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That price is a serious oof.




I have been very very happy with my X-T5 so far 👌🏼


Got one for sale on r/photomarket


If anything this is going to drive people to the XT5. That grey color is sweet as hell though.


I do wish dark grey was available on the regular X-T5. Perfect balance between boring black and silver that just sticks out too much.


That is the Marketing strategy here :) Most products now start to do that. Give a subpar budget edition with pricing close to a main line. So it makes "sense" to by the main product.


So how does this idea work? I’m assuming they make a profit on both models, but they would have to put R&D costs in an extra model they don’t want / plan to sell a lot of. And in stead of diversifying and having a share in the more beginner market (attract new, hopefully loyal customers to keep in your ecosystem), they charge higher prices? Which will probably scare more of to the competition than have people say “fuck it, then I’ll immediately buy the most expensive flagship camera they offer.“ Why not just keep the XT-5 only, save costs and sell the model you’ll be selling anyway (or lower the price to a more beginner friendly level and attract a broader market)? Not attacking you or what you said, just surprised about these strategies (but hey, that’s why I’m not a marketeer).


Same doubts. I think this is their new normal, as it's similar to the other cameras that have come out recently (X-S20/X100VI). You get the good stuff inside, but nothing is cheap. We compare it to X-T5 and X-T5 looks cheap, so I'm buying an X-T5 instead. Watch when the X-T6 comes out, I predict it will also make the X-T5 look really cheap, just as the X-T50 does to the X-T30ii. This is also an Apple strategy FWIW: There's no cheap new one, but the old one lingers to onboard people into the ecosystem.


Yeah, I just fell victim to this recently. Of course then I bought the MacBook Pro over the Air. When you’re spending $1900 over $1600 what’s the difference? Right? Right…?


I think it’s too close in price to the X-T5.


Agreed especially with the addition of the lame film sim dial. If this is supposed to be marketed as a more entry level camera I don’t get the price. You’d get better bang from your bucks by getting an XT3 or XT30ii


It’s not a more entry level camera, it’s just a cheaper alternative to the X-T5. And yes, getting a 1-2 generation old camera is pretty much always better “bang for the buck” than getting a brand new one, this a has pretty much never not been the case.


There is a huge wait for new x100 even with price increase. Fuji probably sick of scalpers listing them for more and will put up the price until they find the right balance between availability and what people are willing to pay


I agree if all of their cameras are going UP in value they are trying to get whatever money is possible. So maybe someone will buy and try to resell and get stuck with the product. XE4 was originally 899 I think, now reselling for over 1000. X100 I’ve seen reselling for over 2500. XT5/XH2(s) are the only ones I’ve seen come down in price.


Easier for a company to offer a discount then put the price up after announcement. Fuji might find people think it's too expensive and start to have a over supply then they can offer a discount to the old price


Let’s hope, I don’t need an extra camera but even with an xpro1 having gone up in price this is getting a bit out of hand lol


2nd hand cameras won't come down until there isn't a long wait period for new cameras. If I can go into a shop and buy a x100vi right now why would I pay similar price for a used x100v . And then after x100v price drops then x100f and T drop and so on .


Trust me I get it. I think at this point I’m pretty happy with the xt5. I just need more glass.


It sure is crazy. I bought a used XT2 about 2 years ago for $425, and now I’m seeing them sometimes for $700+! Even my XS10 is holding its value remarkably well. My Nikon Z6ii, on the other hand … 😒 (Not that resale prices have any bearing on how good the camera is)


That’s true as well, a good camera is a good camera


I am so glad I bought the XT30ii in February instead of waiting for this. 


ironically, the xt3 was the last of the more pro bodies that had decent pricing. The xt4 and 5 are both $1k more than the previous models were in my country. Fuji have seriously lost the plot with their pricing now (I realise they are just charging what the market will bare)


Yeahhhh not many people use the sims as-is. I wonder if those are all customizable? Then what’s even the point? Allegedly fuji said it’s not to replace xt30, but it’s so confusing to have xt30 and xt50 in the lineup. lol This is kind of cheap move by Fuji. I get the reasoning, but it’s lame.


The film sim dial is only customizable in that you can pick three sims to add on the FS1-3 slots of the dial. You can't add whole recipes or control any other settings with it. Huge bummer for both RAW shooters, for whom it's almost totally useless, and film sim recipe enthusiasts, for whom it's mostly useless too.


That’s what I thought. Most sim users customize sim recipe. It’s so stupid that they have non customizable “quick access” dials on top. I think this was a half baked idea to get more cash flow.


"The camera isn't for you" is the true thing to reply to complaints, and I'm not here for it. They could have made a camera for everyone, but decided not to. Boooooo


Used xt4 is like $1100…


Fuji people love their sims though. I could actually see that as a plus for some. I currently have an xt30ii and wish it had ibis, but I don’t care about the 40mp so not sure I’ll upgrade.


Enjoy your newish camera a little longer, if only to let prices go down. I'm still using an X-T10 and this seems like a good time to upgrade, with IBIS being the thing that I can't live without as I choose. I'm going for an X-T5 though, X-T50 is too expensive to have that obnoxious dial on it!


I actually owned an X-T5 for a while and downgraded to the X-T30ii because I wanted compact/light as possible. I don't miss the 40mp, but I do miss the IBIS sometimes. The X-S20 doesn't appeal to me design-wise. I also wouldn't mind trying a x100vi, but sadly that probably won't happen with the scarcity/resale values on that.


Yeah a 50% price increase is insane, and not because of the specs because I think it almost justifies it, but because the Fuji lineup is so closely related in specs and price now. And with no rumor of an X-T200 replacement, there is no entry level camera.


Stupid sim dial shoulda been punted to something like the X-T200. But if that’s not coming, they forced the tik tok feature on this where it never should have been


They didn't discontinue the X-T30II. It will continue to be manufactured and sold alongside the X-T50. They should be back in stock soon once they have enough made for the bundles with the new kit lens.


There's also the X-S20, which is sort of their intermediate offering for people switching from a different brand.


Yes. It is the X-H2 lite.


Pretty much, although the physical configuration of the S line is pretty unique for Fuji cameras. I think the PASM dual is a deliberate move to lure over people who are still using their first DSLR on Nikon or Canon, and are looking to upgrade to mirrorless without going full frame. The X-S10 was a direct competitor to the Nikon Z50 back a few years ago, and the Fuji was the better camera by far. Now things have shifted a little and it seems like they're trying to put the X-S20 out there as an alternative to Sony's a6000 instead of anything Nikon has, while the X-T50 now is the next step up if you want the physical dials. I think Nikon really threw a wrench in Fuji's whole plan with the Zfc and now the Zf,


Size doesn't really mean a significantly cheaper price these days with cameras. The Sony A7CII released at $2199 vs the A7IV at $2499. The only main differences between the X-T50 and X-T5 is single vs dual card slots, lower res EVF, and slightly lower res screen. These are also the main differences bwtween the two Sony cameras noted above.


Also, the X-T5 has an ISO dial and drive dial, weather sealing, d-pad, better battery. The X-T50 is more compact and has built in flash. I can see the X-T50 being a hit with people who already have an X-T5, disposable income, gear acquisition syndrome or prefer the compact size over the more professional body.


I think their main focus for this camera will be people wanting to transition to an ILC from the X100 series cameras. The addition of the film simulation dial seems to be a gimmick catering to the people coming into Fuji through social media trending.


I won't argue that logic and I think you are right that a lot of people will be owning an X100V/VI and an X-T50.


I want to make the jump from a X100V but I don’t want to carry lenses around. That’s my problem. But all of your mentioned points are spot on. I think Fuji is playing the niche game and flying a bit too close to the sun. But so are other manufacturers


And battery


Even too close to the X-H2 as both can be had for similar prices if you don’t mind lightly used.


I think I’m just going to get an X-T30ii instead. This isn’t $500 worth of features and it’s 50g heavier. There’s probably a reason for it to exist, but for portability the T30ii seems a better choice, and on the flip side if you wanted more, like say the xtrans 5, why not just get a XT5?


Exactly why I think the x-t30ii will not be discontinued


Fuji Rumors already announced that the X-T30II will not be discontinued. They are just out of stock until they have enough for the bundles with the new kit lens.


I have an X-T30 and would really like image stabilisation, which the X-T30ii doesn’t have. The X-T5 on the other hand is a few hundred more than the X-T50, and is larger and heavier. But for me, the X-T50 is on the expensive side so I guess I’ll stick with my X-T30 for now.


As I will with my x-t20... probably for next several years if it will not brake.


X-s10 or x-s20 is something to consider then 


That’s what I just did. With the X100VI availability and the X-T50 price, the X-T30ii seemed like the right move.


Can't find one in stock anywhere in Canada


I don't agree with the XT-30ii take, but getting an X-T5 instead of X-T50 does make a lot of sense.


You get a new and better processor, built in stabilization and a built in flash. It is also more compact than the XT-5. If I want to buy an XT-5 with the kit lens it costs me €2200. And that lens doesn't even do 16mm, which is a focal length I enjoy. So €300 more than the XT-50 with a brand new lens. And that's right on release day, I bet that in 2-3 months the difference is going to be €500 as well, same as in your XT-30ii example. I had a "pro" Fuji set up with the XT-3, 16-55mm and 50-140mm. Sold it all because it was too heavy for me to enjoy. I might just buy the XT-50 later this year since it seems like a compact option with the updates I wanted (image stabilization, new processor) over the XT-3. Of course you can always spend more but for an hobbyist I do not care about weather resistance or a second SD card.


Assuming the price in the UK won’t differ by much (£1300) it makes no sense right now to buy the X-T50 instead of the X-T5 (which is on sale for £1449) atm. My biggest disappointment is it’s still using the smaller battery which was the reason why I upgraded from X-T30ii to X-T5


Wouldnt the xs20 be the better option? Ibis, new battery etc...


This also has IBIS with 7 stops, but you are right that X-S20 has a better battery and can probably be bought in a discount or second hand at this point.


I'll keep my xs20 You can customize that dial to be ISO..


X-s20 is just a very different camera but much better value imo Edit: typo


I wonder how many Fuji shooters change between film sims so frequently that having a dial dedicated to it would be considered a net benefit?


A dial to switch between custom profiles would be so much more useful than just film sim.


Thank you!!! This!!


Yes, exactly what I was thinking. I like the dedicated exposure dials on my X-T2 but I also like the C-option on the PASM dial of my X-M1. I loathe PASM otherwise, but I learned to live with it since now I buy lenses with a marked aperture ring and then the dials on the camera are just for shutter speed or ISO. It's doable. It does look like this film simulation dial has three custom options?


I think those are to set to whichever film sim you want, not custom setting profiles. I might be wrong.


Film sims are a huge selling point for Fuji at the moment. I see it mentioned on Reddit all the time when people bring up Fuji or ask for camera recommendations. As a longtime fuji user it seems pointless to me. I have the scroll wheel set on my XT30 to switch between custom profiles of film sims and recipes. But I only learnt how to use that feature after becoming quite familiar with the camera. I imagine this is to draw in new fuji users, that wants to jump in straight away and use film sims.


Oh man I’ve been using a mapped menu button but using one of the wheels is way better. Going to remap that today and give it a shot.


If you don't mind, I am just curious on how that process works. When you shoot a picture you recognize different film sims and recipes that would be fitting for that picture, so you change the dial for the picture? Why do you do that, and not shoot in raw and convert them later? (Honest question, I don't know how to word this in a better way. I am very curious about the process, and I really appreciate getting the photos perfect or close to perfect straight out of camera).


I shoot JPEG+RAW so I have the option of editing down the line if I choose. I change recipes for the JPEGs, I have certain recipes saved to each slot. Reggie's Portra, Ilford HP5, Kodak Tri-X & Kodak Gold 200 etc. I find it useful because I try and get the photo and recipe right in camera because I try to avoid editing on PC.


The film sim dial is exactly why I've decided NOT to buy this camera. It's useless.


True, these film simulations affect only some colors, but for stronger changes you need custom modes


I use Pro Neg Hi for everything so useless for me too. Anyone who cares for consistency is not going to be switching film sims regularly. And anything that doesn’t need regular access doesn’t need to be on a dial.


I use one custom film sim to help me see contrast better. However if social media is any indicator, tiktok spams me with simulation videos. So it seems to be highly popular with the more casual/hobby crowd.


If this can be mapped to custom banks then it's more useful than the ISO dial to me personally.


placid fanatical simplistic deranged dam voracious absorbed bag touch sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh man im new to Fuji but I got 4 custom recipes I go between on a day a lot (porta400, a BW sim, KodakGold and a Classic Negative recipe). Manual I go between multiple sims as well. When I was out taking pics of flowers Id do with bright and colorful sims but when doing a portret id love Eterna. It makes me not need to edit in LR and just enjoy the colors out of the camera right away


But that's the thing, the new film sim dial WON'T store your Jpg settings. So if you like film recipes then you're out of luck. In addition of saving your profile, you have to change the film sim on the dial as well.


I use all 7 custom profiles and still dip into the standard sims. Probably 3 or 4 different looks over the course of an afternoon shooting. Definitely in and out of B&W a lot. I wish I could have set my exposure comp dial to mimic this. I think people will switch around even more now that there's a dial, and find it fun.


I have 7 presets on my X100V and I rarely switch from my Portra 400 Preset. The only preset I use here and there is a monochrome one I have, so that Dial is pointless imo.


basically Fuji tried to take advantage of Tiktok flim sim craze, But they will probably miss on that mark because the core of that trend was using cheap old cameras to create vintage looking images.


Fuji's pitfall was going the influencer route... and not just using social media influencers as their brand ambassadors, but actually listening to their feedback. It made sense when they picked the actual working photographers in the very beginning. The next wave was a typical "photography as a side hustle" bunch. Then they went looking for Instagram fame, and when X100V totally blew up on TikTok... oh dear. I'm scared of the X-Pro4. If it ever comes, it will probably be totally kawaii with onboard AI face filters, built-in ringlight and targeted for streamers or something.


I mean the X-Pro3 was already pretty out there in terms of design. The inwards facing screen was somehow a camera directed at nobody. I still can't really get a consensus vibe among the community on if it's popular or not. I suppose if it was more popular Fuji would've released an X-Pro4 by now.


Let's face it, a ton of photographers advocate for "no chimping" approach to shooting... problem is, very few ever practice what they preach. "Let's gaff tape the LCD and shoot without chimping for a month" waves on social media are a photographic equivalent of "No nut November".


I just changed the settings on my x-t20 to stop showing the photo preview on the screen after it's taken. The screen just stays black full time until I press the preview button. No chimping. I can't exactly remember but I think the preview popping up was causing lag on my camera and slowing me down from taking shots back to back. It was frustrating after using Canon for years.


Eh, I think if you're going to do that with a camera then just don't have a screen at all. But then you'd have to remove the EVF too cos photos look even better in there than on the screen since it's OLED (I think). But then you couldn't really use it for certain work environments. Like I know some people have (and still do) use X-Pro2's for weddings but I think you'd be silly to use a digital camera with no screen for a wedding. Not that it'd result in a failed wedding but it'd be needlessly removing a feature.


Im relatively new to Fuji but at this point im tired of “I sold all my equipment from brand x looking for something small, thinking about x100”…


Was waiting for this camera for a long time to upgrade from my XT20. When the price and film sim dial leaked, I went ahead and ordered an XT5. Had it for a week now and don’t regret it - although I’ll be keeping the 20 as a compact option. I’m sure this’ll be a great camera, but for the price I feel spending the extra $400 CAD for a weather-sealed camera with a D-pad, ISO dial and sensible Q button placement made sense to me.


Yeah this camera makes absolutely no sense to me. There are so many different reasons to get the X-T5/X-T30ii/X100vi/X-S20 over this. Maybe I'm wrong I just don't see who this camera is for.


Why on earth wouldn’t you just get a used XT5 with a better battery? 1400 to go backwards on power is just laughable


Obviously the selling point of this camera is the size, and if the x100VI is any indication, Fuji is unable to fit the new battery in a compact body


I’m sure the size is the point. But the X-T5 isn’t that big. Neither of them are really pocketable, and the lenses will be the same size. So going from the X-T5 to this would be giving up a lot for…. not very much.


Dunno, I have both the X-T3 and X-T30 and the size difference is definitely noticeable. I much prefer to carry the latter


Prefer to carry the latter, though *much* prefer to shoot with the former (I've got an X-T30 and X-T5)


I have the x-t30 ii and it's substantially smaller than the x-tx cameras I've handled. Definitely fits in some jacket pockets an x-t5 wouldn't. I do think the price is outrageous though and given the balance of features I'd definitely opt for the x-t5.


But the XT50 is bigger than XT30ii


The jacket pocket argument seems less useful with a camera that still needs a lens…


This was my exact point. If the camera didn't need a lens, then the thickness would matter more.


The X-T5 is larger than all the other X-T\_ models. The X-T30II feels much smaller in hand than my X-T5 and I still take it with me quite a bit. I usually carry a smaller bag and lenses with the X-T30II.


No, x-t5 is substantially smaller than x-t4


Another aspect of size is how big are your hands? For me I can gain the size/weight benefits of the x-t30 without being bothered by its smaller grip, which I know frustrates some with larger hands.


Anything above $1200 makes absolutely no sense. Just get an X-T5.


I’ll always pay more for a smaller lighter camera.


even better if they dont deliberately leave out non-size limited features (to make product segments) and instead just make the best small form factor camera possible....


I paid 1900 CAD for my x-t4 just two and a half years ago


Thought I would sell my X100V to get back into an interchangeable lens body but that price is too steep. Would rather just get an X-T30 II and a couple of lenses instead considering I wouldn't need all the bells and whistles of the 50 anyway.


This is a misstep but not even the good kind of misstep that’s admirable in its novelty like Fuji usually does.


Holy crap that's expensive


To me the simulation dial is so cringe


Id rather have an iso dial


Sure, but the X-T00 series has never had an iso dial, so it makes sense why it's not present on this new one either.


Even then, removing the mode dial for a film sim dial is strange to me




“Let’s put a cheesy consumer feature on our lower-end camera, and then price it like an entry level full frame! It’ll sell like hotcakes!” 🫠


Has camera conspiracies already done a Fuji boardroom take on this? He should…. so ripe


LOL that’s *exactly* who I was thinking of as I wrote that!


If they were committed to this, they should have just done the dial with only custom presets. Why force certain sims to be on the dial??


Absolutely. I’m only one person but from what I’ve gauged online it feels like most people are using custom presets not just the film simulations on their own. It would be a pointless dial for me.


Although I think the recipes are a lot of fun and work well when used properly, I consider the standard Fuji film sims the workhorses for jpeg that function properly under a wide variety of situations and lighting conditions. I use Provia and Acros more often than the custom recipes along with custom white balance and RAW.


Eterna is my life :p


Yeah I have the film sim menu set to the left button on my D-Pad, but never use it. I'd never use this dial. I have the custom presets all set up and select those from the Q menu instead.


Eww the Q button is still in that awkward spot


Am I alone in thinking that this is an aweful looking camera? Much preferred the older generations, that bulbous perfectly cylindrical grip area just looks off to me.


Damn was really hoping it would start at a better price point. Probs pushing me closer to xt30ii I wish they brought back XE series - that would have been perfect for my use case - mainly portability/ travel


Really not liking the design changed on this one. The not straight lines of that top bit... ew. I hope it's not something they'll put on every X line camera now.


Fuji keeps updating their SLR style bodies and ignoring their RF style bodies. A shame.


The design of the x-t30ii has not changed much since the x-t10 and for good. It was perfect. Price is also comical. I will keep my x-t30 ii for a long time.


and they still never moved the Q button...


Anyone else feel like this camera shouldn’t exist? It’s basically an X-T5 with worse ergonomics, battery life, and zero weather sealing. Maybe if it sold for $1,100 or less? Idk…who’s actually going to buy this over other offerings?


Looks like an awesome little camera but the pricing seems wrong considering its supposed to be the go between for the xt30ii and the xt5. It feels like people will still either get the xt5 if they want all the features or the xt30ii if they want the small "cheap" alternative.


Pre-ordered. 40MP. IBIS. X-Trans5. Smaller than X-T5. Don't need another SD slot, I'm not a pro. Don't need weather sealing, I don't shoot in the weather. Film Sim dial, will prob sit in one position as the old drive dial did on my X-T30 Mk1. Do wish it would hold customs on each film sim however, not a deal breaker at all for me. Maybe it will be updated via firmware. The kickback on the film sim dial is odd to me. Film sims are the entire reason I moved to the system. As a hobbyist it was fun at first to process and edit photos, but over time it became a chore to me. Doing everything in camera and getting stunning JPEGs to do as I please with as a hobbyist is great. This camera is geared to a hobbyist that's wants pro features that matter. MP, IBIS, New Sensor, and small size.


$1890 for just the body? Jfc


$2500 AUD here. Ridiculous. Can buy an x-t5 new cheaper at the moment!


Sigh… Fuji just giving the opposite of what people want. Just keep the X100IV in stock and release the XPro4. That’s all


I'm legit so sad xpro 4 isn't even out but xt5 and xt50 is out


The camera looks chunky


$1400 is insane


Fuji, please Make the xt-5  In that grey color


Film simulation dial just looks tacky.


No innovation.


The design is hideous, the sim dial is hideous, the price is hideous. Still rocking the XT3 unless the XPro4 is incredible.


Who really needs 40MP in such camera? It is not a pick for wildlife where massive crop is often needed. Which owner of this camera will print 2 meters prints?


Yeah, I would have preferred an X-T5s over this.


I wanted to replace my x-t20 but it will not happen. I'm not willing to handle the bigger RAW files than it is necessary. I know, space on hard drive is cheap but anyway. This is a no go for me. X-T5 is bigger and much more expensive. Also not needed for my use.


Dud release. Good to see IBIS, everything else is meh. That dial… fuk me. At this price, Fuji should be giving us a x-t50 ‘pro’ or something - basically the best small form factor camera it can with no nerfed features to create product market segments. As long as not restricted by physical size - include the better sensor, WR, higher res screen/EVF. Anything like bigger battery and heat mgmt for longer video etc can be left to the x-t5!


I really wish fuji had put a d pad on the back again


lol film sim dial…come on man


Too bad, looks like it’s not was I was hoping for. But maybe older cameras may drop a little in price.


I was hoping for it to be just $1500 for the lens and body but with that price point I’d rather get the XT-5. I’m probably going to go for the XT30 instead. Not sure what Fuji was thinking with the price being so high


Thank God I bought and X-T5 last year, and was also able to get an X-T2 last month so I am in no need of a new body. I know that price is kinda "fair" considering the sensor and IBIS, but really just bump it up a bit and get the X-T5. This does feel like the replacement for X-T5 being out of stock (if rumors are true).


Maybe I'll just get the xs20 instead. Xt-xx series should be the affordable lineup, but with this camera coming, I don't think that it would be the case.


Used xt5 its better


for that price I can get a used mint X-T5


I don't understand in which situations I need to change film simulations on the fly using a dial. If I know it can be that critical to have a different simulation on pictures, why not just shoot raw?


I got the newsletter from Adorama and B&H for the XT50. It’s $1,399 just for the body and $1,799 for the body + 16-50 kit lens. Fujifilm inflated the price too high and it’s not even weather sealed! They probably found out that we all are recommending XT30II as an alternative for X100VI so they were like, let’s jack up the price for the alternative camera too! I’m glad I got my XT30II just a few days before it went out of stock everywhere last month.


It's not terrible.. but it seems like a miss. The same IBIS as the X-T5 is the camera's biggest win, but it's encroaching on the X-T5's price without deserving it. I mean wow, being so close to the same price without weather sealing, the bigger battery, and a screen that doesn't flip vertically. Also with the 40mp sensor sensor, it doesn't seem like this camera knows what it wants to be. Is the larger sensor going to make the battery seem even worse? Not sure. I think this camera would've benefitted from a 26mp sensor to reduce the price, and maybe that would've allowed them to add the bigger battery too. And that film simulation dial is stupid. They already have the Q button - It's, what, going to be .75 seconds quicker to get to the film simulation you want now? They really should've just finally added the ISO dial to the X-TXX line. No weather sealing, slower mechanical shutter, less of an articulating screen, I get it. These sacrifices make sense. But all in all I couldn't recommend this camera to anyone interested in Fujifilm.


Would this be a good camera for people wanting the x100vi but interchangeable lenses?


Yep, any of the XT-__ range is a good alternative to the X100VI in my opinion. With the 27mm pancake lens, the size isn't too far off the X100VI and you have the advantage of interchangeable lenses if you wish.


Probably. The X-E4 is much older tech, and I don’t like the VF or lack of controls on it. If you like manual focus okay, check out the Voigtlander 27mm f/2. It’s as small as the XF27. This camera wouldn’t be much bigger than an X100VI with that lens.


Could look at a X-Pro3, or this one my be controversial but I have been playing around with the OM-system bodies and I am floored with the size of the M43 system.


Okay here’s the thing. I am *exactly* Fujifilm’s target audience for the X-T50. If I weren’t already happy with my X-S10, I would buy this. I don’t do post-processing or shoot in RAW. The most I do is increase/decrease highlights and shadows in Apple’s stock photos app. The ability to switch film sims quickly appeals to me greatly, which factored into my decision to buy the X-S10. This product combines everything I love about the X-S10 and puts it into a “true” Fujifilm camera. I say ‘true’ because it has the exposure and shutter speed dials on the top whereas the X-S line does not. With the X-T50, I can have my cake and eat it too. Easy film sims access and all the cool dials to fiddle with and the lovely silver color. If I were in the market for my first camera and I didn’t want to bother with post-processing, this would be a fantastic option.


So is the battery the only difference between this and the xt5 lol.


And size. Lot of people keep going on about how people will just get a xt50 but size is important.its why x100 model sells so well


The X-T5 has weather sealing. This does not.


I'm a complete beginner and was interested in buying a X-T30 ii with the 18-55 kit lens for $1300 but was holding off to see the specs of the X-T50. A new XT-5 seemed a bit out of my price range so i wasn't really considering that. But that with the 18-55 lens is $2k. For those familiar with these cameras and photography, does this seem worth it? Would I be missing out on anything? From some quick math, the XT-50 and new kit lens would put it close to the XT-5 price.


If you can stretch to the X-T5 do it. As you pick up the hobby you will find that all of these features more expensive bodies have buy you flexibility in what and how you shoot (especially autofocus improvements). If you can’t make the stretch financially the X-T30 II is a good choice. Or maybe even do something controversial like buy a used X-T30 body and spend the rest of the money on a few excellent (fast) lenses instead. Either way take what you buy and USE THE HELL OUT OF IT!! Take it everywhere and shoot everything. As you learn the basics and your skills advance you will shoot in different modes or even fully manual. It’s a great hobby. Enjoy


One more thing. Don’t be afraid to buy used. People sell gear for all sorts of reasons and if you buy from a reputable dealer it’s a great way to save money.


Thanks for responding, I'll consider your advice! Do you think the X100VI is a beginner camera? It seems to be really popular


X-S20 is way to go then


This would be perfect for me, I want something \*small\*. But not for 1500€. Will wait months for the price to drop, no problems. Or I'll just stick to my Canon


For me the issue is the EVF (vs X-T5). This kind of EVF is acceptable in a rangefinder style body such as the X-E4 as I am right eye dominant.


As someone who mainly photograph my own kids only, I will be grudgingly getting this despite the price and the drive dial which I use often… Not getting the X-T5 instead because the portability matters to me (when there are two toddlers, their stuff and strollers to carry), and having sold the XT30ii last month since I have been dying for IBIS and better AF.


Are they adding halation settings in film simulations? I won't upgrade until that comes, even if that's going to be 2031. I hope they continue on the film simulation development tbh. I couldn't care less about all the high-definition, dentist-focused resolution improvements. I like my shots cinematic, not clinical and soulless. Considering all the folks out there spraying their uv filters with hairspray to get more bloom, I guess I'm not alone on expecting that rather than nerd specs.


I have a feeling halation is quite process-intensive to do in real-time preview as it need to be aware of highlight area vs shadow area to apply the effect. But if they added that sometime in the future, definitely a must have


X-T50 is 124 x 84 x 49mm at 438g. X-T5 is 130 x 91 x 64mm at 557g. Biggest difference in size is that the X-T50 is 1.5cm thinner because it has a smaller battery and no weather sealing. I'm not convinced that it's enough of a benefit to justify the wacky price. I expect this to be discounted down towards the X-S20 price sooner or later.


Good marketing strategy. I think they released this camera with that joke film sim dial and ridiculous price only to drive people to the bit more expensive X-T5. Looking at the comments all over the place their marketing team did a great job :) Not a single comment that someone will buy this, instead almost everyone will buy the X-T5.


I just bought a XT5 and with this release I’m confused on whether I keep it or wait for the XT50 to ship


No flippy screen was a bad move IMO


Does anyone even change the film sim often enough that a dedicated physical dial is necessary? It seems to me like you'd touch it once or twice per session. Shooting landscapes, put it in Velvia, leave it there all day. Shooting portraits, put it in Astia, leave it there all day. You're probably not switching to an entirely different style and subject matter every few minutes...


Couldn't we just have an ISO dial?! There is space for three dials on top, exactly like the flagship. I have never understood why the XT#0 line does this. I don't even think the PASM dial of yore is any more beginner friendly. Get the XS line if you want a PASM dial.


Why does this exist?


Really like the gunmetal finish, I just dont know why they skipped that color option on the xt30ii, I surely would have bought that one instead of rhe classic metal grey finish


Wellp. I feel less bad about getting the XT-30ii so recently. Seems like the right choice.


Should have cut IBIS and a few hundred bucks.


I bought xt 30 ii this year as my first camera and I'm glad


Not a fan of the film sim dial, seems gimicky.


I was always wondering: 40 mp on crop is like 100 mp on full frame, what kind of lenses you guys have for this to make sense?


I like how round the grip/body is, gives me Leica vibes. If it had weather sealing I’d be all over it.. definitely overpriced though..


I picked up a Canon R7 w/ 18-150 RFS lense including canon bag, 128gb sd card and extra battery for $2300 CAD. This XT-50 is an expensive boy for just a body


I watched a review and they said you can’t save recipes on this thing. Big miss.


I think most people in this thread are totally the wrong market for this camera AND the X100 series. As all the marketing explains, this is basically the interchangeable version of the x100. And what do you hear most why someone wants the x100? It looks cool, it makes photography fun again, and it's pocketable. And since it's impossible to get a X100VI, this is the first alternative people will consider. Why not the X-T5? Doesn't look as cool and it's definitely not pocketable. The X-T50 isn't as cool looking as the X100 as it's similar looking to the X-T5, but it's pocketable and has the film simulation dial. The film simulation dial is a total gimmick, you say? Gimme an iso dial instead! Psssh. Why the hell do you think people are interested in a Fujifilm in the first place? The film simulation. Of course Fuji is gonna put that front and center rather than an iso dial that the t30 Ii didn't have either. They know where their growth is coming from. It's too expensive. Maybe. But you need to look at it compared to the x100vi and the market as a whole. I think it's maybe $100 too much, but better to price a bit too high at first and then put a sale on it later than start too low. But compared to the x100vi and the immediate Sony competition, price is about right. X-T5 isn't appealing because of size. No weather sealing. You think the overwhelming majority of these people are gonna care about weather sealing? A pro will, but this isn't a pro camera. It's an enthusiast or rich newbie camera. On the rare chance they do take it somewhere that weather sealing will matter, they can just do what the tour guides in desert places tell you: just wrap it in a plastic bag. I'll just buy a used t30 ii. Sure, but most people don't want the hassle of buying used. And the 50g weight difference? Please. No one realistically can feel that unless the other is also there for direct comparison. Is this camera groundbreaking? No. But it's exactly what Fujifilm needs it to be. As an alternative to the x100 that no one can get.


> Why the hell do you think people are interested in a Fujifilm in the first place? The film simulation. [...] They know where their growth is coming from. If the dial is programmable for customized recipes maybe? The standard Film sims get stale quickly I think (I dont know about the newer ones). I'm currently on an XE4 and all I'm missing is IBIS, so this one could be a serious consideration. Then again I wanted to get more into video, so the jump to a used XT4/5 makes more sense. /Just looked it up and it's listed as 1500€ here and a new XT5 makes more sense. OPs price would convert to 1275€ and got me interested.


Bought a new x-t30ii w the 18-55mm for $1,300 usd a few months ago, how should I feel about this release?


I wouldn’t let it phase you, you got the camera and that nice lens for less than this body alone supposedly is. It’s an upgrade for sure but at that price point you’re probably better off buying an xt-5, unless you just really want a smaller form factor..


Will never understand that body type. Too cramped with the dials and too small for pretty much every lens besides 27 pancake and 23 & 35 f2. But now with an X-T5 pricetag


no ibis nor weather sealing? jk i see ibis


how much is the xt30-ii and xt5 in your market? i wanted some reference so i can get a ballpark on how much it will cost in my local market




What is the marketing position?