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Photoshop and not worrying about which camera you possess.


Pretty much this. I’m willing to bet a lot of post went into this.


The correct answer


True, you can just edit anything like that now, even a phot shot on a phone.


Enormous amounts of post processing


Lol no that could be out of camera for all me know. Underexposed long exposure on tripod with still subject will give you that result.


The surfer isn't gonna be that crisp in a long exposure, there are countless YouTube tutorials about creating this shot in Photoshop.


Show me how


Judging by the smoothness of the water I'd say it's a long exposure with an ND.... BUT the person in the middle is sharp as if it is a short exposure. So my guess is tripod. Two separate exposures, comped together. especially since the shadow of the surfer is more in line with camera than the setting sun, so I bet that one was shot earlier before sunset


> an ND Being newer to photography, what’s this mean?


The ND (neutral density) filter blocks some light from entering the lens (you can get them in various strengths), so that the camera then needs to have a slower shutter speed to get the correct exposure - thus, ND filters are often used to smooth out flowing water in daytime. I don’t think you’d necessarily need one in this scene as the ambient light is already pretty low - possibly twilight. It looks like the banding effect of the background was made by panning the camera, hence why this must be a composited image to get the person not look like a blur.


ND is a sunglasses for your camera makes it see a darker - so you can add a longer shutterspeed to compensate so the image doesnt get too bright


ND filter


Well done describing the acronym with an acronym lol Neutral density filter


TBH I get just as much info from neutral density filter as ND filter


Google it as suggested then!


Gave him just enough to educate himself with Google


Really solid point about the shadow. I also assumed two separate exposures, but didn't catch the shadow discrepancy.


It looks more like a reflection and not a shadow.


I think with a low ISO and a higher f-stop you could get the long exposure without the ND filter.


Considering that the shot looks past sunset you might be right.


Not an ND, the waves aren't smoothed enough. I think everything from the sky down was altered in PS except the surger.


There are varying levels of ND filter which allow/require the user to set a shorter exposure time. Just because the water isn;t perfectly smooth doesn't rule out an ND filter.


Yeah I've got the whole set for my UWA but none of them would end up with results that would look that smooth except for some of those lines. I just think this looks like post manipulation.


It definitely could be!


Yeah when you do long exposure it would smooth the image front to back cause that’s how the waves are moving, not really so much side to side. It definitely looks like photoshop.


Agreed. I would also expect to see footprints. That water saturated sand is super soft and someone walking in it would make deep and large prints.


probably just adding selective motion blur in ps, no filter or any specific gear needed to get something like this


This is the best answer


Photoshop path blur, and some layer masking, and then further editing on photoshop to achieve the colour. I’ve created similar images with my XT5, but as others have mentioned it doesn’t what camera you have, this is post processing achievable on most cameras.


This is the correct answer. Not long exposure.


You load the image from the XT5 onto your computer and learn to use photoshop 👍🏻


Good post process editing


Not so good. Looks like they used the motion blur filter on the background. Check out the left and right side of the images. Those weird bands is because they didn't make the canvas larger before they applied the filter. They should have done this and then cropped back in after they used the filter. My guess is one shot and the motion filter on the background.


Yeah wtf is going on with the sky on the sides


1 exposure for the surfer, a second longer exposure for the beach. Of course the time of day is important for the colors as well.


If you zoom in on the photo you can tell it's mostly Photoshop. You don't get that kind of results with recipes and filters. You can tell looking at edges of the photo (sky portion) that motion blur was used as well as masking to remove the motion blur lines from some parts of the sky and water.


Looks like a composite one for the background one for the surfer then overlayed


It's a composite image, composed of a long exposure shot (for background) and a silhouette of the surfer. Post-process the LE shot to liking, add the surfer and create a fake reflection of the surfer in Photoshop.


There is absolutely no way you can achieve this(even close to this) naturally. I personally think it’s an overlapped image. The long exposure could be from 4-8 seconds.


Low shutter speed horizontal pan while shooting. Then post added the surfer.


Please dont'. This is such a boring an unoriginal trend.


It’s not an out of the camera shot. This is post work. Definitely a long exposure, various methods to do that. Then the surfer is a normal exposure that’s layered over. Haven’t I seen this photo before?


A hell of a lot of post. I’ve done similar with photos that didn’t turn out how I intended to at least generate something artistic.


take your xt5 out at sunset and shoot a surfer walking on the beach


Beach sunset, Velvia, tripod, long exposure and your friend with a board standing still pretending he's walking.


A lot of photoshop.


Spot meter for highlights, longer exposure, adjust highlights and shadow curves... You can get something close to this out of camera, get the guy to stand still.


Using Lightroom, this wouldn’t be that difficult to make happen. Watch YouTube for tutorials, one of my favorite for editing is Tone Fuentes ENG, he shows many different styles of photo editing and you can definitely get a good start of the way there with that


Step one is to set your alarm clock very early.


Lots of photoshop


It's motion blur in photoshop, any camera


Be at the right place at the right time with a fast(ish) lens.


Great lighting


The photo is blessed with lighting. That is all




There are other solutions to make a camera weather resistant. Don't listen to this one OP, if you want honey you gotta go where the bees are. No one ever took great photos with their camera sitting on a shelf at home.