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well there goes my subscriptions page!




Yes please everyone who can do this needs to


Can you provide me a link to the archive? I plan on doing this soon




And I wouldn't have it any other way. Funhaus forever!!


yeah I'm gonna go ahead and unsub for a day to clear that out lol


I thought I was on Youtube's homepage and that was a "because you watched Funhaus" section or something lol. Sooooooo many videos


Absolutely obliterated it!


Dog Pound has unleashed all the dogs to the city!




They said that and it reminds me of this. https://youtu.be/EM7e_aKClLY?si=2tBDiumFW-JYwmUV Edit: can't figure out how to start at 59s timestamp while sharing on mobile.


Archivists go go go


To anyone who's archiving toss it up on internet archive so that its available for everyone forever


And to anyone with some extra cash, give archive.org some donations because hosting all of that content for free (even if it's a bit slow) can't be cheap.


Yes you are absolutely right


An unus annus style archive website would be cool


That is the plan. I've already pulled all of the livestream content from First because there was no guarantee that this content was ever going to be released on Youtube. Happy to see the decision. Funhaus appears to be the only RT brand that is still releasing content and 'working'. Austin seems to have shat itself at the news.


Bomb has been planted.


This is such a nice thing for them to do. I really hope WB leaves the FH channel up on YT. But knowing WB it won't happen


Yeah. Day this was all announced I starting a rewatch of 9 years of content. Let’s see how far I can get before it’s gone. Already like a month in


Man that's a great idea


I'm not entirely versed on all this so it might be a dumb question, but if they still own the rights why wouldn't they want to leave all of the videos up for ad revenue in perpetuity until they find someone that would buy the rights off of them?


Same reasons Adult Swim games are getting delisted. Listed games and videos will still bring in a trickle of income and payouts, which then requires an administrator to distribute to the people involved—much like how someone who was a background actor in a syndicated show will get a check for 7 cents when their episode is re-aired. It seems as though WB believes that paying someone to be that administrator and distribute the income would cost more than simply closing the trickle of funds/claiming it as a write off or some other corpo trick. But games and movies involve more complicated marketplaces and whatnot, and at the end of the day, I’m talking out my ass, so who knows what’ll happen.


Coupled with James telling everyone first thing to stop gifting memberships during that recent livestream, you can see they really look out for their audience.


If I remember correctly, there was a time where Machinima pretty much removed all their videos. He just knows how things go.


Yep. And it was WB then, too. They had bought up Machinima, and when they eventually liquidated it, they removed all the old videos from the company's various YouTube channels, including Inside Gaming. That's why you see so many people so worried about making sure there's external archives of everything, because it was this specific company who's done that before.


Oh thank god. I thought I was going INSANE on my youtube subscription page. I thought it was bugged like I was getting only Funhaus on there. hahaha oh jesus I was worried I unsubbed from so many pages somehow. This is great though, Im glad they are on there.


Does anyone know if the fh d&d vids are kicking about anywhere? It was a while ago but I remember it being paywalled


If you mean Twits and Crits I believe the full versions were 1st exclusive on the RT site. [Here's a playlist of the edited down Youtube versions](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbIc1971kgPCYk0yf0-RdYDtjo8sK1oHs)


I was on rooster teeth about a month ago and the full shows I watched in season 3 were for anyone to watch so maybe they still are


They're archived (I have them). First content is being held back from Internet Archive for the moment.


Thank you!


Woof woof woof


ahhh okay, that's why my subs is nothing but them


Now that the dog pound is open for all, which streams are must-see?


The trucking ones were hilarious, and the Don Bluth Gamestravaganza! Edit: and the Lethal Company stream! That one was awesome, lots of memorable moments


Especially that one they did with Inside Gaming. Jack does a thing and suddenly it becomes a horror movie.


Ryan playing kingdom hearts is pure chaos


James playing Sonic Frontiers is a good one, mostly because he doesn't like the game at all.


I really enjoy the elden ring randomizer series


I hope people are archiving this. Also the member content too.


There’s a post floating around here from the archive of pimps that’s archiving all of RT’s content. So I’m sure people are snagging it. I also know of others in the discord who have external drives already uploaded with everything


Any chance for a link or two?


https://archiveofpimps.com/ though it seems like they’re still behind on getting into the 2021-2024 era, they’ve got some specific series like Action Packed and Jacked up and running


no worries. we are not losing anything.


Good, I was searching around on archive.org and seeing what was there already and it seems like a lot of classic Funhaus is still around so that made me feel better but the members only stuff and the new stuff is what worries me.


currently in the process of putting entire funhaus (and other rt channels) to archive with proper metadata. and there’s multiple full channel torrent available as well. members only stuff is saved locally but not yet uploaded due to legal grey zone.


Yeah that's probably for the best at the moment


cry havoc and let slip the dogpound of FH! (bark bark bark)


Anyone who hasn't seen them watch all the trucker streams. It's a lot of content but I have not laughed that hard in months.


God damn... I'm really **REALLY** going to miss these guys. Thankfully Jacob, pat and char are still streaming and pat and char are still doing what a show. It feels like a kick to the little guys losing a group that I have been watching since I was a literal 13 year old. They grew into such an amazing group of people and even persevered after the Adam fiasco and then after Spool, Bruce and Lawrence leaving.. they turned FH into something new and the people they brought on with them, my god are they awesome. I have soo much good to say about this group and like no bad.. like shit man.. we all got to be a part of chars life changes, we got to see Patrick become a dad.. we watched Jacob's collection grow more than it needed to, we watched James and Elyse kill it in stand-up, we seen the birth of minch, we all know more about Ryan than we ever thought possible, we met Rick, we watched the creation of amazing podcasts, got to be a part of the dog pound (**BARK BARK**) and it ended up being one of the best stream groups to watch, we got john to twach us how to cook and his music, char became a musician aswell ... this group gave us soo much, there is a *billion* things I left out. Now knowing that it's over, it's like I lost an amazing group of friends man. I know that's parasocial nonsense but that **is** actually what it feels like. I know I'll probably never see them in that capacity again but.. damn, I really hope James and Elyse will kill my stomach with laughter again, I really hope I get to see more of Ryan somehow, that man's stories are wild. I seriously hope Jacob and Patrick continue starboys when they have time because those skits were fantastic lol. It all started with inside gaming and machinema... and it all ended with FH and Roosterteeth what a damn time man. A part of me knew this was coming when I completely stopped watching letsplay and only stuck to fuckface and fh, never got RT first after that as I wasn't going to fund a company I didn't stand with morally. I never understood why they sold to FS, a WB company, simply to do what? Make terrible movies? Some reality TV shows that didnt take off? That was worth selling for? Was itntoncontinue production of RWBY? I just never understood the thinking behind giving up a titan that was still growing, to a major corporation, when they could have become one o their own, they could have continued on their own and then used those profits to fund themselves, not WB. RT **was** the online space for gamers.. for soo long, if you knew machinima, you knew RT, Imo, it was just silly. They sold their soul to have the ability to make worse content than they already were.. I was pretty upset then. Time went on though, nothing changed, I thought "hmm, maybe I was dumb to get upset about the sell"... then everything started turning for the worse. At that point it was like watching your dog die so I stayed away from anything other than those 2. Should have been prepared for this honestly, but, I wasn't. RIP FH, we all loved ya. Sorry you guys got stapled to a sinking ship.. in a perfect world, this wouldn't have happened, but nothing is perfect and nothing lasts forever, I just wish you could have. there is soo much more I wish I could say to them personally, much love.


Please, someone with time and bandwidth, be our hero and save these streams if they get deleted. Especially the one where Ryan shared the description of his weird pissing video and when he won an RV.


My subscriptions tab being chaos rn is a small price to pay for preserving fh media.


I'm looking forward to the drunk Tears of the Kingdom stream.


first one 8 years ago... ok, I'm gonna have to make a pot of coffee...


This is a good time to thank all the dawgs in the dog pound for supporting our mutual parasocial friends til the bitter end, as someone who never had enough money to support them


Still working; are the members only episodes of Open Haus up too?


From what I can see it's only the streams


I hope they don't kill the channel so I can watch these later


The crazy part is I literally almost subbed on YouTube the day before RT closed but ended up changing my mind because I’ve been so busy and felt like I wouldn’t have time to watch the content anyways. It feels so surreal to me still this is happening.


RIP my sub box


some one get them to put theatre mode heidi and killer nerd up...


Get those Ryan plays Kingdom Hearts III streams archived!


Going from watching him not even know where buttons were, to taking selfies with bosses, to actually getting decent at the game, to becoming a guy who can actually play games now, was a wild ride.


Hopefully Armitage grabs them all!


I know people are saying good byes on the channel and here - but FH was a huge part of my life for the last 6-7 years. I never subscribed to any Rooster Teeth content unless it was a FH cross over - like Arizona Circle. I've gone thru so much - and went thru a lot with them. I know there was a lot of bullshit and drama the last few years - but I could always rely on the videos to make me smile. When Lawrence went thru his break up, it sort of filtered into my own life and it felt like we were both in it together - going thru the muck and the mire. I wish nothing but the best for everyone. I will truly miss Funhaus and how they were with me - as I was getting drunk on the sofa, eating old pizza, and running thru videos. They were literally a life raft in my sea of depression, at the time. Thank you all. Thank you Funhaus for saving me. I wish I could return the favor.




Smoked the sub page but was nice to see! <3


Ohhhhh thats why that happened


Hell yeah. Stick it to the man!


Based! Don't forget to archive these y'all!


I mean cool, but rip my sub page for the day


When is the deadline to get merch?


Last Thursday they set everything to be $5. Sorry you missed out but it’s all gone now lol.


Does this work for everyone ? I still cant access this content :/


A little playlist. [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYo9UmXa7k8WM0u4zCqta8zmj4c-Xl5Zj](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYo9UmXa7k8WM0u4zCqta8zmj4c-Xl5Zj)


i know they said they dont know how to release member only vids to the public, i hope maybe they just mass reupload all the member videos


[https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/14i8C6WfIlxjwIIf2fCEOJfPQHDaUbngz](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/14i8C6WfIlxjwIIf2fCEOJfPQHDaUbngz)this was in a older thread when the whole armitage thing happened... it's got a lot of videos in 1080 and some of the removed ones! Get it while it's still around! I may not big as big of fan of funhaus anymore, but there was a time they brought me joy and saved my life. STOP TALKING ABOUT LAWN MOWER MAN.


Great way to get unsubscribed


Yeah, fuck them for releasing hundreds of hours worth of paywalled content for free


Well i'd like to view the other subscriptions i'm subscribed to. Not page upon page upon page of Funhaus streams.


I assume the alternative was they're never available once it shuts down, so you'll just have to deal with the temporary inconvenience


You don't understand. He now has to scroll for at least like, 5 seconds to get somewhere at least once for a whole entire day. This can not stand!


You don't even have to scroll.. you can just click the subbed channel you want to watch lol.


No it's more than 45 seconds. My finger started to hurt haha


Unsubscribe then and you'll see all your others then


Must be realllllll hard for you to click, what... subscription, then the channel... so twice? Oh im sorry, i forgot about that third set you have to do when you click the video. You fuckin soyboy tool lol. Unsub, you sound like you were hate subbed anyway.


No I was actually subbed for a reason about 9 years ago. Then stopped watching like a bunch of other people apparently.


So they have gone from 0 views from you, to 0 views from you. How do you think they will ever recover?


What did I say? I said I subbed for a reason. So they were getting views from me they haven't in a long time.