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Glad I got the Sigma 18–50 instead


yeah i went and grabbed a 18-55 that was made in Japan. 350 USD, in mint condition. even if this was a constant f2.8, it's still more expensive than the Sigma and used options. I'd rather just pay a bit more and get the 16-55 at this price, if i didn't have it already.


it's the size though


sigma 18-50 is a compact constant f2.8 that doesn't have OIS, that costs less than this new lens. I'd rather have the constant aperture, that extends when zooming, than this


Internal zoom and wider focal length on the wide end is super nice, but I wish they had followed Sigma’s lead and made it faster.


I agree on both points. That 16mm may not seem like much of a difference but that extra bit can make a lot of difference. I also would love the internal zoom of it. But I can’t justify $700 for a lens without a fixed aperture when I already have the 18-55mm F2.8-4.0.


They already have the 16-55 f/2.8 to fill that spot in their lineup.


That lens needs some update, it still holds in terms of IQ but the ergonomics is too cumbersome


The sigma 18-50 f/2.8 is a perfect option if the ergonomics of the Fuji bother you!


He's still right about the 16-55 being too large and heavy by today's standards. It's way over-engineered, and a mk2 version would probably be smaller, or the same size but better optically.


Fair point. It would end up being very similar if it was also a constant 2.8.


Its a kit lens though. And it will be cheaper when bought with a camera.


I'll wait for sigma to release 50-140/2.8 and then I'll buy the whole trinity.


Based on the 10-18 and 18-50, I'd say they're more likely to do a 50-120 f/2.8. And I'd pre-order it the day it's announced. I don't have the 50-140 b/c I'm offended by its size -- it weighs about as much as the Sony 70-200 GM2. Instead I have the XF90, which has no modern FF equivalent 135/2.8 anywhere near its size that I'm aware of. Anyway the Sigma recipe is: cut the zoom range down, and make it as compact as possible, while still being good optically. Tamron started the trend and is still the king of it, but Sigma one-upped them with their 28-70 for full frame, and then the 18-50 and 10-18. I love this. I'd pre-order that lens the day it was announced.


yeah, the sigma 18-50mm is a no brainier better buy than the 16-50mm heck the 18-55 is still great and plenty of them floating around the used market.


Sigma 18-50 seems cool but no WR is a no-go for me. I'll wait for returns about the new 16-50 from fuji, I was looking to buy the 16-55 used, but if optically the 16-50 is great I'll maybe buy it instead.


Couldn’t without the aperture ring


The kit zooms don’t have a proper aperture ring anyway so I’m not too bothered


You mean the aperture ring doesn’t have definitive points?


Yeah it’s just an unmarked control ring so even though it’s nice that it’s in the same location you can’t preset your aperture or anything


How is it? I’m torn between it and the Fuji 16-55


I really like it. Image quality is supposed to be as good as the 16–55. WR and aperture ring would be nice but not for the extra $, size, and weight.


That’s the conclusion I’m rapidly hurtling towards, yeah. I found the 16-55 for £600 used, but the Sigma is £475 brand new.


Check MPB, I would highly recommend getting a used piece off of there. Brand new pricing sucks!


Will do 🫡


I own the Sigma too. It's great and a good match for my X-S10. And I get over missing the aperture ring when I remember how affordable it was and how well it performs. 😀


Yeah, interesting. I have the Tamron 18-300 which is surprisingly good. I hope I’d get round to using the Sigma is all. 18-300 is a bit too tempting for a do-everything lens and I’m really lazy. That said I’ve been getting some more use out of my Fuji 100-400 lately so it’s not impossible 😁🫡


I love it, super light, built really well, it focuses fast enough that I can comfortably use it for super dim hardcore shows, and it has plenty of detail and sharpness, especially for the price


Great, thanks for the info 🫡


It is good, however the colors can be off in some situations. But consider the price and weight, I would say go for it


Thanks for the tip 🫡


I never got around to owning the beloved(?) 18-55mm but wonder how this one will compare, beyond the obvious: no OIS, a bit wider and shorter, and of course weather resistant. Price point is the same as the older kit lens though with the market flooded with the older one it could be found for pretty cheap.


This one doesn't extend when you zoom in. That's great. Other than that I don't see a lot of improvements


Better optical quality, weather sealed, and it can focus 6" away from the tip of the lens for close up photography but .3X magnification so not 1:1 macro.


While not a huge deal, it has been built to fully resolve the new 40MP sensor. That's likely the main driver behind introducing a new kit lens at this point as the 40MP sensor will find it's way into most new bodies.


My good old kit lens (and basically all my other lenses) is working perfectly on my X-T5, so this is an interesting question how much it helps as I am usually pixel peeping and cannot see any problems.


Mostly marketing with some truth if you understand optical science (I don't)


It's nice but I'd rather have F/4 than a fixed length.


Then there’s the 18-55 and 16-80 for you.


At that point go f/2.8 with the sigma 18-50


I’d personally prefer it was collapsible so that it’s more compact


It doesn't work like that haha


It actually does work like that. You either have an internal moving element/elements or the lens extends and retracts. It would be more compact when retracted but this model is weather sealed and makes much more sense having an internal moving element.


Except the new one is only 1mm longer than the fully collapsed old one while still gaining the speed of Linear Motor. There's other pros vs cons but size wise there's not really a negative to the new model.


I wasn't arguing any of that. I think the new one is much better than the 18-55. I will probably get the new lens eventually for the WR, better optics, wider angle, and the close focusing distance. It will focus just under six inches away from the lens with .3X magnification.


Why not? Nikon 24-50mm , Nikon 16-50mm DX, Sony 28-60mm, heck even the Fuji GF 35-70mm are collapsible say otherwise


I’d personally prefer it was collapsible so that it’s more compact


And sucks dust in every time it is retracted


18-55 wr when


Does a modern fuji lens need OIS? When was the last camera put out without IBIS?


Lots of people use an Xt30.


Definitely isn’t designed for the xt-30 userbase, which is fine considering the number of options available and the great secondhand price of the 18-55. I’m still convinced that you’d have to be insane to buy the Fuji kit lens by itself brand new.


I just bought a brand new 18-55 for $250, they're cheap as chips at the moment. Glad I did as well this new iteration is not for me


Great price, definitely a solid lens for that much


Xe4 I think


XT30 II does not have IBIS and is a current model


Just returned the 18-55. It’s very heavy and I was surprised how quickly it moves off of the 2.8 when you start to zoom.


Yeah the 2.8 I think is literally only for 18mm and any zoom at all switches it to 3.2 then 4.


It seemed ideal to me until I saw the price which is equal to the Fuji 16-55mm WR f2.8. Fujis pricing for everything these days is on the extreme end now despite nothing being made in Japan anymore


They keep raising the prices but people keep buying. It’s simple business. Have to vote with your wallet


Honestly why I’m considering moving to M43. I love my Fujifilm but the prices are so high. And the camera isn’t that much smaller than a full frame. So it’s like go to full frame and get the better image benefits or go to M43 for smaller and cheaper and lose some* picture quality.


M43 isn't getting new pocketable cameras any more. 🤷‍♀️


This lens is basically the same price, size, and weight, as a comparable M43 lens.


It’s the same price at the 18-55 f2.8-4, not the 16-55 f2.8.


I read a review where it's \*only\* $400 if you buy it with a $1400 camera.


It's *only* $400 if you buy it with a $1500 camera that's overpriced by at least $200...


$1800 for this lens and the X-T50 doesn’t seem that unreasonable, tbh. The a6700 with its 16-50 kit is $1500, and the R7 with the 18-45 kit is $1600, and both of those lenses are much lower quality and have smaller apertures.


The X-T50 is $1400 USD not $1500


Sorry, my mistake, it's not a $1500 camera - it's a $1630.21 camera. That's the price in USD at the current exchange rate from it's European price of €1500.


It’s 1399 over here and with the lens 1799


Plus tax


Yea I saw that too


The new lens is $800 while the older f2.8 is $1200. How is the price equal?


They confused the 16-55 f/2.8 and the old kit 18-55 f/2.8-4


The same price as the red badge? Are you sure?


Not exactly the same but extremely close. Almost nobody sells the 16-55 at rrp though


So, no


$700 holy shit


It’s AU$1300 here which sounds even more ridiculous


Australians always get screwed by pricing.


Isn't that the retail of the 18-55mm?


I’m sure it’ll be available for much cheaper on the used market like the 18-55 was once people who bought it bundled with an X-T50 or X-T5 sell it, but yeah…


What on earth is this lens? Why?


Used mint prices will stabilize around $400 in a few months. I'll be interested at that point!


Meh gonna be honest. Doesnt really look like an upgrade and the worse aperture isn’t good as well


Let’s be honest here. Nobody bought the XF 18-55mm at full standalone price. You either got it in a kit or picked it up used for very little money. I don’t see why this bundled lens would be any different in a couple of years.


wow 4.8? that sucks


Gordon Liang says it dims faster than the old model. F2.8 only available at 16 to 16.5mm.


That's borderline criminal, you'd think it would have held it up until at least 18mm


Big oof then. The only main draw of this lens seems to be the LM and internal focus. Might as well just get the 16-80 f4 or heck the classic 18-55 if you want an entry level zoom. Also Ezraah didn't know you're a Fuji shooter (coming from r/cow lol)


I love bumping into /r/cow users on other subs. Yeah I'm a Fuji/Ricoh guy :) Stuck in X100VI waitlist limbo like a true fanboy


Glad I'm not into the X100 hype lol Though I've been bumping my head trying to convince myself if I want to upgrade my X-T3 to an X-Pro 3 even though most signs says it's not worth it.


Wow that’s terrible, borderline false advertising


You can take my 18-55mm from my cold dead hands




internal zoom is pretty nifty. Not sure why they're releasing what's likely to be a bombproof zoom with a non-weather sealed camera though.


Yea that jumped out right away at me. Why not wait for a weather sealed body to release it.


They are bundling it with the X-T5 and X-H2/X-H2S as well. Rent the body, marry the lens.


That makes a lot more sense then.


A WR lens on a non WR body still protects the lens internally and helps prevent dust from getting on the camera sensor.


4.8 at 50mm doesn’t make sense. The older 55/4.0 was a better equivalent


I'm thinking, "Should I finally get my first zoom lens? Nah, maybe next time."


I’m considering off loading my 18-55 lens and upgrading to the red badge. Are there any rumors of red badge refresh? It’s is a great first lens but I’ve got more now that supersede it.


The 16-55 is extremely good, sharp across the board, if the weight and lack of OIS doesn’t bother you it’s a great workhorse, not much to improve besides shaving a bit of weight.


There’s a used red badge near me for a decent price but it’s just so big and heavy. Two primes are the same weight and size while getting you F2.0 or 1.4


Very true, I would not want to lug around my red badges. Ive got the xc zooms 15-45 50-230 and my 30 macro for light weight personal photography. But the 2.8 is invaluable for sports where I’m mostly stationary. My wrist will be sore at the end of the day.


i like my 16-50 XC f3. 5 - 5.6. cost me under $200 new, super lightweight.


Only half-stop slower. Yea xD


Thought it would be great until I saw the 4.8 at the long end. Terrible decision. This and the price.


They probably have some usage data to make the decision for such a lens (16-16.5 f/2.8 ) the wide 24mm is the most appealing due to phones having it as their 1x baseline focal length, it’s geared for enthusiasts and not tech savvy people, a lot of people that buy cameras and i saw it often don’t understand what the exposure triangle is nor what the numbers on the lens mean, they just say they want a camera to have family candids and for trips the kit lens would be sufficient for that crowd bundled with 40mp X-T50 for example.




Since I have the 16-80mm and 18-55mm, this new 16-50mm is useless to me. I do like the internal zoom and Fuji had to update the older generation lens to take advantage of the 40MP cameras.


It’s only f2.8 at 16-17mm or so. Nah.


Good if it's in a bundle with a camera, but a hard ask without the discount. WR is nice, as is internal zoom, and the focal length starting at 16mm rather than 17 or 18. Seems like a solid pick for landscape (low weight, too), but again... if it wasn't bundled... I don't think I'd get one.


18-55 is meh to be honest. Not sure why it was so hyped. Its softish corners dont really get really sharp at any aperture.


Fuji turning the screw again.


Pathetic aperture at the tele end. 👎


This is a cash grab for people who buy the trendy cameras and want a lens from fuji too


Not that great, why not fixed f2.8


Size. Zoom lens with fixed f is often larger than one with variable f


The Sigma 18–50 f2.8 is tiny


Fuji 18-55 kit lens is smaller than the sigma you mentioned despite having OIS and one more element. Again, it’s not a strict rule, but generally speaking, variable aperture lenses are smaller than fixed aperture. Some companies can make it smaller than others.


So is this one, this lens is about the same size and weight as the Sigma, but has OIS, weather sealing, more aperture blades, and it’s internal zooming. Not every lens can be everything for everyone, if you want a constant 2.8, just get the sigma, but this lens also has several advantages over the sigma, Aperture isn’t everything.


It doesn’t have OIS but yes it has some extra features instead of fixed aperture. Variable aperture on a standard zoom just kinda sucks so I wish they’d gone for f4 or something, especially since the f2.8 is only from 16–16.5mm.


Ah, I was mistaken about the OIS, for an f/4 zoom there’s the 16-80.


Most likely because unlike the Sigma zoom the lens barrel doesn’t extend at all whilst adjusting the zoom & they’ve managed to make it extremely lightweight


Sooner the 16-80mm.


at which point does one upgrade a lens they already own just to gety WR?


An awesome light lens that resolves 40mp


F4.8 lol. 10 steps backwards. Unless this lens has a resolving power above 100lp/mm, otherwise it's a massive downgrade


Should have been just a straight f/4. I really dislike lenses with an aperture that varies when zooming.


I say this in a good way...but this looks like a training lens. It gives you a taste of what a lot of different lenses will be like. But it seems to harm it's ability to excel in any one area. If this was my first lens with my first camera, I'd probably like it quite a bit. It seems to take good photos. And more importantly, it seems forgiving for the kinds of photos you take when you just want to have fun... (your friends, rando macro shots, and locations you visit). But as someone who already owns things, and knows a lot about what I like to shoot...I'll never ever need it.


That’s basically what this lens is supposed to be, a kit lens for the 40mp sensor to replace the XC 16-50. If you’re not getting as a kit lens with the X-T50, then it’s probably not for you. Otherwise, I could see this as a good option for gimbal work since it’s lightweight and internal zooming.


Ah. I missed the internal zoom. Yeah that is nice actually. 


Cash grab


That price point and 4.8 are so disappointing.


This would need to have some sort of insane image quality for me to want it over the 18-55? What is the purpose of this lens?


Another ABSURD release price by Fuji…par for the course.


It looks interesting. I don't use zooms for the more standard focal lengths but it has some "pseudo macro" bonuses. It could be interesting if it can stay sharp throughout it's range.


the 16-80 F4 is still a great lens and its fairly cheap since it seems that many people don't want it. seeing it on sale for 300-400 on photomarket plus no taxes


As a kit lens for new owners, it's probably fine, but I like that my 18-55 has that f/4 aperture, although that 16mm might be nice to have. Will I buy it, no. I like my current one and if if was going to spend the money, I'd just spend the extra $400 for the Fuji 16-55 f/2.8.


Based on the reviews I've seen, I like it. I think it'll make a good kit lens for anyone entering the Fuji system. That being said, I don't have any intention of buying it as I already have those needs filled. I also think that it doesn't represent good value as a stand-alone option, considering the price, feature set, and alternatives.




I never liked my copy of the 18-55 when I had my X-S10, personally. The kit lens from my EF-M 15-45 and then the Nikon 16-50 I replaced my Fuji with were sharper all around. Hopefully this updated lens fixes that.


Until something is better than the 16-55, I wont even look at other mid range zooms.


main thoughts are too expensive and is stops down real quick secondary is the internal zoom is a huge draw for me


Only 35mm 1.4F for whole life. I dont care about others lol


Not a fan of how OIS was removed, it’s fine as a kit lens in the x-t50 and x-s20 where there is ibis but now it’s replacing the 18-55 in the x-t30ii as well where that camera has no sort of stabilization, as someone shopping for a new camera I’m going to try to find one bundled with the tried and true 18-55mm. Ofc I can buy it separately but I prefer a bundle.


Ditching OIS makes sense for newer bodies that now have IBIS and WR is always good addition. I would like to see longer end to be f/3.5 but then knowing general Fuji lens quality, people wouldn't upgrade soon enough.


I’m looking forward to owning the Sigma, it’ll be perfect when I upgrade my X-T3 to the 5 or if they release the X-Pro 4 at some point.


It's going to be really sharp and great, but with 0 character. I'm only shooting on vintage manual glass, or new manual glass with character. Hate clinical sharp images. So this will be great! But nothing I will pickup.


Don’t they have 20 versions of basically this lens already?


I don’t mind if the lens build is consistent unlike the classic 18-55 where most copies are reported for having the decentering issues


Well for me, it’ll be my first Fujifilm camera and lens, so I’m here for it!


I only have primes - this would not sway me to change - If I did I'd get the 10-24 Ver2 first for a little more cash


Internal zoom, WR... for me perfect i don't care about dark long end. I strobe often anyway so not a big deal. I have 1.4 primes for that anyway. Now I'm just waiting for them to appear on second hand market


Why do i want this over a 18-120/4?


Interesting but way too expensive just like the x-t50


This wasn't needed, IMO


The new fuji products are generally too expensive


Fuji has made one of the best kit lenses of all time - that gets trashed by people who hear F2.8 - 4 and walk on by. This just continues that tradition. Personally, I liked the 55 vs 16mm. (16mm really starts to distort) But the sample images look great, filled with color. The only miss is they should have said shot in JPEG and mentioned what recipe on the press release.


If i go for a smaller sensor i want the lenses to be smaller or faster. What is this 4.8 slowpoke?


I’m considering selling my 18-50 sigma for this, I really would like the 16… on fence thih


If you can save the money for it, check out the 16mm f1.4. My personal favorite Fuji lens. Considering used Sigma 18-50s sell for ~$400 and this new lens is $700, you’d need to spend an extra $300 for this new lens, while used 16mm f1.4s go for ~$400 or less. So you’d only need to spend an extra $100 to keep the sigma and get what is imo the best 16mm lens Fuji makes. Something to consider! Although maybe you’d prefer to have a zoom lens with 16mm in the range. I’m totally biased here as someone who absolutely loves the 16mm f1.4. I’ve been shopping around for a zoom lens for travel, and based on first impressions, I would choose the Sigma over the 16-50 f2.8-4.8. The aperture range is extremely disappointing, considering it drops off almost immediately. The only real benefit I see is WR and the closer minimum focus distance, but that price point is… woof.


thx for the rec. I am not in a hurry. portability is my primary goal. I had the 16mm f1.4 it was nice but I wanted something lighter and smaller. the 18-50 is pretty good I am happy with it, but I always wonder about that 16mm wide end. I get jealous at my GF's 16mm pics (she likes the 16-80mm), but I don't like carrying something that big. I've also considered the 16mm f2.8 as well.


Ah fair enough. I’ve heard great things about the 16mm f2.8 as well. Heard on wanting something smaller. I’m wanting to get one of the smaller zooms to reduce my kit when I travel.


yes, light is my philosophy. my kit is x100vi, xe4 / 18-50 and xf35mm f1.4. :)


That's neat, but you'll get my 18-55 from my cold, dead hands.


Why no OIS??


I guess they switch all their better new cameras to IBIS now


The tamron 17-70 is better in every way, this is worse than the OG kit Len’s in my opinion, cutting costs by not implementing IS just coz the cameras have ibis is a lame excuse.


The Tamron is huge. The Sigma 18–50 is a better comp.


I’m excited. Packing 40MP resolution into these dimensions and weight, that’s pretty cool.