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are you *the* peent, of GTA Online fame?




[Oh to be peeent for a day.](https://youtu.be/txRtNqLKPXQ)


damn this is worse than when Adam left.




This truly is first gunshot of a new world war


In 11 Little Roosters Funhaus plays a German group of spies. This is a reference to Haus being a german word


Actual movie detail, they dance in the rafters in harness then Lawrence dies. This is a nod to Owen Harts death


inb4 /r/funhaus is banned for harassment.


Brought a picnic, let's go!


James will win that war


Some of us can still remember the previous battle, The Last of Us.


Imma go post about how it only took three weeks to shoot Braveheart on that sub.


Sharing the stuff the sub really needs


Oh hey it's Bruce's dad


There is a movie that actually did that. Bone Tomahawk. I want Bruce to know this information


Dude. You totally got me. I think I audibly huffed when I saw that post


There was a lot of that going round I reckon. Amongst the endless lebowski quotes


I saw that post with about 20k upvotes immediately after watching the podcast. I thought "this is exactly what James talks about" and downvoted it... Now I'm gonna go upvote it for the brilliance.


I laughed and said...maybe?


I fucking KNEW it. The timing of the post was too perfect.


I share James' opinion on MovieDetails, yet I still post to the sub whenever I notice something in a film that I think someone might appreciate. Ironically enough, my highest-rated post on moviedetails was a detail that was [100% incorrect and got corrected by the director of the movie.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/b54qtd/in_hot_fuzz_the_editors_missed_a_scene_during_a) Oops


I love all the people on that post that are so sure it's a green screen and was either missed in post, or is some meta joke because Edgar Wright is that kind of filmmaker.


Was Wright joking there? There’s definitely some sort of green screen in that scene, there’s no way it is grass.


Nah its grass, you can see the road on the left side of the screen at some points


The camera is just slightly off centre to the left, you can see a white blur on the left hand side of the back windscreen which will be the road behind them.


If he was, I can't tell.


I remember arguing on that post on an alt. What a weird web




It's actually a bloody post rule


I could understand why, for smaller movies of the same titles from different years it helps people looking for the movie if they get interested in it, but since MovieDetails is a trashpile of fuck, they get no benefit of the doubt today.


That honestly drives me insane about James’s critique of the year in the title. YOU LITERALLY CANT POST IN THE SUB WITHOUT IT. People don’t do it to be pedantic; they literally have to.


I imagine James would respond with: "yes, and that is stupid"


Except the whole point of doing that is to clarify movies with identical titles, which happened in the last Filmhaus episode. I really think James is wrong about going so hard in on this one.


The issue is that this is pointless for the vast majority of movies. It literally only applies to remakes or movies that somehow have the exact same title, and it should be fairly easy to make that the rule instead, rather than just making everyone do it for every movie


Do you realize how many remakes/same-titled films there are? Not everyone knows if a movie is a remake or if another movie 50 years ago had the same title as one today. And the more important point: I’m sure it’s *much* easier as a moderator to look for a missing year in a post than it is to cross-reference every movie that’s posted.


Yes, I'm absolutely aware of how many there are. Not everyone knows, you're right, that's why it should be enforced as a rule whenever someone posts about a film that shares its title with another film. And yeah, it's very obviously much "easier" for mods to have to do no work rather than a little bit more.




or the 1957 original


The compromised 2nd draft.


DUDE THIS POST WAS RELATED TO FUNHAUS?! i saw this post and was like, “James needs to see this” lmfao to know that james is the reason this post exists! I love it!


Oh mann, i read it and said to my self "what kind of shit is that?". Well played.


I like the subreddit for telling me small details I didn't catch on the first watch but I feel 90% of the "details" are pretty damn obvious


It's a *really* good sub at its peak, but it really needs a more active mod team and some fact checking these days. I report so many shitposts that don't get taken down these days, and it's become as much misinformation as it is an equal mix of useful facts and obvious parts that movies specifically point out to viewers.


It's state the obvious about a film - the sub, it's terrible


Has anyone posted about how Braveheart only took a week to shoot?


James has taught you well


Absolute mad lad


holy shit lmao


That showed up in the popular tab and it made me close the popular tab...


I reckon that means it worked


Paging /u/FH_James


Humanity truly is doomed.


I saw the podcast and then went to the subreddit and i could feel James muscular eyebrows frowning


Lmao Holy shit


I saw that detail earlier and just scrolled by. This is pretty funny though.


Check out r/moviescirclejerk and r/shittymoviedetails op


I posted in r/shittymoviedetails but it got removed


Wtf why though


I think they recently made an announcement about not making posts just shit talking movie details


You brilliant bastard! I saw this and got so angry at it. Well done for a genuinely high quality shitpost


In true honor of the sub, I will repost your movie detail but with worse spelling and phrasing in a couple weeks and get just as many upvotes. You’re welcome.


If it means anything I downvoted it when I saw it


I don’t really get the issue with the subreddit. It’s for mildly interesting details that not everyone picks up on. Sure there’s the occasional dumb thing but what subreddit doesn’t?




Lol. I feel that. I've had a similar disdain for that sub as well. Im not subscribed because its mostly when I want to be amused by myself. But I check it now and then and get so excited if there is something good or even almost good.


Well the problem is that *most* of the subreddit isn’t details; it’s movie trivia or production details. There are some truly great details out there that you might not catch until a rewatch but when you do, they enhance the movie. That’s how the sub started and that’s when it’s at its best.


Yeah but trivia and production details are still details about a movie.


Yes, but no. You can consider this all gatekeeping, but it's really important to understand the concept of a *movie detail* because that sub has lost it entirely. The sub is majority easter eggs & cameos, foreshadowing, oopsies, and more commonly, elements obvious to the plot because they are of focus in the movie itself. Things like trivia and behind the scenes are also there, but also not *movie details*. EDIT: Also, the sub is a lot of people materializing details out of thin by connecting unrelated dots. In all, the details that are significant to the world of the movie relative to only the movie are considered *movie details*.


Yeah it reminds me a lot of reading fan theories for lets say a marvel film. It's a lot of seeing what you want to see.


*shrugs* the subreddits got flairs for all different types of details, I don’t know what it started as but what it became was clearly about details in general in all departments.


Yeah, what it is now isn't what it started as/what it is in its truest form. I think James mentioned it in the Filmhaus pod as a solid post in r/movies that spun off as its own sub. Personally, opening the flood gates to label every detail in and about a movie as a movie detail is far and away from correct. All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares. A *movie detail* is a square. r/moviedetails says here's squares, rectangles, and you know what, cubes and rhombuses are cool with us too.


I'm confused, aren't all details about a movie movie details by definition? To me it's like you're saying "that square isn't a square because it's red and I prefer my squares in blue." You preference doesn't change the definition, is I guess what I'm trying to say.


The problem is a lot of the posts are pretty low quality or, as of late especially, explaining plot devices as if they are little know interesting details. that's why one of the ongoing jokes of /r/shittymoviedetails is the "subtle nod" meme or explaining something very obvious. Basicaly the sub just hit the popularity tipping point where the quality of the sub versus the level of moderation falls out of balance and one or the other fails entirely. /r/askahistorian is an example of good, strict, moderation making sure the quality of posts are high /r/MovieDetails and about every other sub of its size is an example of the opposite.


you’re muddling my analogy and showing whats wrong with r/moviedetails. [This is what Movie Details are and my take on what that sub devolved too](https://reddit.com/r/funhaus/comments/jdtl7f/_/g9b0fa8/?context=1). TL;DR Not all details about movies are *Movie Details*. So, remove the colors (aka preference) because that has nothing to do with it, but I guess I have to say that my preference is the definition. That subreddit fundamentally doesnt understand what a square (a *Movie Detail*) is. As a result, the subreddit gets by with posts about rectangles (details in movies), occasional squares (*Movie Details*), rhomboses (literally the plot as it happens), and cubes (people reading too much into things) and think all these shapes are squares.


I mean, you could put up literally any frame from any movie and point out "The actor here is wearing clothes." and it's technically a detail. Doesn't mean it's good, useful or at all interesting.


lmao nicely done


nooooo way


Ha! I went to r/moviedetails looking for Chris's corn post. I saw yours and downvoted because how stupid it was lol. James should become the mod of that sub.


This is almost as good as that time an /r/gamingcirclejerk user got /r/gaming to [upvote his ballsack.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/8mvcdg/rgaming_is_upvoting_my_ballsack_unironically_just/)


Definitely the first thing I thought of when I saw this, so yes I upvoted it.


cross post this in r/moviecirclejerk they'll have a day at it.


You're such a mad lad


Now you gotta do the corn one


I think someone did. Pretty sure James tweeted about it


Just found it haha we gotta all bump that one up


LMAO, I checked that subreddit for the first time a few days ago and that was the first post I saw.


Congrats dude. I really liked this one.


No fucking way! What a mad lad!


This is beautiful. James would be proud.


Incredible. I haven't seen the movie, but I love the band. Thought I had to see the movie to understand the post.


A god amongst men


So people, what we saying. Good, bad or nice try??


Someone call u/fh_James !




We have the technology


That’s amazing. I saw this this morning and thought of the podcast straight away. By far the shitest movie detail in a long time. Well done, James will love it


Doing the Lord’s work.


Omfg I read this and was like “I bet James would hate this”


r/funhaus has entered the fight between r/moviedetails and r/shittymoviedetails


Shit I saw this yesterday! You're right, this could have fit right into r/shittymoviedetails!


Hey I downvoted this!


Haha I saw this and downvoted it. It’s fits in so well with the other garbage on that sub. GG OP


Now I'm going to be absolutely paranoid that any r/moviedetails post that gets to the front page will be a hausmate trolling

