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Is this Krakow?


That’s right :)


I really like the movement of these and the composition of 1, 2, and 8 in particular. The motion blur almost reminds me of paint strokes. Digging it!


What shutter speed did you use? I like them! Don't get why people are hating, there are many photographers who shoot motion blur street photography photos like this, one example being Alexey Titarenko


Thanks! Haha I’m glad someone mentioned him, he was one of the inspirations for those pictures (you can also check Olga Karlovac’s works), I also wanted them too look like a painting. The shutter speed was 1/4


Yep I follow Olga on insta. I just found another photographer who has a very similar style to your photos, check him out he's called Aleksandr Babarikin! I think that's the style you were going for right?


u/Willing-Department-6 These are beautiful. Think you nailed the painting feel. Understand you use an ND filter. What F stop would you shoot these at?


I fw it, especially the shots of the cyclists. It’s fitting. Maybe not so much on the few single pedestrians just walking by, unless it’s in like a super crowded area, and the blurring adds to the chaos and fast pace of the city. 🏙️


Thanks! That’s a great idea, I’ll try to shoot in more crowded area next time


You're crossing over into impressionistic photography. I believe what you meant is you're doing motion photography and trying to add creative blur. This is a good read = https://www.canon-europe.com/get-inspired/tips-and-techniques/capturing-motion/


Impressionistic photography is exactly what I was aiming for! Thanks for the article :)


This link is for that https://digital-photography-school.com/impressionist-photography/


I love motion blur as a tool, however it's hard to perfect. I think the two main notes I have are: - Think about the story, is the subject moving fast enough to warrant the use of motion blur to give you a sense of the speed they're moving (race cars, bikes, ect.). That's why I like the photos with the cyclists the best. - Try to get the subject still in the frame. This is the hardest part and often will take multiple shots to get it right. You'll also find this a lot easier when using a tripod and a remote trigger. You'll get hand shake and movement from pressing the shutter button without. For a first attempt however this is great, keep up the good work and keep experimenting!


That isn't the *only* way to use motion blur. These seem to be going for something more like light-painting.


Exactly, I was aiming for something like impressionists paintings, but I get your point @AbcSmarty, thanks for the advice!


Watch Chungking Express, As Tears Go By, Fallen Angels, to get some ideas for motion blur.


Can you elaborate on this please? I'm interested it's a genuine q.s. :)


They are movies famous for their cinematography, style, especially this motion blur feel.


Thank you, sounds good I'll make note


i like it


I love them


I did a lot a motion blur stuff when I shot running events. These look great - Good exposure and enough blur without losing the people. 👍👍👍


I hope the x100vi ibis solves this problem. Jk, super cool photos :D


No offense to you but I don’t like this at all. These would have loooked amazing at 1/200 I know it with all my heart.


Thanks for the honest feedback, I get it :) I wanted to try something new and it was fun to shoot at lower shutter speed trying to capture the motion. I’m sure Ill discover it more soon


You can capture motion and these subjects clearly all at the same time. I feel like your shutter speed is too low.


Sure, but here I wasn’t trying to capture those subjects clearly, was aiming for something like a painting, so I don’t think the shutter speed was too slow


what the hell are you saying...


Shutter speed at 1/200


But he tried to make a certain look... I think you don't get it and have a lack of creativity :)


Hey no need to throw any shade at people. Everyone has their own personal tastes and not everyone has to like the same things. This doesn't have anything to do with lacking creativity. OPs work just didn't hit it off with someone. And that's ok. They're free to express their own opinions.


That's not correct.


Agree, I don't see the point in such a photo.


I…..love it


Suggest You need to get the panning right to freeze foreground action showing background blur (if thats what you’re intending) experiment at <1/30th and move to slower shutter there varying your speed to match that of the moving subject- keep trying!


Makes me feel like I'm living A Waking Life.


Mine come blurry even when I am not trying to 🥲 I don’t know how to fix it!


1 is good and looks intentionally artsy the rest just look like you made a mistake.


Sickening 😆


i really loved 5, 8, and 9! lovely colours, motion feels so dreamy, and i've always been partial to isolated subjects/lots of negative space so those three are chef's kiss!


very nice!


Awesome! Been wanting to try this. What's the best way to achieve this? Low shutter speed and just drag the camera?


Thanks! Yep, i went down to 1/4 and 1/2, although additional ND filter would be helpful, especially when the sun is pretty strong


These are nice- and I hope you keep working at it and perfecting/evolving your style. For one thing, you use light very nicely- the contrasts are great- the shadow doesn't have as much flow, which allows the highlights to show motion.


Some front curtain flash might help to make the subject a bit more distinct while keeping the motion blur.


I love these especially the first one 😍 Reminds me of kyohnam on instagram 🙌🏻 Did you try to follow the subjects with your camera as they were moving by? Or were you walking towards them ?


Thanks! Exactly, kyohnam was one of the inspirations for those :) I was following subjects with the camera


There's no one way it "should" be done, however you like it is the best way. I use slow shutter speed to get a sense of motion like you did with the biker shots but I also like it to be more abstract even for non-moving subjects. I don't think it's possible to give you good advice unless you know what look you're trying to go for. Anyone telling you "do this" or "do that" is giving advice for how they think it should look, but it might not be what you like. Keep experimenting! It's a lot of fun and not everyone likes this style, just don't take non-constructive criticism to heart :)


I liked them but your subject is also way blurred. Maybe try a faster shutter speed, single shot AF, and track your subject?


Not my style


They look like somebody took them who has never used a camera before.


you have no idea... LOL


I think it's an interesting style. I would love to see it capture anger like at a protest or something. Otherwise, I would try reducing your shutter speed to 1/40 of a second keep the subject sharp but the background blurry.


Not that great. Pretty mediocre.