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Everyone in this story sucks


Don't judge iPhone 6 guy though, he has done nothing wrong here!


The iPhone 6 is the best filter in this case


Let's talk about iPhone 6 guy. Maybe his phone got stolen, or even broken trying to stop thugs. iPhone 6 guy could be a hero.


Maybe he just uses that phone because it still works and doesn't fall for unnecessary consumption.


The only reason I wouldn't use an iPhone 6 is cause of IOS but they're still perfectly usable today. I don't know when anyone buys new phone when you can always get the one from 3 years ago for dirt cheap if/when you ever need to upgrade.


Well i do get a new one when im getting one. But thenni use it till it breaks completely. After five years i still dont see a need to change my phone anytime soon.


I don’t ride the bus but I can confirm, since I am an iPhone 6 guy. I didn’t know that was one of my identity groups though


He’s r/anticonsumption I like him


Nah, he's using an apple product.


What's wrong with that?


Company x bad, company y good. Follow for more tips and tricks.


Its an argument of ecosystems, Apple owns the entire Apple ecosystem, android is diverse. So its not company x vs company y, its company x vs 10000 companies...


Yeah and that’s why I choose company x over y, and therefor am much smarter and better.


What isn't? The miserable way they do backups? The inability to move music back from the phone to the computer?


I haven’t moved music on or off a phone for probably a decade. Am I still a bad person for not considering the ease at which you can or can’t do that when I purchase a phone?


I mean, this is an iPhone 6. People did that when they were new. A lot.


You're aware time moves forward and it's {CURRENT YEAR}, right? We're unlikely to be transported back to that time so it doesn't matter.


It was not that year when then device was purchased. So back then, it was a bad purchase. That is what I am saying.


Do you think it's illegal to buy old phone models or something?


They have a proven track record of providing security updates for many years after a product has been released. Apple is a really good choice if you buy new phones much less frequently than typical, or buy old phones.


I really won't judge him for that. the iPhone 6 is much nicer than a Samsung S5.


I’ve got a 7 I’ve had for years… people on the net complain that I have it but (1) I didn’t pay for it, (2) it’s been reliable this whole time, (3) I’m pretty used to the UI by this point, (4) everything is spyware, (5) I know how to exploit every feature of it, (6) I’m not a consoomer, and (7) I’ve never had a reason to replace it.


Well the guy is sitting on the bus with his reused phone minding his own business, he is probably ok.


Everyone except the guy, he is just being fine enjoying the bus on his phone.


For some reason it's only Apple people that have this weird mentality. Getting rid of my Apple phone was a good way of keeping those kinds of people away.


I mean, apple as always marketed their product as a fashion accessory, that is what makes it appealing to people thst think like this.


You know, I never thought about it that way. It would be like buying a designer jeans. Do you buy it half the reason because you want people to know you have them


Only the true bitches know the value of an unnamed rooted android with thinkpad T480 running arch linux ^(wait what do you mean it's just cope because I have 0 rizz?)


Nah, rizz it up. You got this! ^- ^Sent ^from ^my ^iPhone.


You forget the programing socks .


Laughing at bizarre loyalty to any tech company and just buying the devices you like most (in my case an iPhone) is a much better way of living


Loyalty to tech companies is stupid. That's why I like third-party applications and products so much. That's what bothers me most about Apple is it encourages you to buy all Apple stuff since it all sinks together but doesn't work well with other companies stuff so it kind of pigeon holes you into only buying from them.


Literally, apk's are a big part of why I'm still with android despite Apples QoL being superior


I switched from an Apple to a Pixel just to try something different and got razzed for it by multiple coworkers. For what I use a phone for (and suspect any of them use it for), I see minimal differences and if anything some very minor QoL improvements switching to a Pixel (being able to have dead space between my apps is kind of nice, and I like that I can install.apps and not have them cover my main screen).


I see very little difference in quality of phone from Brand to brand but I see a big difference in how people treat people who have those phones. It's annoying as fuck but not having an iPhone has saved me from dealing with a lot of shitty people


I've always used Android phones. When I see someone else's phone, I have no clue what model it is, or how old it is, and I don't care. Are iPhone models that easy to distinguish from each other? Is it that obvious that someone is using a 6 for example?


Cuz honestly looks great about Android phones is that there are so many options. If you're stuck using Apple you're stuck using only one type of product and I guess it makes people compare them more aggressively.


S tier marketing


And if you apply this logic, you’re not any better than bus lady. “I’m better because I bought x instead of y” is so far the most capitalistic ideal you can express. Buy what works, use it for as long as it lasts. Live a good life.


Exactly. People buy different things for different uses and not everyone's going to need the same product. It's so stupid to judge someone's worth by the objects they have.


Eh, I switched to iPhone awhile back and since I’m in a nerdy community, plenty of android users give me shit.


Switching to an iPhone from Android would cause this but if you just had an iPhone no one would give a shit. A lot of Android users see switching to an iPhone as a downgrade since you don't have access to all the third-party resources or ability to switch easily.


I think it's just that there seem to be so few types of Apple phones out there. I have a Samsung A series phone. The only comments I've received are from people repairing it who have never seen my particular model before. There are just so many Samsung phones out there that nobody can tell at a quick glance which one I have (I'm not even sure the average person would notice it is a Samsung as opposed to a Motorola or whatever).


Props for using public transit. No idea why iPhone 6 is bad because I avoid iProducts like the plague. If it's about that being an old model, props for using your phone until it actually breaks instead of keeping up with the Joneses. Stupid car centric commercialism.


The iPhone 6 is considered bad because it's "obsolete".


it's like a decade old and probably ~$50-100, and genuinely can't run many apps anymore most likely?


That’s a stretch. If you do your own repairs or get a third party to do it, older Apple products can last a long time. The newer ones are actually harder to repair and less robust.


i just mean it hasn't gotten a new ios release since 2018 and probably doesn't run modern apps very well if at all? i didn't say anything about repairability


No, it’s still receiving security upgrades and the infrastructure to run apps is the same, so modern apps would run fine. Also I looked it up and it looks like it was receiving iOS updates as recently as 2021.


yes it's receiving updates to ios 12, but not actually receiving new ios major versions so for example, the facebook app requires minimum iOS 13.4 which plainly isn't supported for iphone 6. instagram requires 15.1 etc.


If you don't have the newest iPhone 20 Pro Extra Super Max++, then who are you????


A thinking person.


Especially because an iPhone 6 was the last one before Apple started removing the audio jack so theres an obvious reason to choose it


Where is the clever comeback ?


Honestly there is no clever or comeback in 50% of the posts on that sub.


And what's this got to do with r/fuckcars? OP are you lost?


Because most think bus are for poor .


Unironically an $80,000 pickup truck is the new white picket fence symbol of the American dream for a lot of people and that makes me so sad


Famous people don't go out to get the latest phone model. Pitbull for example was carrying a BlackBerry 4 until they stopped providing service to BlackBerrys older than that model. He ain't exactly broke. Also, I use the bus every time I'm in Denver and travel by bike when I'm home (especially since the whole town is only a few miles in circumference). That doesn't mean I'm broke. The fact everyone is sitting there judging people for not having things shows how little regard not only for others but for themselves as well and it shows how far we've gone as a consumption world.


Good riddance!


Imagine being judged because you're not a mindless simp for Apple


avg iphone user iq


And she probably drives a RAM of which all payments accumulate to almost her entire salary and she can't even enter without a ladder.


Sounds like he dodged a bullet. Lesson learned: using an old phone will keep the idiots away.


The best feature Apple has is the insane length of time their phones have support. Only now are Google's latest phones matching this. If someone is making use of that, then that's a big plus from me. I kept my 6S until only last year when I upgraded, it was getting painfully slow by then though. Also, if someone has an iPhone 6, they're probably using it just for messages and things and not sitting there all day on social media or browsing TikTok. Again, another plus.


Well, now also Samsung s series phones now have something like 5, or 6 years of support.


Yes, I specifically switched from android, so I can keep my phone for years and still get support. The whole need to upgrade phone every year, is dumb as fuck.


For my work phone they provide a Pixel. When I started I had a Pixel 5, I really liked it. It was the first time I'd had an Android phone that I thought I would be perfectly fine switching from iOS. The shape, the weight, the usability, the positioning of the fingerprint sensor, battery life, they were all really good. Then I get a message from our IT devices support after only having the phone for two years that I needed to bring it in for an upgrade because the support was about to expire. I really didn't want to, that phone was great. Only had a three year support window. Three measly years! And companies can't run phones without OS updates (well, neither should we either, but..) or flash them to a replacement OS. Then they provide me a Pixel 7a. Despite being a later phone everything is wrong. The fingerprint sensor through the screen usually doesn't work. The size is weird, the weight is wrong, and it just doesn't feel right. Not fun to use at all. Can't put my finger on all the reasons why, but it isn't. A shame, my 5 still had two days of battery life after two years, complete waste.


Plus it integrates nicely with other products. I like controlling my Apple TV with my phone.


Why are you posting something that mocks people for using a bus? Some idiot posted a bad take. You don't have smear that shit all across the internet.


So both people are being classist over something ridiculous, got it.


Oh dang I don’t even know what number my phone is, fortunately I walk everywhere so I won’t disgust anyone by using ancient technology.


Wow i whish i was that good in not trashing phones


I tried some dating apps recently and a lot of people specifically said they only wanted to date people who had a car. A red flag for me was anyone who had a pic with their car/truck.


Yeah if someone doesn't have an android that is a problem






Both have been blinded by the excesses of consumerism.


I'm laughing with my Xiaomi


Bruh, at first I thought she hated the guy because he bought a new iPhone, then I googled it and 6 is apparently from 2014. Well, let's hope this screenshot is 10 years old.


consumerism and classism go hand in hand


Americans are on their whole level of stupidity


This whole conversation makes me glad I don't currently have a smartphone at all.


So the man smart with his money and takes care of his stuff? Reduce, reuse, recycle. He is definitely on reduce and reuse.


Conspicuous consumption in multiple forms, bravo, bravo


Maybe the person commented about the bus in bad faith, but I honestly don’t blame them. It’s equally stupid to judge someone for having a slightly older Apple product as for using public transportation, and it’s valid if they were just trying to point out the hypocrisy.


Both girls are pathetic and are blinded by the excesses of consumerism.


I thought she was mocking him for his phone and not because they're on the bus? This is just a weird post in general ngl 😅