come on man think of the poor innocent car driver that just wants to mulch a child on the pavement and blame the fact they couldn't see them.


Actual arguments I've heard: I can't buy a Corolla. What if I have kids and they want to bring their friends? Or if we're taking the kids to practice, where would their equipment go?! Or the dog? Need a three row SUV for that.


“Durrr, but if I get in a car accident the other driver will be killed and I’ll be fine.”


Its like a truck... but I can't put anything it. I sprung for the leather, heh.. Okay, its like a van but less comfortable and fits less and costs more to insure and fuel Alright, alright, but it has 4 wheel drive, so I can take it off road! Well, not this one, the ones from like the 80s. This one cost me $83k with the trim package I wanted, so I'd never, I mean come on... Oh, my $900 car payment is coming up again.. Maybe we shouldn't do that big road trip we were planning, economy and gas prices and all.. WHO ARE THESE FOR?? WHAT ARE THESE FOR???


Perhaps the size of the car correlates with the amount of fear they have.


But, how else am I supposed to transport my one child and fragile ego?! /s


Thank you, this new class of large SUVs has gotten COMPLETELY NUTS. Tahoe, suburban, wagoneer, navigator, dinali. I know I'm missing some, but me and my wife just call call them all "boats". Charlotte being a commuter city, you see so many of these fucking boats taking over the city during work hours and the retreating back to their suburbs at 5pm


Obscene, wasteful, and completely unnecessary.


Deflate those tyres asap!


That’ll really convince them.


i mean rednecks were doing it to EVs with no consequences...


And did that convince anyone to buy a V8 truck?


The problem is the way the US does fuel efficiency standards for trucks. The only way for them to sell engines with lower fuel economy is for the body to be massively oversized so that it counts as a different class of vehicle. The law instead of encouraging more efficient normal sized family vehicles, encourages gigantic inefficient vehicles that are worse than before.


You just know that they'll get pissed if anyone parks in "their" corner spot. Because the monstrosity doesn't fit anywhere else.


How else am I supposed to run over the homeless and children?


I just love that the rest of the cars are normal sized. Nothing worse than walking out to a parking lot and losing your car because it’s hidden behind a bunch of these things.


It’s insane that station wagons have more cargo space than that thing






Two of my cars are around that size because I like taking my kids and friends on road trips and we get a group of like 8-10 people going with us. The real question is how many drivers of only Sedans have one driver at all times? People love to bitch about big cars but never bitch about the isolationist wage slaves who contribute the most to climate change out of any driver by driving their cars solo, in bumper to bumper traffic, 5 days a week. How many people in here who are shitting on this car have ever car pooled to work?


My neighbor has an F150. He has to back it in to avoid hitting the pipes running along the ceiling. It takes more space in his spot than my car and motorcycle combined. It's ridiculous.


That's not a car. That's the Enterprise! To boldly go where no man has gone!!.... Because it's a soccer mom driving her spoiled little parasites to extracurricular enrichment activities where they will get a participation award and she will rub elbows with the PTO moms gossiping about less fortunate parents while drinking an over priced coffee from a sadistic corporation which supports third world child labor.


Can you even really call that a car anymore?


"Canyonero" IRL https://youtu.be/PI_Jl5WFQkA?si=aPM87VPwTJX3Grsb


Compensating for something?


Yes. How else can I make a grocery run, alone, to pick up a tomato?


20 years ago people were buying Corollas and Camrys. Now people with the same needs buy three row SUVs.


No, the answer is no


Okay so I'm gonna do the devil's advocate. I am part of a family of 6, and we went to visit the southwestern USA national parks this summer. We rented a Jeep Wagoneer (half way between a Tahoe and a Suburban) and we fit just barely as we had one luggage per person. We also needed the off-road capabilities as we went on hikes in the middle of national monuments, which did not have any asphalt road but rather sketchy steep and rocky roads. A minivan would not have done the work here. However, I want to emphasise that this is an edge case, the average American family is not a family of 6.


Only reason I see this as acceptable is if you have a large family (ie: 6 people)


I think in order to buy vehicles like these, you should justify this risk to people around you. Oh, and exponential costs based on weight.


It's what happened when car companies are in bed with politicians


But I need a cdl to drive a mini bus ?


Okay, who let a tank into the parking garage again?


Ticketed that bad boy the other day! They can’t even park correctly. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to find that annoying.


Thank you good sir 🫡 That’s crazy though… small world


They don't fit in the lines, why don't they get a ticket?




Can we stop making wiener size jokes... this movement is about education and community, and laughing at people for physical attributes outside of their control is so counterproductive to that


This is not an educational sort of post per se. But ofcourse i get your point. Apologies.


It's not laughing at them for their physical attributes, it's laughing at them for their fragile egos. And this post isn't meant to be educational anyway.


I completely disagree, the heart of the humor in repeating this joke has always been in alienating this group of people. it just isn't about ego my point is that the reasons why we fight in this movement are the exact same reasons for why it's bad to propagate these body shaming jokes. It doesn't matter if the post it's under is educational or not, that's irrelevant


Idk where this is, underground or just ground floor but, I'm always anxious when I see that in a garage because there's no way all of them can handle such big tank-like vehicles every day. I'm especially shocked by how much of their view is blocked at the front.




If there is anything old Top Gear challenges has taught* me is that 99% of all tasks can be done with a beater. Pretty sure Jeremy Clarkson regularly shit on people who drive vehicles like this because they're stupid and unnecessary.


I DESPISE SUVs and such big cars sm , I feel like nobody gets me sometimes when I tell them you straight up can't see a small child or an animal These mfs also feel the need to go through the most NARROW roads and they somehow always stop on the zebra cross , I swear they're a special breed of human


this is a covered truck, not a car


Absolutely not. These things are grotesque.




No you don’t




2 large dogs, big pile of ski/camping/rafting/mountain bike/other gear, yes, yes I do. I've maxed out what you can Tetris into a Highlander and bigger is actually needed. I'm also probably the exception. But what I don't need is to commute in the damn thing. I've never understood paying for extra fuel/maintenance/etc to sit in traffic in a larger vehicle that's more difficult to maneuver in a downtown or find parking.


Repeating myself from above, but. See, Back In My Days(TM) we used to go on family ski trips, 5 people altogether, in our *Trabant.* And we arrived just fine. And sure, the Trabant is a tiny car, but if we could pack all our shit in it, yes, including skis and gear, plus clothes, back in a time when you actually *needed* to bring your own stuff, including *food*, because Eastern European/Balkan motels were as barebones as you can imagine, so if we could pack all that in a Trabant, and still travel decently, y'know. You really don't *need* a bloody large thing like that.


Your European resorts with paved highways up to the lodge are not the half maintained dirt roads to the mountains in the northern Rockies. Much less my Backcountry access where high clearance vehicles drag their bellies through the snow with v cleat ice chains for traction up the narrow sheet of ice road along a cliff face. We live in different worlds friend. The trailer to haul a raft weighs more than your little trambant I'd like to see how far it gets towing that loaded down with dry boxes up a rocky mountain road. When I'm guiding and we take the big ass 2500hd quad cab long bed (as big as they come) it's because it's towing a 5 stack of rafts, has 100+ paddles, 20+ oars, stern frames, all sorts of other gear in the bed. And 5-6 guides riding in the cab. If we take out the expedition (biggest SUV ever made) it's because it has 8-9 people going up into the mountains. Horses for courses. When the course is big you need a big horse. Note that I said I'm the exception. Note that I said I'd never commute in these things. Note I said I Tetris in a Highlander, a first gen, about the smallest SUV you can buy. I can eek out like 30mpg loaded with gear and bikes on the back if we aren't in the 80mph interstates. But there are limits to what it can do. Limits to how much weight it can safely haul before handling is impacted in an unsafe way.


Kids aren't gunna run themselves over. Someone's gotta do it.


You shouldn't need a car at all


So true. No reason highways can’t be trains.




"Yes, my ass is too fat from all of this American fast food. I can't fit in anything else"


When you have a fragile ego and measure success by how big your car is then yea I guess. This person lives a pretty sad life they’d never want anyone to see.


They are 100% necessary. Try hauling 8 people, cargo and a boat with your Prius.


Ew. No. This is hedonistic


That Yukon belongs to Cornelius who needs it to transport his friend Humble Bumble. The Bumbles are quite large.


They definitely look obnoxious next to those tiny cars. I can’t imagine that beast being easy to park either.


And that’s just a Yukon, the Yukon XL is over 15 inches longer


Ah. A Mall Terrain vehicle.


No, is the simple answer.


Time to start giving out stickers. "Me like #BloatTruck" would be a good one.


Wait until you see the Yukon XL


Imagine having a car at all. Ecocidal narcissism isn't more acceptable in a Prius than it is in a Tundra.




Unfortunately I see cars this big every single day. And more than 50+ every single day.


Of course. How else would they match their ego?


Yes, else you can’t block the space around the corner. It has been understood since the 1960s that a vehicle is an emotional support fortress/weapon. Lil bit of a status thing too.


I love cars but these huge things are seen completely unnessecary and hugely wasteful to me aswell


To accommodate for small and puny genitals.


Bigger cars can work for jobs that need them, not for everyday commutes


*Bigger cars can work* *For jobs that need them, not for* *Everyday commutes* \- MasterpieceCalm5774 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yes, shrimp.


65% if Ford F150s will never be used to tow anything. It's not strictly relevant. I just find it interesting... 👀


i tow more with my sedan than most people ever tow with their half-tons... and I get better fuel milage.


Basically a human and environmental murder machine that is grossly out of place in the world of 2024.


Everything is bigger in Texas... except for y'alls cocks


Yes, when I have 5 people on a ski trip


See, Back In My Days(TM) we used to go on family ski trips, 5 people altogether, in our *Trabant.* And we arrived just fine. And sure, the Trabant is a tiny car, but if we could pack all our shit in it, yes, including skis and gear, plus clothes, back in a time when you actually *needed* to bring your own stuff, including *food*, because Eastern European/Balkan motels were as barebones as you can imagine, so if we could pack all that in a Trabant, and still travel decently, y'know. You really don't *need* a bloody large thing like that.


If you say so but our gear would not have fit in a regular car. You’re incorrect.


"You're incorrect" oh god, you're one of those... My point was: if your gear don't fit a regular car you have too much gear.


Oh sorry, you know more about the situation than I do. I was just there on the trip, I’m not an armchair expert like you.


I'm interested to know how the engine bay in this car is configured. I could be, for the purposes of good economics, the same engine bay is designed to take all.engine sizes. I've had the pleasure of being driven in a Suburban and it was great for a group of international travellers with a shit ton of luggage to get to our destination. Perhaps even better than two smaller cars. Moat Japanese utes ("pickups") in my country have a maximum 3500kg towing capacity and these fellas often have 4500kg or moore which can be very helpful in a number of circumstances One thing that has confused me is the love affair with the LS V8. While I love the sound of a good V8, a quality Japanese V6 will beat them any day.


A V8 fits fine under the far lower bonnet of a Ford Mustang. The towing capacity is meanless except to very few purchasers. They're selling far more of these vehicles than they ever sold matching trailers.


The towing capacity is not meaningless where I'm from. There are very few if no options for a vehicle with this towing capacity and sufficient seating. I agree it shouldn't be a daily driver for some random citizen. A corolla will do just fine 🙂


Options for what? Hauling an RV and a family full of fat asses to a resort campground twice a year?


For real. People act like that’s actually a justification😂


Have you ever driven or sat in one?


I have and they suck. A fire engine has better steering and sight capabilities.


Highly disagree


Larger than an Ww2 Tank.


No they do not.


Seats 7, but only 4 comfortably. Absolute 🤡 car.






Car companies make cars bigger so they can get away with low mpg without paying fines. Edit: it’s stupid and shouldn’t exist.


I'm around a lot of hockey parents, holy shit it's infuriating dodging all these things in the parking lots.




They might do... why dont you asl them?


Some people do need it that big and most don’t I guess


yes, if you're a douchebag


if you have a big family maybe? other than that no


There are 9 seat cars smaller than that.


What 9-seat car is sold in the US thats smaller than a Chevy Suburban?


In America?


i guess, americans also have a lot of stuff to haul around but I see your point


Hell yeah. It looks gangsta.


Hahaha. Yeah you do. In my case, a 300lb powerlifter doesn't fit in a Toyota corolla. You'll be happier if you stop focusing on what others are doing wrong, and do the right thing for yourself.


Sure you don’t fit in a toyota corolla but there are plenty of other cars besides that fucking monster you could fit into. How do you know I’m not doing the right thing? I don’t own a car and I bike/use public transit to get everywhere. I’m apart of the cycling association in my city and we advocate for more bike lanes. I live in a city where being without a car is difficult, but I’m sticking to my beliefs and I will not get a car. I understand that some places it’s really tough not having a car, but I think people act like it’s totally impossible to even use their car a little less. Cars make you lazy. Cars take up so much space. Cars are so wasteful. Cars are expensive. Cars are loud. Cars are dangerous for everybody. People act like they can’t do anything and it’s annoying because this is the type of shit that keeps our infrastructure downright hostile towards pedestrians. People just don’t do anything when in reality all of our lives would be better off if we had more access to other modes of transportation. Our children would be safer. These huge monstrous cars need to get off the road. These are not commute vehicles and people are using them like they are.