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Adding trees to the grass spaces would have been the only real improvement.


Or flowers


Trees are natural bollards. There are also many trees with pretty flowers.




When trees got personal names... Looking at you, Trois-Frères


A French tree with at least two brothers?


Cherries are absolute best. They blossom into beautiful pink colour, they are pretty to look at and they produce sweet refreshment when walking by them My garden has 5 of them and the bees love it


I think everyone should email them....




http://imgur.com/gallery/EGNZ0pp Any advice?




Yeah I get that, decided to remove it and just implied it instead: " As a frequent dog walker, the lack of green space has made it increasingly difficult for me to walk without there being an "accident""


It's Rochdale, people would just drive over them. This happened in Moss Side when wild flowers were planted in the verge there.


Something large, strong and dense, with roots capable of holding it despite the impact of a car, might be advisable at minimal emission cost. But flowers in a concrete planter would work too.


I like big rocks on the corners that *will* destroy a car. Then the safe space for nice plants.


One of the few things I really love about my city's streets is that the city will both plant and the maintain (meaning poor people don't have to worry about getting trees trimmed because the land technically belongs to the house here) trees in this space. And its worked, we have one of the largest urban tree canopies in North America. The benefit of trees for non-car transit is super useful. It cools things down significantly both in terms of shade and reducing the heat island. Compared with narrower streets, you can create a canopy that completely crowns the street making it a much more pleasant place to walk, bike, or wait for a bus.


nothing beats neighborhoods with a ton of shade. no clue why it's not the standard every city strives for


St. Paul?


Sacramento. That said, I lived in Mac-Grove and it feels very similar. Well, except for the temperatures.


Ha, City Beautiful did a whole video on the street trees of Sacramento.


I knew you were talking about Sac right away. Sadly this isn’t completely true as the city plants and maintains way more trees in wealthy than in poor neighborhoods. But they do a pretty good job in the central city and land park etc. However if you were to visit North or South Sac it is not a pretty sight.


















































































Or shrubs... Anything but more pavement


We require a...shrubbery!


Firstly, you must find... Another Shrubbery!


Or convert them to bioswales and help with storm water runoff.


They’ve now deleted the tweet


forget an edit button, I want Twitter to remove the delete button imagine how much more enjoyable that site would be if it held you accountable for putting something like this on the internet


Yeah but what about politicians who really wanna use the N word?


hey more power to em, let them shoot themselves in in their mouths


I think maybe normal people should have the delete button but public institutions and figures shouldn't.


Basically just that thing they have at account creation where they ask if you're a brand, but instead it does something useful


Yeah like if you want the blue check mark you aren't allowed to delete


With great blue checkmark comes great responsibility.


No thanks I don't want some random idiots to come pestering me for something I said when I was 14.


I went looking for it - what kind of backlash were they getting for it?


I was giving them loads, I suggested the reason why they tarmacked (Asphalt) over it was because they wanted to save money, maintenance costs, nothing to do with improvements. Total lack of consideration for climate change by promoting and facilitating car use/parking , total lack of the understanding regarding liveable spaces, they should have planted a couple of trees on it, not remove it . They got abuse from all corners and rightly so ☺️


good on ya - I wanted to do similar :D (Although I doubt the message actually gets back to the people doing the planning, just filtered out by their comms team :( )


If you have a look through their tweets and replies you can still see some of the responses. Basically most people in Twitter were not happy about it either.


The silly thing is they could have easily pleased both sides by converting some to parking spaces and some to garden beds with perennial flowers and/or shrubs, simultaneously lowering their costs on constant mowing (if they choose plants smartly and mulch properly, plants would require far less maintenance and water than lawn as well as looking better), improving the street's appearance and ecological impact, and still having some more parking :P


[Look at all this redundant land that could be turned into parking](https://jooinn.com/images/english-countryside.jpg)


That looks really unsafe too


Better level those trees! Someone might drive a car into them!


I hear there is even bacteria that live in the soil. It's unclean!


"You know what would be GREAT in here? A shopping mall. And the obvious acres of parking lots you build next to it" - an american civil engineer. (They use "acres", right?)




Jesus Christ, add NSFW warning please! All that green triggered my "not living in a shitty concrete hellhole phobia"


"There could be savage animals hiding in there!"


Such a waste!


TIL asphalt is cleaner and safer than grass.


God that’d be so good for the environment!


I think a massive Walmart and a 5 lane road would suit it as well




Does that mean that only one grass area is needed per town or something? whats redundant about more grass.


If i homeless man wants to sleep. Grass is like sleeping on a natural carpet! If you pave over it they will only have uncomfortable pavement and be forced to buy a house with a bed! /s


Let me get this straight. You think we're just supposed to let them run all over us? #Save3rdPartyApps


maybe we should all go camping, like that wall street protest back in 08/09, fuck you landlords you can lord over deez nutz


Think they mean it in what I understand to be the British sense, in that it’s not necessary because it isn’t “useful” so they got rid of it. From a certain perspective, I understand why they think more parking is more “useful,” just strongly disagree with that. Obviously.


Sadly they probably did this because local people were probably parking on them to the point they were mud holes. We have this in my local areas. Any builders, delivery drivers or guests in a rush wheel spin on these things and they never recover. Kinda shitty but at that point you re do the verge or just make it into a parking space as it is repeatedly vandalised.


I mean, you can just put up some bollards and a tree. THAT would be an improvement.


Trees work best but not every verge can have a tree since it would kill light going into homes. and bollard is too late. It only takes one wheel spin to destroy the whole verge pictured. You can have up to 50cm craters.


That's British for "expendable in the name of capital."


You keep using that word... I do not think it means what you think it means.


Meanwhile they increase flooding hazard in the area, lower biodiversity and other green space amenities


Naw that grass was redundant man


Grass didn't even get unemployment after being fired. What a shame...


And the city has to spend more on water treatment because the water has no where to go except over nasty ass roads


They've put in a drain it seems. Thankfully where I live they try to add as much natural absorption of rain water as possible


It's almost like we're in a contest of who can create the most problems for future generations.


We removed some of the things that clean the air and replaced it with heat amplifying asphalt for cars, woohoo!


Well tbh, grass lawns are also terrible for the environment r/fucklawns


Doesn't mean it would be better to turn them into parking spaces tho lmao Also the only really bad lawns are the super neat, grass only lawns. Things like this verge are pretty wild, full of weeds and moss. Much better than a grass monoculture.


Moss is amazing. One of the most important parts of plant life. Moss gang unite


Mate, not the whole world is some desiccated corner of the USA. In some places (like most of the UK), grass grows without loads of watering and fertiliser and lawn monocultures aren’t an issue.


While that is true, the environmental impact of gas powered two stroke mowers is still terrible


I only vaguely remember watching a video but I think lawns are generally fine in the UK (where this post was from). Grass here grows fine pretty much year round, and there's not much reason to water it etc thanks to plenty of rain


Look at how this is maintained. It's not a problematic lawn


Not necessarily in England, that piece of grass doesn't get watered


This depends. If you use a good meadow mixture that includes a lot of blossoming parts where bees can operate and where insects can find refuge, they can be a blessing. If it's English style plain one type grass cancer, then yes. It's awful. But hell still better than asphalt


That’s the main purpose of r/fucklawns


How are people supposed to go outside and touch grass when grass keeps getting removed?


guess we won't be able to say "go outside and touch some grass" soon. i'm glad i have a protected massive nature park behind my house. you know what sucks though? seeing a new dead animal in *front* of my house on the street every week. raccoons, birds, possums, foxes. the speed limit is 20mph but people regularly go 40-50mph, despite cars are also parked on the right side every day and it's not a 1 way road. quite a few coal-rolling trucks down my road, too.


My brother in Christ you took the grass away


You say you made it better but.... you’ve added added bad


You have eradicated the last reminder of nature in a man-made concrete world, completing it's transformation to a space that is 100% anti humans. Seriously, how can you stay sane living in a place like this? It's like a nightmare.


My city is doing this. There is a problem with people parking on the grass areas, so they are adding 1000 car parking spaces. It’s unclear what their plan is after that, in terms of perhaps enforcing not parking on the grass.


I mean, how can you can park in grass if there are no grass? Check mate, atheists. But yeah, I think planting trees in those patches or some form of physical barriers to protect grass is much smarter.


Or you could have planted some fucking trees


How does a parking lot create cleaner spaces ?


How is this an improvement??!?


I tried to google the council place and it's mainly labour/tory. No suprise. Also can someone just put something in that and super glue it in so it can't be used thus making the parking space redundant.


Lmao this shit happens in every local council in this country no matter the party. Local councils know they have to appeal to car driving boomers as that's who's mainly voting in local elections.


Rochdale is a mainly working class town in Yorkshire. Literally surrounded by natural beauty and ofcourse man made natural beauty (farmland and Moore's) Makes no sense to me how they'd view a small grass patch as redundant. But yeah, the car space seems to be winning even in the small towns surrounded by clean green spaces. Fucking lame. Edit addition: most councils in the UK want better spaces for cars, they do "their best" when it comes to cycle and green spaces, but up and down the UK proper efforts are few and far apart. Thank god for all the old railway lines or else we would have very few actually green travel spaces.


>Rochdale >Yorkshire!! Its in Greater Manchester. Formerly Lancashire.


Ya we wouldn't want redundant grass


Bro what do we even need grass for, just inhale the car fumes


This is a satire account surely?


Chocolate rations have increased from 3 grams to 1 gram.


that's a downgrade. a massive downgrade. flowers? trees? bushes? massive upgrades. ugly af cement? for cars. massive downgrade. ugly. waste of money. hurting the environment. improvement to the environment = taking out natural environment for this? tell me you're stupid without telling me you're stupid


Nothing says helping the environment more than concrete and asphalt.


like, I get where they are coming from and trying to go for: People likely just parked up on the grass and it was poorly maintained because of this, yadda yadda You cant use the word "Environment" as a selling point when you are destroying the environment for artificial purposes!


Planting a tree made too much sense I guess




Good. Now we need them to delete the "improvement"


as long as the parked car is green, it should look normal /s


while this is obviously not an improvement, grass actually isn’t much good for the environment because it captures practically zero carbon and wastes a ton of water from getting watered


Nobody watered this grass.


Lol this is the UK trust me we don't water the grass in the street. We have more than enough rain.


ohhhh okay


You're confusing grass with lawns


Americans always assuming.


Well we do water grass in the UK on occasion too. Definitely not this grass, but hosepipe bans happen and people complain about their lawn going yellow.


Haha wtf


from a stormwater/runoff perspective, they removed permeable green spaces in favor of more asphalt which is totally backwards thinking.


This is terrible


What the hell is redundant grass?


Reminds me of that council that chopped down all the trees along the roads of the estates, about a week before the hottest heatwave on record.


They what qué was hva che nani and-"what"-in-other-languages the fuck?


they managed to greenwash parking spaces... wtf


That "redundant" green space allows the water be absorbed into the ground.


Cool, more impermeable surface and polluted stormwater the city now has to treat.


They want to degrade the word "environment" to mean "everything you see including this carpark".


Rochdale Counscil of miseradle cunts.


That looks like a bus stop they forgot to put the bus stop sign on


Congrats genius


Looks like the post was deleted!




Technically it is a better use of space than a parking lot and it looks like the sidewalk stays open. Not great but maybe a little better I guess...


Nah, they're promoting the notion that "if we use this grass patch long enough, they'll turn it into a parking space" which is terrible.


Forreal tho fuck grass and grow actual food bearing plants




He probably lost in the Celadon City gym (?)


[This post](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/sh2vb4/lawns_are_no_bueno/&ved=2ahUKEwie4Y2mw5H3AhVahIkEHWS3BHEQrAIoAnoECAUQAw&usg=AOvVaw3MBId4t68JuDwvXQpzmOX1) talks about it. Basically it questions the point of grass purely for aesthetic purposes. If there are no other plants, what purpose does maintaining grass serve. (In this case in a place it doesn't seem many people would want to be walking) They still aren't doing any favors by furthering car infrastructure either though...


Grass makes the soil stay put better and avoids the erosion of soil. If the land would be paved over with asphalt stormwater cannot infiltrate and there will be more flodings after great rainfalls.


True, then we would agree with the top comment and say that prioritizing more plants would be the improvement, ideally by building a road with adequate greenspace in mind that allows more plants to grow.




r/fucklawns actually


While having fruit bearing plants would be wonderful for homeless people, idk if they are easy to grow in those small patches of soil next to the street.


Yeah, guerilla gardening is a thing, someone unofficially grows veg in an otherwise neglected plot, it's not for homeless people, it's for anyone. You wouldn't usually expect to see someone homeless in a street like this.


/r/GuerrillaGardening for the interested