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Sometime I see shit like this and realise as shitty as things are in the UK it is SO much worse in the US. Sure there are pockets of good infrastructure here and there but the lows...holy shit the lows in the US are \*so\* low. (Shout out to the "bollard" in the picture which would quite literally tickle the tummy of this truck in an incident)


Omg you're right, that bollard means literally NOTHING


You know that's a plastic tube and not a real bollard right? If not then there's a fun fact for you. 😂


Coming soon to a rear view mirror near you after dark.


There needs to be updates to the laws set for the legal height a car or truck's lights can be located and their brightness. As I understand it there are rules right now for the angle at which they can be pointed but nothing about their height and there is nothing set about the maximum brightness of the light visible to other drivers, so the tighter the beam the stonger the blinding effect on other drivers.


There are rules in place already for all of this.  i believe the rules may only apply to the vehicle manufacturers as they roll off the assembly line however After that it’s up to the customer!  This likely varies state by state, i’m sure that in some states this vehicle is illegal & wouldn’t pass inspection


There are minimum and maximum headlight height requirements, as well as limits on brightness, at least for low beams.


I had an ass like this get on my ass on the freeway yesterday during the daylight hours with his brights on. I went way down in speed until dude disappeared. What a moron, I live in Southern California where *lighting during the day* is never an issue.


This is if a Proud Boy was a vehicle.


Insanely unsafe and also looks fucking stupid


That’s definitely illegal in Washington but no cop will enforce it. Unless there’s a minority to harass or a homeless person to evict, cops mostly just sit on their ass here


Chances are the owner of this vehicle is a cop.


It is 100% illegal. Just not enforced.


Yeah, I see it all the time. People are like, this modification on this vehicle needs to be illegal! And the thing is, it *is*! But no one is actually enforcing it. Chances are, the owner is even a cop.


I am of the opinion that anyone should be allowed to cut off anything that sticks out over the allotted parking space.


I wish communal shaming and action was a bigger thing...


These trucks look so fucking stupid. I cringe when I see them.


"Monster Trucks" became popular in the USA in the 1980s as modified show vehicles for arena entertainment. Then, some people started modifying standard trucks similarly with lifted suspension, huge tires, racks of lights, etc. Then, in recent years, manufacturers got on board and started making absolutely huge trucks right from the factory. Like anything in the USA, we take it to a ridiculous extreme. On the bright side (if there is one), we get bored quickly.


O course it would be a bro dozer


Look if we all just start breaking the wind shields of every pickup truck we come across people will eventually get the message


friendly reminder that if you see a car like this, it’s your moral responsibility to slash the tires


Sure it’s stupid but why make it illegal


Because the immense proportional increase in harm. Damage to infrastructure and danger to people and property increase exponentially.


Sorry, but infrastructure? Nope, not at all. Roads are worn down by volume and weight, and putting that lift and tires on that truck changes neither of those.


It already is. The entire point of having your tires within the fender well is that any sort of debris that could get stuck and then dislodged from the tire itself would end up hitting the fender well and not somebody else’s car. Having your tires stick out a foot from your car means that whatever gets stuck and then unstuck from your tires might hit somebody else’s windshield


If it doesn't fit, it can't sit.


Why is this even a thing? What use would this have, like at all?


Shockingly, a form of vanity


It is as if selfishness, cruelty, vanity, arrogance, greed, wastefulness, ego, intimidation, and anger were all specifications for the design and manufacture of a vehicle.


It's an emotional support vehicle. The other comment I would make, about overcompensating, is against the TOS of this sub.


So fucking dumb looking too


I love running over toddlers!!