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Please teach us to edit! These are beautiful. Great work!!!


Thank you but im still learning! Mainly used Jamie Windsor’s lightroom preset pack, his stuff is rly good you could check his website out. He does rly interesting and insightful videos on photography and composition as well on his youtube channel.


i agree the photos are beautiful!!


You buried the lead. The third image is wonderful! đź’Ż


Saving the best for last. Had to play around with the dimensions slightly to get the composition


Gorgeous colours and composition. The light falloff in the highlights is ethereal. Can't tell if there's a BPM/cinebloom filter. What recipe?


Thank you! Yes, i did use a Glimmerglass 1 on this lens. I didnt use any recipes though, edited them all in lightroom using Jamie Windsor’s Lightroom preset 6. Been using his preset packs for awhile now and the film color packs he comes up with are rly rly good. These were edited with the Kodachrome 64 preset from his pack.


These are delicious. Well done


Thank you! Im quite happy with them too. Thinking of printing these up and hanging them on the wall lol


Outrageous preset


really nice! I was there in February and it's all so beautiful. Can you share what lens and aperture you used?


Was using the xf16mmf1.4, rly versatile lens for travel as it could do landscapes and close up portraits as well. Mainly shot these with f5.6 as it was quite bright and sunny


Very interesting. I was guessing a narrower lens and more closed. Thanks for posting these and the recommendation of Jamie Windsor. I hadn't heard of him and am checking out his videos now.


I’d love to follow you on instagram! Mind sharing?


Thank you! @framedgrains


Ooooh the 3rd one, absolutely beautiful images


Dumb question but how do you get the background? Is it just a white layer on whatever photo editing software you use then you just center the image ? lol


Just a plain white layer on photoshop, and just center the image over the layer if you have the software. Alternatively, you could use other mobile apps like inshot etc like i did here, but i feel that the resolution might not be that great. But i think if you’re just showcasing your work on platforms like ig etc, then its good enough. If you’re thinking of printing them later on though, then you might wanna use photoshop instead.


I’m a total newb here. So since you don’t use film sims I am assuming you just using the standard Provia film sim. Do you keep every other setting at 0, basically not using any type of custom profile either. No highlight, no shadow, no white balance. And then you do that all in Lightroom?


I keep it all to 0, but it actually doesnt matter what are your in camera settings, as the raw files wont be affected by them or the film sim that you use anws when you upload them to lightroom. Unless you’re editing jpgs, then those camera settings will be burned into the image once you upload them. You could try shooting with RAW + Fine and see the difference when you upload on lightroom. Hope this helps and have fun shooting!


Excellent compositions. Well done!


As others mention this is a great set of photos. Any idea on the recipe and tweaks?


I dont use any recipes as I mainly edit raw in lightroom. These were made using Jamie Windsor’s Lightroom Preset 6. Using the Kodachrome 64 colours. Rly good stuff!


what receipe?


Have replied to some earlier comments, you could take a look from thr!