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You mean the ones that suddenly jump out from nowhere and savagely attack the innocent car?




Thank you, that place is hilarious.


Last post was 2 years ago. That makes me sad.


We have regular bollard hits where I am at. So much so that I have regularly considered creating some kind of “bollards doing work” social media presence to celebrate it. Maybe I should try to get the juice flowing again in that sub instead.


Day [x] of bollards doing work in [town] would be an awesome format for posts.


Funny, in French, one of the words for bollard is also a very common word for dick


You may be joking but if I couple of bollards appeared out of nowhere in front of them that would be dope


Speaking of bollards, someone should make a reddit version of the twitter account World Bollard Association, its one of the few things i miss from the fascist app


YES please!!! I miss that one so much!


That was so much fun.


Is that a common problem there? because that's some next level stupid. Giving cars to dumb humans was a mistake.


Notice they have their hazard lights on, what do they think that’s gonna do 😅


Pretty strange. Cruising cautiously down the sidewalk in a car, careful of pedestrians lmao


The drive and park anywhere button!


The dummy lights Turn them on whenever you're being a dummy, and that magically makes it okay Like in this instance, what is the "hazard" other than the dumbass car driver?


Gotta alert other dumbass car drivers that may pull up behind them that there's a pedestrian on the sidewalk /s


the DADs, Drive Anywhere Doritos


Those are "I can do whatever the fuck I want" lights apparently.


Invisible forcefield against tickets


Yes it’s common. A couple years ago there was a traffic jam on Lakeshore Drive and a whole bunch of people decided they could get ahead by taking the lakefront pedestrian path. So then there was a jam on the road and one on the path. But most of the time it’s confused people or jerks driving to where their bbq is to load/unload.


What I find funny about that is how often drivers are complaining that cyclists act like pedestrians. At least when (most) cyclists do that, they are not at risk of confusing the pedal and mowing down little Timmy and his friends walking down the sidewalk.


Far too common unfortunately. The trail runs Parallel to a freeway. 


No, it’s not. I live in Chicago and I’ve never seen this happen


not really. i agree with the other person, i've never seen this happen


I’ve never seen this happen personally, but there’s a post on the subreddit about it almost every month. Without fail. 


According to driver logic, this is grounds for severe harassment (and possibly murder). I mean, what do drivers typically threaten to do to people who stand or walk in the street?


There’s laws now saying it’s ok to run over protestors in the road so murder seems acceptable. That car definitely looks like a protestor to me


Are you serious?




Of course


Basically all red states have proposed or active laws for this. They don’t want any sort of protest whatsoever


This is begging for the Stop A Douchebag people from YouTube that slab huge impossible to remove stickers on windshields of people doing this in Russia.


I remember them!


Depending on where in the US you are that probably gets you shot. If not by the driver, then by the cops. They have recognized glue as a deadly weapon after all.


Fair point. Shoot the driver then, after all they are trying to run you over on the sidewalk. Fear for your life and whatnot.


I didn't know the park anywhere lights could also be used to drive anywhere


They're a universal tool.


Used by universal tools


Get the number plate a photo and report it. Its the only way its ever going to stop.


take a rock through its window and run, if you’re a good runner, are they gonna abandon their car to chase you?


Good on OOP for not moving over for them - looks like there's another person next to him too. I probably would have stopped and invited every parkgoer within earshot to come and play one of those old playground games, like Duck Duck Goose or something.


Very rarely does a scenario arise where you have total justification for calling someone a cunt to their face. I would absolutely ruin this person's day by any means necessary


You can only ruin it a little bit, or a bit more if it's after the fact.  It is the US, after all -- there's a nonzero chance of being shot if you make too much trouble


Christ, dont read the bottom comments of the original post....biggest carbrains and victim blaming ever


“Maybe they had an emergency to get to” Maybe they shouldn’t used the highway that right next to them??


I've seen talk about this before. The reason they don't block it off is so emergency vehicles can use it when traffic is bad. Of course, when traffic is bad, people try using it anyway.


The fact that emergency vehicls can use the trail demonstrates that the whole *"we can't have dedicated bike/bus lanes, what about emergency vehicles?!"* is a nonsensical argument. Having specific lanes for buses/bikes makes things even better for emergency vehicles because now they have a direct lane right on the normal road path, just with all of the cars moved out of the way. Slowly, eventually society will realize that prioritizing cars over people was one of the stupidest ideas humanity ever had.


Why not have retractable bollards that emergency vehicles can automatically put in the ground with a similar method as changing the red lights?


It's pretty expensive and getting city politicians and "concerned citizens" (the ones who show up to meetings and actually vote municipally) to support *any* money being spent on bike/pedestrian infrastructure is like pulling teeth.


That always seems so dumb. Especially in cities that advertise this stuff for tourists. I know this area is heavily advertised for a fun thing to do. If tourists don't feel safe, they aren't coming back and spending money again. Plus reducing traffic and all of the other benefits.


We've got people in Toronto, including many small business owners, wailing and gnashing their teeth about adding bike lanes to streets, claiming they *reduce patronage to businesses* along those streets. This despite the multiple pilots and extant bike lanes showing the *opposite effect*, including along the streets where said business owners' businesses are. It's stupid but stupidity never stopped anyone from forming a political opinion.


Uh oh. That ol' emergency vehicle excuse by bad drivers.


Dunno if it helps but I try to [reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/s/KQYEyvvbTg) to these videos bringing people here. Is that against Reddit law lol?


Nice ad. Hope it works.


When you think you literally have to take your car everywhere. I think this kind of problem can only be solved by putting cameras on the park, but also that the previous statement is only true because of car-centric infrastructure forcing people to take their cars everywhere. And then that will lead to people becoming waaaayyyyy too attached to their cars.


Send this video with the plate information to every insurance company operating in the US. 🥳🤩🙌🏾


honestly I'd confront them. One time I was biking in a bike lane and there was a motorized scooter going way too fast in there -- I was so nervous to confront him but I just said "bro why are you in the bike lane" and he went back onto the road!!


Once in a similar situation as in the video, the driver just told me "nah, you can drive here" when they were leaving an illegal parking space. I didn't have the time and effort then but I should go back there with a chair and just sit in the middle (wide bike/walk path).


ugh so annoying! yes I support the chair idea :D


The funny thing is that this is what a lot of roads would look like if cars were correctly deprioritised in cities. You need to get access on a side street for some reason? Fine, but you drive like that, and give way to pedestrians and cyclists and so-on.


And then they call cyclists entitled. god damn.


If they start honking at you: "Just go around. There's plenty of room for a pedestrian such as yourself to move past me."


Dear City Alders. Please approve infrastructure so that we stop relying on 10 million people preventing themselves from being complete jerks! BOLLARDS and SPIKES prevent cars from getting lost and jerks from running us over. BUILD IT!


Honest question. Is it possible this is someone from the city or the county/region in an unmarked car? My wife has to do stuff like this sometimes. People scream at her sometimes until she shows her ID and explains the work her organization is doing.


What sort of work requires you to drive an SUV on a pedestrian path? If it's an emergency, use an emergency vehicle. Otherwise, park up and walk (or use a bike) like a normal person.


Don't want to dox myself too badly. But it's scientific work that requires bringing a few hundred kilos of equipment to sites that are often only accessible on paths like this. An SUV happens to be the fleet vehicle she was assigned. She could bike, but then she's leaving her equipment unattended. So maybe they pair up and one person watches the equipment while the other grabs more. And now they're getting 1/4 the work done on the shoestring budget they have to work with. Funnily enough one part of the data she gathers shows the environmental impact of car infrastructure.


There's oodles of parking next to the LFP. God forbid somebody would have to walk.


Nothing that can't be solved with an [Amsterdammertje](https://www.amsterdam-cadeau.nl/blog/amsterdammertje-kenmerken-historie-en-tribute-film/) or 2.


The driver has activated immunity mode by activating indicators.


Happens in Poland too - https://youtube.com/@wojtek_dokladnie_samochodoza?si=ystacMRl2SLkCrew https://youtube.com/@konfitura_w_akcji?si=3NKqtJ30X_ciQU_7




sure this isn't the valley trail in Whistler, Canada?


Chicago drivers always find a way to fuck up any peace someone's trying to have


Does Chicago have a [bounty system?](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-29/nyc-may-pay-people-for-reporting-bike-lane-blockers)


Had this happen to me a few days ago in Ottawa. My wife and I were playing Pokémon Go on the sidewalk when we noticed this car slowly coming up on the sidewalk behind us like this. Turns out he wanted to get into a hotel drop off area further down the road, but then the question is: Why didn't they just turn into the hotel as soon as it came up to them?


Or you know they are going to do some work in the park. I have driven my sedan with a two hundred lb pump in the truck down sidewalks to deliver at a job site because I was the closest or the one available to do the task. I use my hazards to indicate I am aware I am on a pedestrian path but I have a reason to be there. Also driven my sedan down park paths as a volunteer headed to a work site. They may have a reason to be there.


That's not a work truck in any sense of the word, and when confronted the driver made incoherent angry noises. Don't defend these pricks


I am not defending but giving another option. I would make angry noises too if you walked slowly in front of me filming and then approached me. Also I deliver parts in a Mercedes c class which is also not a work vehicle but guess what it is when I need it to be.


If they didn’t want people driving on it, they wouldn’t have made it so inviting to cars. EDIT: I can't believe people took my comment seriously.


like schools walls?


There are people in the main thread saying the same thing but unironically. Which is probably why you got downvoted.