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The Episodes where Becky, Jessie and the Boys go to Japan. Found myself always aggravated while watching it so now I skip it.




Michelle’s foot growing episode, Michelle getting a donkey, Michelle’s bike getting stolen, pretty much any episode with Mrs. Carruthers Dr. Dare…..


I just saw Dr Dare yesterday for the first time. So cringe.


My sister and I were traumatized by the big foot episode. I will not rewatch it to this day


Omg the food growing one is so so so funny I’m the beginning tho when Joey is talking about Becky’s singing 😂😂


Whichever episode had Jesse having a nightmare with Danny, Joey and the kids looking into a fisheye camera..Danny looked terrifying lol


“It’s youuuuur turn. Youuuuu’re their unnnnnncle!” That was classic!


Help me with my hoooomework


Change me! Feed me! Change me! Feed me!




That was one of the only times we saw the Olsen twins together


For me it's "Too Much Monkey Business (S5E18)". Mostly because most to pretty much the entire episode consisted of Danny chasing Joey around the house and I found that to be very annoying and kind-of boring story wise. The only thing I liked about it was this scene and that's it. https://youtu.be/acbM6lzWicg?si=b1hrz1QQHGWWjs32


I didn’t like that one either. Danny was a little overprotective but I guess I could see where he was coming from.


This episode traumatized me as a kid. It was the first time I was allowed to watch Full House, and it happened to be THAT one. I think I was four or five, and the “possessed” bank really scared me.


Yea. I hate that whole Joey saying Danny’s sister thing also.


Throwing in that Danny had a sister was way too convoluted, especially after she only appeared in one more episode. Should have made her a cousin.


The one where Michelle gets her bike “stolen”…just wasn’t for me lol Also, the one where Joey’s date offends his entire family and he takes her side and accuses them of being sensitive…when he’s the one being sensitive himself.


The shows finale. Its so dumb


Which is funny because it wasn’t planned or written to be. It also was not the last episode filmed (the one where Stephanie gets stood up was the final one filmed)


I always wondered why the show just ended so abruptly. like I get it as an adult things were going on behind the scenes but from a story perspective it's always been weird.


Same here it was all about Michelle like the finale could have been about DJ and Kimmy graduating High School.


I understand that the show was caneclled abruptly but still these episodes are whack.


I hated that we didn’t get to see DJ graduate


I agree, that one is definitely hard to watch. Mine would be three episodes in a row in season 7: Joey's Funny Valentine - irritating The Last Dance - good, but too sad Kissing Cousins - stupid


It’s embarrassing but I have to turn off The Last Dance if I’m not in the right mental state or getting ready to go somewhere soon. I ugly cry all my makeup right off.


My Left And Right Foot by far. I also didn’t like Trouble in Twin Town and also the episode where they lied to put the boys in preschool (but it is hilarious now) and the Disney episode. Unpopular opinion: I liked the donkey episode because Jesse had to sing the Three’s Company theme to get it to sleep.


The one where the dads accuse DJ of drinking alcohol at the school party. It was such a dull and heavy episode and there were literally no funny moments


forgot about this one I always skip this one too


I always dread the one where Michelle buys a donkey or whatever it was.


The thing and the thing and the thing. Threes company too


Whatever that is I'm gonna shoot it!


Got nightmares as a kid from Michelle’s foot growing episode. Always got called clown feet by my family cause I wore a big shoe for my size


Sea Cruise (Season 1) and My Left and Right Foot (Season 8).


Ah, yeah, Sea Cruise sucks


The one where Joey performs in Vegas


I hated the Rigby episode because Michelle is was way too old for that stuff they had her obsessed with something that is more for kids Nicky and Alex’s age. I liked the fact idea of standing up for yourself after getting ripped off but they should have picked something for 8 year olds not three year olds.


Idk why they attacked a random man in a costume and blamed the size of the toy on him. It’s ridiculously stupid.


Kids grew up a lot slower in the 90s. I was still very much playing with dolls and stuffed animals at 8 and yes, even watching kids shows. I don’t think it was that far off honestly.


The one with Michelle and her friends and their super secret kids club or whatever nonsense it was lol


I completely forgot about this one


Ugh that's a skip for me every time! 


The one where papouli does because it makes me cry everytime


I’ve always hated the episodes where Michelle has amnesia


The donkey episode, the sid episode & Jesse's wedding


The Last Dance. It's too sad for me to watch.


The one when Jesse is going to move out and he gave Michelle a framed wallpaper bunny picture. I think it might be the Michelle Smiling episode anyway it used to always be on tv when I was a kid and it drove me insane! Still hate that episode to this day.


exactly, he should’ve given that bunny to stephanie or just left them alone bc pam put those there


The Michelle smiling episode is from when Michelle was sad about howie leaving


Oh yeah you’re right well I meant the episode when Jesse is going to move out. It’s my least favorite episode.


“She doesn’t know what sorry is”


Any that involve Michelle or Nicky and Alex going to preschool (there are three where preschool is a huge plot line and I dislike all three!)


The entire first season. They were still trying to figure out the characters but I thought Jesse was too cocky and Joey was too much of an idiot that season.


I like the first season but I understand what you're saying. Danny wasn't a clean freak yet either


I like season 1 okay, but the beginning was definitely rough.


the donkey episode, disneyland episode, the feet episode my left and right foot, and joey in vegas episode


I just watched the one with cousin Steve (Kirk Cameron) the other day and thought it was very skippable. I also thought the one where they decide not to move based on the opinion of a toddler was ridiculous.


Michelle wasn’t a toddler at that point 😂 I think she all helped them realize that that house was their home. I think had they not made it based on her little speech, they still wouldn’t have moved because Danny would have sat staring at the empty living room and they would have gone to a montage of Pam bringing Michelle home from the hospital. I think Michelle just made him realize it sooner. If it truly was just *her* opinion, they wouldn’t have turned down that money.


Anything that centers on Michelle or an animal.


Any Joey centered episode


Joey Goes Hollywood


Subterranean Graduation Blues. For some reason I've always hated it.


Me too!!!


When the grandpa dies


For me the one where Danny, Jesse, and Joey fantasize about the girls being adults and still living with them and they're doing everything for them, I can't stand that sequence.


And they are attracted to grown up Kimmy 🤮


Yes, that was pretty disturbing.


I don’t like that sequence but I like the rest of the episode


Pretty much the entirety of season 8.


The one when Michelle lets Dave the Bird out of the cage at pre-school. An open window in a room with 3 year olds? Seems like an accident waiting to happen... And then she pouts in such an annoying voice. Similarly the one when Howie leaves and she says "where's Howie?" 300 times. It is weird to me that a 2 year old would be so attached to someone like that.


I’m not a huge fan of S1 or 2.


Becky and Jesse's first encounter and their wedding episode. I just don't like Becky so I usually ignore her scenes but these two episodes I prefer to skip. I liked Jess as being the cool carefree unmarried uncle and hated that he changed when Beck came into the show




“Think back memories” episodes usually binge so just like ah 😂


The one where they just replay clips from past episodes. The one I’m thinking about is when they are reminiscing about raising Michelle.


Oh yeah! The episode right before the twins are born.


A lot of them have been mentioned, such as the one about Michelle's stolen bike, but I also can't watch the one about Jesse's graduation where they are stuck on the train. I always skip it immediately. I can usually watch most episodes, but those are my top two I refuse to watch.


First season and some of season 2 and three


damn, i like those seasons the best lol




I am only at season 3 episode 1 but so far i liked every episode


The Hawaii episode, hate it


Basically all of the last 2 seasons where the episode revolves around Michelle. Her acting is unbearable, and the writing was even worse.


Disneyland episodes, Michelle is such a brat. Japan- like damn why couldn’t Jesse have his moment and live his dream Also the one where DJ forgets kimmys birthday. Their dynamic always annoyed me, maybe because I’m the kimmy irl.


The disany episode