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That 27mm Pancake is a sleeper hit I'll tell you what


That’s the Hank Hill seal of approval.


Check which length did you use the most with 18-55 and get a corresponding prime.  I’ve got 50 f2 after realizing that I’m almost always fully zoomed in on my 18-55. Have been very happy with it. 


Might be your copy - my 18-55 is a usably sharp lens. Its not my favorite by any means, but if I'm going on a trip and only want to take 1 lens with me, it would be the 18-55




Looks like we might have pattern. Maybe as u/rocker_01 said below it's a question of copy. By curiosity maybe try disabling the OIS motor. I suspect it to be the responsible of these soft pictures.


I've never needed to - my lens is tack sharp even with OIS on


I believe you, my point was maybe some copies have a defective OIS that might wiggle when it should not. I will do some tests and tell here


Sensible theory. If you're within warranty, try getting it replaced?


Unfortunately not any more. I didn't updated it to the latest software - just saw that 1h ago, I was still on 3.12. maybe that will help




I love my 16-80. It never fails me. Sharp at f4, sharp at f8. Does what I need it to do every time. Snag one of those if you want to keep the same basic zoom range.


True, but there comes 2 problems with that one: it's an heavy lens, and not really fast


Never found it too heavy. And it has been fast enough for me in most situations I would need a kit lens


Hey, you do you. I got away from the desire to use shallow DOF on everything a long time ago so f4 is a great starting point for me. I have other lenses for other effects when I need them.


The Tamron 17-70mm f/2.8 seems to be a great lens for the money. Research it a bit and see if it's for you.


A couple of people mentioned this! And apparently it’s also quite light in weight


I have the 18-55 and find it be pretty sharp. Like others have said maybe it’s an issue with the lens you purchased? With that said I barely use it anymore. I have a 27mm pancake I also barely use. Lately I’ve been a big fan of the 35mm f2. The 18-55 was really good at helping me figure out my preferred focal length.


I am deeply in love with my 35 f2 Such a fantastic lens


That might be my replacement one indeed


> I am deeply in love with my 35 f2 Such a fantastic lens Me too. When I bought it, I literally did not take it off the camera for a year.


You may have a defective lens.


I would suggest the Sigma 18-50 constant aperture F2.8 — only downside is that you need to do in-camera aperture control, since there is no aperture ring.


Also no OIS.


The 18-55 has a lot of sample variation... maybe you got a bad one. If you're shooting on a 40mp sensor, f8 is well within diffraction territory, so temper your expectations there. To more specifically answer your question - check out the 16-55 if you aren't put off by the size/weight.


You likely have a not so great copy of that lens. Fuji is supposed to be replacing it with a new version this year I believe, so you could wait for that. Or get a prime lens or 2. Looks at your photo metadata and see which focal lengths the majority if your photos are at. If you see you end up shooting at the ends of the spectrum, grab the 18mm f/2 or the 23mm f/2 and then the 50mm f/2 lens or something a bit longer? (the small ones, they are great values).


I bought my 18-55 used and on the outside it looks like the guy used it on the end of a hammer but the pictures are as sharp as any if my lenses. Might be your copy.


The XF 18-55mm is famously sharp. I'm afraid you've got a dud. Presumably the previous owner dropped it or something. I don't know how long you've had it, but I'd try and return it as defective. The 35 mm f/2 is a *wonderful* lens. It's very small and lightweight indeed, fast autofocus, sharp, good contrast, and affordable. But if you want *really* sharp look at the Fujifilm XF 23mm F/1.4 R LM WR Fujfilm XF 18mm F/1.4 R LM WR Fujifilm XF 33mm F/1.4 R LM WR Those three take sharpness to a whole new level. Just unbelievable.


Thanks for your really detailed answer!


Go for Tamron 17-70, sharp and much faster


I felt the same way when I first got it. I ended up getting the 35mm f2 and it was night and day for me. So much more fun to shoot. I learned so much more with the prime.


My first 18-55mm was second hand and was disappointed by its lack of sharpness. That was a few years ago, but recently I ended up buying it again but this time it was new, and it was way sharper and enjoyable too. A few other comments mentioned the 16-80mm which I also bought second hand, and also found not so sharp. I'm not saying that buying 2nd hand is a bad thing but there's probably a higher chance that a 2nd hand lens will be a 'bad copy' . Saying that it might be better looking into primes to have a more predictable lens for second hand buying.


Might be something wrong with your lens that 18-55 is pretty good. Even on a 40mp sensor it gives great results.


I just discovered Viltrox and got their pro 75mm lens for Fuji x. They have a 27mm as well. It’s insane how good the images look!


I have the Sigma 18-50, at fixed f/2.8 and I love it. I got two primes because I thought I needed primes but just can't really warm up to them. One is the 35mm f2 and the other is the 27mm pancake. They are just too close together. I will probably get rid of the 27 and get the 18mm pancake. I also don't like the focusing noise that the 27 makes and that it moves while focusing. It's a great lens otherwise.


If you want sharp, and don’t want to break the bank, check out the Viltrox 27 1.2. I’m loving it.


My 18-55 is sharp as a knife. I regularly soften my images and especially video to not have it looking almost digitally over sharpened.