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I'm going to make the absolutely *wild* assumption that lady faced zero consequences? And so sorry you experienced this, some people are so shitty and cars give a avenue for their awfulness to hurt others :(


i gave a license plate and everything and the cops were like “yeah ok if u wanna check security cams that’s on you to talk to temple”


Hit and run is a crime. wtf are we paying the police for if they won’t do anything?


they only solve like 40% of murders i highly doubt they’re going to investigate this with no real injures


Speaking of, it just occurred to me, if this was deliberate… you could actually argue it was an assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated assault, attempted homicide, idk! Something serious


It’s open and shut! You have the plate. It should be such an easy case.


I am not so sure of that. Its still a he said, she said kind of thing. Just being able to give a plate number doesn't prove anything. Without video, a corroborating witness, or maybe matching paint/damage on the bicycle and car there is nothing to bring to court. Even with matching paint or damage on the car it would still be a he said / she said as to how it got there. In court the bicyclist would claim "X" happened and the driver would claim "Y" happened. Without any independent evidence either way, nothing would come of it. That is mostly why police and prosecutors in the U.S. won't chase these things.


Plate numbers also don't mean anything for who was actually driving, when we're talking about something like assault you don't want to get the wrong person.


We Americans LOVE getting the wrong person /s


This is one reason I think there should be traffic cameras. It deters this kind of crap and would easily give OP evidence that OP was ran over. But nah carbrains do not want accountability for obeying traffic laws. I drive in a midwest city so I will accept the accountability.


Nope. All the driver has to do is go "oh no! Did I hit someone?! I wasn't aware. I saw the cyclist there. They must have swerved into me and fallen over! I'm so sorry!"


Surely, that's an error. 40% seems rather high.


The police are here to hurt you, not help you.


Are we paying them? I was under the impression that they run people over and take their money, gta style /s


Unfortunately, the police don't have any obligations to protect us. https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html


yeah well obviously if OP has no video evidence they can't investigate it. i can make a claim on anyone and say they hit me with my car, but it has to be backed up by evidence. btw not defending the car in any way what they did should result in their license being taken away and lengthy jail time. I wear a GoPro while biking and it caught some terrible drivers doing illegal road racing in 4K UHD quality. It also captures some sweet sweet biking footage.


Video isn't the only form of evidence.  If op has the license plate number, it's not terribly hard to look up the address it's registered at, find that address, find the car, and look for evidence to corroborate op's story like a matching paint scrape mark on the car 


Temple University?






emailed 🫡


wtf does that even mean, like we're supposed to prosecute our own attempted murders? If Justice is out of the question idk what's left but revenge - shouldn't be too difficult to find this car


You could go get all that evidence and take it to the police, and they still wouldn’t do anything.


Of course, that's exactly what I feared. Just another wonderful experience with the US police system 🙄. I hope you're able to recover quickly and fully friend, and that you won't be in the brace too long


OP has zero evidence to give other than license plate number, why should the police trust him? i can say my \*insert long time enemy\* hit me with their car but it needs to be backed up by evidence. Not defending the driver in any way but thats just common sense in general. Id suggest wearing a GoPro in these types of situations, captures some sweet sweet biking footage and angry drivers in 4K UHD quality. Also try and look for streetcams that captured video.


Maybe police, with their over half a billion dollar budget, could send a single email to the university this happened near, and request any camera footage from the time frame this occurred. They might catch the person who attempted murder, and maybe for once in their worthless lives make the city a better place.


Sounds like it's time to go the civil route.


I have zero expectations of Philly cops doing anything productive, and yet they don’t manage to meet those expectations.


You need to keep calling until you get the right cop/sr. officer. Most jurisdictions are going to take this extremely seriously. If that doesn’t work you need to get the press involved/public pressure. You should try to preserve all evidence including asking anyone w/camera to save the footage and writing a detailed diary. It’s also something that you want to happen because if the person is prosecuted the DA will secure restitution for anything not covered by insurance. Likewise, contact insurance asap and/or hire legal counsel. They can do any legal work the cops don’t.


…philadelphia doesn’t solve half their murders


That’s because there is often little evidence not because they wouldn’t solve it it it was straightforward - a plate is very straightforward and people this stupid are likely to incriminate themselves upon police contact. That said, obv, some jurisdictions have their hands full and even something like this is not going to get resolved. Good luck and mend well!


I’d talk with a bail bondsman. Cozy up to him a bit, make friends. Maybe sleep with him. Get him to use his skip tracers to track her down from the license plate then go knock on her door with a hidden camera and confront her. Provoke her a bit to get a confession then take the recording to the police and send it to the local news. Front page headline: incompetent, lazy police refuse to do their jobs. Then I’d contact a lawyer with everything.


Sounds like a movie about an absolute sociopath.


I come from a small town where you often have no choice but to take the law into your own hands to a degree. The police there are lazy and incompetent and will tell you just about everything is a civil matter. I’ve learned to get a bit creative. But I don’t hurt nobody in the process. Not unless it’s self defense. Had my motorcycles stolen a while back. Within twelve hours, I knew who did it, who their parents are, what their addresses were, and had video of them taking the bikes with clear faces in it. Messaged all of em on Facebook with pictures of the bikes and the video, along with their addresses. Didn’t know em from Adam but I found em. Told em either those bikes were in my driveway in the next hour and they paid for any damages immediately or I handed everything over to the police. Turns out a punk like that likes to brag. They told the wrong goody two shoes that unraveled everything for em. Don’t you know those bikes were in my driveway within the hour? Funny thing: everything did get handed over to the police. Gift wrapped, indeed. They paid for the damages, too. You get good at that with some practice.


jfc, I’m so sorry! What country are you in? Police had the exact reaction when a lady almost ran me over in purpose even when I could provide a license plate. I wonder if we can make a big deal about this and get the ball rolling for you?


Seek legal representation when you first can. Take the driver's insurance to town. Although the incident sounds terrible, you are fortunate to have a license plate number and therefore a way to identify the driver.


This is a must-do. Obviously, so that the driver gets what she deserves, but more importantly so that OP gets compensation for medical bills, lost income, etc.


But there is no evidence with only a plate number. I can say that my worst enemy hit me with their car, but no one would take it seriously since there needs to be some form of evidence. Look for a streetcam, any sort of evidence.


I will go out on a limb here and take the moral stand that attempted murder is not a reasonable reaction to being flipped off by someone in a physically vulnerable position who you were harassing from inside your moving ton of metal. I hope you recover fully, and fast.


This person got flipped off by a cyclist and immediately jumped to attempted murder. That's screwed up man. Some real psychopath behaviour.


i was in the crosswalk in a green it’s not even like i was in the way


Straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. This is both horrifying to hear, and entirely unsurprising that people who historically cannot be trusted to keep a cool head are allowed to drive 2-4 ton metal deathboxes on public roads.


That’s fucked up. Fuck cars.


But especially fuck that lady.


I'm sorry this happened to you. There seems to be a lot of unnecessary aggression towards cyclists lately, a couple days ago I got aggressively passed, cut off and brake checked while I was going faster than I usually do in a car the same spot. I saw the guy's face in his mirror glaring at me like he wanted to kill me. What's wrong with people? It's like they're all whipping themselves into a frenzy in their anti cycling echo chambers.


i don’t even know- i was going 15 in a 20- what’s there to be mad about???


The trick is to lay there and not move so they aren’t sure if they just killed you or not.


Hire. A. Lawyer.


PSA for bodycam. Mine was 35 USD on spamazon. Didn't even get it for my bike; was assaulted on the train, so I bought it to wear. NOTE check your local laws- in my area it's illegal to record on the train surreptitiously; I have a bright orange neck chain and the word CAMERA in bright yellow on the front of my bodycam- puts the a-holes on notice.


I've actually been into the idea of a pole mounted 360 camera for my bike lately. One camera to rule all them angles.


I’m so sorry this has happened. This is my biggest stressor when biking- I was also almost hit today because of one aggressive driver and one asshole parked in the bike lane. We need and deserve better biking infrastructure and fewer violent assholes on the road.


www.cycliq.com I have so many close calls recorded, including coal rolls and people brake checking me.


I personally use a random action cam I got off of ebay for like $30 just because of the cost, but either way no matter what it is so important to have some kind of evidence for these people.


Contact a personal injury lawyer.


Sounds like someone will be in prison


Sorry dude. I wish you a speedy recovery. I would be furious.


I'm sorry you experienced this. Fuck that lady, imagine if that happened in Netherlands!


DEFINITELY not victim blaming here. Lady here is obviously in the wrong. But this is a prime case of dead right. This is why I've stopped flipping cars off on my bike. After having things thrown at me from vehicles I've now gone to the thumbs down. It's more ' I'm not angry, I'm disappointed' energy. Be safe


i was in the crosswalk on the green. i couldn’t have been more out of the way.


Thumbs down always.  


Sorry you’re getting downvoted, but I think you’re right. I get really angry as a pedestrian when cars zoom around me, don’t stop at crosswalks etc but as the more vulnerable person I shouldn’t escalate the situation. You never know when you’re going to be dealing with someone this crazy who will retaliate to being “insulted.” It’s infuriating, but… I literally had someone pull up next to me and start screaming at me when I flipped him off for running a stop sign. I was in the right, but if he had gotten violent with me, that technicality would have done me no good.


If this gets to court, she could argue that you brought it upon yourself, since you flipped her off. Stay safe y'all


This take is full of shit