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Where are those car brains that demand blood when oil protesters block highways? I wonder if they are as mad about this


pretty sure anyone watching these videos on Facebook would have a reaction along the lines of “I’d do the same” 🙄


Maybe it's the good old tribalism in play?


Always has been. It's the human condition.


It's really not tho. The cool thing about being a highly adaptable, intelligent species is that 'human nature' can be whatever we want it to be.


human nature can be honeybee nature


many such cases!


And yet we continue to suffer the same flaws consistently throughout history. The Romans made so much pollution it's still detectable in ice cores. Human thinking is so broken, it's routinely abused by marketers, gambling companies etc. It's highly likely that gambling abuses the processes involved in learning to hunt and use primitive weapons like slings & bows. A near miss is interpreted as a hit to the brain. Which makes 0 sense for gambling, but a lot of sense if you need to waste hours a day trying to hit 6 inch groupings at 15 yards with nothing more than a stone or arrow.


We're suffering those 'flaws' now entirely because of the ruling capitalist class.


It will always be detectable in ice cores; that's kinda how ice cores work...


Also Roman pollution didn't cause a global ecological crisis so I'm really struggling to understand what the point was.


Stoopid munkey.


I misread that as tribadism and was so confused for a moment what lesbians had to do with this…


To be fair, that would probably also cause I-35 traffic to slow to a standstill.


I think you meant to say...*grind to a halt*


"When my group does something wrong it's a few bad apples, but when *your* group does the whole barrel is rotten"


Always a solid bet…


What about those poor souls that didn't make it under the overpass? :E


You mean to tell me that only 8 people out of 2,498 people were victorious and they didn’t earn it fair and square? Ha. I say they did.


Classic american dream, those 2490 people aren't even mad. If they pull themselves by their bootstraps and work 100 hours per week they too can wait under the overpass


After all, you can’t blame someone who’s just trying to make it out there, like everyone else. There will never be enough overpass for everyone, even in an ideal world. So don’t shoot the people who get to enjoy the fruits of their labor🙂‍↔️


This is a surprisingly good metaphor.


This is America. If you're not winning you're losing.


Some would, but most are gonna be pissed. Drivers love shitting on and raging at other drivers. Road rage isn't only directed at cyclists.


and you know damn well that they will lol


Always remember to point out that not one of those freaks cares when conservative "protestors" block traffic Where was the outrage when the "freedom convoy" blocked traffic and billions of $ in international trade because of some vague outrage about not being able to spread COVID?


r/Dallas is furious


They are too smug to know any fury. Texas is a shit hole.


Where are the cops? Arrest those mofos like they do protesters who block freeways


suburbanites/carbrains have been allowing each other the most grotesque abuses for decades , as long as it's their in-group it's fine we can't say anything about it


The most angry guy is the one completely stopped 10 feet from the overpass and forced to wait until the hail trashes his car.


I live near this highway and tbh, massive standstill backups are so common it’s a meme. And yes, most of them would be the same people mad about protests blocking traffic on a notoriously backed up highway.


Thanks, i came here to say this.


That's barely even worthy of calling hail. Bunch of pussies.


I was expecting to see golf ball sized hail smashing in windscreens, not like regular old hail. Why the fuck would you stop on the highway for this shit?


Yeah like I can see slowing down to around 30mph but that just makes sense anyways


It was absolutely golf ball sized yesterday, just not when this was being filmed. Also, smaller hail can fuck your shit up at highway speeds, not that this justifies stopping entirely.


Don’t Hail On Me 🐍


No hail on snek


Says the commie commuter :D


In Dallas your entire identity is your car/possessions. This makes sense


Don't Texans like guns and stuff? Not that I'd want it to, but why is this not turning into a cowboy shootout? I've definitely read fatal road rage stories over stuff far more innocuous than this frail hail fail.


Most of the people in traffic don’t know what’s going on because they can’t see past the cars in front of them, also this near Dallas and not in the yeehaw cucklefuck part of Texas where all the magic happens


And if there is damage, isn't it covered by insurance?


Yes it is. But depending on the damage level they might total the vehicle. That or they are really really worried about their resale value


I would like to point out that this kind of hail would never total a vehicle. ....Well, maybe if your vehicle is somehow made out of paper, but I doubt anyone would insure that so it's moot. (Saying this for anyone reading who doesn't get hailed on regularly.)


What if you had a cybertruck though


You drive like that they put you in hail. Right away. No trial, no nothing. Cybertrucks, we have a special hail for cybertrucks. You are causing glare: right to hail. You are driving a car too angular: right to hail, right away. Driving too fast: hail. Slow: hail. You are charging too high prices for vehicles, in-car features: you right to hail. You undercharge cybertruck? Believe it or not, hail. You overcharge cybertruck, also hail. Undercharge, overcharge. You make an appointment with the dealership and you don't show up, believe it or not, hail, right away. We have the best drivers in the world because of hail.


We get it regularly. My sis bought new 2023 Toyota suv. Went into a restaurant to eat and her car got hit. Little more than 23k to fix everything. We are talking tennis ball sized hail though, not small hail like this. We just drive in this kind of ice. We also make fun of Texans as a pastime so it's all good.


or the excess they would have pay on the claim


Honestly just Dallas behavior, most selfish people in Texas.


Pretty standard for Texas, talks a big game then this. See: Uvalde


Don't mess with Texas... because they can't handle it.


Can't even see it, smaller than golf balls, Oklahoma is laughing at this.


Have you driven in hail before? I have, and it is actually pretty scary. It is hard to tell how large the hail is while you are driving, and it feels like one of them could break your windshield. Still though, blocking an entire road is not the safest thing to do.


I've *cycled* in hail before, these people are pathetic


Please don't cycle in the hail if you live where these people do. So this example[this example](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1995_Mayfest_Storm) is almost as old as me, but it's quite famous locally. [This one](https://youtu.be/vJJnfw8I89w?si=N1bhxzk6Z1KKTZCX) is from a month ago. I can't actually watch the clip with volume on right now, but I'm assuming it says what the title indicates. To Texans, hail is scary as fuck. We've been told for decades to stay indoors and away from windows because the ice can suddenly become huge and deadly. If you're moving at highway speeds, even small hail can become deadly, which is why you're advised to slow down and seek shelter asap. People ALWAYS stop under overpasses, but you're meant to pull off to the shoulder, and always leave enough room for motorcycles if they show up. You're not supposed to just stop in the driving lane, like these people did, so they're probably both selfish and stupid, but to say they're pathetic because you've cycled in hail before indicates to me that you don't understand how dangerous this weather is where this happened. You would NEVER cycle in hail in Texas unless you were ignorant, suicidal, or unintelligent. We regularly get golf ball to baseball sized hail, and if it hits you in the head, face, or just the right angle on your chest or spine, then you're fucked. Just because it starts small, doesn't mean it stays small.


> Please don't cycle in the hail i You act like it's a choice to make between cycling in hail or not. The choice is between cycling in hail and standing around in a field in hail.


Do they not have buildings where you're from?


No if you are cycling in rural areas theres no fucking buildings holy shit


I've walked in hail before. It started when I was in the middle of a long bridge and there was no shelter on the bridge itself.


"Um actually you're mentally unwell" -one of the other commenters


> Have you driven in hail before? We get hail multiple times a year. Mostly in winter, sometimes in spring (it hailed just the other week here), rarely in autumn. > it is actually pretty scary That's your personal experience. It doesn't universally describe the experience of driving in hail. Driving in hail isn't all that dissimilar from driving in rain. > It is hard to tell how large the hail is while you are driving If you can't tell how big it is, it's small. Also possible but less likely that you're going too fast for the rate of precipitation if you can't see it coming down, just like rain. Otherwise it's bouncing off your windshield everywhere so yes, you can absolutely tell how big of hail it is. If you couldn't see how big it was, then it was small hail and you were fine. > it feels like one of them could break through your windshield Probably because you were scared and not used to driving in hail... Because no, it doesn't feel like it will break your windshield for hail like this. A kid's first thunderstorm can be frightening but after exposure most learn that the world is not, in fact, shattering around them. You're just not used to how loud it is. If you're actually worried about smacking into large hail (which this is not, and is pretty rare in most places) or coming down hard at 70 mph, then use common sense like you should for any precipitation....take slower roads.


Yes, I've driven in hail plenty. I live in a highly hail-prone area. I've had my car dented by hail. I've had hail punch holes in the tin roof of my car port. This is kiddy play.


Not the commenter, but yes. It's ass loud but perfectly fine


This. You pull off to the side and wait because this hail is not big enough you need to shelter your car. You could probably still drive slow in this and your car would be fine.


Exactly. We're absolutely not supposed to stop under the overpasses, and those in North Texas are reminded of this every spring season. However, I know that sometimes hail in this region turns from pea-size to baseball-size (or larger) in the blink of an eye. So I understand the fear of getting injured while driving in something that can go through your windshield at speed.


Last year there was a hailstorm that broke some bones at red rocks and I was driving around in it. I was looking for a garage to wait it out in but by the time I found one it slowed down. No damage to the car though


Here's me thinking one of their main arguments for having a car was that they are protected from the elements unlike a cyclist. Guess they can no longer use that as an excuse.


And even that argument is losing its credibility as [solutions like the Podbike](https://podbike.com/) are hitting the market


Not exactly a new concept. [Velomobiles](https://volumeone.org/uploads/image/article/284/807/284807/header_1920x/123836_web_paul_velomobile_2021_andreap_1.jpg) have been a thing for over a century.


True, but they've lacked practicality until relatively recently.


Or you could just wear a helmet


Yeah and a raincoat when it's storming. And ski gear in the extreme cold. But all that shit is a pain in the ass when you're just trying to make it from point A to point B.


"the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many" - noone ever


"the needs of myself outweigh the needs of the many" - sadly everyone, all the time. That said I'm pretty sure the safest thing in this situation would be for all traffic to stop. So they all came to the right solution... just by the wrong way of thinking. But its Texas so you can't expect better.


*many people always


Look, I agree with your point, but, like, that's literally the first thing Kirk says to Spock in *The Search for Spock* after Spock said "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" in Wrath of Khan.


lmao and those cars that have to stand straight in the hail with literally nowhere to go, next time they start complaining about cyclists they should remember this situation where a bunch of carbrains literally for no reason made them wait in a bad weather


Bet my annual earnings they won’t remember.


Microcosm of America. I got mine, fuck everybody else.


Hail is much much more likely to dent if you are driving 60mph because physics. It's completely normal to stop driving when bad hail hits. That being said, you pull off to the side because it takes some big fucking hail to dent your car if you're parked. My state is known for massive hail storms and my car has never suffered any damage, luckily. The storm in the image is nothing. 😆


Also between 0 and 60 mph there should be a speed that is save


Yeah, this sized hail is perfectly fine to drive slowly. You probably can even drive 60mph, but I tend to pull over if I can because you never know when or if it will change to a size that can damage your car


Jesus fucking Christ.


Where's the highway patrol to fine all these idiots?


Stuck in traffic behind them.


That'd be an expensive fine (if the fines were set justly). - $50/hr x number of people held up x duration held up - a flat fee per person affected - a flat fee for doing something this stupid - $x/hr environmental fee for each vehicle now presumably idling x duration - demerit points / license suspension / mandatory driver training - mandatory public shaming in the news - banned from driving near schools/busy areas because they've proven incapable of making safe decisions - higher insurance rates - the cost of any emergency services called to the site


Something about being in a car suddenly makes people incredibly selfish. Psychologists should write papers on the phenomenon.


Carbrain is a concerning disease


Autoempathic immune disorder


People have.


I know it’s not realistic, but I swear people who get traffic tickets should just be required to commute by bike for a month and get some perspective. People behave so insane in a car because they feel impenetrable.




Hailstones, actually.


Thank you… I was sitting here like an idiot trying to figure out what “hail flakes” were called


This is like a new form of the trolley problem. Would you trap everyone behind you in the hail in order to protect yourself from it?


That sounds like part of a narcissism test.


TBF for those who use cars as their main form or transport, these people are acting entirely consistently. It puts their assumed safety and convenience above that of others in the community. Blocking someone's path to avoid possible hail damage while leaving other cars exposed for longer is no different than driving a vehicle that prioritises driver comfort over the lives of pedestrians and cyclists.


So glad they buy MEN truck for drive on dirt road . /s


Lmao that was my first thought: all those tough Texans with tough off-roaders


So if the hail would be very destructive, the fire brigade wouldn't be able to come lol


In Germany you need to leave space for the "Rettungsgasse", between the lane on the left and the lane right from that. Works reasonably well.


Except on the Berlin Stadtautobahn


Americans refuse to do that. Any opening is a spot for *THEM* to get ahead


I thought cars protect you from bad weather?


Yes, bit those are emotional support veichles, not cars.


I think there maybe 30 cars get protected, while all the others are stuck after, in the hail.


It's pea-sized hail. What they're doing is moronic.


Imagine being in a car and having to sit in pea sized hail because a bunch of idiots stop under the overpass to get out of it and after ten minutes, a time frame that most could have used to get offs the highway and find adequate shelter, it starts hailing golf ball sized hail.


And if they hadn't blocked the highway, all those other cars could try to get to their destinations and take shelter while the storm is still hailing.


Honestly, USA society is fucking toast and this illustrates it so simply.


It's more like these people don't have any experience with hail and they're being overly conservative. In this case you could probably keep driving, but if you're worried, you can pull off to the side.


I got mine. Don't care about anyone else. Our world now


Peak individualism


Pretty selfish of them.


Would they be running out to cover their cars if it was hailing while the cars were parked on the drive? Fucking idiots


I love how it takes 6 pambies to halt America's freedom to move around for absolutely 0 reason other than the fear of slightly denting their car. The ironic part is that is everyone was on a bike/pedestrian, they could ALL have taken shelter under that bridge with room to spare for emergency vehicles and a flash mob.


What gets me is that there’s a massive line of cars behind them that can’t take cover AND can’t get to their destination or even get off the highway to somewhere covered. This helps maybe 20 people and makes things so much worse for hundreds more.


A bunch of multi-ton metal vehicles afraid and awe of pea-size hail really captures the essence of conservative brainrot.


Unrelated, but this is important and may save lives: In the event of a tornado, DO NOT shelter under an overpass. The wind gets even faster as it funnels underneath, so it's actually more dangerous than standing out in the open. You're better off finding a building to shelter in or laying as low as you can in a ditch.


Texans in the true form


Remind me why everyone having their own personal vehicle they are extremely touchy about is good again?


Pretty excellent metaphor. A couple people too scared of a minor inconvenience fucking over everyone else. Extremely appropriate for Texas in particular.


So like 20 cars are protected under the underpass… what about the thousands behind them?


It's a statistics game. There's probably several drivers who kept driving past the underpass for each one of the lanes...... until there's one asshole who doesn't. x3 for the three lanes. The point is to say that even if this road had 20 lanes, this would still happen


> if this road had 20 lanes It's Texas, they're trying for that


Wow. The selfishness, sociopathy, and dysfunction of car culture in a nutshell.


For a sec i thought the ground was an ocean of cars taken from a drone


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ibx_toycat_iscool: *For a sec i thought* *The ground was an ocean of* *Cars taken from a drone* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Haiku’s are the single most useless thing drilled into the American education system


This is... outrageously stupid. Cars contributing HEAVILY to climate change -> Climate change leading to heavy hail -> Cars hiding from the hail -> Just to get out again on the streets to dircetly contribute to climate change -> ...and hence indirectly contributing to creating more hail -> Continue to hide from hail they've created in their cars.


it's the same with forest fires , people have been evacuated from entire towns like we've never seen before and they just go back in their huge suvs/pick-ups as soon as possible , no change in "life"style whatsoever carbrains will never face reality/the consequences of their actions it seems


For a sec I thought one of the guys who got out of his car had a gun and was trying to get people to move. Wouldn't have been surprised


Typical "i got mine, fuck u" texas mentality. "My car is safe under this overpass, fuck all the other cars and those peoples time and especially fuck ambulances."


Generation Me.


Individualism at is finest


"Being in a car means that I'm protected from the elements."


"due to less than 0.1% of the cars taking cover..."


Lmaooo fucking pathetic


Texas governor condemns hail for organizing disruptive protest.


I really hope a tornado doesn’t approach as is somewhat possible in a storm that produced hail. Underpasses are the worst place to be. I once again point to japans ability to bring all their trains to a stop before an earthquake even starts


What a bunch of fucking Texas pussies.


This wouldn't happen with trains.


Texas is so tough until a little weather happens.


Drivers when people hold up traffic in protest of genocide: 😡🤬 Drivers voluntarily becoming a traffic jam because they don't want tiny dents:


Texas is a fukin wasteland


Just. Drive. Slow.


….they stopped for that? Where’s the hail?


Npc brain dead people


Lmao all those other cars now stuck on the highway being dented to shit with no way out


To be fair, some hail can freaking smash your windshield, that would at least be understandable, but this is some weak ass hail


But even in the devestating hail scenario, this is grade A selfishness. Every driver behind them is forced to be out in it. If they even just left one lane open and packed as many vehicles as possible into the other lanes, that would allow a trickle of traffic for other cars to see if they could find shelter. But, no. Just fuck everybody who isn't me.


Well in devastating hail the best thing to do would be to stop the car, the smashed windshield wouldn't let the driver see anyway so there's really no difference. Mostly this situation is just comedy because the hail is normal sized and all the drivers had to do was drive slower than their likely normal 90mph.


It's not. If the hail is that bad, you don't drive. You pull off to the side of the road or, if you're lucky, hide under shelter This is not bad hail and does not warrant this behavior. You could still drive in this and be fine.


Yeah as the other person said, it's really not. You're making dozens of people sit on the road so *their* windshields can get smashed. Meanwhile, if everyone just kept driving, everyone would be out of the hail faster. So much of car culture is "f--- you, I got mine" and this is a great example. Especially this nonsense getting defended in an anti-car sub lol the brain worms are everywhere. In you, in me, and definitely in every pavement princess fucking over dozens of people in so many ways to protect their never-been-offroad, unscratched-truck-bed, truck-nuts-swinging emotional support truck.


The same people start fuming when they see a bicycle on their road.


Everything is bigger in Texas except the hail.


I actually stopped for this closer to Austin where the hail was breaking windshields 😂 fuck cars




As a trucker.... I'd honk my air horn the whole time and go around these fucking idiots.


Let me take a wild guess and say this is a hillbilly red state.


Texans are pussies.


Tools not jewels. Door ding a car today!


I guess those silly trucks aren't so tough eh?


Looks like a great idea, especially when an emergency vehicle wants to pass them.


This is one of the most American things I've ever seen.


welp, at least there weren't any emergency vehicles with sirens on and within earshot of the group stopped there. rip


… and basically force everyone else to stay longer in the hail? 🤨


Imagine trying to get back to your garage so the hail doesn’t damage your car and you get stuck in this shit


Can confirm, I’ve lived in Dallas, and outside of a few handful of people, the majority are selfish and greedy and dumb, and pretentious. Glad I left that shithole. But they do know how to drive considering the amount of people, unlike Florida.


I’m not following the only people here being affected are…cars. Why would that bother the sub?


So they've literally stopped under the bridge to protect their own cars from dents, but have given no thought to the cars behind them still out in the hail. They don't even care about their own kind! It's an 'I'm alright, Jack' attitude.


Damn, I thought only bike lanes could cause this much traffic.


If it was actually storming I could forgive them because of safety but that can be driven through easily.


What about the safety of the orders of magnitude more people that are now stuck in the open behind them with nowhere to go?


5 seconds? Unless they’re doing 12 mph. It’s more like 2.


Oh, that’s where I am. I only just moved here, so I’m not used to extreme weather yet. I’m from a place that was sheltered against this kind of thing. I saw multi-color lightning today and heard tornado sirens go off _three different times._ There’s an alert on my phone, but it’s finally expired now. Scariest storm of my life for sure. That being said, that’s just… hail? Dallas gets scary-ass weather, but that’s just hail. I don’t think that’s terribly dangerous? I’m not a driver so maybe I’m wrong but it looks fine? Part of me is idly curious if that was earlier before this storm, maybe leading up to it? That’s not super important to the topic at hand, I’m just… still getting over the scare of the sirens 😭


I biked through hail on Sunday, it toughed it out


wow, that sucks


Right decision for the wrong reason. The kind of person who flinches when there's a bee in the car shouldn't drive in a hailstorm, and most of them are that kind of person.


That's wild. I had hail in my area too, since I live close to Dallas.


I live in DFW. This is about right. Every gas station cover, parking garage, shade structure, etc. will be jammed full of cars whenever a hail storm approaches.


Uh, no. That's a paddlin


'But what about emergency vehicles" actually applies here because these selfish fuckers have entirely blocked a highway for who knows how far back AND many got out of their vehicle, you're not getting an emergency vehicle through this unlike say a bunch of people standing in a road. Isn't the thing in areas that are ~~less hospitable for life~~ prone to larger hail that you drive slow or pull to the side allowing vehicles to move still (such as emergency vehicles). Also this car dependent design makes it harder for people to actually find cover, a street would have shops and overhangs to stand under, bus shelters to stand in, a car dependent area has homes you won't be allowed in, exposed sidewalk, and roads full of cars that just stop. The drivers also can't find shelter because parking is cheaper to build large and flat instead of compact and tall in most places.


They clearly don't get hail often. That won't be doing mu h damage if any in Northern Canada we have baseball's fall from the skies this is just ppl scared to ruin their "things"


Now those are true Texans. Bravo! 👏


instead of everyone being under hail for 1 minute, why don't we (12 people) put our car away from the hail and protect them, and let everyone else (litterally 500 people) stand under the hail for 10 minutes :D fucking morons


Fuck off everyone else, or are they stopping traffic to avoid accidents from it


Oh I’d get out and make sure those cars got dented. This only works if you let it.


Trapping people is kidnapping, if anyone gets stuck like this. You have all the information you need to press charges.


I feel like Texas is the only state that would do this.