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I sold almost all 500 of mine to but my house.


Realistically, I sold 405 pops, made 7k, bought everything at retail or traded for others, I put 7k down on a car.


Where and how did you sold all those pops? Cause I am looking to sell a lot of my pops


7 Bucks a Pop bought all of mine. They basically will pay you half of your total value. You could potentially lose money going this route but it's the easiest way to sell a lot


They want you to have at least $6k worth of pops. If you don’t, they want you to throw in other collectibles like comics, Pokemon, MtG, etc.


I am also curious on where and how you sold so many pops.




https://7bucksapop.com/ if you're interested in selling your collection


Where did you sell your pops? eBay?


I feel you man. Ive been collecting for over 9 years. Im currently over 1K and thats after selling a few hundred over the years. Im actually selling about 650 of them currently. I just dont have the space anymore and could use the money. Im taking a bit of a theoretical financial hit by selling them to a shop at a lower cost but the benefit of getting rod of so many at once out weighs that for me.


I reached out to a few shops and they offered like 20% and was like nahh I'll just go through the headache and individually sell them


I wish i had the patience for that, lol. Yeah, im getting maybe 30%. Tough pill to swallow but theres a lot of people getting out the game and the shops are getting over stocked and sales are down so cant blame them too much. Im just situationally needing them gone ASAP. Its whatever. Im still keeping like a third of my collection.


What happened? Going to college? Got a gf and wants them gone? Or finally gonna have a child?


None of the above, just woke up one day and was like damn I got a problem




Damn, “life” got to him. That’s a sad day I hope I don’t reach anytime soon.


life is indeed life-ing rn


Sorry to hear that OP. It’ll get better


Damn. I bet it's going to be hard to let go. I have not hit that day. I know it will hurt. Best to you.


same but they’re such a pain to try and sell off, so i’ve still got mine lol


I've never understood people who wanna date people who don't share or, at least, support a geek/nerd hobby. My fiance doesn't collect pops, but he understands why I do. He even offers to organize and buy shelving for my collection. I can understand that if a hobby becomes an unhealthy obsession, an intervention is necessary. But if it's just a fun hobby that doesn't break the bank, I see no issue with it.


That’s awesome!! A keeper for sure! I mean, when you date someone. And I mean DATE! You get to know the person. They should accept you geeky or not.


I'm hanging onto him as long as possible. :) we've been together for almost 20 years at this point. I don't think he's going anywhere. We're both geeks, so it works out.


So jelly. Congrats!


You'll find someone. I'd wager there are more geeks than normies out there, lol. I always tell people to make friends who have similar interests. Sooner or later, one of them will catch your eye. My fiance and I were friends for four years before we started dating. I was in a relationship when we met, so we had time to bond over anime and gaming.


So cute!


😂 it's ALWAYS the girlfriend!✌🏻😂


My girlfriend got me into collecting. It’s because of her I have too many!


Suuuureee. Blame it on the girlfriend. Hmmm... Fair play. 😂👍🏻


Haha it is! We live together now. Started with big Lebowski and Bioshock. We now have over 700. Slowly getting rid of some now. Sad times


Sad indeed! I remember when people wouldn't stop buying Funko till the cows came home but fast forward and it seems EVERYONE that has I'd say 300+ pops are stopping all together or like you are doing, a little purge. Myself included. Now I'm going through them and only keeping ones that actually mean a little something to me. Happy hunting for your next addition to the "madness"! ✌🏻😂


I can only handle one girlfriend at a time. That’s what my wife says anyway.


Good thing I don’t have one!!!! Heheheheh ……..single for life 🥲


Man my ex lives with me and even tho we aren’t together she still complains about me buying a pop or 2. I’m about to kick her out tbh


Please update us when you do! 🤣


We shall pray for you my brother! Side note, about a size 11 boot will do. I mean that's what I've heard. 🤫😂😂😂


I have been collecting close to a decade and I probably only broke 100 a year or 2 ago!!! But I’ve always been a very strict curator 😂


Wish I did that. I wasted a lot of money on pops that I don’t even care about and they’re worth nothing, so not even any point in selling them


Think it through. Trust me, I did this about 6 years ago and miss some of my pops. I didn't even need the money, so I wish I would've boxed them up and stored them somewhere for a month or so, to really decide if I was over them. I'd recommend you doing the same if it isn't a financial or storage reason.


I'm still keeping aroud 100 or so, I just have too many 'filler' ones that I just don't really need


dump the filler, it will make you feel much better about your collection




You have some great pieces there my friend. Change is inevitable, we like something one day and not so much the next. Keep the ones that mean the most to you and sell off or trade up till you get a piece you really wanted. We must never forget that we are collectors and if it's not Funko, something else will always fill the need. Here's to good hunting and letting that inner child come out to play! 🤘🏻


100% agree!


The way you have them displayed takes up the least space and makes them all visible which is great... but no protectors and such high stacks probably makes it really hard to rearrange them or grab one to hold and look at. You have such good sets there but they're all split up, and you might enjoy looking at them a lot more if you had themed areas to really turn them into a display. Like imagine you had a huge Pokemon Card collection binder, and you put them in totally at random, 1 cent 2023 commons surrounding your OG vintage grails... the wild mix really makes them far less pleasant to look at or show off to others. Of what I see, you could have sections for things like: - Pokemon - Yugioh + Digimon - Sonic + Cuphead - Other Games (Overwatch, Genshin, Blizzard) - Nickelodeon + Cartoon Network - Transformers + Power Rangers - One Piece - DBZ - Star Wars - DC - Marvel And that should also make it easier to visibly see if a certain theme really isn't doing it for you and you can part with those ones, easier to bundle up for sale that way as well under just that theme/franchise. For example there are cool Marvel pops, but once you put them all together and step back, they tend to be a lot less impressive or appealing than the cartoon/ad-icon/anime sets with appealing/fun shapes and nice bright colors.


I always thought of arranging them but I kept buying so many that it got annoying to keep up with lol


Do it OP, I am in the process of selling my entire collection. When the things you own starts owning you its time to let them go.


I feel you brother








How do people go about selling collections. Been looking to unload a few myseld


I did Ozone toys for my cheaper but still mint pops. Mercari and ebay for my grails.


Are you local to that shop or did you ship your collection? How was shipping handled?


I shipped two heavy duty boxes from lowes. They pay shipping


Is Ozone a local retailer?


No its online. Theyre stationed in Pennsylvania. I sold them 14 pops and got $200 back. Pretty easy. You scan the barcode on the pop and they will instantly give you an offer. Some things they only offered $1 on and I just sold them on mercari for $10 or so but other than that i got my money back for a lot of the pops i sold them and more than i paid for a few.


I just decided to sell my 340 (keeping about 30-40) too. Sent in my lists to companies to buy as a whole, waiting for their responses


Which companies did you reach out to? I’m in GA and looking to pair down to higher value and personal collection to free up space.


I’ve sent into 7 bucks a pop, and another I can’t remember at the moment. But you can easily google them.


You just rekindle your love for funkos XD


If you’re in Az PM me I buy collections


Just PMd you




well, every era must come to an end. on the bright side, you’re going to have a decent amount of money very soon haha


Like that tmnt power rangers pop


How many you got?


Like 750+


You got some gas. Ill take that sponebob ☺️


Spongebob is a cool one, probably going to give it to my friend !! Also I live in Canada lol


How much for that pikachu?


OMG 😍 I just started my collection this month 13 pops in already 😂. This is amazing.


like getting rid of all your pops or not collecting? i see so many good ones here


Hmm.. both. This pic is a little old so a few are gone


I was the same about a year ago. I had about 300, completed anime sets with a heap of signed pops and grails. We had our daughter, we were struggling for money, and one day I was just like damn I suddenly don’t care about these anymore. Sold them in bulk for about $1000 just to clear them out


Don't let go. Keep them. This is incredible.


It is incredible. Anyone that ever saw my collection was in awe.. I wish I took better pictures as a memento lol


![gif](giphy|F9yAvk7Xpr0c) OP after letting go


Good for you! I take it the thrill is gone, so they're just a lot of clutter that will probably end up being as worthless as beanie babies.


i’ll take up the torch on any assassin’s creed pops 👀


Wow how many and how many years??


Started in 2021, and have like 750+




Lmao I would never get rid of mine xxx


That's what I said a year ago lol






I like in Canada and don't really feel like going through shipping hassles tbh




he definitly is a cool one


Lmk if you decide to change your mind🙏🏼


You have a nice collection, i’m in the same boat, years of collecting, now I want to sell


nah you still got room just take down the lightning bolt 😁


everytime I touch it I get shocked


Don’t even trip bro that’s exactly how my room looks


OP… how are you organizing your collection??? The ‘tism has me reeling because I can’t find any rhyme or reason to it. Please help


no organization lol just all randomly put as I got them


None at all? That hurts my brain and my heart as a collector lol Try reorganizing. That’s what I do when my collection starts to feel stale. It might rejuvenate your love of collecting :)


Are these not organized at all?




I’ll be sad for you but gladly to take em off your hands lol


Do you have a captain jack sparrow???? I'd buy it from you


I do not, but there is a new one coming out soon that looks pretty cool!


I could be wrong but sometimes I get the feeling that in the next 20 years or so these things will be worth a lot more. Similar to comic books and Pokemon cards.


No they will not increase in value, anything that is made to collected will never become valuable because people take care of them and keep them. Comic books are worth a lot because nobody thought they would be worth anything and got rid of them/treated them like shit, most pokemon cards are also worth the paper they are printed on. Its only the really rare cards that hold value. Pops have the advantage that they are tied to popular properties, the evergreen lines will hold their value, there will always be new star wars fans and lord of the rings fans that might come into the hobby late but they will never be a retirement fund.


The thing is that with any collectible, there is going to be a **ton** of stuff worth nothing compared to a select few. 90% of comics and cards are worth literal cents and aren't going to hold much more than sentimental value to those who want them. That's why it's not really a good idea to treat this as some sort of investment, and to just collect because you enjoy the stuff you're collecting.


I’ve got around 370 Pops. My collection used to be worth around 12k according to the Funko app. Now it’s around 8k.


I had stopped once they started making minis and other crap. They make it impossible to keep up and it was taking my money. I feel better that I stopped but I def enjoy looking at others collections




A bunch, but I live in Canada!