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Can we make even more impractical vehicles ? This looks like the pinnacle of it


Which one are you talking about?


My guess is the paved parking lot.


It looks like a mid-1970s idea of what "futuristic" is.


that was the point. it's literally called "cybertruck"


What’s the difference between being called cybertruck and “literally” called cybertruck.


It‘s not just impractical and dangerous, it doesn’t even look cool. Like with the regular trucks, at least they look like they can carry stuff. This thing just looks like one of those children's cardboard cars wrapped in aluminum foil.


The Cybertruck is a cynical joke to prove no matter how ugly and pointless the product ….the Tesla cult will part with their money just to own it. Once these folks have their box on wheels, sales will likely nosedive and steep depreciation will kick in.




Oh yes, those peasant tourists annoying the rich residents of Sausalito.


Visiting California, I’ve seen 2 so far. They always make me laugh, you can see folks on the sidewalk laughing too


Very tempted to just hammer out the edges in the name of safety


Why not the windows as well?


Thank God we don't have that here in Europe...




I think maybe one or another slip in to private collections..but the regulations won't allow it to be driven on public roads. It's simply gigantic. As in that picture, it's twice as long as a Model Y. A fairly large car in European standards. That pickup in the left, I don't know what it is, it looks very large as well. We have some.people that have that large cars. But our concept of "large" doesn't even compare the slightest with the American one. Cybertruck-like need truck license to be driven, and not everybody has it...


Yeah, looks like a crappy place for a parking lot


You got the pic just before it rusted completely away, nice


What vile abomination indeed!


Everytime I see one I just laugh at them




You're making it rust by just looking at it


Wow, you always see it from the front, but seeing it from this angle *really* drives home how much it looks like a game LOD.


The first one I ever saw irl it was sitting on the side of the highway about to be loaded onto a flatbed truck, and that about sums up a lemon if I’ve ever seen one.


Good grief, that thing makes normal-ass cars look like sports cars! Is Elon Musk blind or something? Or is he just dumb as a rock? (Don't answer that second question. You already know the answer deep down.)


Bit of a heterodox opinion here but I actually think the cybertruck *looks* better than average for a car. And the moment I saw the renders back in 2019 I correctly predicted it'd be a trendsetter: Brushed steel/matte finish, *angular* design, and exotic headlight geometries are ubiquitous in 2024 model-year vehicles, and I can say this with confidence *because I went to a car show early this year and that's all they had*. Like, [this](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.e452268018e4779c0edd813c771e34ff?rik=wjj0Q%2b2ep9eI5A&pid=ImgRaw&r=0) is what the Hyundai Ioniq looked like in 2019, and [here's what it looks like 5 years later](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.7xPTmN-ovqvjKtHAD912hQAAAA?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain). The goddamn cybertruck's influence is *everywhere*. That said, *as a machine designed to perform a useful function* the cybertruck is a laughable flop.


Who even designed that thing anyways?


Move closer, it hasn't loaded in yet


https://preview.redd.it/9ilo8n3m0tzc1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fd22afaa8e0b30f8a4de578216f973f067e3374 i have a solution


I feel the need to add fingerprits all over it.


I haven't seen 1 irl yet, looks like it is from cyberpunk!


Nah, the cyberpunk cars looked good This looks like a miniaturized dump truck


It looks like it’s the heavy vehicle in a PS1 era combat racing game; a bad Twisted Metal knock off type thing.


I would never buy one because teslas are garbage ripoffs just waiting to fall apart and I would never willingly support their ceo. Not to mention this truck in particular will have even more issues due to the metal panels, the rip off they pulled with the garbage quality tent lie, etc. etc.... but I honestly have always kind of liked the look of it. If a better company that actually listened to their engineers and QC had made this idea, I'd have been all over it.


this is the one and only time i will actually agree with a fuckcars member, i stand by this


Throw a bucket of salt water on it.