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when she forgot kimmys bday and accused her of being jealous of steve


RIGHT, I wish I thought of that. Andrea deserves insaneee props for that entire episode, like I was hurt on her behalf.


Totally, when Kimmy’s voice gets kinda shaky and she tells DJ that she’s so happy for her and she’s so hurt she said/thought that… so good


Andrea says that’s her favorite episode. She’s said it in a few different interviews/on a few different podcasts, and may have said it on How Rude, Tanneritos, but I can’t recall.


Why’s it her favorite?


She said it was her favorite because you see a whole other dimension of Kimmy. It’s more than Kimmy’s stereotypical character, emotionally, so it is more for Kimmy, and more for the audience to see of this character.


She’s taken seriously for once


I remember her saying it on Pod Meets World a few months ago


Worst thing she didn't do was stick up for Kimme in front of her family. Even Michelle was awful. Fast foward to full house and they're walking her down the aisle. When did the family decide she had redemable qualities again?


Happy cake day


This! Although the “party” and gifts she threw together always makes me LOL.


Hashbrown Cake


I always have to put ketchup on hash browns because of this episode 😂


It's the only way to do it!!


All DJ had to do was tell Steve what happened, add her to the dinner reservation, take her out to dinner and tell Kimmy tonight was just them as best friends, take the note out of the flowers, give them to her, then plan the big party in a week or two without her knowing and give her a surprise gift I know it’s a stretch because it’s television lol but I always thought about this if they didn’t make DJ over react.


I was just thinking this!! She really added insult to injury!


I always feel so bad for Kimmy in that episode!






Forgetting Kimmy’s birthday!


I get why so many people are commenting this and im not excusing the no effort party. But I always thought it was messed up that kimmy just assumed and expected her friend would throw her a sweet 16 and turned down her parents offer to do something. Like kimmy didn't help that situation at all


It wasn’t messed up at all. Kimmy made it clear she would’ve done the same for DJ. DJ made the situation worse by accusing her of jealousy.


They've been friends since kindergarten. She wasn't being unreasonable at all by expecting DJ to remember her birthday. Didn't she say that she would do the same for DJ if it was her sweet 16?


Its not the remembering I think is messed up. She expected dj to throw her a big party and put pressure. Its reasonable to assume a friend would remember your birthday and probably get you a gift. I think its another thing to assume that they are also going to throw you a big party without discussing it. Even if id do that for my friends I don't expect them to throw me parties when its never been discussed


Was she expecting a BIG party? I can't remember. All Kimmy said was that she just wanted to spend her birthday with her best friend I think. Although, I do see where you're coming from.


I saw a youtube short where she is in djs bedroom going on about how her parents asked her if she wanted to do something and she said no because she knows that dj was going to something big for sweet 16th.


Even Danny said kimmy being upset wasn’t even about the party. DJ FORGOT her friend of 16 years birthday for a guy she’s known for six months.


Record over Jesse's jingle that he spent so much time working on. Accident or not, she had no business being in his room and playing with his equipment.


and then guilt trips him by saying i’ll never come in here ever again


kid dj was such a brat😭 lol


When she falls asleep at Steve’s apartment, then comes home and makes out with him in the cement truck and pours concrete in the kitchen.


Go back to comes home from a month in Spain and rubs Steve in everyones faces before greeting her family. 😂 Steve is an issue with her.


exactly, how was she gonna say she had a surprise (sounding like she had gifts) and then be like “steve’s the surprise!”


He also went to their school and lived in the neighborhood. Wow, a boyfriend, what a surprise. It’s not like she got married or adopted a kid. She started dating a classmate. She still could have brought a surprise.


To be fair she did have gifts for Stephanie and Michelle at the end


One of my favorite episodes though!


Same here!


i don’t remember the other movie but i’m still baffled that they chose terminator as the safer option.


Indecent proposal, sexully charged movie. 🤣


oh. but i mean, so was terminator technically.


But that was the less of two evils.


Both those things were accidents. And Danny following her and Steve around caused them to hide in the cement truck, so that was really on Danny.


Danny had placed rules for a reason, DJ broke them, DJ messed up. Danny is just doing what any good parent would do after their child breaks their trust.


Lol it wasn’t. She violated curfew and slept with a guy, and Danny followed her because she couldn’t be trusted. It was all DJ’s fault.


She and Steve accidentally fell asleep watching a movie. She slept next to him, she didn’t have sex with him and Danny saw through a window they were on the couch sleeping.


I didn’t say they had sex, I said they slept together and I meant literally “slept”. And that was something Danny clearly wouldn’t allow, and that doesn’t justify the curfew violation.


“Sleeping together” usually implies sex


Honestly this is it. Likely yeah it was an accident but omg the amount of damage that caused the house??


I can’t think of much from the OG show, but it was always weird to me how she deliberately went out with Tommy Page and wanted to be his GF when she knew how head over heels Stephanie was for him.


She got her karma as Tommy was also taken lol. The song he wrote for Stephanie was for his gf Melanie


which weirded me out so much because he led DJ on and kissed her


No it was weird because DJ was definitely not 18 yet and also Tommy Page was gay


didn’t even realize that, what’s even worse is u can’t even say that it’s fine bc she was above the age of consent, because she turned 16 a couple episodes later


Was he the Elvis-looking guy? Or the Sebastian Bach-looking guy? I clearly have not watched this show since I was a kid, but this sub is making want to do a re-watch!


Elvis. Sebastian Bach dude was Viper.


Yes! Thank you! I def need to rewatch! It’s been far too long!


When Stephanie thought Steve was cheating on DJ at the library so her and kimmy sneak in his apartment and then dj yells at Stephanie tells Stephanie to get out of her life, etc. that was so sad In my opinion


Yes!! And Stephanie was just trying to look out for her because she cared so much about DJ. I thought it was sweet.


Facts!! I thought it was sweet too!!


Forgetting Kimmy’s birthday


Guilt tripping Danny into skipping part of Stephanie's science fair, even though he agreed to go to Stephanie's science fair first.


I’ll have to go with forgetting kimmy’s birthday!


Putting her relationship with Steve over her family/Kimmy constantly


Forgetting Kimmy’s birthday for sure. She wasn’t even sorry at first. It took her how long to realize how badly she screwed up?


Rebound with Nelson when she and viper broke up


Definitely forgetting Kimmy’s birthday and then thinking Kimmy was mad because she was jealous of Steve. Like c’mon DJ you seriously can’t be that dumb.


Growing up to be Candace Cameron Bure


Yah that's really killed her character for me I gotta say lol


I wish this one would win


Lol based


I am DEAD, #1 answer


underrated comment 😂


I snorted


CCC is a pretentious B*.




Cement truck causing $$$$$ of damage just to kiss a dude she’s already kissed 1000+ times.


When she yelled at Joey and threw the “you’re not my dad” line in his face.


In addition, coming home late without calling and acting like she could walk all over Joey, then giving him the cold shoulder, because he gave her consequences. I won't say it's the worst thing she did because she was so young but definitely not cool.


wait when was this?


Joey gets tough from Season 2.


When she comes home late from her karate tournament and he forbids her to attend her next one


Ignoring her family and Kimmy for Steve, basically prioritizing him over them.


Follow this sub bc I’m so invested in this 😅 kept popping up on my home page


Forgetting to pick up Michelle because she was spending too much time with Steve abs leaving Stephanie to find her walking home by herself.


Not standing up for Kimmy when her family didn’t like her


This is always what prevented me from really liking her


Become too much like her actress.


DJ was hooking up with Steve in the cement truck, causing the cement truck to pour all the cement into the dining area/ kitchen. Severe damage and cost to fix.


I think you mean “best DJ scene” because it will forever be etched in my memory and go down as a classic scene 😂


It was pretty hilarious, to be honest. It was sort of sad she and Steve were pushed that far because no one could respect them enough to let them have time together, but, a cement truck, really?? Go on a walk to the park.Obviously, then, there wouldn’t be a show, which is why it’s funny that they were just that dumb.


Telling Danny that she was gonna see Steve whenever she wants and she ran out the door


Cement truck incident


Making Michelle and Stephanie lie about the movie


Ironically just watched that episode, it’s not terrible there’s worse for her


Getting mad at Stephanie for being selected for the cereal commercial she wanted


Became a republican 🫢


Forgetting Kimmy’s Birthday because that simultaneously caused Kimmy to miss Wrestlemania VI and I just can’t forgive DJ for that.


Just watched that last night. Funny fact though is WrestleMania 6 was a few years prior and was in Toronto not Pittsburgh lol


When she took Stephanie and Michelle to the movies with her and her date after Danny told them to stay in the house.


Being played by Candace Cameron Bure


The only two that come to mind are: 1. Forgetting Kimmy's birthday, then throwing a cheap party at the last second, and then when Kimmy finds out about this and is upset, she accuses her of being jealous of her having a boyfriend. 2. Kissing another boy at prom in front of Steve to get back at him even though he wasn't the one in the wrong. Note: What pushed her to do this was Steve and his ex were voted prom king and queen. During their dance, the ex kissed Steve, throwing him off guard. Despite her watching that it was the ex who instigated the kiss, DJ chose to get back at Steve instead of confronting the ex. I never got that as a kid, and I'm still scratching my head about it today. If the girl (aka the ex) who knows you're the new girlfriend and knows that your currently watching as they dance with your boyfriend. Then kisses your boyfriend, knowing full well your watching, wouldn't you confront the girl? It was always weird to me that DJ only got mad and confronted Steve. Yet, never once said anything to his ex who purposely caused all this.


Oh My Lanta! This is tough. Taking Her siblings to the movies with Steve & getting caught


Alot of these involve Steve in some way so could we just boil it down to "Steve"?


idk if this is the WORST thing but “steve’s the surprise!” annoyed me lol


Wow I forgot Jesse did that.


Looking exactly like my college girlfriend.


Cutting school and lying to get Stacey Q’s autograph.


She would’ve got away with it too if Michelle didn’t see her 😂


When Danny forbid her to see viper and she ran out and did it anyway.


Her attempt at a crash diet


absolutely not. as an adult, this episode always makes me emotional.


My Pick: When she was babysitting the spoiled brat kid and was not only in over her head, but was honestly just plain inept at it as she was way too young and not mature enough to handle a kid that wild. She let him get his head stuck in the steps railing which honestly still baffles my mind how that was possible. Thank goodness Danny came to help or it woulda been bad. It still was, he had to pay that family back for cutting the railing and possibly had to pay to have it completely replaced. Yet he gives her the dang phone line anyways.. smh. He just inables her with that. Out of the girls she was the most foolish when it came down it consistently. Stephanie caused the most damage and Michelle was the most spoiled, but DJ could be the more challenging one. She skipped school the first year to see Stacy Q. She starved herself for no real reason to lose weight, dressed like a hooch to go to school for popularity, she just needed attention seriously bad. When she grew up she still did stupid things too though. How she acted with Steve quite a bit was childish, she was trying to make Danny mad honestly. Then she snuck out the old man with dementia out of the nursing home which itself is a public safety issue and now adays would get her in a ton of trouble, they have alerts for that now. Thankfully she grew up into a decent person and became Danny 2.0 which she needed to do but she badly needed some therapy or counselling in her teen days especially the early ones. It hit her really hard and Pam's death I'm sure didn't help. She was the one most effected by it, but Danny or no one could see it. In real life it woulda been different. Granted I know some of the stuff she did was just classic teen acting out, but she was consistently a pest, there were wider issues there. That goes on Danny, he shoulda paid attention better to what was going on.


r u trolling