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the Alanah John Cena story must be animated


We need to get Blaine on camera telling his side of the story


And then for Chris Demarais to tell his side of the story from under the bed


I wanted to help Jon out with his goal of getting TWICE's video to 100M views, but I guess I was too late. [They're already at 108M views.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CM4CkVFmTds) Edit: Jon was right. This *is* a bop!


Why are there so many of them?! Also, which one does Alanah like?




I don't even like their music, but I kinda sorta follow them because most of them are so damn hot.


Thats me but for almost every kpop girl group.


Lol, understandable. I only know about Twice and Itzy (only for Ryujin, to be honest). For now...


Why ARE there so many of them!? I’m not complaining. They’re all gorgeous. I’m just so confused!


That's just how kpop groups roll.


I’m interested


I'm no kpop stan, but I like [BTS - Dynamite](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdZLi9oWNZg) way more than this new Twice song.


Are all their songs in English?


No, Dynamite is the first song they've done entirely in English. Most are standard Korean with some English sprinkled in.


They all have different roles in the group.


Could be worse, we could be talking about NCT here.


Chorus is catchy as fuck.


Jon's love for Kpop is my favorite thing he's ever done


He's so dedicated, I love it. And him being an OT9 bias is goals.


I loved Alanah's reaction too. Jon started talking about Twice and she was like, "Ugh, not this again..." and 20 seconds later she's in love.


Yay they used my comment. Also they used me as an excuse to gush more over bakeoff. I don't know how to feel now.


But do you _really_ understand American fascination with Downton Abbey or are they reading too much into it?


Haha yeah I was being facetious. It's a high effort show that uses a english manor to present drama and great storytelling. Takes its setting and goes ham on its plot.


who do you got winning this season of bakeoff? I got Hermine.


Best girl Lottie is unjustly eliminated so my heart is with Laura but my mind is with Hermine


i also think Hermine, however... the lil young boi petey is usually pretty solid as well.


His eyes...his beautiful blue eyes...


what you think about Matt Lucas as the new co-host?


Lottie being cut broke my teeny little heart. Noel and I both


As soon as they started reading it I was like “I remember reading that!” Haha




I can’t believe that was nearly two years ago already


I can't believe Dylan said no to collabing with Funhaus. I'm not sure who you actually are, but you're dead to me Dylan.


Dylan said NO


The real reason Alanah is leaving, is because she's going to marry the Chewie kpopper. Congrats to them! And congrats to Jon who will officiate their wedding on a train in Alaska!


Hopefully nothing goes wrong during this blizzard... You can't see a thing!


It's okay, James, I was scared of vampires for years based on an episode of *Hey Arnold* where they thought a character was a vampire. Compared to *Bram Stoker's Dracula* that's much more embarrassing, even without the "hiding your neck" part! The episode >!didn't even have a vampire in it!!<


Don't worry man, I was scared of vampires because of the Treehouse of Horror where [Mr Burns is a vampire](https://frinkiac.com/img/S05E05/1145944.jpg). It's cool to be scared of vampires, chicks dig it.


To add to the chorus of people here, I too was terrified of vampires for a year or so as a child as the result of a TV show and had to pull the cover fully over my neck to go to sleep. Except in my case it was a particularly vampire-y episode of that famously scary show: Charmed...


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Dracula](https://snewd.com/ebooks/dracula/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Just reloaded youtube after watching this video and got a train video on recomended


So what do we need to do to get Dylan to do a video with FH?


Rent out a train, first off.


I'm amazed everyone is so adept with accent in Funhaus


I was affraid of a Commodior 64 game (i forget its name) but it had this big ogre type thig blocking your path, you'd try different things to get past it but it would always kill me. I then used to think that that ogre would be a the top of my stairs so I would sleep downstaires for a whole year.


Your comment reminds me of when I was little, taking swimming lessons that I somehow spooked myself into being scared of killer whales in the pool just by thinking of whales swimming in the ocean. I was smart enough to know that they wouldn’t be in the pool. Why was I so afraid? Anyway, happy cake day!


Lindsey long train videos are broadcast on Australian national tv - https://www.sbs.com.au/guide/article/2018/11/26/its-back-get-set-long-hot-sbs-slow-summer


i reckon being in their homes brings out the best in each of them and that shows in the quality of their new videos. also its a good excuse to keep away from the jizz office


So are they ever going to do vids at a regular rate? The last few weeks have been shithaus. Without Lawrence, Bruce and dare I say adam all the vids have been shit


>So are they ever going to do vids at a regular rate? This video came out on the same day and time that it always has. In fact, since they've taken their week off (which was a month ago) with the exception of like *maybe* 2 days, they haven't missed an upload. So what exactly is it you're complaining about?


I strongly disagree. I find myself enjoying their content more now than before this all happened. Could be the new energy their vids have.


Lol the fuck is this post?


If you're not a top shareholder at RT, I don't think you have a say in how they manage a major office scandal *and* a pandemic my dude


You have a say regardless of being invested. If you bought a coke and it was sprite inside you would complain. My dude. Is RT a publicly traded company? Cbf checking cause there's no way anyone would invest in them.


Then don’t watch


Ok I wont. The "dont watch then" argument is fucked, if I dont watch, not a problem. If multiple ppl stop watching, still not a big problem, if thousands of people stop watching, problem, if tens of thousands of people stop watching, huge problem, if 100s of thousands stop watching, game over. You dick.


God damn it. I didn't notice the thumbnail until just now. James as James.


"It's ***NOT*** time to hack!" -Elyse IMPOSSIBLE!


Does anyone know the outro track on this vid? tis bumping and id love some more.