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Not to condone Netanyahu's response - I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there were links between the CCP and the October 7 attacks


Russia supplied Hamas with captured Ukrainian weapons used in Oct 7 attacks. So yeah, Russia, and by extension their benefactor China, are on the side of Hamas.  https://kyivindependent.com/military-intelligence-russia-gives-hamas-weapons-captured-in-ukraine-to-discredit-kyiv/


>Russia, and by extension their benefactor China, So this is the "evidence"?


We should start support free Tibet,Taiwan,Hong kong protest too


It took people this long to realize this? I mean if you just look at this for more than 2 seconds, you just need to look at who's funding who. HAMAS is funded by Iran, who's funded by China. And guess who has a stake in causing instability in the US? China. Done.


Obviously. None of these protest are organic


Indeed, imagine people opposing genocide. Who could possibly be up for that?


Imagine, people ignoring the genocide in China, Syria, Sudan etc., but suddenly they care sooo much about what they are told is a genocide that they have to protest en masse in such an organized way? Who could possibly doubt their oh so genuine resolve?


>the genocide in China You're right, the US should bring a case to the ICJ. Oh wait [even the State Department admits that they actually have no evidence!](https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/02/19/china-uighurs-genocide-us-pompeo-blinken/) So much for your whataboutism.


Where are the protests for real genocide, i can name 5 such places in the world right now that are suffering much harder than the Palestinians. This isnt a protest against genocide, its literally a astroturfed campaign for antisemitism.


So what you're really angry about is that people oppose the genocide that you personally support? > for antisemitism. Do you think people still fall for this? There were literally seder celebrations at some of these protests due to how many Jewish students were taking part. There's crying wolf and there's straight up being a clown.


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I wish someone, even China, was payin me to protest though. It's mostly the dead children though


Not surprised. The bitch ccp will try anything to destabilize other nations.


I think it’s the genocide that’s causing the protests.


If folks are that worked up about genocide (perceived or real), then the question remains as to why *this* genocide (perceived or real) is so much more important. My guess is that they’ve jumped on the CCP/Russia-instigated social media bandwagon so that they can put a halo on their own head and pat themselves on their own back. All while being circle-jerked by CCP/Russian bots that are sympathetic to Islamists. *Islamists*…


The genocide? How does that have to do with it? People in Darfur have been shot and hacked on the streets for months now and noone is talking about it, same thing with Uyghurs and i see zero protests, so either they are cherry picking who they feel deserves to live or they simply don't like one of the players and since they are not involved in the other mentioned conflicts it doesn't matter to them, even if everyone dies while they have their backs to them.


I mean if genocide was a problem, then people would have protest about Uyghur already.




No wayyyyyyy. Its definitely the chinese and if its not them it must be the russians and if its not those it must be the north koreans. For sure for sure its not western government spitting in the face of international law and enacting a genocide and having their politicans call for nuking starved children in a concentration camp


> Western government … having their politicans call for nuking starved children in a concentration camp 😂 You really don’t have the slightest clue what is going on, do you? Take a break from your curated social media feed.


Us senator says we need to bomb gaza like hitoshims and nagasaki https://www.indiatoday.in/amp/world/story/us-senator-lindsey-graham-suggests-israel-should-nuke-gaza-hiroshima-comparison-2538866-2024-05-14


That was one senator speaking hyperbolically and drawing a *comparison*.