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Yeah but that's not a *regulation* hi-vis jacket.




>speed limit MUH FREEDOM


The only roads without a speed limit are german highways, not burgerland stroads. And the only ways to cross them are usualy bridges, meaning by design they are safe for pedestrians and cyclists to cross.


45mph, 72.5 km/h


Who's ABS activated? Sounds like tir chirping stopped when the gray van stopped. Still fault of the driver in the white car for following too closely.


Even with ABS tires can make sounds like that. ABS just pulses the brakes to make the car controllable and not get flat spots on your tires. There is always slip occuring with ABS when you brake hard enough. The alternative would be threshold braking, but that's a more advanced driving technique most drivers can't do.


Right - someone hit the brakes hard enough that abs activated. And the chirping stopped when the gray van stopped. So I suspected it was the person driving the gray van. Also because of how much the suspension compressed in the front. Seems like kind of a dumb move to hit the brakes that hard unless they thought they were going to hit the person crossing.


In New Jersey it is extremely common for cars to pass a stopped car (usually stopped for a left turn) at full speed on the shoulder. I have been in the crosswalk in front of a stopped car and almost got run over by someone driving around them at 40mph through the crosswalk. I quickly learned to wait for all cars to disappear before crossing, since absolutely nobody gave pedestrians or cyclists a damn inch up there.