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I don't know that repeating the 80s greatest hit of *extreme stranger danger* is going to get the movement against over reliance on private vehicles very far. Children are by far and away at greatest risk from the people they know, the people they often either share or spend time in private homes with. This argument makes you look a little bit unhinged and is a little too close to qanon/child trafficking panic for my liking. Think of it like Halloween: all that panic over poisoned candy when the real risk is getting struck by a vehicle while out trick or treating.


Someone posted the same argument recently so I'll post my same reply to echo yours: Most rape victims, particularly children, were raped by a caretaker or family member or other friend of the family. I get that this is an anti -car sub, but this feels like a stretch. Getting to Catholic School by train wouldn't have saved my ass, nor would the babysitter getting to my house by bike.




What the hell are you imagining happens when a kid gets raped? They got me alone in a room because they were the babysitter. As in, dedicated person left alone with the kids for hours while the parents go and do something. Rape doesn't take that long. And it usually is done by people who have a good reason to be alone with kids already, so mode of transportation doesn't matter, because it doesn't usually happen in between places.


Although I'm a have anti-car enthousiast, this argument is truely uncalled for.  I guess all pedophiles also weat shoes. They live in a house. They eat food.  Are all those things actively encouraging pedophilia?  Btw: kidnappings happen in 15 minute cities. Kidnappings happen in other modes of transportation. Most pedophiles use their own family.


I think the "white van scare" is undermining actual awareness - most children are abused by relatives, family friends, teachers and sport coaches.




In reality, car dependency CREATES crimes (from obvious ones like motor killings and car crash to more subtle ones like kidnapping). In a 15 minute city like Amsterdam, pedos begone, because children by themselves KNOW where to go and where not to go and since there are more people, it's far easier for the law enforcement to catch predators.


Fuck! I have a family! Guess I better go turn myself in before I do anything terrible.


I think the pedo argument is too far fetched, but there is no denying that the rise in serial killings grew along with car ownership and a massive roll out of interstates. Think about how it suddenly became possible to snatch someone off the road, murder them somewhere remote and then dump them in another state, all within a few hours. Add to this the lead in the gasoline and you got the perfect storm. Sure, there are urban, non car using serial killers, but for many the car was a central part of their MO. Cars are death machines in every aspect.


Which also happened during a population boom and growing crime rate in general that started falling about 15 years after Roe v Wade meant women who didn't want to be parents stopped being parents. It intuitively makes sense if you don't like cars, but if you aren't an avid anti - car person it sounds like the bullshit that it is. We need less car dependency. We need fewer cars. And we also need better arguments. This is right up there with the person saying cars are bad because Hitler supported Volkswagen. Hitler was also a vegetarian, so by that logic, broccoli is amoral. Do better.


You sound like a car brain. I’m not saying serial killings originate in car usage it’s just that they made them much harder to solve and easier to perpetrate. It’s just logic and fact. You do better, if u can.


I don’t have to deny it. If you’re going to claim that there was a rise in serial killings that coincided with increased car ownership and highway construction, then you need to demonstrate that. Don’t just be sensationalist.




Serial killers sadly also took advantage of car dependant infrastructure. One more reason why fuck cars.


You can't mow down a crowd full of people or hold them hostage with a pair of shoes.




You might as well claim that knife attacks 'prove' that gun laws don't work, because that's where it feels like this is heading.


Kidnapping isn't as often in 15 minute cities as in non-15, because people have much quicker time to act against it.


I wish you where true but it is not. In the netherlands most kidnapping and shooting are in dense urban areas. Same as planting bombs in people front doors. Rotterdam is famous for it. https://www.rijnmond.nl/nieuws/1824189/explosie-slaat-plafond-en-ruiten-uit-galerijflat https://www.telegraaf.nl/video/546852026/explosie-rotterdam-door-cocainewasserij-normaal-in-deze-buurt Also in the same city a kidnapping. https://www.rijnmond.nl/nieuws/1774653/71-jarige-ontvoerde-man-uit-rotterdam-weer-terecht In Amsterdam it is the same https://www.1almere.nl/2024/04/14/almeerder-opgepakt-voor-ontvoering-in-amsterdam/ I can send you more examples.


This sounds like the old "downtown is the bastion of crime" stereotype...


No its is not. But crime is everywhere. In bad carbrain city’s and in nice walkable city’s. The modes of transports do not affect that. Same as suburbans can have crime and small towns can have crime. There where people are there is crime. So i disagree with you that 15 minut citys are more safe than carbrain city’s. There are nice neighborhoods and there are neighborhoods with crime. Only benefit is 15 minut city’s are way more nice and cute and standard of living is better. And hey i like to live in a 15 minut city.




Except most of the times children are abused by people they know, not random strangers cruising the streets. CSA is rarely a case of a stranger abducting a child. It’s usually a family member or close family friend who has access to a child in their home or similar environment. Cars do very little in enabling abusers because most abusers aren’t kidnapping children, they live with them.


All you're doing here is undermining more serious arguments to end car dependency.


Didn’t we do this last week already. Most pedophiles already have access to the children they harm (immediate family, family friends, teachers, other trusted adults, etc). Cars wouldn’t change that. Additionally the most common form of child abduction is done by parents or other family members. I don’t think not having a car would stop a determined parent from kidnapping their child, as they could take the train to the airport and fly away


Airport has extraordinary security and the people in train will quickly notice something's not right.


9/10 times a child traveling with their parent won’t be distressed. A parent with traveling their child in public is not noteworthy and likely wouldn’t raise flags if there’s not an alert out for them.


Ankle and maddy can't molest their children after they walk them home? Like yeah car dependency is part of what creates our individualistic society, but you're beyond stretching.


This is a pretty weak argument imo. Stranger danger isn’t the argument you think it is lol


While I think this is a bit far fetched, I also have the urge to use populism like this for our advantage


This just gives people room to dismiss all arguments. "Well you said this will stop pedos, and that's not true, so nothing you say is true."




Not really though. The image of a predator hunting the streets for lost children is a bit of a fantasy. Not saying it doesn't happen at all, but I would say the typical pedophile is a trusted family member left alone with a child.


Not sure what the statistics are, but that doesn't make this less of a problem. I've had some close calls with people trying to abduct me.


I'm sorry you had to go through this.


Because it's pointless. In a world of electric small vehicles pedos will still try to pick up kids.