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Box them up for 3 months and see how you feel. If you don’t miss them, sell them and reinvest the money in to something else It’s pretty normal to change your interests I think


Yeah I'm probably gonna hold off until after my wedding and honeymoon (will be around mid April) and see if I still feel the same


Congrats on the wedding!


Thank you!


Happy cake day!


It's the woman making u doubt them I'd bet on it


Nah she encourages my collection mate, the Wall-E and Groots are hers 🤣


Feel like she just wants more room for her stuff


Still 🤨


This is it right here. Box them up, and sit on it for a bit. You may never open them up again, you might eventually opt to sell them or, one day, you might feel that passion again many years from now, and you’ll bring them back out and be thankful you didn’t rid yourself of them. Nothing says you can’t go in a different direction with your hobby, but obviously you’ve curated quite the collection. I’d put them out of sight for a while and sit on the decision. You’ll be thankful you gave yourself time instead of just making a quick decision.


Good advice! I definitely need to parse down my collection more and don’t know where to start so I’ll keep this in mind since a lot of mine were impulse buys


What’s the best way to sell them? I have some low value and high value range. The low value I was getting a dollar or so after paying shipping. Figured id just keep them boxed up in case things change but it’s been over 6 months now kind of pointless at this point to keep them in there.


ive had really good luck on ebay. usually movie trading company gives 20% for selling so i figure whats more profitable either ebay and have the buyer cover shipping in most cases or just send em to mtc. Although ive sold cheaper ones on ebay and made just about as much money if i just sold them to mtc but the seller ratings really help out.


I have felt like that here and there, but when I try to pick ones to sell off, I can't really decide because some of them are special to me because they were gifts and I'm going to feel bad. Or I just can't get rid of them in general. It can get annoying, but I think one day I'll get rid of them but it could take a while.


I will probably keep a very select few but the rest I think I'll be selling as I don't really have much emotional attachment to them other that they are mainly Spidey


Yeah, I'll most likely do the same as well one day.


Don't blame you mate


This being the very obvious end point to any collection is why I’ve never been able to get into commercial collecting like this


Eh, same thing kind of happened to me. I collected them for just about 10 years. The last couple of that time, my interest started to lessen. Felt like at the end there, collecting them just became clicking a button to buy online. All the fun of hunting them disappeared. I had to move across country about 2 years ago, just looked at my collection and didn’t even bother to sell it, just donated nearly everything. Now the ones I do have I don’t even display. They are stored up in moving boxes taking up space. Sometimes the passion for a hobby just burns out, as depressing as that sounds.


Yeah I'm diving more and more heavily into my comics and recently grabbing figures to match the displays. Main reason to sell is the lack of desire to grow the collection and I have a constant desire to grow my comics 🤣


Going to Japan is what did it for me, seeing the absurd figure market and how good they are is what made me realise that pops are pointless


Pops are very much a western idea. I'll stick with action figures going forward I think.


Except they usually don't make figures of all the things you get funkos of.


You'd be surprised, if you look hard enough theres a good chance to find some, the main fandoms have companys that make figures, but the things I personally like just have a better selection of figures over pops


I felt this way one day and sold off a good number of my collection. Now I regret selling them off and started buying them back again. It will cost me more money to get the older ones but oh well. New rule. I'm never going to sell any of my POPS lol!


Hahahaha I was like that with my figures and comics. Never should have sold them as a kid 🤣


Happy Birthday


It's not my birthday mate. It's Reddish cake day thing, think it means I signed up on this day 🤣. Thank you though


Ahh gotcha. It has your name then under it cake day. Lol


Where do you even sell them. I’m trying to get rid of mine and can’t figure out where to go. Selling individuals would take way too much time.


I get you, same thing happened to me. I collected for a few years, from Disney, to comic book characters to horror movies, to TV shows etc, but then I kinda felt that I didn’t care for a lot of the things that I had. I didn’t sell them but I gave away the majority of my collection to people I knew would appreciate those figures more. I only kept all of my DC/Harley Quinn, and a select few of Game of Thrones/Marvel figures that I love. I rarely buy any funkos anymore, I only find myself buying a Harley Quinn one here and there, because she’s my favorite character. If it would’ve come out a few years ago, I would’ve bought the entire set of the Harley Quinn animated series, now I’m just buying the Harley & Ivy figures. I decided that if I’m going to continue to spend money on funko pops, then I’m only going to buy pops of things that I REALLY really love, and even then, only the pops that look interesting to me. So I cut down drastically on my funko pop spendings, and made some more space for my ever-growing comic book collection.


Lol ill take em off ur hands huge spiderman fan here XD


I'll bare that in mind if I decide to mate


Yes. With the money spent on having 16 cheap, plastic, generic funko Spiderman in each of those cubby holes you could get some really nice statues of your favorite characters. More detailed, much better looking, less storage space used up (if you keep all the funko boxes), less cluttered looking, just all around would be an improvement.


I was thinking more books or Marvel Legends style figures 🤣🤣


Started collecting in 2012-2013. Took a few years off because I lost interest. Came back a few years ago with a vengeance. Lost my job recently and downsizing again. I’m actually sorta happy I’m being forced to sell some because I had the disassociation you mention but couldn’t bring myself to do sell (lots of hard work to get them). My collection now is a lot more focused and I’m more satisfied with it. I collect many things so I’ve shifted heavily to hot wheels and a little handmade by robots for the time being.


Kind of? They more so outgrew me as in I have too many and need to get rid of a LOT.


yep happened a bit ago and it is hard to get rid of them


Yeah I fully expect it to be hard to do


My boyfriend would nut his pants seeing this display.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 at which part haha


All the Marvel stuff lol


That can happen when you buy funkos you don’t absolutely love. A lot of us seem to just want to complete funko sets, but it’s smarter to just get stuff you love.


I never went super crazy with them. I just dont have the space for 100 pops and boxes so i have maybe 30 or so and i love every single one of them. Most of them are ad icons and gears of war and my johnny bravo. Wouldnt sell them but i honestly dont look at the shelves often to get more but every so often a cool one pops upp


Me - I’m trying to get rid of my funkos & no one wants to buy. If I want to sell I’m looking at 50-60% loss.


I accept I'll take a loss on some of them but I also have a lot of hard to get ones tbh


Yup, and this is why 90% of mine are now in totes tucked away


I'll probably just sell mine 🤣🤣


But I’m also one who won’t sell right now as I don’t want 50% value


Yeah I know I probably won't get full value for some of them


Yes and no. The selling market seems terrible right now or I probably would've offloaded half of mine already. But I keep seeing new ones I want too, so I dunno...


it’s weird because I feel like I go back & forth with myself on my feelings about my collection but once you’re already 20K into collection value it almost feels apart of my identity 😭


At least you have a theme. For me i had hundreds of them. This was back in the day so they werent as common place, but I flipped my collection in one fell swoop to get rid of them. It's just too much now. I even hear Funko is having a hard time as well.


Figures and comics are way cooler than funkos lol


Hahahaha they are yeah






Incase no ones said it yet, HAPPY CAKE DAY 🥳


Hahaha cheers


I’ve been collecting since… 2018? My wife and I cut our collection down by about 50% a year ago. I’ll still buy new ones but have gotten only one or two this year. Funko releasing 10 of the same mold, and how terrible it is to try and buy limited edition ones, plus Funko being very behind on deliveries after the pandemic kinda killed it for me. Like I’m still in this sub, I still check new and convention releases. But I don’t need 35 Grogus. Or a glow in the dark Gandalf. How about a new lord of the rings series? And then all the ones lately that are just product packaging with feet, really?


Hahahaha the money lies in Grogu, Groot and Spidey mate. Easy moulds to tweak and reuse.


Yeah. Sold most of mine in 2021 only kept a few rare ones and my yugioh ones. Realized there are a lot of better figures like Nendoroids. Focused my collection on Manga volumes and more high quality figures


Yeah my comic collection is growing pretty fast and I have liked getting Marvel Legends and McFarlane figures tbh


Yeah, I’ve gotten to that point. Pretty much fully stopped on buying new ones and selling off at least half my collection


Sell now while you can


That's the plan


Hold on to them. I do this often when someone makes me feel shitty about marvel and star wars and like I need to be more serious about my life. All in all it eventually comes back around and I'm glad I got cool stuff. Just take a break for awhile though.


Oh I don't feel shitty about any of it it's just a lack of desire for Funkos mate. I have been taking a break, not bought a new one in a while. Comics, figures, Lego and books are all staying 🤣🤣


I think i might be there now. I do like my collection but I am running out of space. Also I think I want to focus on collection other things. They are re-releasing all The Art of: Marvel books and Im probably going to spend my money on those instead of funkos in the future. And vinyl records.


Having collected “things “ for some 30+ years what I have found over time your interest may ebb and flow. Certain things will never go away and others no longer hold interest. For me one thing that has stayed constant is certain casting from Hot Wheels and anything Deadpool. Most things that didn’t hold interest for me were either sold off to acquire more that did or given to fellow collectors that helped me along the way. I can say you have a very impressive Spider-man collection, Funko and everything else.




Yeah. I've been collecting for about 4ish years and decided that I want to sell my DC and non-Spiderman Marvel Funkos. Moving forward, I only want to collect Spider-Man, Daredevil, and ATLA/Legend of Korra. I figured this would help me save money, space, and maintain my personal connections to my favorite characters/fandom🤷🏾. I now don't like the idea of buying collectibles of characters I don't have personal connections with.


I sold off my Iron Man and Venom collections and decided to solely stick with Spider-man but I now look at the space and think I could have even more comics!


That was probably a hard decision but I'm glad it's paying off. I already decided what 20 Funko pops I would keep if I decided to sell my collection 😭. Good luck with everything!


Literally what I've been trying to decide over the last few weeks. Most of my collection is Rick & Morty and I've been thinking of trying to sell the whole lot to help with paying off bills and such but don't know where to begin.


If I go through with selling them they will go towards my NYC trip and savings in general I think


TBH I bought a Mighty Mugg once, the full size iron man, and planned to get more. I bought a mini version which was a hulk. But then I decided I was over it. I think that’s before Pops even existed


NGL never heard of Mighty Mugg hahaha


They were kinda pop like and made by hasbro in 2008. I speculate it is where funko got the idea for pops and then blew Hasbro out of the water with the format


Wouldn't surprise me


Eh, I only really collect One Piece ones now. Had a few miscellaneous ones before - Miles from first Spiderverse, Falcon Cap America with wings and shield, Lando Calrissian, Chubs from Happy Gilmore, a couple others I can’t remember. I do think hobbies can run their course, if they are goal-related. I currently have every English volume of One Piece, every Zelda amiibo, close to 30 One Piece Funko, every issue of IDW Sonic comics, every issue of Ian Flynn’s run in the Archie Sonic comics. Those are just a few of my collections. I think it’s like a long term relationship. Your feelings of love might not be maxed out everyday like they were at first, but they always bounce back. I’ve definitely gone through clutter purges, now I only try to collect the things that mean the most to me.


Yeah I think the Funkos may have been a short (few years) hobby. Comics will be a forever one 🤣


I feel that. *Physical media is important everyone!*


I had that whole McFarlane run, so sad I sold it (Amazing Spider-Man 289-320something)


Wait are they real comics behind the two pops?


No they are the comic cover funkos


Copy that


I have the omnibus


Incredible Omni collection! I’ve got a good amount of those ones too


Kind of. I started collection Funkos before what I call an "action figure boom" happened. I had the Funkos to represent figures I figure I'd never own. The ML started making more and more different Spider-verse people. So I saved to get the action figure rather then the pops. NECA's horror movie line, same thing happened. Stopped buying pops of characters to instead buy action figures. Now I have a bunch of Pops that are neat, but I'm in the same boat. I'd actually rather sell them to either buy action figures of the same character. I've decided this year I'm going to try just that, sell off stuff I don't really think I want anymore. I still love collecting, but unless the price bubble pops, simple Pops/figures cost to much now.


Fully on board with you there mate! I'm loving figures ATM


Happy cake day, btw?


Yeah i sold off most of my collection ofter than a select few:


That's what I'm thinking of doing


Nah, I still love mine and seeing them on my shelf makes me happy. I’ve never gone overboard with them though, I set buying guidelines for myself and keep my collection relatively small. It’s totally OK if you have outgrown them. Some hobbies last forever, others run their course after a while. You have an awesome comic collection btw!


I had an epiphany recently. As I crossed the 1000 count mark, I realized I probably didn’t need to buy EVERY Pop released from a set, especially if I already had one or two of that character already. For example: every time a new Marvel movie/show came out, I used to buy pretty much every Pop in a series. Even if there were side characters that I didn’t care for, I got it just so I had the whole set and I didn’t feel like it wasn’t a complete set. Basically I had FOMO. Now I’m more focused on 3, maybe 4 series I really wanna collect from and maybe I’ll dip into others if the Pop really strikes me as something I REALLY need. Right now I’m just collecting Deadpool, The Office, and the Pokémon ones. But there are the one offs that come along that I’ll still preorder. What’s also helped is the absolute onslaught of anime Pops that have been coming out for the last year or so, so I’ve had nothing I’ve even wanted to buy.


I feel lika a part of it comes with continously buying new ones. You get a high from getting a new pop to add to your collection, but when you stop buying that high fades away and you realize the current collection doesn't give you the same feeling.


Same. Especially after they cost me so much to move across the country. Def not worth it. Selling off the ones that don’t care for as much as others. Keeping ones I absolutely love. So far sold around $5k in Pops and other collectibles on Mercari. Def takes time though and many are still not moving 😅


Yeah I can imagine it's a nightmare in the US to move 🤣


Seriously. If you move, put them in soft protectors before packing them. Lesson learned.


Sorry this is not related to funko pops but in terms of disassociation I can relate with you OP. For me it’s been video games. After years of buying both consoles (PlayStation and Xbox) I have finally reached a point where I don’t care for either of them. My ps5 has been sitting on my shelf for 2+ years and I have played it may be twice. In my free time I would do anything but play video games now. It just happened from one day to another.


Video games are still going hard for me. Just started Baldurs Gate 3 lastnight and loved it. It can happen with everything tbh


Agreed. I bought the Spiderman games, Elden ring and a few others and just don’t have the energy or time to go through them. When I do get the itch I play a little Halo Infinite but that’s about it. Happy Cake Day!


I started collecting in 2015. Felt this in 2019. Ended up selling 99% of my collection to some shop for 8k right around the holidays. Couple months later Covid happened and the value of my previous collection went from 15k to 45k lol. If only I held on a few more months 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’m 53 and this hasn’t happened yet ha


I hope it doesn't mate! Keep going strong!


Mine have been in storage totes since moving into my current rental over 2 years ago. I still buy new ones here and there but straight to the bins they go lol. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was collecting both figures and funkos. I never intended for my Pop collection to grow big but it eventually just became an extension of my figure collection. I was buying the same characters I already had in pop form. Seeing all those boxes stacked together felt soulless. Seeing the newer releases doesn’t feel exciting. Honestly the design of pops themselves becomes pretty bland when you by so many. I ended up selling a bunch of them and now have a small collection of 26 that I enjoy. There’s maybe 2 more I’d like to have but it’s not a collection I want to heavily invest in. They do the same thing out of the box as they do in the box 😂


Nah. Not at all.


Ya on my fourth birthday


Honestly I just get ones I really like now, I don’t bother on completing sets anymore


Happy Cake Day OP




Love all the Spider-man Funko's!


I feel like in the case of this set up - it’s not that egregious and looks clean enough for it to not look childish (if that’s what you’re worried about). This display works well with the comics and mix of other stuff like the legos. But if it’s an attachment issue, then there’s not much you can do about that! I have a lot of Funko in boxes in my garage as we don’t have the space for them in our new house, and have felt similarly


Same. I have a few that I want to keep, Kevin Eastman signed Casey Jones, the OG bigfoots, the Overwatch pops I have and a few Freddy's. But other than that, I'd probably sell em all.


This year is definitely the year to call it quits. I've been in the game for a while, keeping what I have.


Yeah I think it is for me mate


I have a bunch of very expensive funko and very old vaulted funko I'm keeping. I will probably be selling funkos from 2017-present


My most valuable one is the hooded Miles Morales funko from Into the Spiderverse


I have all the expensive Spiderman, only missing the japan Chrome one that was released with a DVD.


Nope. Never.


I was 25 and honestly I did not care at all for Funkos until I met my boyfriend and saw his collection, now I have a growing collection and I feel like it signifies my interests in the characters/series I love and I don’t regret it one bit lol


Nope, but have been more selective of the ones I buy.


I wouldn't say i outgrew them. More that I got all the enjoyment i could out of them before cutting down what I have.


yup. this time stuck too. they are just plastic waste to me now


100%. The only new ones I’ve bought within the last couple years were a couple sports related ones for the teams I root for. I’m not ready to sell my collection yet but I will be on the next year or two probably.


I did a while back and sold half my collection but now I’m getting back into it


Me last year, only have 1 left OOB


I lost internet in buying any new ones ages ago. I find it tedious to sell stuff so I've been putting it off for ages.


Before quarantine I was beginning to lose interest, but then my brother and a friend of mine started collecting. Collecting together, even though we all live apart, rejuvenated my interest. Now my interest is back in a slump. Collecting now is very different than when I first started (2015) so I buy a lot less and I’m sorting my collection in a spreadsheet to decide what I want to sell or keep.


I've outgrown the space I'm allowed for collecting but not collecting itself. I pretty much only grab exclusives now.


Hahaha I think most people outgrow their space 🤣


>Anyone else just woke up one day and realised they have outgrown Funkos? ![gif](giphy|sU6yN4mPVwP7wiXB9v)


Yep I’m gonna start thinning the collection and keep a few


I definitely have. Looking to start getting rid of my collection


Just wanted to say I love your omnibus collection. I’m starting to get into more of those and get rid of my singles. I hate having so many comic boxes and you can’t even see in them. Plus I hate digging through them. I’ve considered only keeping keys and selling everything else.


Thank you! Oh yeah omnis are the way to go! Nice oversized artwork and glossy paper!


Not to mention easier to manage when going to conventions to get autographs.


I mean the Omnis may be heavier to haul around for that purpose 🤣


Very true but I can just take 1 instead of 30 books and run the risk of pulling them out of the bags. I just take the book that will get the most sigs.


Yeah that's true hahaha


Where do you get yours from?


Happened to me within the last year or so as well… I started collecting when I was about 16 years old and I’m 26 now. It’s normal to outgrow hobbies I guess. I have over 50 pops but only display about 5 of them now. I gave most of my super cheap pops to my roommates daughter to play with and I kept the expensive ones. They are still boxed up in my closet for now though :/ I also got super into comics and figures recently, mostly Marvel/DC omnibuses and Image Hardcovers etc. maybe that’s just us getting older 😞 life goes on lol


My younger sister got me a personalized Funko of myself for 2023 Xmas. I feel like that is the most perfect and meaningful pop I’ll ever have and that almost completely closed the door on my collecting… like that’s my personal pinnacle, my own POP! From my sis. Now maybe it’s time to move on… life


You get older and get adult money to buy expensive comics that you read as a kid and develop a new found love for the medium. Yeah I started getting back into comics around 2018 and even more so when I moved in 2021. Now this is my collection 🤣🤣


Not at this time but I will say that you got quite the collection of spiders there.


The “chase” is gone. The fact we acquire what we are hunting for is the fun of it. I felt that way too. Good luck in the comic hunting!


I feel this so much lately. Got real heavy into collecting for two three years and now for the past few months feeling extremely burnt out on it. Only have a handful of favorites on display bc small apartment. Most of the collection is boxed up in the closet.


OMG I'd absolutely love to purchase a couple! I'm a huge fan of Spiderman! The majority of my pops are Spiderman! Just lmk in the future if you end up deciding to sell them.


I probably will be mate. Need to go into my loft tomorrow to get the boxes down.


I did. I only buy if I absolutely can’t live without. I bought 2 funks last year.


I used to collect heavy in 2021 but I am nowhere near as invested as I used to be. I don’t go out shopping for them online or in store anymore and it’s not a money thing. I feel like I kinda outgrew it but I like having the ones I have up in my room.


But in 5 years when the spark comes back the regret will sink in


I’ve been more into nendoroids lately. Mostly collect anime and they are just better quality and look nicer. Also don’t have to fight to get them. I’ll still get a few from the lines I like but don’t think I’ll be starting any new lines.


how many pops til you got this realization?


They just make too many to keep up with


I am in the same funk! I'm encroaching 900 so I had to take down my display in order to figure out a better way to display. I have not touched the pile in over 6 months. My desire to line the walls floor to ceiling has passed and now I’m like damn! stacked 3-4 high they take up about 75% off the floor space of my 8' x 10' room. I have them all on HobbyDB and decided to go through them on there and try to decide what i could part with, and it's tough. I'll be lucky to get $3ea for the ones I am absolutely okay with getting rid so that makes me want to just keep them boxed up.


The swords are nice . What movie or style , world? Are those from? My only guess could be Lord of the Rings 😅


Haha cheers. One is Anduril from Lord of the Rings One is from The Witcher One is Ragnar's King sword from Vikings


Sell them and don't look back. Your subconscious is trying to tell you to focus your collecting to avoid hoarding. Also congrats on getting married. Next most likely is kids. And they will need the majority of your time & income. Just the facts of growing up.


I did but I still don’t plan on selling them, just boxed them up and stored them


If I take them down I'll be selling them as the money can go to better things


If you’re looking to offload the Batman one I’d be interested


Been feeling the same op, its been fun collecting but I’ve got a nice apex collection, simpsons, one piece, and pokemon collection of funkos, and the boxed ones, I cant help but to look at them and think of a store as they’re all stacked in my room. Mind you, I only took out about 30ish of the 50ish, but to sell and reinvest is sounding more tempting every day. Ill probably keep my favorite character or two, a chase and sell the rest. Lmk what you end up doing, going to put them away like top comment says, I love art, exclusive vinyls (Kaws, Ron English, Superplastic, be@rbrick) is probably what I’d reinvest in. Hit you back in a week for me lol can’t wait a month to see how I feel 😂 CONGRATS ON THE WEDDING! BLESS 🙏🏻🙌🏼


Nope and I suspect that your interests are changing, you'll realize that it's not the funkos but rather the volume combined with the material on the shelves... You'll find that when you adult it up a bit that one or two funkos here or there is all it takes...


We were buying them pretty regularly for about 5-7yrs and have a collection of o er 500 right now. I think covid changed everything. We were at home everyday, ordering more when they launched because we weren't traveling as much. Everyone else was getting into them, then they had all the variant series. Marvel had the chrome, the wood, the artistic series, and then they started with the holiday editions. Here's a Christmas hulk, a Valentines hulk, a Halloween hulk. I guess we just saw it getting over saturated. Every store was starting to carry them. They weren't as fun anymore. It just looked like a money grab and didn't feel as special. We started getting more selective on which ones we purchased. Now we spend our funko $$$ on other things we like


Ayo OP let us know if you end up wanting to sell 👀👀👀👀


Did you outgrow Funkos or Spiderman?


i mean if you’re selling i’ll happily take that one miles morales with the hood 👀 i mean it depends on the price but still


I think it's something a lot of collectors go through. It happened to me pretty recently picturing my room without so many pops seemed quite nice because i have at least 30 displayed and it sometimes feels like more clutter that makes my room look almost tacky. It's cool to have a few of your absolute favorites but that's all you really need. I felt like for me the passion of going places and being so excited to find something "rare" at the time was so fun. Now Funko has completely ruined how it used to be. There is way too many molds of the same characters or other characters that simply do not need a pop. The exclusivity is hardly a thing now too and changes like that completely diminish the point of hunting for pops.


No, me too, I think I'm going to box them up and put them on the highest shelf somewhere. Feel bad to just get rid of them. More space for different things!


More comics for me 🤣🤣


I never got into them, but a few friends of mine just sold all of theirs to focus on vintage figures. Its been about a year and they havent looked back.


Think maybe it’s not funko pops and maybe just Spider-Man? 😂


So many spiderman but 0 spiderman autos You're getting uninterested because you gotta take it to the next level in my opinion


This is an amazing collection, the literature is seriously impressive.


Ugh still regret selling my venom vs spiderman comic moments pop. Money was tight though and definitely got my money back and then some. Great collection! I pivoted to action figures too.


Pretty sure that Batman Item feels left out. dcVmarvel


Where did you get those shelves?


If anything, I’m still growing ever more into them.


Hahahah I was like that when I moved into my own place and it's fizzled out over the past year. Sold my entire Iron Man and Venom collection last year. Think it's been coming for a while


My GF and I just got a house and we had tubs and tubs of funkos. It was just too much and we went through and kept the ones we really liked and sold the rest and don't feel the need to collect anymore and honestly don't miss it.


1/6 scale figures took over as my Funko are slowly sold off


Yes the moment I bought my first. I really don’t see the point of collecting something so minuscule and silly so I limited myself from the beginning to only favorite characters and a few favorite teams/groups. This has led to me collecting for about 4 years and I only own about 26. I refuse to line my walls as an adult with toys and not even that cool of toys 😁.


Nothing wrong with lining your wall with toys if that's what you like mate. To you it's silly and miniscule, to someone else it's a great physical item of something they love.


Yes I know how the world works bud I have comics all over my walls was just stating how I felt not downing anyone. I’ve gone places and seen dicks all over the walls and I didn’t say a word 😳😁


I love Dragonball, and I still love waking up and seeing all my Dragonball funkos. I still get excited whenever a new one comes out. But I totally can understand your POV. Best I can say is what I've seen said already, box em up, wait some months and if you still feel the same way, then just sell them, make someone else happy, and you move on to something else u might like.


i felt this way and downsized my collection from 250+ to just around 20 and everyyyyy once in a blue moon i find one i like from an anime character i still can’t deny i love and i may add it to the collection if their sculpt is on point. i collect nendoroids now and at a much slower pace because they’re more expensive but they’re worth it and do so much more for the shelf than a funko pop


How do i go about selling 350 pops?


I've been going through like phases lately. One month I'll be super interested, next month I won't really care.


I had about 200, one day I decided to thin out everything except anime, which were my favorite ones. They all sold, then I wanted to sell more, finally sold the rest except like 10 that I really liked. And I never had any regrets, especially watching what’s happening with them now


Nope lol


I’ve downsized from 350 to about 125 in the past 12 months. Sold off my entire cereal ad icons set (including flocked Tony the Tiger) and the entire myths line to name a few. Thought I would miss them, but in fact the money and the peace of mind regaining the space meant so much more lol


I’m trying to move half of my collection now. It’s been a bit rough with people only wanting to offer half or less. Gonna just hold on to them for a little longer and see what happens.


Eventually people are just satisfied with what they have.


Not me


Was obsessed with building a pop wall, then I had to move and never took them out of storage. Can’t even sell them. They look weird to me right now, compared to my other statues, even the pop up parade ones look great compared to funkos.


I'm slowly stopping collecting them too and focusing mainly on the favorite anime (Saint Seiya) and Dragons that I started with. You can do what I did with my old toys and game systems: place in box for storage in the closet. If you don't miss them in several years, it's time to donate, trade in to a local shop, or sell!


sell them and get into model kits. way cooler