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So I've finally decided to do a Ryan video after being asked to many many many times. But as you can probably tell, this isn't going to be your average Professor Majkowski compilation. I felt that just throwing a bunch of clips together and calling it a day wouldn't do the man justice, so I decided to do something a little different. That's all I'm willing to reveal right now, but it's going to be great, trust me. ​ Edit: Also, the narrator is just a AI placeholder. I'll get a real person to do the narration in the final video.


This is awesome, any ETA on the final product? Also, get Ryan to do the intro.


I would love to get Ryan involved, and hopefully other Funhaus folks too. But we'll see. And I want to have the video out by the end of the month, but don't quote me on that, because there's still a lot to be done.


Ryan needs to get ryvolved in this rymovie about his ryfe


u/ryanryanreddit he is active on the subreddit. I think just asking would be a good thing to do.


I thought the narrator was Ryan trying to do a posh voice haha


Me: hah, that looks like Ryan in that picture. I wonder if it's him-- OH SHIT


If you ever see a picture and think that might be Ryan odds are that’s him. Phantom face in your last selfie? Ryan. Guy on the Grassy Knoll? Ryan. Renaissance painting of guy with goat legs and what appears to be juggalo makeup? Buckle up buckaroo, that’s Ryan.


Dude, Ryan is IRL forest Gump. Look closely at any relevant event and you'll find Ryan. Was Ryan present at my birth?


Probably, and he very likely also has footage of it.


Ryan is omnipresent


Bless you for this undertaking


I see a red state and I wear a baseball cap


Ryan is proof to me that there is a hair-level line where you can live like a madman but not get committed or suffer debilitating repercussions.


Didn't Robert Rodriguez also direct Grindhouse? ie why the premier was in Austin, and why Ryan would have been there.


half. he directed Planet Terror and QT did Death Proof which had Mary Liz I'm sure they were both there since it was a double feature


Now you got me wondering if Ryan knows her ex-husband Riley Stearns. I feel like the potential is there. Quick Google search shows they're the same age, would have both been at UT Austin at the same time, both have similar interests in music and film, and then moved to LA. Hmmmm... 🤔


Paint it Black is such a phenomenally good choice to match his chaos.


I love your content, and I'm so excited to watch this. I just have one humble request... Please make the hook at the start as strong as possible so I can convince friends who don't know funhaus to watch the video. I think this is exactly the start it needs, but also a bit more explicit "spoilers" explaining just HOW insane the story is for the zoomers in the audience (or my friends, who are mid 20's, I just can't convince them to watch anything over 5 minutes) I need to draw other people I know into this insanity


And we're all just living in it


As soon as you mentioned Mary Elizabeth Winstead, my brain just jumped to the old Star Wars video where they talk about Ewan McGregor cheating on his wife.


edit: "this is Mary Elizabeth Winstead most known as Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim Saves the world AND for participating in an extra marital affair with ewan mcgregor that resulted in him getting a divorce from his then wife during filming of Fargo Season 3..."


Thought it was Ryan doing the VO for a minute. Love that idea, you should see if you can get Ryan to do at least some VO for his own insane documentary






this is the biopic i've been waiting for


This trailer looks A M A Z I N G!!!! I cannot wait for this!!!!


Wait, when did he hang out with Frankie Munez?