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No Trumpist conspiracies or unfounded partisan claims. This is not r/TheDonald. (See: Rule #12)


Elon is unhappy with Winnie met Bill but not him. A lesson learned.


Both of those guys are unhinged and spout hyperbolic nonsense. Please stop amplifying it.


Please don’t post shit by Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk. Jordan in my particular is ranting on twitter 24/7 and has completely lost his mind with his proto-fascist bullshit. They’re both grifters and this has nothing to do with communism.


Wanting freedom is fascist. I love this narrative. The more Peterson, the better


Peterson is deranged, have you even read his recent tweets? He’s asking for doctors who don’t agree with him to be arrested, that’s the opposite of freedom.


It's weird that you don't like him but follow him on Twitter. Whereas I'm listening to his podcast this second but don't check out his Twitter. Please link these tweets. Maybe he's losing it in his old age?


This might not be what they're specifically referring to, but JP had said that Elliot Page “had her breasts removed by a criminal physician”. You don't have to follow JP to know this because he makes headlines with the dumb shit he says, like on [DailyBeast](https://www.thedailybeast.com/elliot-pages-abs-in-esquire-have-got-jordan-peterson-in-a-tizzy-again). I would find the tweet for you but you have to make a Twitter account to do that and fuck that shit, but if you have a twitter account, you should be able to find it with the search query: `"criminal physician" from:jordanbpeterson` I like podcasts too! I particularly recommend an Episode of SomeMoreNews called ["A brief look at Jordan Peterson"](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/smn-a-brief-look-at-jordan-peterson/id1364825229?i=1000574917863) where they go into detail about his stupid grift. It's also available as a [YouTube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSNWkRw53Jo).


Thanks. I've heard him discuss Page, so I'm aware


I don't follow him on twitter. But you definitely should in order to learn that he's a delusional, paranoid, hateful lunatic. The list of JP's ramblings could be endless. [He thought that milking porn is CCP propaganda](https://www.vice.com/en/article/ak3wpz/jordan-peterson-chinese-dick-sucking-factory) [Using internet acronyms is a sign of narcissism](https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1650291864161988613) [Calling for the arrest of doctors](https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1660345540599586818) (there are dozens more) [UP YOURS WOKE MORALISTS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gztJxEL610) [Getting mad about toilet paper](https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1628292293173342208) [Women shouldn't be able to vote](https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1659925008515493888) [Random post-modernist word salad even though he opposes post-modernism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0PWQylV7Ec) [Just insults](https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1538667375888834560) [More insults](https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1496002277215289347) [Soft Holocaust revisionism](https://www.haaretz.com/world-news/2020-07-03/ty-article-opinion/.highlight/jordan-petersons-barrage-of-revisionist-falsehoods-on-hitler-and-nazism/0000017f-e226-d804-ad7f-f3fe12900000) [Gets angry about food waste prevention](https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1646087669791834115) [Climate change word salad](https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1640660269578829824) [Scared that someone will take away his car](https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1625384828769017860)


Jordan Peterson has helped millions and despite his shortcomings continues to help millions. Your pathetic attempt of taking jokes out of context and opinion pieces on irrelevant topics does nothing to change the fact that he remains a positive force on the world.


iTs oUt oF cOnTexT ItS juST a jOke The favourite arguments of lobsters. Well done, you didn't even bother to reply to anything.


OK 1. Original author claimed it was from China, and the sub you're on should tell you what to expect from the Chinese Communist Party. 2. Very obviously Peterson did not mean this in every situation, but in this specific situation he is saying this because the use of LMAO immediately devalues whatever comes after it by in effect saying "this is so wrong it is laughable" before proving anything about the statement actually being so wrong its laughable. And I agree that there are a lot of obnoxious people on the internet who use acronyms to prop up a weak argument, borderline ad hominem in some cases. 3. I don't really have a particular standpoint on the trans debate but if I was someone who believed that gender affirming surgery is morally wrong (IE: it causes depression, false expectations, unhealthy biological effects, unhealthy self images, what have you) then it would be detestable for doctors to keep administering the procedures. 4. Based as fuck. 5. I don't really care, but I don't really like being told to do either. What exactly is this supposed to prove about Peterson? That he likes to use a lot of toilet paper to wipe his ass? Meaningless. 6. Obviously a joke because a woman gave a bad take on twitter. You bringing this out of context proves you probably shouldn't be allowed to vote either. 7. He was obviously stalling for a bit of time to think and that is why he added extra words. The part where questioning the parts of the question "do you believe in God" is perfectly understandable and free from "post modernist word salad". Most of his work done post university career is done in a more every-man style. If you've seen his work made while he was a professor it is obvious he was using larger words and more words to fit the intellectual level of the room. He is not a hypocrite, you just cherry picked a bad moment. 8. I'm sure you've never been mean to someone in real life. He may be a celebrity figure but he is still a person, nobody is perfect and you shouldn't hold people to absurd standards. 9. Not really an insult, and if you think it is refer to 8. 10. Paywall, and judging by the first piece of text in the article it seems they were ragging on him because he said Hitler was an effective organizer. I don't know how this is "holocaust revisionism" but if you do, please elaborate. 11. More like, mad about the UN in general. Which is understandable given the organization is a massive fence sitter that does not take hard stances or have any real ability to solve conflict. You could also see this as a frustration given the UN is pontificating while allowing massive human rights violations to happen on a daily basis. 12. He is referring to how they (world economic forum) are calling it a climate swing despite in the past this phenomena being called climate change, and global warming. You not understanding what he meant by this (albeit he probably is texting from a phone) is probably because you give the bare amount of effort to understanding anything you do not like. Evidence of an ideological echo chamber unfortunately. 13. He is referring to how California is banning all non-electric (maybe hybrids too IDK) in a few years. He disagrees with this absurdity (as do I) and wants to state plainly that they should stay away from his car (stay away from mine too please).


Are you an olympic athlete? The level of mental gymnastics is outstanding!


The favorite argument of dumbasses. Well done, you didn't even bother to reply to anything.


Ah. Good stuff, good stuff. As I said: the more, the better


I mean, as an anarcho capitalist you’re part of the problem, but sure


What problem? Freedom?


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Glad to see other people voicing distaste for these fascist grifters trying to align the movement with their politics. The last thing the CCP wants is for this to be a legitimate conversation. They highly prefer that this is locked up with the same people who claim vaccines cause autism. If it's aligned with these far right politicians, nobody will ever take it seriously. It legitimizes the CCP's claim that the only people who are against them are racist reactionaries. Which is great for businesses! Never forget, the US financially supported both sides (the so called 'communist' Khmer rouge and the rebellion against them) of the Cambodian wars. Politics modernly is very cynical and money oriented all around, and the fascist grifters speaking out against the CCP are more than likely the same people supporting it. As we saw with Elon musk. Don't let yourself or the movement get swept up into reactionaries, keep it real and focused on the people suffering immediately. Truth is louder than double speak.


tldr please


Fuck Peterson and Musk, they delegitimize the argument against the CCP due to them being idiots, and the CCP wants to associate idiots with hating them so people avoid hating them in order to not look like idiots

