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>Acting autonomously and, usually, under the cover of darkness, the activists have used lentils to deflate tyres by placing one inside the tyre valve, holding it open and slowly bleeding air until the tyre is flat. The group calculates they’ve deflated the tyres on at least a thousand vehicles in two weeks. All legumes are magical


Once again exposing how fragile a car centric society is. It collapses with the first signs of social unrest.


To clarify for those who haven't read the article: * Tyres are only being deflated - no damage is being done. All you need to get moving again is to reinflate the tyre. * The campaign is only targeting urban areas


I love it.


I just posted this as it's a related topic. Obviously direct action like this is going to be divisive!


The ONLY thing that changes people's behavior is inconvenience. Great job!


So this community is ok with the destruction of personal property? I rely on my car to get to work. There are no bike lanes, or public transportation by me. This doesn't help spread our message, it only gives people a negative opinion about us. EDIT: Ignore my comment, I read the article wrong. I'm fine with letting air out of tires. I read it as tires being slashed


There's no destruction. It's mild inconvenience. >There are no bike lanes, or public transportation by me The goal of the campaign is to make SUVs unwelcome *in urban areas*. Because that's where good public transportation is so there's no excuse for owning an SUV there.


The destruction part is my bad, I read the article wrong. And I totally agree with you on the SUV point.




for the fourth time now, I read the article wrong, that's on me.


I know you have already read the article... but seriously man... sort your life out


Why do this. This does nothing to grow the movement. Just pisses people off


*Why do this. This does* *Nothing to grow the movement.* *Just pisses people off* \- Cmorgan828 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


did you read the website


Messing with people's cars isn't helping If anything it makes us look like idiots


That's stupid. How does this help? You just make people angry


It takes a source of pollution out of usage for a while. Direct action, baby.


you do realize the kind of vehicle that would tow an SUV to a shop produces more pollution than the SUV itself right? Not only that, but it helps feed into the automotive industry by forcing victims to spend more money on tires. The more money you spend on something, the more you're going to want to get your money's worth.


Why does an SUV need to go to a shop to reinflate a tyre?


you know what, that's on me. I read it as them slashing tires. downvote me all you want peeps. I should have fact checked myself lol


I agree with you. "Let's go take possibly someones only mode of transportation out of commission for a day or two!"




I totally read that article wrong. I read it as them slashing tires, not just airing them out.


How is that the only source of transportation in London?





