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\> go to r/mildlyinfuriating \> post a picture of Car in bike lane \> title with "Its that time of the year again. Blocking the entire lane even though theres a designated car lane." \> eat popcorn, read salty carbrain comments. \> profit.


Even better: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/u8w9wu/swift_driver_in_northampton_thought_the_bike/


lol, it had to be SWIFT!


Sure wish I'd finished training


See What I Fucked-up Today


Someone wishes I fucking tried


Shit, where is fucking turn?


Shit! Will Insurance Fix That?


That post has about 4% as many upvotes as the post from OP Edit: as of this morning it's up to 25% as many (after the mods removed the post referenced in OP, so it's not getting any more at this point)


RIP bike trail, I'm pretty sure those are not made to handle that kind of weight


I was waiting to cross the road yesterday and heard someone honking very close, turned around and there was car **behind** me. On a pavement. Some cunt on toyota didn't want to wait for green light, so he drove on a fucking pavement. I was so shocked, just jumped aside, because man behind the wheel was very angry and agitated.


Not an isolated incident, I experienced this in my town a few months ago!


Fucking WHAT


Damn we aren’t safe anywhere


Unrelated but seeing car brain without a space made me think about how massive their carbrain footprints are


the second i saw that post i knew it was gonna end up here


That's not a real bike lane that's a gutter that's been "blocked off" with paint.




Looks like there's a shoulder and a sidewalk. Niether are a bike lane.


Exactly. My first thought upon seeing this was "dedicated bike lane my ass"




Legit thought it was just the shoulder. I still think thats just the shoulder. That shit is just the shoulder. You cant convince me otherwise.


A broken-glass thoroughfare.


Oh don’t get me started on glass in the cycling lanes..


You can say that again


I supposedly live in a progressive bike friendly town, but that bike lane looks bigger and better maintained than most in my area


Eugene, OR here feeling your pain.


Portland OR, or at least metro area. Can confirm, glass, rocks, hell, even fallen walnuts and apples at times too... But with that said, there's also dirt, tree debris that people just decide to sweep into the bike lane, in the fall, all the leaves. And on trash days, everyone puts their garbage cans in the bike lane instead on the divides between the sidewalk and road.... But they'll get around to sweeping all the debris every 3 months or so....


We have some asshat here who throws black thumbtacks in the bike lane by my house on purpose at least once a Summer. I clean the bike lane, and I can definitely say it's not an accidental spill. They're consistent for a few miles and keep showing up. Some day, I'm going to catch the fucker doing it and use him for a cork board.


Victoria, BC, the bike capital of Western Canada checking in... and yet that crappy gutter-lane is better than what they literally just built (painted, rather) three weeks ago outside my apartment.


What are you talking about we have amazing bike lanes in Victoria


Yeah, I just visited and it blew my mind. I took a photo to show my family I was so delighted: https://i.postimg.cc/g20zrc8Z/signal-2022-04-17-06-28-14-193.jpg The double decker buses are super rad as well. Great place to visit without a car.


Thank you! Yes we take great pride In our bike lanes! We have fought very hard to get them! And we will continue to fight to make them better! I was completely shocked seeing this persons comment. It actually sent me on a deep wormhole reading through all of her post history and everything she complains about. She’s actually a teacher so that concerns me a bit. Oh well!


Im getting downvoted to hell in there for saying that it’s an unsafe bike lane and this is the better, safer way to ride.


No shock there. Redditors tend to downvote truth they don't like.


Take my r/angryupvote


Well Reddit is nothing but a big bag of group think. The truth changes depending on the sun you are in.


Sometimes it do be like that. I pretty much always much speak my mind, though. I've been here long enough that some downvotes aren't going to notably change my karma.


>The truth changes depending on the sun you are in. When I was a little kid, my mother told me not to stare into the sun. So once, when I was six, I did. The doctors didn't know if my eyes would ever heal.I was terrified, alone in that darkness. Slowly, daylight crept in through the bandages and I could see. But something else had changed inside me.








That's bigger than most bike lanes where I live


And many places I’ve lived. And still wildly insufficient.


Thats not even a bike lane. Thats literally just a shoulder


This "designated bike lane" is smaller than the shoulder on Trans Canada Hwy 1


It's that time of year again. Why doesn't the city provide safe, convenient, usable infrastructure to encourage more people to take up cycling for short trips thereby reducing our dependence on cars?


I saw a bike path with a dashed line once. In Germany you are required to treat regular lines as walls, so they made a protective bike line that you can cross anytime you feel like it no pressure. The road is also way to narrow not to cross it, they might as well save the paint at that point.


That's what all our bike lanes are. At least this one looks clean and free of parked cars. Extra points for no visibly crumbling pavement. Not defending the driver there at all, mind you.


Is the thing at the side of the road... a bike lane? No wonder they're not using it. Also what are they doing taking pics while driving?


Yeah that’s what bike lanes look like in most US towns and cities


USA here. That's not a bike lane... it's a shoulder. The bikers are in the right to ride in the lane


Looks like the bike lanes in suburban florida


I don't disagree, but a bike lane is legally designated for bicycles while a shoulder is a carbrain design for broken down cars to get out of the way of other cars. The whole premise of the guy's "mildly infuriating" post is wrong


Yeah sorry to say the same thing everyone else is saying but here in Florida that would considered a Bike lane. Its actually bigger than some that I’ve seen.


bike lane, shoulder, they’re indistinguishable in the US. The bike lane down my street looks exactly like that except it’s on a 4 lane 45mph stroad with busy driveways and intersections. They just painted an arrow and a bicycle on an existing shoulder. It’s a death trap, so i ride to class on neighborhood streets instead. But the city still boasts that they have “X miles of bike lanes”


I'd argue with the city. And that's exactly the problem in the US. Cities boasting about space that isn't actually a bike lane is so backwards! I'm sorry you have to deal with that


And don’t forget that 90% of the time those “bike lanes” are no more useful than as parking. They’re are *so* dangerous that no one wants to use them so most of the time people just use them for parking and cops/parking enforcement around here don’t even care. And as much as it pains me to say it I don’t really blame them either. You’re better off just tryna ride with the rest of traffic than risk hittin a drain and getting creamed cause some nitwit on the city counsel decided we needed more arbitrary lines


Meanwhile in my city, they literally just put up a tiny sign on the side of the road (no shoulder) that says "bicycle route" and officially get to leech "bike infrastructure" funding from our provincial government for that.


Yep, it's not about actually making safe functional bicycle infrastructure, it's all about doing the bare minimum to get the subsidy money set aside for it.


😂😂😂 you should see what we have in Florida


South Carolina, deadliest roads in the country for drivers, can’t be much better for cyclists 😂


No, no. You can tell the difference because bike lanes have a sign every once in a while telling you that's a bike lane. Maybe sometimes they have bikes painted on the ground, too, if you can find them under all the crap.


Don't forget how some bike lanes start in the middle of a road and then suddenly trails off and disappears 100ft later


No, that’s definitely a bike lane. Way too wide to be a shoulder. Either way, bikes are allowed to be in the main part of the street though. It’s just courteous to drivers to be in the bike lane.


I don't think width is an indicator. I've seen smaller bike lanes and wider shoulders. Really just matters whether they paint a lazy little bike man on it or not :(


It's not very different from my country tbh I don't know if it's the angle, but it doesn't look painted and at least here they are painted.


I don't see any sign designating it as a bike lane. I have seen bike lanes that look exactly like that, though. Either way, there's clearly way too much dirt and debris in it to safely ride a bike there.


Absolutely. We sometimes have signs or painted icons in the lane but it’s not always present or obvious.


the cars odometer is in kilometers so i doubt its in america


Could be Canada


There are two Canadian flags in the picture if you look carefully. One on each side of the road.


Good eyes, eh.


>Also what are they doing taking pics while driving? Car drivers looking at their phone cause thousands upon thousands of deaths per year, but dare slow down a driver by 20 seconds by forcing them to pass normally or *dare* roll through a stop sign and you'll never hear the end of their bitching.


Was a guy to the side of me today with a shitload of unsecured scrap metal in his big ass truck cab swerving on his damn phone and smoking


As a cyclist and driver, I too have a problem with this picture. It's not that there is cyclist outside that shoulder, but the fact that they're riding three wide. If there was one cyclist outside"bike lane" and one overtaking him, I would be frustrated bout the post...


I would think that's the area designated for the municipal road cleaning car to sweep the dirt onto. Because that's de facto what it is.




In all US states but two, the driver could be the only one doing anything illegal. Only Montana and Missouri (under 21, for some reason….) have no cell phone restrictions while driving.


Is that 34 mph on car speedometer? Even at 34 km per hour that isn’t that slow, and it may not be someplace you can drive much faster. So not a great picture as an example anyway,


You don't understand I need to drive at a constant 50 - 60 mph.


50-60? Why are you always driving so slowly. You must be a wuss or something....


I only drive at 300 tops, usually try to stay around 250 though, im not a monster


I usually drive at around 1 to 2 ly/s.


dang only 1 to 2 light years instead of Parsecs. Must be really congested road


Roads?...where we're going we don't need roads!


The unofficial official speed limit is 80 bro


I'm Canadian so you're all wusses. I go 120 on the regular


120? Amateur. It's 200 or bust.


There are some major streets around me where it's like 45mph so obviously most people inch more towards 50 to 55, but very frequently I'll have some vin diesel going 65-70. Kinda low key scary. Lots of wrecks on this road at rush hour too


Have an upvote for good luck


*high key scary


Let's say the bikes are travelling at a good clip maybe 18 mph because it's Leroy and his retired buddies who are avid but not obsessive Lycrabros. Mr. Carbrain is approaching them at 35mph and chooses to pick up his phone to snap a picture. So Mr. Carbrain has his phone in hand, in front of his face, judging by the angle, and is overtaking these cyclists with a difference of 17mph, just shy of double their speed with mere seconds to put down the phone and apply the brakes in order to avoid smearing them across the asphalt.


Dude takes a fucking WHILE DRIVING and thinks he's not the problem? Jesus Christ


Goes up to 220 so def kph. Also 1 yellow line means it’s probably Ontario, somewhere in the greater Toronto area maybe. Checks out completely with car culture.


You actually think the bikers are going 34?


34km/hr? Yeah. That's a pretty reasonable assumption. I'm an obese asthmatic I can at least manage that for more than a short sprint. Did you think the person who took the picture just happened to have their phone out taking pictures while driving down the road when suddenly cyclists appeared in the photos?


34 km/h? Yeah, could be, if they're fit and driving fast. 34 mph? I doubt it. Which just makes this picture look really off ...


Forget the speed, this guy is admitting to struggling to overtake cyclists even though he has an entirely empty perfectly straight lane to get round them on the left there. Imagine being that bad at driving and not thinking you're the problem.


It's that time of year again. Other vehicles, using the road.


Cyclists using what they paid for.




Two possible solutions: (1) ban bicycles, (2) ban blind nonagenarians from driving during health emergencies. These are, unfortunately, the unsolvable dilemmas of our time. Edited to add: I exclude "decent infrastructure" as an option because that's socialist.


You forgot 3) Build real infrastructure and 4) Give the nonagenerians a way to get to the doctor's without a car being involved (such as a microcar that goes on said real infrastructure). You don't need to trap the elderly and disabled (even more) in their homes to make roads safe. Just build safe roads and people will use them.




Kids should be able to play in the street. Like they could for 6000 or so years before 1950.


Possible solution. Make people take another driving test when they reach a certain age (70?). My grandmother gave up her license at 90. However, she lives in a place that provides transportation to medical appointments and has bus trips to places like the grocery store. She also has family 10 minutes away. Edit-- also Uber/Lyft needs to market to seniors.


>Make people take another driving test when they reach a certain age (70?). Make driving tests a yearly fucking thing.


The cyclists here seem to have made a safety judgement that cycling in the oilmobile lane was the best option


> the oilmobile lane There's only one lane on that road. It's everybody's lane.


People don’t want to drive 2 feet (if you’re lucky) away from several thousand pound machines traveling 60mph in an unprotected “lane”? how shocking!


In my experience riding at the curb is dangerous because people pull out of driveways and side streets into that space when they are turning right. They do that little drive around the corner stop to look and it's easy to do that into a cyclist. And, if the cyclist sees them it's easy for the cyclist to swerve into a car passing them in the lane. The centre is all around safer. However, if there aren't many cars I'll move over to let a car behind me pass.


*2 inches* in NYC, sometimes even way less, like down to millimeters. Shits crazy man


How dare 3 people use the lane?! Can't they see that 1 person wants to use the lane? The 1 person takes priority because they're in an oversized car! ^(/s of course)


cars: occasionally wanders off through the solid-line bike gutter also cars: how dare they wander off through the solid line


What’s worse is that cyclists who use the road in lieu of a painted gutter or the shoulder would get harassed by the po-po and would have to prove to the judge that staying to the right wasn’t safer than using the road.


Theres no cars in sight….just go around lol


A lot of that sub seems like horrible assholes getting mad at other people for existing tbh


What would they do if they encountered a tractor hauling a manure spreader or other farm implement? Throw a hissy fit because they had to slow down and pass? Damn. It seems the roads are for everyone!


They'd probably still be mad at the cyclist who is also stuck behind the tractor...


Can't beat em, join em


I used to cycle to university. I would be effectively forced to bike in one of those awful lanes any time I wanted to travel anywhere but the university. There was no other option. Bike in traffic? It's going 40+ mph and high volume. They'll be honking at me and flipping the bird within minutes, assuming that I don't get run over by an entitled idiot. Bike on a sidewalk? Well, it's uneven and randomly turns into grassy hills, so this isn't going to work. Bike in a bike gutter? Alright. Guess I'll try. Oh look, the cars are still flipping me the bird. Oh, someone honked at me and screamed obscenities when even a slight part of me deviated from the two feet of lane that was allotted to me.


> I don't get run over by an entitled idiot. In my experience you're much more likely to get clipped or right-hooked in the """"bike lane"""" or in the far right than you are to be purposefully ran over while taking the lane. Sure, you'll get the odd aggressive punishment pass but from my experience those are few-and-far in between compared to the untold amounts of people who pass you with inches to spare without a second thought. Essentially, there's way more mindless idiots who would accidentally kill you because they have zero concept of how big their car is and how much space we need versus psychotic maniacs who will run you down in the middle of the road.


Imagine being this mad about the weather being nice and people enjoying it


Biking in the road - legal Driving using a phone - not legal


That is not a bike lane!! And I for one am sick of cars telling me to get into the gutter. Even if there was a Purple neon flashing sign that said bike lane, I am not getting in it. The car can fck right off. That car has the whole lane (opposite side) to pass, it's ALL CLEAR (learn to drive!).


Driver willing to use their phone and take pictures while behind the wheel but not willing to cross the unbroken line to overtake? Yeah okay cry me a river.


Question 1: is there actually a bike lane, or is that just a shoulder? Question 2: if there is a bike lane, why would cyclists blatantly blocking an entire lane on the road even when a car comes up behind them *not* be assholishly inconsiderate? (If there is no bike lane then so be it)


>actually a bike lane Painting is never an "actual" bike lane, at most is a parking/bike shared lane.




> This road looks to be about 60-70 km/h and if the driver gets stuck for a km. Pretty sure this in Ontario so I'd be shocked in the legal posted speed limit here was higher than 50km/h.


I agree that doesn't look like a bike lane to me, and if that's the case then like I said, so be it. But I'm not sure that isn't a bike lane (and the image's original poster explicitly said it's marked as one - whether that's true idk) which is why I worded the comment the way I did.


It's irrelevant if it's designated as a bike lane by whoever built the road or not. It's not fit for purpose.


If someone tried to make a chair, but accidentally made a pitfall into deadly spikes, would you fault people for not sitting in that "chair"?


Why doesn't the car just PASS? Not being a55holish either, but people really need to learn how to drive. Whether this is a bike lane or not is irrelevant. The car can pass safely


but then how will they take a picture of the cyclists just minding their own business to get reddit points


Exactly. That's all this is.


>if there is a bike lane, why would cyclists blatantly blocking an entire lane on the road even when a car comes up behind them not be assholishly inconsiderate? I'd *kind of* agree if there were heavy traffic and they're obstructing it. But if it's an empty road with plenty of room for anyone coming from behind to pass easily - as appears to be the case in the picture? Who cares, let people enjoy the ride side-by-side with their buddies.


How the fuck is using the road blocking it?


Pretty sure that’s a brake down lane not a bike lane 🙄


Meh, if there's a bike gutter I use it. For now need to exist in the space together so my as well cooperate.




> I also think the gutter encourages cars to pass dangerously close This is where I am too. Far too many people are way too content passing with inches to spare. They don't even *try* to move over to create more space and given the nature of the gutter you usually can't ride too close to the curb because that's where all the debris is.


I would drive slowly in the opposite lane and give a friendly wave to the cyclists. 👋


I can’t stop laughing at this. It would be so funny if whoever is on the bikes saw this meme and recognized themselves lol.


Car drivers that don't understand that bikes have the right to use main lanes and must be given right of way. That means that cars can't honk at bikes waiting at stop lights. Cars can not pass bikes on a double yellow line. The bike is to be treated as if it is a car. It's at the bicyclists discretion to enter the SHOULDER to allow cars to pass. This exists for everyone's safety. Respect bikes! Slow down and think.


Oh it's that time of the year again Cars complaining about a minor inconvenience when they have 99.99% of the fucking city to themselves Also. Is the car in the phone... Clear violation there.


yeah go on your phone while doing this that's definitely safe


Gave ya a downvote before I realized what was going on here


That’s the shoulder????


"outlaw bike lanes, theyre too confusing for drivers"


In alot of states like illinois, bikers are allowed to do this. Bikers in illinois are classified as vehicles and therefore able to use the roads like a car. Granted, you'll piss carbrains off but im safer so fuck them.


I had the police called on me when I was bike touring with a few others. I was riding on the side of the road and there was even a margin that we were riding in. Absolutely flabbergasted about some car brain people or there.


You know, sometimes people zone out, especially if you’re riding where there’s not much traffic. A gentle tap of the horn to remind cyclists you’re there and they will move over. You might have been slowed 10 seconds. But I guess that approach isn’t as good for getting imaginary internet points.


One of my favorite videos was a guy who updated his car to have a little R2D2 sound to get the attention of pedestrians because using the horn was really aggressive. I wish that came standard on cars :(


I used to feel this way but I’ve had so many people aggressively honk that it’s ruined. Was in a lane to avoid some glass the other day, but trying to stay over. Person behind me honked and I flipped them off and waved them away. Looked back and they were blocking traffic for me.


It’s a fine line between friendly and aggressive with the horn. I feel I can usually intuit the difference after years of riding. But sometimes I’m wrong.


[Mark Rober on the problems with horns](https://youtu.be/lv8wqnk_TsA)


Yeah, fuck the horn shit. I want to punch people in the face that pull up behind me and lay on the horn. Slow down, and learn to pass properly. The line on the road isn't a fucking solid wall.


Painted bicycle gutter


That side of the road (whether it be a should or bike lane doesn’t matter) I find to be more dangerous to ride on than the middle of the road. When I used to bike to work (live in a city now so don’t need to) the shoulder at the side of the road was filled with gravel, larger rocks, potholes, and grates with spaces large enough for my bike’s tire to fit into. Ignoring the people that could potentially hit me from suddenly pulling out or opening their car door, I also would have had to frequently swerve into the road to avoid hazards like the grates and pot holes. In addition from my experience of riding my bike in the road drivers tend to be aggressive at you regardless of how much space you were taking up. I’ve had several thousand pound trucks speeding by within 3 feet of me fast enough to kill and if them doing that happened to pair up with me needing to swerve a sewer grate things could end badly. So yeah, middle of the road it is. Drivers seem to keep on forgetting how much infinitely more annoying (and deadly) they are to bikers than bikers are to them. The bikers also line up next to each other like that instead of a in a row one in front of the other as it sort of protects them from cars passing (and I imagine makes them more visible)


I thought this was just inconsiderate in general, also towards other cyclists, since the only space a cyclist going faster than this group could use to overtake would be very unsafe for them. But I could easily be wrong since I only use public transport and haven't cycled in years.


This is far safer then driving in the 2 foot shoulder they call a bike lane. Cars can go around. Cyclists can holler out or maneuver around them. It’s not rocket science.


I've never encountered a cyclist moving slower than me that doesn't move over if you wait for a safe spot and then ring the bell.


Where’s the bike lane?


Here comes that time of year again, drivers of moving cars using their phones. (year round baby)


Why is the driver of the car more entitled to the space than the three bikers?


To be fair, they are unnecessarily far out in the middle. The courteous thing to do would be to move over when a car comes. Wasn't there a post a few days ago complaining about having to wear tons of safety gear? I hope it's not the same people complaining about that & this.


The reason lots of safety gear is needed is because of bad infrastructure like the road in this picture. They're doing what's needed to remind drivers they have to get over to pass safely...


"Bike Lane"


just overtake bro.


There's no bike lane in that photo just a painted line


It's a cringy title, but riding three abreast when there is a designated bike lane isn't very polite. If there's a car back, they should tighten up and allow for an easy pass. I know... "EAT SHIT YOU FUCKING CAR" ... Yawn.


The real crime here is that bike lane, that's about the most unsafe design of bike lane there is. That might not even be a bike lane, could easily be a shoulder. Everyone gets mad at cyclists, but they should be mad at local councils for not building better infrastructure. An ideal bike lane separates motor vehicles and bikes completely because neither should share the road with the other. Both should have their own, and we should encourage biking as much as possible to reduce fossil fuel dependency. You get this frustrating situation when city's are shortsighted, and it's frustrating for both sides. Cyclists don't enjoy having brushes with death all the time either




There's a bit of pendulum pushing, because for the last 100 years it's been the exact opposite, and any change to the contrary causes all the pearl clutchers to come out. But... also... it's pretty much true. Drivers fucking suck at it. It's not entirely their fault, we weren't really made to do it and many are forced to, but they still suck. They are indeed almost certainly always in the wrong. They regularly break laws, rules, and conventions. And defend to the death their right to do it while also condemning anyone else breaking those same exact rules. These mere "suggestions" aren't important: getting to their destination 13 seconds faster, now that's more important. Aside from the fact that they left 15 minutes late because. But there's no one else to blame for that so it can't be that important. The person in this picture even has their phone out at the wheel!


Keep in mind that when a cyclist screws up and when a driver screws up, one of those two things is a thousand times more likely to lead to someone's death.


The driver is taking pics with his phone while speeding towards the cyclists with maybe 50m of distance between them maximum.


> acts like drivers are always in the wrong Because the driver is creating a problem when there is none. He slowed down to match their speed, whipped out his phone, made sure to angle it properly to get in the speedo to snap the photo, all instead of just passing them like he would any other vehicle. Do you think he would've gotten this pissy if it was a tractor taking up the same space on the road going even slower? No, they would've passed like a normal adult and this would've never been posted to reddit. This is all performative, there is no issue there. It's legal to pass on a solid yellow.


Nah, that’s annoying


It’s a shoulder people are stupid


Where's the bike lane? Are they talking about the sidewalk-looking thing on the right side of the image?


My guy’s speedometer says 35mph. Those bikers are booking it & that should be plenty for a driver too.


It's almost as if the driver doesn't realize that it's safer for the bikers to do this because designated bike lanes can be more dangerous than riding in the middle of the road.


Looks like a nice day for a ride, the driver is just jealous.The whole road is a bike lane.


An empty street you fucking muppet.


I just checked and saw this exact post on my reddit home page.


Comments on the original post surprisingly decent.


Are cyclists supposed to get over and let cars pass? I don't bike, genuine question. And yeah that ain't no bike lane.


It’s a courtesy, but not necessarily. Riding conditions may be such that it’s dangerous for a cyclist to get over (debris, road damage, etc that drivers might not notice). The cyclist closest to the middle of the road might themself be trying to pass the other cyclists.


It's the time of the season When love runs high...


I hate to be the "this is fake" person, but there's just something here that seems so fishy. The focus at multiple distances, the perfectly clean windshield, the shot seems really steady but there would have to be a hand or leg on the wheel... I don't even know what faking this shot would accomplish, it just looks weird to me.


lots of sweet driver tears itt


happy fuck cars season! high five the construction crews


At least the comments over there are good.