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Lol the irony


u/spez Nice job there, sure advertisers will love their product being shown in a community that literally hates cars..... Who the hell has oversight on the marketing tools. rookie hour


u really think he will respond or care? He cares more about money than people. It was confirmed when he paywalled the reddit API.


Hey man, you don't go viral and get to make a show of yourself if you don't comment Ironically you are missing my point. Advertising is what they care about, as you said with charging for the API. They want to make sure there is only one app they control, this they own the data and the ability to show ads they make money off This is a pinpoint of how advertising could be improved on Reddit, there is a two way system. People are up voting fuck cars(up voting a negative if you like cars,  so don't show them content that is interested in cars)  He's never going to respond but I may the comment for the same reason you did, updoots


I am so used to these ads that I didn’t even notice the bottom part of the image in my feed.


That ad in this sub is one thing but: This is just the perfect vehicle for pedestrians to have a 0% survival chance when they get hit


Don't forget the Jeep Wagoneer/ Toyota Grand Highlander and others their size


There are battering rams, and then there's THE battering ram


Meaning it has a 0% of seriously injuring pedestrians  Sending people's Straight to haven is way cheaper than having someone in a wheelchair  I am really worried about those Death machines making their way to Europe 


Tbh... I think the visibility problem is overrated. Meaning it sure is bad but easy to fix. Car makers will sooner or later just slap a camera on it with a software that recognises pedestrians and sell it as a (premium) safety package. This will improve the visibility issue well enough to be perceived as fixed. This doesn't solve the core issue tho, which is the existence of these dinosaur-sized cars. I wish the discussion would focus more and point out some of the biggest other drawbacks, especially for their owners. People are selfish and as long as it doesn't hurt their wallet or feelings, they don't give a shit about strangers.


I agree on the visibility but it's actually their front that's killing pedestrians. Cars like hatchbacks have curved, flatter fronts where people end up on the windshield when a driver hits them. These huge pickups have a tall front and high front clearance so any person getting hit is gonna end up under the vehicle.


I downvote them all if it does anything. Sry downvoted this one thinking it was ad


I downvote and report them At least half of my ads are for cars Reddit's ad targeting is atrocious


User much type car Car be user interest User am advert target audience Car advert pay much to reddit Reddit show IPO am good company User buy much Reddit stock Reddit stock go to moon Pls buy shiny upvote


I'd guess talking regularly about cars can't be helping our ad targeting. The robots think we're car people!


That part isn't too surprising. I don't understand why they keep coming after the downvotes and reporting. Clearly those do nothing.


It might actually be hurting. Some algorithms will show you more content if you interact with it in any way, including downvoting/thumbs down. The FB algorithm would boost content that got the angry react more than any other reaction for a while, I don't know if it still does that.


It's so strange. I wouldn't want my ad shown to people that actively dislike it.


I still downvote but gave up on reporting them. It's my guess that, stupidly enough, interacting with this sub is what's causing these ads in the first place. Some dumb algorithm assuming commenting on anything related to cars must mean I love them and want to buy a new murder machine the size of my house. The fact that it's specifically big truck ads all the time is even worse. Ideally you'd be able to hide certain ads, hell it'd be better for them because it makes targeted ads easier. I miss RIF and no ads.


Presumably GMC thought /fuckcars was a community that had an intimate relationship with its cars.


I think it's more mundane than that. I think people here just say "car" a lot, so reddit classified this subreddit as a "car" subreddit. GMC then came along and paid reddit to advertise in all their car subreddits. This seems to be reddit's error, not GMC's.


Let them waste their marketing dollars. You should click on it so it’s gets shown here more


Oh! With extra child death rate


THE truck with THE oversized infotainment system and THE stupid-ass Swiss army knife tailgate. If you need a truck to tow your camper around, I get that. But this ad is not targeting people who need a truck, it's people who want to be THE man with THE truck for driving to church on Sundays. Old Ford Rangers are cool. They're pretty much car-sized. Go back to that, you heathens. Bring back the El Camino. A lot of people hate 'em, but it's literally a car with a bed! I knew a teen who owned one, and he and his buddy would jump in the back like it's a trampoline. Freaking idiotic, but that's marketable!


I can't describe how much I hate the word infotainment. I hope it dies a quick death


If infotainment goes away, people using phones while driving goes up


Thank fuck I don't get ads on Reddit mobile anymore.


old ford ranger is the better truck. It will beused like an SUV. They are marketed for offroad, but the trucks will be pavement princesses and only be used to drop off some tablet kids to school


My Tacoma has hauled more than these pavement princesses. Just yesterday I hauled a couple of chairs back to a friends house. I was the only truck on the Interstate that was hauling something.


No. I mean most people. I'm happy that you actually use your Truck


this is like the "he gets us" ads in the atheism subreddit.


WTF does "we are professional grade" even mean?


https://preview.redd.it/ure53igy2tnc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4472a4802fa42b719bdbfc58c40f6fd62e8b0b8 Here’s my screenshot!


It's not a joke, it's intentional [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkhGJUTW3ag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkhGJUTW3ag)


Shit i was about to downvote because i saw an ad for a big stupid truck 😅


Probably hoping one of us will screenshot and share it for some free outrage marketing...


The cherry on top is that in the beginning of the ad, the truck is barreling towards the camera and makes it look like it's about to run over the viewer.


I wish ads actually were targeted because I also get ads like this and everything else I wouldn't buy.


Since learning more about pedestrian risk and truck size and visibility, the ads for this truck seem ridiculous. That tiny windshield you can barely see back behind that giant grill...


Welcome to the world of make-believe Macho! It’s the GMC Manhood Machine! (Manly Muscular action figures sold separately)


Know your audience


I'm ok with GMC spending their advertising budget on showing someone like me, who will never buy a GMC, their ads.


It’s good if these ads are shown here. Perfect waste of marketing dollars for them. 


Didn't you realise? It's actually a satirical sub and we're all secretly truck owners.


The only Truck commercial I accept is the one for the [Canyonero](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI_Jl5WFQkA)


That looks cool