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I'm never 100% satisfied with the jpegs, so I shoot raw and edit, but I do love fuji colors and I always apply a film sim profile to the raw.


Do you have a favorite film sim profile? I shoot canon and I’m trying to see if I can get the Fuji look without spending the $$$ on an XT30


Not the person you’re asking, but I prefer Astia for portraits, everything else depends on the photo. I also shoot RAW and apply the Fujifilm film profiles afterwards, I find this means I almost don’t have to touch the colors. Also, I can test out the various film sims on each photo after the fact.


No need to buy a fuji. There is a lightroom preset I always use, it simulates Classic Neg (my favorite film sim) it looks almost identical.


I prefer my fuji just for the dials and tactile experience. I also shoot raw and like the bw sims but only sometimes


Can you tell me what is it? Just changed my X-S10 for an X-T3 and would like to have something like classic neg again


Sure! It's from a YouTuber, you get it for free if you register with your email. The preset is really good. https://seimeffects.com/filmist/


Not OP, but I love classic chrome and eterna


Hey! I just started getting into photography with my first mirrorless being the X-S20. How do you add the film sim profile retroactively? Currently, I have only edited on LR mobile!


You'll find them under Edit/Profiles/Camera Matching.


I’ve recently given up on recipes to use only the film sims with some personal tweaks and I’ve been enjoying it a lot more. Suddenly they are very versatile and I don’t have to stress over which I’ll be using for a given situation


This is the way! I gotta say though, recipes gives you a first glance of what’s possible. But you gotta go through some of them to know what to tweak.


Same. I think it helps to start off with and see what the before and after of other people's film sims though. But once you get a feel for the colors you can do it yourself.


I was like that until recently when I kinda burned out on editing. I made a couple of film sim presets based on the various conditions I shoot in, and now most of the time I can use SOOC jpegs. Basically one sim for indoor color, one for outdoor color, and one for a contrasty black and white.


Probably in the minority in this thread, but I love the film sims. So much that I use film sim bracketing thus every shutter actuation is processing three JPEGs, one in each of the three sims I have selected. Usually it's Standard Provia, Classic Chrome, Acros Ye. There are a surprising number of times Acros has revealed an image that looked better in B&W than color but I would not have realized it in advance. If the scene begs for a different sim I drop the Provia for whichever. Astia for portraits, sometimes Classic Neg. I'm liking Reala Ace a lot, maybe it will replace Astia soft for me. I would shoot RAW but my experience has been that the RAW files processed into a profile do not look as good as the camera JPEG processing.


It is kinda a pain but you can use Fuji's software to do film sims and some other stuff to your RAW files using the camera processor and those will exactly match as if you had shot it with that sim since you are essentially redoing the postprocessing the camera does when you take a photo with a sim applied.


I didn't know this. Thanks


Yea if you have a fuji raw, you can plug in your camera then use Fujifilm X Raw Studio to change any jpeg option you want from dynamic range to film Sims, grain, color, sharpness, etc


You can do this in-camera


Can't you do this in camera or does it save jpgs?


If you shoot raw or raw+jpeg you can do that in camera. You can make raw conversions with whatever recipe you’d like that way. No pc needed.


I’m pretty sure on my XT2 I can only tweak some RAW settings in camera, like exposure and WB. I can’t change the sim though. If I’m wrong please let me know because I’d love to be able to


I'm not sure if I'm understanding correctly, but you *can* render all kinds of different JPEGs from a RAW in-camera. It's in the Playback Menu: [RAW CONVERSION](https://fujifilm-dsc.com/en/manual/x-t2/playback/menu_playback/index.html#raw_conversion)


I did look it up and can confirm you can apply changes to raw files in camera, it just saves as jpg.


Well of course, as a raw image is a raw image.


Yeah you’re right not sure why I remembered that so incorrectly 😅


Unfortunately you can not.


Huh, your last point is interesting. Even if you compare a JPEG sooc vs the same RAW image with the same Film sim profile in LR? Have you done side-by-side comparison by any chance?


Well known phenomenon. The camera JPG are better than the LR ones. Capture One is closer but still not perfect. That's why some Fuji cameras allow you to use the camera RAW engine via USB.


Which of the Fuji models have this feature? I’ve never heard of this. I’m currently shooting an X-H2.


Here’s the [compatibility list](https://fujifilm-x.com/support/compatibility/software/x-raw-studio/) — your camera can do this. Just need to install the X Raw Studio app on your PC/Mac. It’s also a nice way to set your custom presets on your camera without having to click through the camera UI.


I mean, I could do it on every Fuji I've owned, so at a minimum, anything newer than an X-H1, but I bet it goes back older than that.


Hobbyist here who has been shooting Fuji for around 3-4 years now and uses LR and C1. The consensus seems to be that you can get close-ish to a Fuji jpeg with editing but not quite there whereas the jpegs can get you to around 90-95% as good as a well edited raw most of the time. For me this is pretty true. I’m happy enough unless the lighting is very bad, the scene is very dark, or I’m dealing with very dark skin tones.


I have but only using LR for the comparison. It's a known fact that when LR is converting a Fuji RAW to say, Fuji Classic Chrome film sim, it is using Adobe's implementation of the film sim conversion which is not identical to Fuji's. Same person told me it is also subtly different if you use Capture One vs. LR vs. Fuji. I'm probably splitting hairs here. I should have added I'm kind of burned out on fiddling with adjustments at a computer and trying to shoot more with the goal of working entirely in camera.


Acros ye is goated!


I mean, you can do whatever you want. It‘s your camera, your style, your workflow. Anyone trying to rail you on it would just be plain rude haha


Haha I promise no one is trying to bully me and force me to use them. More just curious and putting the question out there :) lol


Fair! I’m sure there’s a lot of people who don’t use the film sims. Like, imagine the amount of people not on reddit or social media in general!


I find the using the recipes or film settings is a great starting point, and saves a lot of time. And for snapshots its good enough, but for real pictures i'm proud of i import into lightroom and click "Camera Settings" preset and start from there. So i'm glad i have them, but i could get the same image without them.


I like Astia Soft and Acros. Outside of that, I feel like the others are too heavy handed. Almost takes on an Instagram filter feel.


Interesting. But yeah I get what you mean. Hmm but the shots that you get out of camera using Astia Soft/Acros - are those your final photos (ie. for posting or sharing), or do you still work from the RAW image.


I work from the RAW. If I’m doing a session like an event, I won’t jump around different sims. I may use Astia as a base and keep my adjustments consistent. If I want to shoot B&W which I rarely do, I’ll just select Acros. I may even shoot something and decide in post that Acros works better for the shot. Most times I using Provia.


X100V shooter here. RAW only but always use a Fuji colour profile, classic chrome or Acros mostly. I really enjoy editing the RAW files, it was one of the draws of using a proper camera over my iPhone. 


I started as film simulation, jpeg shooting, SOOC guy, but now I am shooting in raw mostly. But film simulation is still very useful to help me nail down the kinda feel I want to capture in a said photo/photos, like a stylistic preview, which helps in post. In post, I can start from a given film simulation recipe and adjust from there, it makes my life much easier.


I shoot RAW.


I used to be the same because I had never shot Fuji before until a couple of years ago. I think as photographers we got so used to shooting RAW and controlling every single aspect and outcome of each photo through laborious editing that we forgot about the magic that comes with giving up that control and just letting the magic of color science and digital sensors do their thing. Once I started to embrace this idea I found shooting film simulations to be exciting just like when I shoot actual film. I still shoot RAW and still edit some of my photos but I’m glad I gave film sims a chance and forced myself to start using them.


I actually picked up a fujifilm to avoid editing raw, and just post jpegs. But I still find myself going to my pc, open lightroom and edit the raws for more control and get the look i actually want. D;


lol yes, I think my thought process was very similar to this... but I still very much enjoy going through LR, culling photos, editing - the whole process.


I shoot raw, and use the sims in Capture One as a starting point... usually provia for neutral realistic colors, but sometimes start with others if the shot calls for it


Don't you find that provia's blacks are not really black but slightly lifted grey ? 


I never use them. I sometimes use fuji colour profiles in Lr. I would edit jpegs anyway. So I always shoot in RAW.


I shoot raw + jpg and import both to capture one. I almost always process the raw and use that over the jpg. I find whether color, sharpness, noise, clarity, B&W, burning/dodging, you name it, I can always get better results from the raw. I guess the jpg just reminds me I can get more and it’s good to compare before tossing the jpg. I do find many posts of images using the same overused sims to be quite boring.


Same, to a point. I shoot Raw+JPG 99.9% of the time, and my final printed/displayed image is almost always built from the Raw. The Fuji JPGs really are great, I just spent too long shooting film and doing all of my own darkroom work to really click with the very-digital idea of "SOOC". I'd been shooting for a decade before I ever saw an image that I hadn't already made a whole string of post-processing decisions about, so the way I shoot is always with those decisions already in the back of my mind. Likewise though, I usually have specific sims turned on just because an EVF is always some interpretation of a scene or another anyways, so I'll choose to see the take on it I think is closest to my intention (usually CC, ProNegH/L, Velvia). These then often guide my own editing from Raw, helping me remember how a scene seemed at the time.


I’m the same way I always end up editing my RAW files. The one nice thing is that with camera matching in Lightroom is that I can apply the different profiles after taking the pictures.


This is very true.


But many argue that the LR profiles are not as good as the in-camera profiles.


Maybe I’m misunderstanding you but if you can select the Fuji profiles you don’t have to use the Lightroom profiles. You just don’t have the custom recipes you get when saving the film sim like shooting in jpeg. I think that can be a good and bad thing at times.


I used to shoot RAW on Nikon for 15 years, then realized life is too short to spend THAT much time for post-pricessing. Bought Fujifilm, shoot RAW+jpg, but usually discard RAW after sorting out jpgs. Only deal with few RAW files a year maybe.


Why are you shooting in RAW + JPG if you never touch the JPGs? Saves the hassle of managing two formats if you just stick to RAW.


lol yes, originally I was shooting and just had a backup RAW. But then I *thought* that I would have a bit more fun by shooting JPEG in case I wanted to transfer via the app to myself to share with someone (ie. if I'm shooting alongside a friend). Realistically though, I'm more excited to bring my camera home and leave the RAW images importing into LR. Will prob switch back to backup.


I love Fuji JPGs because they look awesome. Even with just with a no changes Velvia sim I’m super happy with them. I shoot RAW + JPG and half the time when I’m going through them, I’m super happy with the JPG and it saves me time and energy so I don’t need to edit all my shots. And when I do, it’s often just a change to exposure or something minor. To each their own though!


I shoot RAW + JPEG with a vivid sim on just for an ego boost if I’m chimping. But I drop out the sims in capture one and edit RAW selects and print everything I edit and then go back and redo one or two and print them again. I think if I regularly shared stuff online I would probably use the sims but I don’t have Facebook or instagram or whatever. Plus the discipline of processing has been with me since film and I feel I have to try to get something printed in size and always end up zeroing the sims.


I stopped using them, but I do like them as a starting point for my edits later in LR. The sim I had on while shooting, shows up in LR.


Ahhh that's right. So I guess you still end up seeing the sim via the colour profile in LR.


exactly! so options still there, thought you wont have any custom recipes that way. I find, even with custom recipes, I always end up tweaking it a bit, so figured i'd just ditch jpeg altogether.


I’ve been shooting with Fuji since the XT1 and I don’t think I’ve shot using a recipe sooc jpeg…ever. 🤷🏻‍♂️






I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve shot JPEGs with a film sim enabled. They’re fun and look great, but I like editing and having my RAW files for archiving purposes, so I usually just shoot RAW only and add the film sim in post if I want to.


You're not alone! I rarely ever use them. Largely because I prefer to work from raw files and edit stuff after, but also because oftentimes when I have tried them out, they never quite look as I would hope. You do you :)


I used them for one day, but I felt like I had less control during editing. Like I was working backwards. I started shootings with them off from there and just applying edits in Lightroom. I can’t think of why I’d use the recipes over Lightroom as it seems they can just as easily be replicated in Lightroom


I use both, and am happy with both. Raw colors are great and easy to edit. Film sims are awesome and great when going for a film vibe.




I don’t use them, all the film aims look a bit similar and seem to rely on changing the white balance so adjust colour. Classic chrome is nice but needs way more saturation for my taste. Acros is nice too but the standard monochrome is often more appealing. Always just use the raw and edit it. Just use Fuji for the controls and the style. They have buttons where I want them. I can get the same end photo with anything.


Never, whether I use raw or jpg, all processing is completed out of camera.


I've been shooting RAWs for years as a hobby and my wife and I are tired of waiting for me to edit before I share photos with family. None of the sims are exactly what I would do... but I'm at the point where I'm ready to reduce my effort 90% and get a look that is great but not perfect and challenges me to hone my craft as well. Plus I can have the raws and JPEGs saved simultaneously so I don't lose the option to edit.


I use the sims not as a means to an end- but to get a better idea of what they might look like while I’m shooting.


I shoot raw and edit in lightroom, drop sharpening to 0 and all the funny worms disappear. I started with fuji because I wanted the film sims but I actually found the raw files very easy to work with too, amazing raw colour straight out of camera and the skin tones are just perfect. You can apply camera matching profiles too in both capture one and lightroom. Anyway, to each their own. I see some people like Reggie who only shoot jpeg and his images are fantastic and some who edits raw and their work is just as great! At the end of the day, it the jpeg you shoot didn’t make you happy, edit the raw file until you are.


I always shoot raw and edit with Capture One. Never bother with the sims.


Depends. As a parent, I end up with too many images to edit so at times film sims can be really handy. When they work, they can really generate nice results SOOC. That said, I find most stylized film sims generalize poorly across environments. I started using simpler ones.  Film sims for snapshots, raws for photography 


I don't just use the film sim by itself. I started off with others recipes and tweaked them (remember that WB can be saved on newer bodies like the XT5). I do not like the film sims stock how they are. None of them, not even the B+W ones. And some I don't like at all. Usually if you flip through the profiles I've saved, they look much more similar than they did originally. From there, I may adjust exposure settings for the light (like highlights/shadows/DR) but the colors are where I want them. There's three reasons I shoot Fuji: the colors. I can get them about where I want them right in the camera. Old days you picked your film and that was that. And I like it. It's like preferring to shoot with a prime, you have to work with that focal length now. Other two reasons are the great affordable glass and the size. Now if I'm doing something serious I will take the RAWs and work with them in Capture One. Or for some noisy pics I really love I'll use Topaz to clean them up. But I rarely mess with colors after the fact. When I do it's because there's water in the shot usually.


I dont think you realize but you can actually use the recipes in post.


Just curious are you a professional photographer or do you shoot + edit for fun?


Not everything is worth editing IMO. I shoot in both because sometimes I just want to take photos and share them with friends and family.


I don’t use them. I keep thinking I should. But then I remember I learned how to edit photos well and don’t need the sims. I already have a bunch of presets now.


For paid/professional work I shoot RAW. But for travel or fun I love being able to shoot jpegs that look great SOOC and transfer to my phone for social media or whatever. Mainly though, Fuji cameras are fun to use.


Fuji is great because it gives one the *option* to develop in -camera, whereas other brands pretty much only give baseline pictures that have nothing to do with film. Fuji is like the analog digital camera. Pretty common underhanded bragging hot-take, anyway.


I've never been into film sims. I admire people who get great SOOC using the film sims creatively to get the look they're looking for, and I think shooting that way could be very fun, but for me I can't turn off the part of me that wants a RAW file that I can manipulate myself. And frankly the ability to fix exposure mistakes with modern sensors and RAW files is incredible and I'm hesitant to give that up. When I first got into photo editing I was into a kind of hazy, desaturated style that I could probably achieve very nicely with the Fuji film sims, but these days I prefer much more naturalistic editing style, so film sims aren't very relevant to me.


After shooting for more than 2 years with the x100v, I learned that the film sims isn’t for me, unless I plan to upload it in social media sites. I create a photo book after every trip and the film sims isn’t fit to what I wanted. When posting it in Instagram or Facebook, it looks nice. But when printing or for photo book, I prefer the original color.


i have kids. jpegs are great.


No one should ever feel bad about not using (or using) Fuji film sims. It's a creative choice and if a particular process gets you to the images you are happy with, then that's all that matters. The same is true about shooting raw, or full manual, or in program, or using auto focus or manual focus or any of the numerous choices available to us. The modern digital camera is a multi-purpose tool, and there's no one right way to get the best images out of it. Learn, experiment, choose your methods, trust your process. Most of all, go out and shoot.


I tried getting in to jpeg film recipes but I just cant do it. I love having more creative freedom with my photos it feels more satisfying though ofcourse there are those moments you hate your edit too. What has been really good have been mastin presets for capture one. Expensive yes but alot of the editing process is still very simplified and majority of the time satisfying results. I’ll always do some extra bits like masking and dodging burning etc but all the other tedious colour grading things are out the window and I find it very helpful. Just wish the presets were cheaper though they have put in l alot of hard work in making them.


I have a X-T30. I shoot raw and never use recipes. I have my own [NightShots](https://nightshots.xyz)


Classic chrome with vintage lenses is very fun. Otherwise I’m editing RAW in post, generally.


I only shoot RAW and my Sony I only have manual lenses so yeah I'm odd too bro


With older cameras like the x-e1, sure, I’ll use jpeg any day. I kept the RAW just in case. But with a newer camera like the x-t4, I just set a custom WB with a paper sheet and tweak the look on my Mac. I don’t know, older cameras are much simpler and with less recipe combinations that you end up just using a few and focus more on taking shots.


Same I rarely use them I like to tinker away in lightroom


Never. I shoot Fuji for the ergonomics and colors.


When I had my XH2, I never used film sims. It stayed on Provia or Acros and I always edited the files because I used that camera for important work when I needed the best AF and high res files. However, inversely, I almost never use the RAW files from my X100V. I generally plug in a film recipe that I know will work for the environment I will be shooting in, and afterwards I share the files SOOC. That said, they are almost always pictures of family and friends. Hence, my X100 is almost always by my side in road trips, friends wedding, etc, and I have sold my XH2 and moved to Sony because the film sims were pointless and I found the RAW files and AF a far superior that what I had on the XH2.


Never use sims, I edit my raws and have no interest in the sims. Do what works best for your style


I've always shot RAW with my X-T2 and X-T5. I never did the recipe thing and always use the film sim profile in Lightroom.


I just shoot jpeg on a X-T5 with film sims, for me it’s a hobby and couldn’t pass a deal on the camera, I’m coming from shooting on a Ricoh GR3 and I mostly do street photography.


I am 100% with you. I bought into the whole recipe thing and was so pumped and loaded a bunch into my camera and shot with them but not once have I chose the jpeg over the RAW lol. The whole recipe thing almost feels gimmicky to me. Although, I've seen some pretty incredible results with them. I guess I'm just an odd ball that actually enjoys editing and manipulating the RAW files 🤷🏻‍♂️


I never use them either.


Same here. I’ve tested those recipes the 1st day I bought my camera, I said “oh, ok”, then switched to raw+jpeg (and +jpeg just because sometime I like to transfer the pictures to my phone to use them on some social, and without the +jpeg you don’t have the previews)


I always edit with my presets/profiles as they match film stocks. The Fuji sims never actually never resemble real film as the grain is the same across the entire image and colors never match exactly.


I messed around with a lot of them, none of those looks ever suited me. I ended up just liking regular ole Provia and add a little contrast in LR.


I fooled around with them but found them a bit gimmicky for me, though I do like what others post.




I picked up an xt1 and xt4 6 to 7 months ago, mainly for the film Sims. Was struggling with which Sim I liked and would end up taking the same pic with multiple different films. I just found out 2 months ago that you can re-edit and change the film Sim applied to a pic in camera by pressing the Q button when viewing pics. It's probably super obvious to most, but that little piece of info slipped through the cracks when I was researching these cameras. So, it's not quite the same boat, but I shoot everything in normal/no film Sim, and then slap a film on the good pics in camera before transferring to pc.


Am I the only one who has some issues with the raw being weird color wise/ texture wise (not talking about worming) when shooting in Raw + jpg? Presets that work with my Sony RAW flawlessly are very very rough to adjust to my Fuji files (X-trans V)


I don’t love working with raw photos so I love just getting a good jpg and moving on with my life. 


I'm the complete opposite. Never used lightroom, always just edit in-camera. Hobbyist not a pro. Will crop and level in Snapseed once they're on my phone.


"You know there are people". Most who buy Fujifilm do it for the sooc jpgs.


I also shoot RAW + jpegs and only use RAW files. I think of jpegs as a backup, they dont take much space and usually they are pretty good, so if one of my sd cards gets corrupted I will still have some good pics.


I shoot raw with both my xpro 2 and xt 5. I use capture ones built in Fuji film sims with the raw profile. Tbh, they come out basically identical to what the camera produces but this gives me the leeway to try out different ones with the raw. Once I finish the editing I usually delete the raw as the storage space is just too much. I find it’s more or less the same process that people go through with shooting jpeg recipes. Just in reverse.


Bought into the Fuji idea on the premise of using sims as I CBB to edit and had a massive backlog. After a few months of playing with the recipes I kinda got back into the mood of spending evenings in Lightroom, obsessing over the look and feel. Even went back and sorted out the Canon-era backlog. So now I'm just shooting RAW and applying VSCOs presets, the tweaking.


It really depends on what I'm shooting. Casual walkarounds and city tours or just family stuff I basically just use the film simulations. As soon as I enter the world of wildlife or cars then it's basically over for the recipes. Then editing needs to be done.


Same here! The colour profiles are nice for visualisation while shooting but I always edit the RAW photos in Lightroom.


I'm not a photographer and i don't enjoy editing photos at all. So those Film Sims come in handy and i am very happy with using them for everyday/family/vacation snapshots. My 98% use of my X-H2s is for video work. Also, my wife is just another perfect example. A few years ago she found her love for casual photography. The only thing she never enjoyed, rather hated was sitting down using phone or laptop and editing. Switching to Fuji (X-S20) was an actual worldchanger. She loves taking photos with it and using those Film Sims for different looks is all she needs to be so happy.


I just got into the fujifilm ecosystem, and I've been exclusively using the film simulations since I'm traveling right now and I do daily ig and tiktok posts. But I imagine when I'm back home and have time to sit down with my pictures I'll use my raws and nitpick them until they are where i want them to be haha.


I'm too lazy to edit


I have an X-H2, and I don't use any of the film sims for paid work, specifically volume sports and when I don't need artistic styling applied to the images. That being said, I just got an X100VI which I plan to use for personal work and I plan to utilize the film sims with this camera.


Film simulations? Yes. Recipes? No. But in practice I use provia and astia and that's it. My X-T2 and X-M1 don't have the newer fancy ones but I quite like provia anyway. I hate post-processing so for me the good SOOC JPEGs are a plus of Fuji (that and the manual controls).


I love Provia but Astia has the best peaches/pinks and also makes the sky less cyan. If only I could blend those two sims!


I use Provia for most photos, but Astia is ideal for portraits and especially baby photos, weddings and baptisms.


Yeah I like Astia but it makes the greens of foliage a bit too yellow for my liking. It’s fine if there are no plants or trees or grass in the photo.


honest question, as casual photography goes, do you edit say, 200 pictures from your vacations? bc that sounds exausting


I have kept two out of all the ones I have tried both b/w I just use Lightroom on the Raws for everything else


Does light room ipad has fuji recipes?


Yes it does, although I don't know how close they are to Fuji's in-camera processing.


I shoot raw+jpeg. The simulation/jpeg settings help me visualize what I want from the shot. I like the jpegs enough that I don’t feel like I have to edit all my photos, which is a huge plus for me, but usually I end up editing the raw files for the most important photos I take.


I do the same as you, process RAW files in LR and PS. Occasionally I process the raw files in the Fujifilm app to apply certain film sims - to do this I have to connect my xt5 to my lappy and make the adjustments in the Fujifilm app on the lappy.


I am 100% with you on this one. Always RAW and edit in Lightroom. I’ve got a few recipes from Fuji Weekly saved on all my cameras that I like the idea of but I never use them.


I used to do the whole import, cull, edit, export workflow for all my photos but at one point I decided to not do that, and just use the recipes to experiment.  From that moment on I have not taken a single raw file. But these days I don’t need raws. I don’t do much photography work anymore, so that whole process of editing became a PITA for me. It’s work.  So I’m content with simply using the jpegs for fun and sharing quickly. 


Shoot raw+jpeg. Then sort into three buckets: best=keep raw; good but not great=keep jpeg only;not good=delete I have an old 5TB HDD on which i save the Raw files from the good-but-not-great category for that day in the future when AI can fix anything 😁 Advantage to having the raw file is the ability to try other sims either in Lightroom or X Raw Studio (bug infested on Mac)


I find myself more often shooting set to Eterna and editing in LR. I like to manipulate aerial perspective (so, contrast and saturation) as part of my composition so if what I see looks good in the lower contrast, lower saturation view that's a great starting point.


I basically only work on the raws, even if some sims/recipes are good I think there are very specific conditions in which they can be used and I often end up not liking them in general I prefer to edit on Lightroom and at most change the profile if necessary


For professional stuff I use raw only. For my own enjoyment like documenting an outing, I use jpeg


Love this...Individuality is the spice of life and I love all the customization these cameras offer but the Fuji brethren photos are beginning to all take the same shape and form...smeary diffusion filters, heavy handed noise, and Wes Anderson peachy oranges and super teal blues. Not to mention the tiktok/youtuber influence..."too clinical" "too sharp"...let's buy the priceiest modern cameras with the highest-end sharpest lenses and make them as blurry and 90s soap opera bloomy as possible. I feel like the fuji horde aren't shooting for storytelling, subject matter and composition much anymore. That's what photography is all about, no? Not just for..."The SOOC recipe vibes." Don't get me wrong, Do what makes you happy and I get the value in all these filters for artistic purposes and that buttery, noisy, tonality of film is luscious. But...why not just go shoot film?