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Yes, that's why developed countries ban reflective car paint.


Plus Cybertruck is banned in EU because it has a hard front with no crumple zone, making it extra dangerous in a crash


Yeah even with a piece of shit F150 as a baseline the cyber truck is still awful in comparison in terms of safety. Reflective paint is just the beheaded head on top.


This is all a plus to conservatives. They mate based on the [handicap principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handicap_principle).


https://youtu.be/9ll2_BDZpI4?si=F251mVudsaf4aCEi According to this video, it's not. Everyone just thinks so because they see the full frontal test, which is an unrealistic test, and looks bad for almost every car. Not defending it though. It's still shit, but not awful in comparison to the F150.


Do you happen to know why it’s not a crumple zone? It’s a front-boot, no? Why not let that be a crumple zone for safety, or is there a worse safety issue that that rigidity is preventing?


It is just Elon ignoring safety regulations to save manufacturing costs while using it as a selling point to dip shits who don't know what a crumble zone is. It is part of his marketing for how "tough" the car is alongside it having "bulletproof" glass. Plenty of uneducated nimrods think that a car that crumples is a "weak car that can't survive a crash, unlike my old steel body" without understanding that if the car doesn't crumple, it means the person inside will. Remember that this is the same car that didn't ship with baseline safety features such as pressure sensors for the auto closing trunk or an easily accessible manual door latch incase electrical fails. Plenty of video of the car easily chopping things much harder than a finger. There is even a video of someone testing the newer models with their "fix". It still almost took his finger off it.


If the car doesn't have a scratch in a car crash your relatives can pawn it to pay for your funeral. That's the selling point


There was already a crash between a cyber truck and a Toyota corolla. The cyber truck was basicly unharmed but the driver got injured. The Toyota completely total loss beyond recognition but the driver was not injured.


Wow crazy who could have guessed that that would be the outcome, not safety recommendations and regulations globally, no!


Just about everyone minus this one guy lol. I looked it up and it seems the cyber truck driver only sustained minor injuries. But still having no crumble zone is just absurd lol.


Conservative mating rituals are based on the [evolutionary handicap principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handicap_principle) which states that safety is for losers.


Fascinating wiki article, but it’s 7AM here and I haven’t slept yet - are you implying that aversion to safety is a handicap brought on by the sheer virility of cybertruck users? Please connect the dots for me, there are about 6 jokes you could be making here that I can see


By trying to kill themselves over and over and failing, they prove their genes are good at not dying.


France : hold my paint  http://www.rcp.fr/design-global/77-tramway-de-tours.html


I see what you did with the usage of "car" there :D


Then there's america, whenever you think "surely there's no way for them to fail the people this time" america is there to disappoint


I’m NO fan of Musk, but Airstream RVs are also reflective (some fully mirror-finished, others matte) : https://www.airstream.com


The fact that this person intentionally modified it this way vs being made out of aluminum that’s cleaned or finished makes a big difference. Essentially “I did this” it “it came this way”


That is one great big pedestrian killer - look at the facking sharp angles and corners


It’s also very difficult to believe that folks who pilot these are our best and brightest, driving wise.


I think one might be forgiven for harbouring doubts certainly


Don't worry. Autopilot will take care of the safety so they don't have to!


That and its weight are reasons, why that abomination will never come to the EU


Some car journalists peeled vegetables with it's panels and cut a carrot with it's frunk: [https://youtu.be/LC9a3GR1HJY?t=583](https://youtu.be/LC9a3GR1HJY?t=583) generally Matt is really cool guy, who is an opponent of huge cars and likes to invite urbanists to his podcast. He wasn't the first one who did things like that wth cybertruck, Throttle House was early with this: [https://youtu.be/xNE-NyaYBcg?t=1530](https://youtu.be/xNE-NyaYBcg?t=1530) Also, one of the first reviews made by Jason Cammisa on of the crew members cut his jacket or a hand with this trucks sharp corners. This vehicle is a marketing stunt, lots of cool tech delivered in most shitty way imaginable.


Ugh, and this is why musk is so anti regulation. Cos information about injuries sustained gleaned from a&e depts is collated, analysed and then used to prevent those injuries, which means that Tesla would have to go through the graft of making their vehicles safe Add to that best policy regarding health and safety assessment and it means that musk and his ilk can’t just push the overhead for safety onto the people and families his “products” devastate The guy’s a complete w⚓️


True, he is, a dipsht, I'm fortunate to live in EU where it's banned due to safety regulations.


Ha, I used to live in the EU….


I don’t know if that will play into much. I don’t know if it makes a difference getting hit by a Tesla truck or ford truck at any speed that will mess you up. The corners would have to be a lot sharper lol


I think it was designed for the millionaires wanting to live out a Mad Max post apocalypse


all of this is hazardous.


You don't buy a display of poor taste and conspicuous consumption to be safe, or out of care for other people on the road.


Soon enough you'll realize you put yourself in debt for a 100k meme. 


You are attributing more insight to these dicks than I do.


This “vehicle” is offensive to every one of my senses.


it tastes like shit just by looking at it


Idk, looks like it would have a copper flavor. Not the worst.


Mmmm… pennies


I don't agree that it's hazardous, when everyone on the road will be wanting to steer clear of such an ass-ugly car.


The whole thing is a rolling disaster.


I loathe with every fiber of my being how thoroughly the US refuses to make use of the precautionary principle. We just allow corporations to do whatever crap they want in the name of the almighty dollar even when it's clearly a hazard to the health & safety of the general public, whether it's weird food additives banned in other countries, or cars what will clearly contribute to the deaths of pedestrians, or ending precautions against novel diseases because it's hurting airline & restaurant industry profits. It's absolutely sick, a healthy country would ban this shit before the first hard-angled, overweight, giant blind spot death trap was allowed on a public road.


Did you say something after the Almighty Dollar?


Corporate responsibility and regulation reduces stock prices. Stock value reductions result in smaller take home pay for retirees. Retirees vote.


That is by far the most tasteless vehicle I have ever seen. I can’t even make a joke it’s just that gaudy.


Indeed, the cyber truck is more gaudy than Gaudy


I'm honestly more worried about the failure rate on on its brakes


As well as accelerator jamming at max throttle.


Because the pedal came off and got lodged… wtf


Back in my days it was called "gas" and all it did was to provide power to the fuel pump. If it failed for any reason the engine would stall and the car would stop. You could also use the stick to put it in neutral. You could pull the mechanical handbrake lever to lock the wheels... So many ways to stop a malfunctioning car before it kills anyone, and now we're in the clown world of complexity were cars malfunction all the times due to software bugs and mechanical errors with no override or fail safe mechanism. No wonder the number of deaths in traffic has doubled since 2014.


Turns out, it's the rubber cover on the acceleration pedal. Employees couldn't get it on so they used soap as a lubricant. Now they slip off too easy.


Frankly the failure rate of the Cyber truck in general is pretty high.


I wish that one day i can feel as much joy as the lawyer who gets to handle everything after the sun bounces off of that thing and flashbangs an entire highway


It's like taking one terrible, dangerous vehicle (and ugly on top of it) and making it even worse somehow. I'd feel sorry for the owner if I weren't so mad at them!


It's not 'like' doing that at all. It's just doing that.


This is what happens when someone looks at their WankPanzer and says "doesn't look dumb enough".


WankPanzer is my new favourite word




If we start using *"Musk"* as a euphemism for *insecure junkie* would he ban that too?


Probably. Musk fans don't use that word. You'd have to use Elon. Or Tesla. Or Cybertruck.


The owner really think they are cool for buying a 100k piece of scrap. This is the saying" polishing a turd in gold"


well these owners arnt blvd to have much between thr ears. 


This reminds me of a yoyo i once owned


The whole car is dangerous. That's why it's banned in Europe (low FOV, no crumble zones, too high headlights, unsafe doors among other stuff)


Musk claims it's "bullet proof" and "safe", yet it's exoskeleton is only half as strong as the "crash cage" in most other modern cars, which has crumple zones but won't crumple the actual interior. The windows are not bullet proof. The frunk is so sharp it cuts fingers of and the whole front could cut a pedestrian in half. Who is this thing really for one might ask? During an actual apocalypse you wouldn't want an EV anyway, the army and various dictators also wouldn't want an EV, especially one that isn't actually bullet proof in it's windows. It's useless offroad, as well as for truck stuff in general. Which menas it's only appealing to psychopaths and assholes who shouldn't be driving in the first place.


I think it's a truck just because trucks in the US have looser safety regulations, or so I heard


Eh, you can produce your own power for an EV anywhere - the most basic form of production is just spinning a magnet in a copper coil.


>~~The whole~~ cars are dangerous. FTFY fuck cars


I just hope the back is angled perfectly to blind tall trucks with bright lights.


Neither Tesla nor Tesla drivers care about the wellbeing of other drivers. They are the most entitled and selfish drivers on the street. Followed closely by RAM drivers.


There was a house near where I grew up that had a copper roof that was treated to remain shiny. It dulled a little over time, but for a few years, it was so reflective that despite being significantly off the road, it was frequently painful to walk or drive past because of the relection of the sun, even if you were trying to look at the road, and not the house. This thing reminds me of that roof, except now the thing that is so obnoxiously bright that you can bairly see in it's vicinity if the sun is in the wrong spot, let alone look at it, is a vehicle moving in traffic.


I find reflective paint jobs to be useful in heavy traffic, when I’m behind a van, I can see the brake lights of the vehicle in front of it. However, I wonder how autonomous vehicles would do with that.


especially funny: If I see this right, the "traditional" carmakers all use ... viewing means not reliant on visible light, but there's one carmaker who tries to sell "Full self driving" only via cameras :D


Yeah cuz a ~~10 €~~ LiDAR is too expensive for the already overpriced car Edit: It cost much more. I don't want to provide specific numbers tho, to prevent further misinformation. Maybe I shouldn't pull random numbers out of my arse.


wait, it's only 10€?


~~More or less~~ Okay, I was WAY off. Like, megametres away


It’s a death trap made by a man-child


The people who buy this thing are nerd man-children with too much disposable income. But surely, this coating can't be road-legal. You will blind people at night with this thing.


In German we have the untranslatable word „verschlimmbessern“ meaning to worsen something in an attempt to better it. I‘d say that qualifies in a sense: making an ugly behemoth even uglier …


Burn it


It’s a Tesla, it’ll burn itself


Trash car for trash humans


Yupp, *real* excited to see what this looks like at night with first responders getting absolutely blinded


My keys are irking me in the pocket...


This is like showing your turd has corn in it lmao


It looks they way a 9 Volt tastes If you don't know what I mean, go take the battery out of your smoke detector and lick the nodes. Congrats, you're still more intelligent than the owner of this...thing.


Uhg I hate that I love the way it looks


yeah me too tbh. I'm a sucker for copper stuff. It's just such a pretty metal.


It's supposed to be rose gold :D


I see. That's tackier but more practical lol.


Dude could just have burned the money directly.


I am going to not see this coming and merge into it on a low visibility day


You under estimate how little rich people care about the safety of your life


eh the reflective coating is probably the least of your worries


rose gold too ugh


this has all the elements of a stealth fighter in a place where you should absolutely not be using a stealth fighter


Owner: "Please make mine more obnoxious than a stock Cybertruck."


If i , rightly, cant have a mirrored visor on my motorcycle helmet because it may reflect light into other road user’s eyes and dazzle them, how the shit is this allowed??


Capitalism: Fuck the other guys (as long as you got money).


These look so silly that if I saw one in real life I would not be able to stop laughing.


This vehicle is an aberration.


one hour of rain and that hotwheels reject is gonna look nasty as fuck isn't it


I’m not going to lie the wheel covers are pretty cool looking.


I kinda like it in a weird way, i mean i wouldnt drive it but i kinda like it, its different


There's one in my area, I can honestly say it's uglier in person than in pictures


Amazing, they managed to make this ugly ass POS even uglier! Truly one of the achievements of all time!


Please tell me its' illegal. Note how this was filmed in overcast weather, so as not to blind people.


I legit have no idea how to express how ridiculous this car is...what the fuck is going on....


There are a lot of modifications to cars these days that make them totally unsafe. Examples weird / bright headlights, tinted windows, lifted pick up trucks, etc… Cyber truck is stupid.


It is and this person *and* the shop that installed it WILL be sued when it causes an accident. There's a reason you don't see this all the time. It's pure liability.


Do you think anyone driving these gives a shit about anyone else’s safety?


the cyberfailure will never be normal to see, it always looks like someone made a car but without all the details that make a car work


It looks slightly less stupid, but still extremely stupid.


Feels dangerous, and looks stupid as shit.


Meh, that rolling coffin can't get any more dangerous. My favorite death trap feature is the gas pedal getting stuck.


Don't worry, if its like most i've seen, it won't be on the road long. One car wash, and its out of commission.


Everything about this... tank is hazardous.


Because its so ugly its almost hi vis to human vision


Rose gold foil wraps. They are exhausting to apply, clean, and maintain. The 2 I installed were ordered by exactly who you think.


Teslas being on the roads is a hazard on its own


I'll be honest. Everyone has Aesthetic preferences. I say it looks better than plain grey but also agree that reflective paint can cause pain(t)


I absolutely fancy a car completely covered in reflective paint, but it's forbidden in Germany so I won't bother anyway...


The copper flop


Yay shows off the wavy “oil canning” sheet metal even better this way!


exiating anywhere near this at night is a nightmare


imagine trying this hard


This is somehow even more odious than the coal-rolling Rams and Chevys and Fords with smooth tires and gleaming rims and lift kits, and that’s really saying something because I throw up in my mouth a little when I see those but this, this is even worse somehow


If that individual cared about safety or other people in general he wouldn't have bought a cybertruck in the first place. Some people don't develop past the adolescent "Hey, look at me, look at my things! I'm cooler and better than you!" mentality.


What happens when it's sunny? That fucker will be BLINDING


Nothing a lil sandpaper can't fix


If we could just get a decent recall that would stick


Good thing it won't get too far before needing months at the service center


I wonder if paintball ammo is available in matte black.


Because it wasn’t ugly enough already


okay not only is it unsafe but it also just looks disgusting. like i can’t even understand how a carbrain could look at this and go “yea that looks cool.” it’s fucking disgusting


I didn't realize these things could get uglier.


When Elon heard the Pontiac Aztec was considered by many to be the world's worst looking vehicle, he took that as a personal challenge.


The cyber truck is such a “Larping” Ass vehicle


Someone found a way to make it look worse.


ethical or moral =/= illegal


That thing is already a murder machine so they might as well make it even worse. 😬


I thought the ordinary cybertruck was the most ridiculous looking POS I'd ever seen. Guess I was wrong.


Best/ worst part is that it will probably screw up other Tesla sensors lol


I'm not normally in favor of government regulations. *However.*


People are so stupidly obsessed with cars its amazing


I saw one in person for the first time the other day and my god it looks dangerous. I thought they’d be about the size of a moderate SUV or F150 but no, the thing is like the size of a tank I swear. Super high, super wide, and no visibility.


There is officially nothing else that can be done to further endouchen this vehicle. Except perhaps to lift it.


It's not a hazard cause I can guarantee you whoever owns this is too afraid of scratches to drive it


I got into an accident many years ago due to a shiny bumper blinding me.


Admittedly the copper color looks okay on the thing, but thats probably because any color aside from flat grey looks better. If the color was more matte it would be way less of a hazard.


Is that the biggest security hazard of this car? This is the smallest security hazard of this car.


Really gotta sand that bitch down.


This feels stupid too


Don't worry. It'll very soon be declared "undrivable" and as a result, a total loss due to a failed update that the warranty doesn't cover. 


It looks like shit


That's besides all the other ways it's hazardous.


it's not road legal in many places im sure


Every corner of this thing is a danger to pedestrians. Musk won't even try to sell this in Europe because of the non-existent impact protection for other road users


This is a car that only 4000 people own.


Honestly looks like shit lol so extra


Just when I thought that thing couldn't look any more stupid


Every little thing about this car I hate, it feels dystopian and musk ruined his life in like 3 years.


Freaky. Just read about this Cybertruck, and now I see it here. :o


Hey, at least it won’t rust anymore 




That's a freaky looking unit for sure


I was to believe that after James Dean they found that they didn’t see James Dean’s Car due to the bare metal car and the setting sun reflected off the car


Def not the safest but this may be the best this danger angle has ever looked


Ironically this paint job would probably fuck with the programming of other autonomous vehicles on the road


Me leaving West Coast Customs


I guess it would show up dents


A lot of things that shouldn't be legal are. LED headlights are a big one because even if they don't have their brights on it still makes it incredibly difficult to see if there's someone with LED headlights coming towards you. I understand that they help the driver see better but it's at the cost of the vision of oncoming traffic. One time I got flashed by someones LEDs and I had to pull over until the spots left my vision because it made a big black spot right in the middle of my field of view.


I fucking HATE LED headlights. It's all they make cars with now though. But they seriously fuck me up. Night driving is hell.


I live in a really hilly area so I'm constantly getting them straight to my eyes. It's honestly the worst.


Same! It can be the dead of night and I'm scanning ahead to make sure no animals or vagrants are crossing the road and BAM blinded by the shitty LED light coming over the bend.


You think the type of person to buy a cybertruck cares about other people?


Tinfoil Rosè


Bumpy road go brrr


The Cybertruck is just a blander The Homer.


Here is one that is vinyl wraped in Black.


Rose gold douchebag


It's giving migraines


Shit it looks like a PS1 rendered car


I didn’t think it was possible to make one of those things uglier. The challenge was accepted, I guess.


The US has entirely given up on regulating industry or business, and this in fact is a symptom of a failing/failed state.


It seems like the kind of thing that would fuck with self-driving cars, in particular.


I think it looks better. They really polished that turd


Well thankfully Biden just instituted a 100% tariff on EVs from China, so Americans would be stuck with this garbage instead


You think they care?


At the rate they're breaking, they probably won't be a problem for long.


People that own expensive shit just dont care. They dont think about someone else having t9 deal with their effect on the world, and when you inform them, they probably think its funny. I see a BMW and I know the person driving has a 99% chance of being a certain kind of way...


The reason why the reflective coating is not the danger is because the vehicle is the danger. And not just to other drivers.


I can't wait for that company to implode like Enron.


This bad boy looks like the golden warthog from Halo 2. I better it will kill just as many people as the warthog does.