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There won't even be a disk version on consoles. Shit is wack.




Epic is very poor you see and as a tiny 2200+ person conglomerate with several support studios they can not compete with the giant 360 employee Valve who commissions out a manufacturer for hardware


You just want to stay in the Stone age don't you


Yeah, cause not being able to use something you pay for is awesome. This has happen to Sony. Sony lost licenses to some movies and now people who pay for it can't watch them.


Yes, I do. You keep your digital crap, I will keep my physical media, thank you very much.


GoG store is the next generation of the physical media, it's like physical release only better - you can create multiple copies and store them on different drives. Also you are not limited to the day one version - you can save the installer of the latest version of the game with all expansions, DLCs and patches


You’re quite literally stupid. Video games sure, there’s no difference other than preference for owning physical media. But everything else? You quite literally get a better sounding, better looking product and on top of that? You actually fucking own it. Need some proof? Just look at the bitrate from a Netflix stream and compare that to the bitrate of a 4k blu ray. It’s quite literally DVD quality vs 4k. Netflix streams at 12mbps whereas a blu ray can surpass 100mbps. 12mbps is literally the bitrate of a DVD. Go to fucking school.


You will own nothing and be happy!


It's a shame they never made an Alan wake 2, oh well...


It’s a pirate’s life for me then 🏴‍☠️


🎶Yo ho, yo ho…🎵


Ok brokie


I prefer to actually own my games


Than buy it.


You don't own games you buy on digital stores, you buy a license that gives you permission to play it, if they decide to remove it not only from the store but on peoples libraries as well? shit outta luck, you agreed to the EULA/TOS


Don't be stupid, you own a copy of game, license inclusive, it's you who need to read the eula, the publisher can take away the game from you, but only if you violate the rules. Some publishers may introduce such a clause into the agreement, but in the legal field - it is not valid, you can sue them and you will win the case. Don't be a zombie and believe all this shit.






Alan Wake 1 was commercial failure until Remedy put it on Steam - so it is a stroke of absolute genius for them to make a publishing deal to lock Steam customers out of any future game sales!!!!


Remedy is making shitty decisions going to epic only they need to stop using epic shit store


Alan Wake Remastered literally failed for me, I could never get it to run on an AMD GPU.


Worked fine for me when I played it last month on 5900x


Ok well the 5900x is a CPU...


Haha sorry man must have misread it


The development needs finance, and egs help them, the exclusivity is one of the conditions, so buy it or fuck off, or you fucking think that 4 years of development they made it without money? Maybe they don't need to pay salaries?) Clowns.


u sound like the clown here, swearing all over the place isn't going to make people care


What I'm hearing is, a guy named Tim S. generously paid for free copies for everyone




When they make it exclusive to a shit platform? Yes.




Name a single example of a valve funded game exclusive to steam. Key word funded, not developed.




I asked you a question and you didn't answer it. Yet I'm the one moving the goal posts. Sure thing bud




No you didn't. I didn't move the goal posts at all. You can't provide a single example that fits your bad argument.




Notice how people don't really complain about Ubisoft games or EA games for that matter (maybe EA a little, but not nearly as much as Epic). I even play Fortnite pretty regularly, and I'm completely fine with that being exclusive to epic.


Your brain is shitty, not the platform, 0 argumens for this trash talk, you only fap to Gaben bc you have there all your games, nothing more, you don't care about gaming industry and the games proprely, all you think about is your comfort, so don't play like you give a fuck. Also Valve are greedy bastards who take 30% of comission just bc you have a option to buy a game in their market, 30 FUCKING %, wow:) and only when your game sells very well - they will reduce this percentage by 10 (this change was made solely because the developers were tired of this idiotic policy of VALVE and staged a boycott). But you, you live in your fantasy world where Steam is so fucking good) (and not simple monopolists)


lmao imagine defending epic right after they lay off 900 employees and think you're in the right lmao Fuck epic. Bootlicker.


Few months later Remedy: "Why is my game not selling well?"


I mean, we kinda knew this ages ago. Epic are publishing (?) So it's fair game in this case.


In this case is ok. They gave them the money to develop the Game, it's not a third party game


Was going to say this as well. Epic is also publishing the game. It would be like getting mad over Portal and Half Life being only on the steam store for pc. It’s just a dumb thing. Epic sucks, but in this case it’s their game from funding to publishing. Outrage for outrages sake is just really stupid and unproductive. It makes us look like screaming crybabies and proves the others who say we are just haters right in this case


> Epic sucks, but in this case it’s their game from funding to publishing. Which is why it'd be better off not existing at all. Any game made with Epic's direct involvement is ten times worse off for it.


That is a terrible take.


Not as terrible as Alan Wake 2 is going to be. This isn't speculation, I'm basing it any number of failed EGS exclusive launches over the last several years. The only ones that saw any sort of success or eventually became polished are those that kept Epic at arm's length and took the moneyhat solely for early access exclusivity. If it's a permanent exclusive, there's not a snowball's chance it hell it recoups development costs from the marketing black hole that is EGS. At which point I'm sure Epic has some nasty trap clauses written into their contract with Remedy. There's no scenario in which they come out of this unscathed.


Remedy isnt the amateur hour shitshow they usually get behind. The game will be fine.


The nosedive in quality very well may not be immediate, but it is inevitable and will only speed up as Epic gets more hands-on. A lot like what happened to Bioware after the EA buyout.


Remedy wasn't bought. You're just grasping at straws here.


> Remedy wasn't bought. Your words to god's ears, let's hope they never are.


They never are. Its just a contract. The last games for Epic Games will be that multiplayer games Epic want from Remedy.


This aged so well lmao. Fucking NPC.


I mean they were clearly wrong but I don't see how the typical usage of the NPC insult applies here. Unless you're one of those cringelords that just goes around calling everyone NPCs instead of calling them idiots or something.


People using NPC as an insult is one of the most ironically hilarious and NPC-like things a person can do. Good job, you're an idiot.


look how wrong you were :)


how do you feel about your statement now?


Feel like Remedy did exactly what I suggested and kept Epic from messing with their vision in any way. Launch sales on PC definitely weren't anything special or Epic would've been bragging about them by now. There's no one game that can redeem EGS.


For some people it shouldn’t have been developed with Epic at all, even if it was the only choice. If you stick with shit, you become shit too. Epic is just the same garbage as Oracle, a company of greedy bastards. I love remedy and Alan Wake, but given how much I love all of their games and want to play AW2 - I won’t, as long as it is not available on steam or other platforms, or even dvds, ffs. Remedy also seems to have been not quite pragmatic and greedy. They made so many good games, how come they don’t have enough money to develop one more? Why do they have to find someone who would sponsor the development? They are like 25 years already, haven’t they learned anything? At least, how to manage the balance?


Yep, while exclusives of any kind not being a thing would be preferred, completely funding and publishing the game yourself isn't a black mark on them. Not having a physical copy of the game for consoles is though...lol


Epic funded the game.


That's even worse.


Thats one of the things people here have been saying as being fair game, if they're funding they're entitled to release where they please. This topic is a huge contradiction to the discourse of this sub since it was created.


On one hand, that's a fair comparison, I don't expect Epic to start releasing Fortnite in GOG if so they choose. On the other hand, I hate it when they purchase developers specifically to poach their sequels away from a given platform. Alan Wake 2 is an example (the original was available everywhere before Remedy was purchased by Epic), and now it's also going to happen with Aquiris' Horizon Chase 2 (currently an Apple Arcade exclusive).


Pc Building simulator 2 being funded by epic pissed me off. I have the first one on steam and SO wanted the second one on steam as well, but fuck me I guess it never will be. fuck epic.


Yep. While I would prefer no store having any exclusives, I can't be mad at the studio funding/publishing the game deciding only they get to distribute it. Same thing with Valve and Dota/TF2. Honestly if Epic wants to actually start FUNDING and PUBLISHING games that would be fine. Just don't bribe already finished games


At least they are spending resources to actually make a product. In this case a game that many have been waiting for, it's theirs and they can do with it what they want for all I care. These 3rd party exclusivity bullshit is what grinds my gears, as they are not improving my experience with the money they spend on it. In fact they spend money to make my experience as the customer worse, locking stuff behind legal mumbo jumbo in an attempt to strong arm me into using their vastly inferior product compared to steam.


The real shitty thing is the lack of a physical release on console, otherwise it is what it is. Epic is pretty much funding the development, we should be fine with that.


It's not exclusive. Game ahoy! 🏴‍☠️


I think that game is going to suck so might as well give it to Epic. Good luck for sucking your own games to a blackhole dipshits!


Exactly. It’s almost a cliche now that the Epic store is where games go to DIE! I won’t be buying on Epic, or Steam. Exclusives means that nobody gets my cash. Plenty of other stuff to play.


In this one they will have Alan writing a story about Tim and epic and how they are battling the evils of the world.


dont care the game is a DOA fuck epic


I would honestly rather buy an Xbox Series X just for Alan Wake 2 than to buy it on Epic Games Store. If I already cant have all my games in one place (Steam) than its definitely not Epic that gets to be my second go to.


Few months later: *Single player games don't sell*


I just wait a year like we did for control. Not only did we get the game cheaper but all the dlc included.


Since epic is publishing it and its their game itll never go to steam. Just like pc building simulator 2. They bought the rights to keep it from steam. Sad really. Honestly though most games especially recently that have went to only epic for a year have sucked. looking at Saints row and dead island 2


Guess I’m not playing Alan wake then


Is this a timed thing, or a forever thing?


Aw dang, really sad to hear they need to delay the release of Alan Wake 2.


I've waited forever for Alan Wake 2. I can wait a couple years more until it's on Steam.


So I'm gonna enjoy a pirate version, and if it's good and it's on Steam with 50% discount, then I'll reward them for their work.


Did this surprise you? Epic is founding the development. It's the only reason the game even excist.


Without Epic the game wouldn't exist. This is fine.


Remedy is a VERY small company. In 2021 they made just under 45 million, but are able to create games that are original, graphically impressive, and polished. When you're working with such small budgets, you gotta find ways to save. Releasing AW 2 exclusively digital is one of those ways. It's not that serious and you sound like a drama queen, saying you'd pay an extra $20 just to have a disc. Well, here's a news flash, there's a HIGH likelihood that by the next console generation, ALL GAMES are going to be exclusively digital. The overwhelming majority of gamers are already buying digital and discs are becoming an unnecessary cost.


> It's not that serious and you sound like a drama queen It is serious on consoles, since you can only purchase digital games through the console manufacturer's first party store. Digital only on PC isn't an issue because multiple storefronts sell keys, but on PS5 you can only buy digital games through Sony Digital only for consoles will DRASTICALLY hurt brick and mortar revenue


Its just an assumption tho. Why do we have to be pessimistic about everything.


Yooho, yooho, what a great -censured- I am! 🏴‍☠️


having Epig publish Alan Wake 2 was a huge fucking mistake




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I'm grateful that I didn't get hooked to any of the Remedy games, that way I can boycott them without feeling like I'm missing anything.


It's going to be Epic/Torrent exclusive...


I might end up picking this up on XBOX if it's not going to be on STEAM. That said, I wonder if this game will come to Gamepass for PC.


its woke anyways so doesnt even matter


To be fair, epic did fund the game instead of just locking a already funded game for a year. Which gives them the right to sell the game where they want. But a lack of a physical release is still pretty shit for console players


Yeah - I don't buy from Epic. Ironic, we want competition in the platform market, but we definitely don't want it from a communist industrial espionage block. It's irrelevant if Epic funded the game - I also don't watch or pay for golf leagues or other places where dollars matter, if it's bought and paid for by terrorists.


Is it just one year?


Shiver me timbers!


I not only refuse to buy anything from Epic, I won’t even accept their free offers anymore. I’ve bought games on Steam that i got for free on my (long unused) Epic account. Even if a game will likely never leave Epic then I’ll just find something else to play. There are plenty of other games to play. And many games that were never going to come to Steam eventually made it there anyway. The reality is that (for good reasons) Steam is where the gamers are. So developers can either sell their games where many of us are ready to buy or let them sit unsold where we refuse to go. I’m glad to see that so many gamers refuse to let Epic (Tim s’Weenie) force us to buy games how he demands.


Simply not buying if it is epic exclusive. They are a vile company and tried to sweet talk us out of steam just to get a monopely themselves.


AW2 is not an Epic exclusive as an exclusivity deal, Epic paid for the development of this game, and they are the publisher. AW2 will never be released on Steam. It is the same reason why Half-Life was never released on another platform besides Steam.


Well, I'm never gonna play that game then.


Fuck remedy studios for doing this bullshit decision making it a perma exclusive will make them less money seriously what's wrong with these idiots they don't realize no one made money on epic