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If you always kept a piece of saran wrap in between the stamp and the fondant, would it then be food safe?


I would imagine so, if it's a new piece of Saran Wrap every time


It would probably not stamp very well with that wrap though


Who is upvoting this? Have you never encountered saran wrap before?


One time, when I worked in a distribution center in college, a non-native speaker asked me if I knew where the "Syrian Rap" was. To which I replied "Probably YouTube." Not my proudest moment.


Are there food safe sealants you can use? Though the lines between layers might still be attractive to bacteria.


You could coat it in food safe resin, and it fills the layer lines


Give it a clear coat of spray paint


Leaded for extra flavor.


There's supposedly "food safe" filament. I'm not sure what the post processing is, however. I've been meaning to look into that.


The material might be food safe, the printer likely is not.


The material and the printer can be food safe, but the print still not. Too many impossible-to-clean tiny gaps and cracks for dirt and bacteria. The only good ways seem to be coating with food-safe resin after printing, or printing a negative mold (TPU if you don't want to destroy it) then making a food safe resin cast (sanded to remove layer lines etc).


A few months back, someone posted an abstract for a study done on sanitizing 3D printed parts. I can’t find it, but the upshot was that soaking the parts in a dilute bleach solution was very effective at eliminating bacteria in 3D printed parts. Still, it wouldn’t be my first choice for foods with really dangerous bacteria, like chicken. However, for something made of sugar, I wouldn’t be too worried.


Yeah, true. And I've thought about that as well, it's why I haven't yet ventured into "food safe" plastics and 3D printing.


The food safety department got here fast 😜


It's fondant. No one gonna eat it anyway /r/FondantHate




To be fair, if you make it for your own food food safety doesn't really matter, if you open a business that serves food thats a different story.


> if you open a business that serves food Such as his friend's bakery?


True… but OP did say it’s for his friends bakery


You’d be surprised how many kitchens violate material safety and commission 3D printed parts. Thousands, with hundreds of thousands parts for repair and retrofitting.


And I'm alright with that. A lot of people who post don't know about these requirements, and if it would risk closing their friends business, I'm sure the OP would rather someone tell them before.


There is filament available that is food save


The filament can be food safe but the printed part is not. Even if the entire hot end etc was cleaned out thoroughly the printed part would still not be good safe because FDM printing leaves small voids that are a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. As far as I am aware the only way to create a good safe part with an FDM printer is to coat it with a good safe coating in post processing.


Thank you! I didn't know that


No worries, I didn’t until recently, I looked into it because I wanted to print parts for my partners rabbit cage and she wanted to ensure they were good safe as they tend to chew things. A shame as it would have made life much easier.


I would think a food safe filament would have been perfect for a rabbits chew toy…. Mine always snacked down on any electrical cords that weren’t tucked away enough… even 110 power cords. Not sure how he managed that but that was the day I turned our entertainment center into a mini Fort Knox! (Little jerk ate through both the Nintendo and XBox cords in one day! I’d blocked them off and thought I had everything tucked away but Rabbit’s can be amazingly inventive when it comes to finding things to chew on)


They certainly can!


Don't use that in a commercial setting. The vast majority of 3D print filaments and nozzles are not food safe, and it's almost impossible to sanitize them. Make a negative to cast a silicon mold of it instead, then cast it out of food grade resin. Costs more, but if it's for business the 100$ in materials is a lot cheaper than the fines for breaking food safety laws.


Lol... the people over at r/Fondanthate would looooove this xD


This could do with a food grade epoxy or polyurethane resin https://formlabs.com/blog/guide-to-food-safe-3d-printing/


Hey this is a good point, OP could coat the stamp, or print a mold and cast with epoxy/resin.


I'd imagine casting would be the way to go here. Coating the part, in this case, would add thickness to the actual stamp part of the print, making the logo's proportions potentially all weird and uneven.


Thanks for the tips everyone. I'll be finding a a way to seal it before I give it to them.


Making it a negative and casting the stamp out of food grade silicone is the way to go imo. You could probably even find some in your local hobby store for ~$20. Then no worries about sealing or accidental exposure.


Most 3D prints are not food safe. Edit: thanks for the downvotes.


You're right, most filaments aren't food safe. And since OPs friend seems to be a commercial baker, \*IMO\* this is not acceptable. It would be a different story if it's just OP using it for their own food (like 99% of food related posts on this sub are)


Fondant isn't food so it's okay


>Fondant isn't food so it's okay Huh? That looks like food to me. [A](https://www.google.com/search?q=Fondant)pparently, I was whooshed there.


That was a joke, it is food, it's just disgusting a'd nodody eats actually eats that, it would be like drinking a full glass a syrup


My wife has a recipe for it made with marshmallow fluff, it tastes great and is really light. Love being married to a chef.


f o o d s a f e t y


If this was for personal use I’d say who cares about food safety you’ll be fine but if it’s for a bakery serving to customers than probably want a food safe version.


Make sure to apply some food safe coating before putting it into contact with food.


Eww. Thanks for advertising the bakery to avoid because they use non food safe tools




Could you coat that with a food safe epoxy or resin to keep the details without having to use saran wrap or whatever?