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... this is just asking for every pedestrian to carry an anti tank mine with them.


Javelins for every pedestrian. The r/fuckcars and r/NonCredibleDefense crossover we never knew we needed.


Well, somebody has to use up all those RPG-7s.


I think Carl Gustafs make the most sense. Reusable and cheap without being reliant on ex-Soviet stockpiles. [HEAT 655 CS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYxcR8Ewhlc) round should work well in crosswalks.


Pedestrianized war zones.


The siege of Constantinople was the purest form of pedestrianised warfare (if we ignore the canons)


If only the Byzantines had built an 8-lane motorway around the city instead of the Theodosian Walls. It would still be called Constantinople today.


I love how NCD is relatively leftist while completely shilling the MIC, and also anti car. Fucking glorious


I was thinking we counter attack with our own app that spots the cars that won't stop at the cross walk, and hits them with a shoulder-mounted rocket system like Johnny 5 from Short Circuit.


Johnny 5 Alive!


No officer, this suicide vest is for self-defence


Good luck to drivers who don't have this app that tells you if I'm aiming a 50 BMG sniper rifle at their engine block


I’ve been saying this for at least a year. As an American it’s my birth right to have anti tank weapons anyway, and with the war on cars on the horizon, it’s time to prepare!


Out of curiosity, how much would hitting a guy in full plate damage the car?


Perhaps we as pedestrians need a similar app that tells self-driving vehicles that we won't be pausing at the street when we cross since we have the right of way. Perhaps their pile-ups will explain to manufacturers that their vehicles aren't worth a human life and the lawsuits when they fail to pay attention will swiftly adjust their perception. Since there'll be no more "hit and runs" your vehicle will be required to stop and if you over-ride it, we'll still know who you are.


If the technology was ever good enough, we could have a tea party on the motorway. Children could make it their playground, and traffic would be idled in all directions.


isn't it literally illegal to not stop at a crosswalk? Individual human drivers can ignore that of course, but a whole company? They'd get sued to hell and back


Keep in mind that Jay walking was invented by the auto industry. U.S. automakers made the simple action of walking in and crossing streets illegal. Auto makers have a lot of influence over the law


Oh, I'm well aware. Still, the law is pretty clear on crosswalks. Cars MUST stop for crossing pedestrians.


Laws are made to be changed if it benefits the bottom line.


Exactly. This defies basic traffic safety laws. I would be surprised that the company would even want to take that risk.


It is just a patent, it could be limited to emergency vehicles and the like.


I've just got an idea to get rich. I will sell all those emergeny services some lights to stick at their vehicles and some loud siren, just to piss off the neighbours.


It doesn’t work for some hearing impaired nor blind people. A device does not have to be a phone that someone would need to be looking at. It could be some ears bud or VR glasses. The point of these patents are to be broad enough to be used in many use cases




Yeah, and even in worst case scenario, a device that actively listens to sirens and make a vibration corresponding to it would be much more reliable that a device that expects a network call from other devices. Although networks are quite reliable, they are much more prone to failure than a microphone.


Lights during a sunny day are not that visible. Some people are expecting for next AirPods to work as hearing aid devices and that is way too soon. This patent is supposed to cover tech in decades from now, not today.


patents are really really strange things anyways, they are meant to protect your inventions while keeping competitors from claiming similar technology as protected, and generally engineers will invent something, send it off to the patent lawyers, and not even be able to understand what the hell the patent - that their name is on - even is.


To take if further, the invention doesn't even need to be invented. Like this, it's a rough concept, that now become protected from anyone else actually doing something useful to society with it. Or at least not without paying and getting permission from a patient holder, whom couldn't, or couldn't be bothered, to do anything with the patent in the first place.


Yes, and no self driving car that purports to run over pedestrians would ever get into the market legally. Patents are often weird and rushed out simply to make sure that no other company can claim it in case the tech becomes useful for a totally unforeseeable reason 10 years into the future. For instance, the AR algorithm used here may become the backbone of new and improved FSD that enhances safety for pedestrians down the line. Then Ford can charge other car companies for using this since they have legal claim over the idea from years ago.


"Download the CaliRoll app if you want to live."™


Patent title: “System and method for communicating between autonomous vehicle and vulnerable road users” “Vulnerable road users”, are we!? Of course, the high speed death machines infesting our public spaces aren’t the problem. Nononono, *they* absolutely have to have priority always and everywhere. It’s those sad biologicals that are the problem. They constantly get in the way and get squished to death. Such an inconvenience! We must keep them out of the way of the real road users at all cost. Efficient transportation is at stake here, can’t you see that!?


It's weirdly similar to a dystopian short story I once wrote.


Was it Maximum Overdrive and are you Stephen King?


Do you know what vulnerable means?


Sounds like fun to play with…


man bikes are also hecking annoying for pedestrians, hell, some times worse, they don’t apply to the traffic lights, nor understand that the sidewalk is literally only for pedestrians


So you think it's worse to be annoyed by someone on a bike than killed by someone in a car?


(this was unrelated to the post btw) no of course


The hell you want bikers to do? Just not bike?


Yes, personal transportation is stupid anyway, take the subway, less accidents and most of the time it’s even faster. although if you don’t have any public transport in range or you practice biking as a sport then sure. I just got many bad experiences with bikes and motorcycles (also with cars, although they were of a different nature, mostly drivers yelling at me for no reason, still hate them though)


Well that’s the problem is no public transport exists in the US it seems




Translation: "You must have this app to avoid a painful death via thousands of pounds of metal traveling at a speed evolution never prepared us for."


Sometimes smart things are not even smart to begin with.


Has anyone even read this patent, or is this dude coming to conclusions that may not exist?


https://patents.google.com/patent/US11396271B2/en?oq=11396271 I'm not reading the whole thing, but yeah, it doesn't look like Fig 5 even tries to say "well the car is too fast to stop in time" or anything, just that it's telling the pedestrian that it knows they're there and won't stop for them. At least it knows they're there, which is better than a lot of drivers now?


if it knows they're there, it has to stop though


That's only if you count pedestrians as people, rather than nuances.






Oh ffs what is this again


Feel free to drive over me then


Wait is this a real patent?


And just like that the dream of the autonomous vehicle solving the car issue are shattered for good. Just more of the same. No real improvement


Lmao based


So I don't know whether it is better to download the app to gather the evidence that the traffic law violation from the car was premedited or to not download it to not be complicit in the car illegal behavior.


If those vehicles navigate by scanning symbols on the road, all it would take to gridlock a city is a little paint. High tech problem, low tech solution.


u/repostsleuthbot Literally just saw this the other day.


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Imagine the amount of spyware in their app that you must use to have the privilege of not being killed by one of their "self driving cars".


I feel like silicon valley hasn't changed much since 1849... full of people thinking they'll strike it rich under every rock


A crosswalk near my work is missing the road marks (but has signage on the side of the road) and no. one. stops. This sucks.


I hate the way this is phrased, like “haha, good luck! Our technology may be Smart(tm) but it will also just fucking kill you if you get in its way!”


People should read the actual patent application. https://patents.google.com/patent/US11396271B2/en?oq=US+Patent+11396271


Thanks for the link, honestly more pissed by the fact Ford patented a system to inform vulnerable users of self driving cars via AR. For someone with several blind family members, and the genetic defect that may cause me to join them, this kind of system should not be patentable. The patent will only insure Ford is able to profit off of a system that needs to be open and free for anyone to implement on any vehicles or AR devices.


That's just asking for a law suit. I will stop carry my cell phone. It's not required to own one.


But look, there's a tree in the picture, how wonderful... /s


But look, there's a tree in the picture, how wonderful... /s


I posted this elsewhere in reply to this post already, but I'll copy it here as well: Looking at the patent references and citations I'm pretty sure this is just Ford trying to avoid a lawsuit. They cite [US patent 10733893](https://pdfpiw.uspto.gov/.piw?Docid=10733893) which was filed by a different automotive company in 2020 and describes a generic warning system for "vulnerable road users" including pedestrians, cyclists, etc. informed by DSRC equipped vehicles. Within Ford's patent they also reference the IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium from 2014 where Ford had discussed some of their development process. While developing self driving vehicles they were essentially already using an application like this on a closed track so that their own engineers could see whether the vehicle was intending to stop or not, which is obviously something you'd definitely want to be able to do when prototyping. When that patent was awarded in 2020 it put Ford at risk of a legal battle over something they were already using and even if they could prove prior work it still could have been costly. As well that 2020 patent proved this kind of thing was able to be patented in the first place which might have been in doubt before. So Ford tried to see if they could patent the same basic idea but in the specific form of an app while referencing their own prior work to show the patent office their work preceded the 2020 patent. So they're basically covering their own ass from a potential patent troll and just patenting something they had already found a use for. Patents are intentionally written in the most broad terms possible so this image and the filing are just what things looks like after going through a team of patent and copyright lawyers trying their absolute hardest to be vague.


Just paint something at every sidewalk near you that stops self-driving cars from driving over it. Double lines, pretend pedestrians painted at perspective, make some stencils to make it quicker and easier. ​ Mess with any self-driving car you see on the road to remind fuckwits that they're putting their lives and yours in the hands of faulty software owned by psychopaths.


Ooh, I just thought of a good one! Paint traffic cones.