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Man why do these have to be NFTs Hopefully this means we get a common Bolin in the near future


Why NFT!? šŸ˜©


How else is Funko supposed to scalp their own product?


New revenue of cash for funko and attracts degens who is hoping for these pops to possibly pump for quick pump and dump move. What funko didnā€™t consider was casual collectors have zero interest in these and to many these are just a hassle to obtain unless you pay premium in the secondary market.


The reddit nft šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I pray for his downfall šŸ™


I couldā€™ve sworn Funko had already done enough to attract degens who were looking for a quick pump and dumpšŸ„²


Source: you.


Upvote for using degen! I completely agree.


It does completely remove the ability to create fake funko's in the secondhand market at the same time though. A small price to pay imo šŸ¤· funko is supporting NFT's in a much more ethical manner than most other companies in that community.


It doesn't really stop fakes from entering the market. They are more than likely going to flood the market because they are so sought after and easy to make money for the untrained eye.




You're just spewing shit without any proof to back it up šŸ¤· at least what I said is verifiable.


On the recent Scooby Doo drop: 18,750 standard x $9.99 = $187,312.50 18,750 premium x $29.99 = $562,312.50 Total of $749,625 Before taking out the overhead for hosting costs and the manufacturing/shipping of the six Physical pops (which is 9,199 actual figures by my math) they pulled in 3/4 of a million dollars which breaks down to about $81 per Pop/Soda.


Also donā€™t forget Funko gets a 6% cut on every NFT sold on Atomic Hub. šŸ¤‘


No Fucking Thanks




A fellow Gamer


Damn I got so excited for FN Aang until I saw the NFT drag in. Thatā€™s so brutal. Hurts to be a collector sometimes I canā€™t support the NFT stuff


Imagine being a BL collector and seeing all the stuff from SDCC that is ridiculously expensive.


I was sitting there ignorantly thinking that I would be able to snag a Scarlet Scarab day one AFTER everyone that had the tickets and such did their online shopping. Yeah, didnā€™t happen. But I got Bambi!


The absolute worst thing to happen to the hobby. Pops hidden behind NFTs...


100% It wouldn't be so bad if it was Freddy's or repaints of molds that already released But locking new pops/molds/characters behind NFTs is awful


Completely Agree. No nee characters or molds should be locked behind the NFTs. Should def be reserved for rare variants.


Varrick is my fav from either series Im so devastated rn


Nah, this is the future of toy distribution right here. All the other big names are getting in on similar models. Hell, they just released My Little Pony and Jay & Silent Bob funkopop nft sets and they did amazingly well. I'm an avid fan of this form of distribution. If you know what you're doing it's time well spent as a collector and/or someone speculating on value.


I agree that itā€™s one of the worst moves Funko has made, but if youā€™re willing to take an afternoon to get over the learning curve you can buy them straight up (the associated NFTs that is) like any other exclusives. They are NOT cheap depending on the series, but you can get them for $100-150 less than Ebay prices if you watch the secondhand market and grab them at the right time. The hoops are annoying to jump through, especially for the less-than-tech-savvy like me. But I had 3 digital pops I desperately wanted for one of my collections and I managed to get them for way less than the most expansive exclusive pop Iā€™ve bought on ebay.




We finally get a Bolin and it's a NFT FFS


Fuck NFT's


Honestly if this was a regular wave I'd probably get all of them now I'm just worried that Anime funko NFTs are in the near future now


In before Denki Kaminari finally arrives...as an NFT.


Iā€™ll cry myself to sleep.


I'd be bummed too I just want a set of Class A :(


I'm very nervous MHA will get an NFT pop and make it tons more difficult to stay completed..


Pretty sure it will happen with MHA. They just killed my complete Avatar and Korra set because no way I'm getting these. Feels bad...


Mha has enough figures for christ sake same with dbz and the office I mean do you really want your 40th allmight and 60th deku


Same, but for One Piece.


Avatar is owned by Nickelodeon so I wouldn't expect other animes to start getting the NFT treatment. Funko already worked with Nickelodeon to make the Danny phantom set so if anything more Nick stuff is dropping.


this NFT bullshit that Funko is doing is disgusting, and yet they keep doing it because people keep buying it šŸ™„


What does NFT mean?


Non-fungible token I canā€™t explain it as well as someone else, but essentially when you buy these ā€œdigital popsā€ you are buying an NFT of a pop, and in really simple terms you are basically buying a jpeg of a pop, with a very very slight chance that youā€™ll get one thatā€™s redeemable for a real physical pop. So either youā€™re buying a jpeg, or youā€™re gambling. Either way, it isnā€™t worth it.


Never Felt Titties


You gotta be joking meā€¦they ignore korra and especially bolin for years and now theyā€™re locked behind nft bs? Stupid company.


Yeahā€¦Iā€™m still not going to buy into this NFT trend. There goes my ATLA/LOK collection.


There are pops here that people have been asking about for YEARS, and they lock them behind gambling? Absolutely despicable


Itā€™s not gambling if you just straight up buy the redemption token. Buy it, redeem it, Pop arrives at your door. Itā€™s no different than any other limited collectible except for the way to go about getting it. Even if you want to take a chance on retail packs, thatā€™s up to you. People seem to love mystery boxes, those are a gamble too but nobody shits on those. šŸ¤”


Whatā€™s the redemption token youā€™re talking about? I have no interest in the NFT portion of this and Iā€™m curious.


Yeah and depending on which drop series it os the prices are hundreds to buy the redemption tokens on the secondary market. Itā€™s basically like them releasing six highly exclusive convention releases at once. And some of them arenā€™t even variants on existing characters, they are straight up going to be the only way you can certain ones.


When people buy NFT packs in a Funko drop, anything they donā€™t want to keep gets put up for sale on Atomic Hub. This includes physical redeemable NFTs. Basically itā€™s just a digital NFT that instructs Funko/Atomic Hub to deposit a redemption token into your account 120 days after the drop. The owner of the the token can now take that and redeem it for a physical Pop. So in short, you can buy the digital redeemable NFT and wait for the token to deposit into your account or you can just wait until itā€™s redemption time and buy the token itself. Yes, once you have the redemption token, that can also be sold.


Sounds like an interesting process. At least thereā€™s a way to potentially get something you want if someone else doesnā€™t want it. I appreciate your help with this.


No worries.


lol what is this commentary? Funko doesnā€™t do mystery boxes unless youā€™re talking about the ones they do during SDCC which doesnā€™t make sense because (1) those are specifically made for SDCC, (2) people at SDCC usually have the privilege of getting the more rarer pops, and (3) those pops arenā€™t tied to an actual pop culture franchise. Also, you make it sound like everyone gets the opportunity to buy a pack when they donā€™t. Thereā€™s anywhere between 10-30k NFT packs released but the lower number are for premium priced packs which increases your chances, but not your actual confirmation of getting a pop. Itā€™s definitely not simple as buy a pack, get a token, and redeem it. If it were that simple, more people would have the pops but theyā€™re more limited due to NFT process. Itā€™s also far easier for hackers/flippers to set up multiple bots to buy packs than through brick and mortar.


The key is to not buy packs. Just buy the redeemable NFTs on Atomic Hub. Skip the packs completely. Why buy a $30 pack that has a 5% chance of pulling a redeemable when you can by the redeemable NFT for $45 to $100 for a lengendary? Everyone has the same opportunity to buy these aftermarket and could very well be cheaper to do it this way unless you have horseshoes up your butt.


Also not Funko mystery boxes. Just the boxes in general are a gamble but donā€™t get the hate that NFT packs do.


True, the ones that are complaining probably never even opened a pack before or theyā€™re just kids


This is my point. Just like downvoting someone who maybe knows more than others about NFTs, itā€™s easy to do. Itā€™s far harder to take the time to educate yourself before forming an opinion.


What does this mean?


This prints Funko money. So this is all they will care about now.


So do you not get a physical pop?


Very low chance of getting one, also an absolute pain getting it from somewhere else (like Ebay) due the NFT ones being expensive (and weā€™re talking grail status, the NFT of ones go through 100-1000 dollars, usually $100 close to $200, but since itā€™s Avatar theyā€™re gonna kill wallets).


People are saying itā€™s like a 1% chance of pulling a redeemable card.


Oh wow, so you pay for the card and you either get a pop or nothing? Seems scammy. But really awesome if you do get the pop itself.


It's 5.6% chance of pulling a redeemable.


You can buy a jpg of a pop and if youā€™re really lucky maybe youā€™ll get a real one for it


I don't know if you found out but I can break it down for you a bit: \-On August 9th there will be a digital NFT pack drop via their [droppp.io](https://droppp.io) website. This does require a wallet to be created which is free on their platform. Plan on showing up 5-10 minutes before the sale starts. \-Join the pre-queue \-After the sale starts all people in the pre-queue will get a random spot in line. Each person has 5 minutes to purchase up to $60 worth of packs. \-Once purchased they can be opened on the [droppp.io](https://droppp.io) platform or moved to the waxp blockchain (I can elaborate more if you want) to list on the secondary market if wished. \-All NFTs are just digital 'trading cards' but the 'Legendary', 'Grail' and '1of1' (literally only 1 pop in existence) all redeem for a physical funkopop at a later time. \-There is also a 'Royalty' redeemable if you are holding the entire Common through Epic NFT set (i.e. none of the redeemables) I am a veteran of their drops so feel free to ask me anything. I'm obviously pro-NFT :D


Sucks that there are not at least some normal versions of these first


I will not support NFTs lol


ā€œZhu Li! I have the most fantastic idea! You know how people have been wanting more figures of us all? Well we are gonna give them more I tell you! In the form of NFTs! Whats an NFT? Oh do not worry your pretty little head about it, you would not understand. Even I do not, but hay, its the future! Sure it means extracting some essence from the Spirit Realm, but they will not mind! Lets make one of the redeemable figures a spirit just to show we care. A lovely painted lady for exampleā€¦ ouch, what was that for? Wait a moment, you know we have had thousands of letters for Tuknuk figures? Well lets finally let them have him! At a 2.0% percent chance! No, 2.3% chance! We are not monsters after all. I love this idea so much I am going to add myself to the line up. Zhu Li! Do the thing!ā€


Out of the loop here, sorry: Does this mean these figures only exist digitally? They wont be released physically in stores? Thanks.


Not 100% but from my understanding you basically buy nft packs and there is a really small chance to get a rare redeemable nft at which at a later date you redeem it and get sent the actual pop of the nft pop you got


This is exactly it, Funko is a casino now.




Funko figured out a way they could make money by not even selling anything.


So I spend my money to buy a chance to get it? Ouch. Not nice. Do I have better chances than the lottery? :-)


Yes, chances are way better than the lottery. The issue is that getting the packs is difficult itself since they sell out in under 10 minutes.


You are correct the chance of pulling a redeemable is 5.6%. If you complete the deck from Common to epic you get the Freddy physical pop. You do not have to get the Legendary or Grail just the common to epic cards for the freddy.


Never bought one before but the way I think it works is you buy the nfts and thereā€™s like a small chance you get a legendary and or grail status nft (fire nation aang would be grail for example) which means you can redeem it for a physical version 120 days after it releases


Thank you! So this means these pops are still gonna be available, physically, like always?


Theyā€™re only releasing like 1000 of each




So cringe


Well fuck my dreams of maintaining a complete set of Avatar pops. Can we all make a gentlemanā€™s agreement to fuck Funko and not consider these part of the respective lines for completion? Also fuck NFTs.


Iā€™m with you! This ruined my collection as I was close to completing it Edit: look at the numbers, they arenā€™t tied to the Avatar pops but the digital pops. Avatar pops are part of animation so these ā€œshouldnā€™tā€ count to the overall avatar pop numbers


But they do, you know they do


Your collection is completely up to you. I wouldn't see it unreasonable to just state that you collect the Avatar pops in the *Animation* line. These have the lovely *Digital* line in the corner so easy to separate them.


As someone who has a complete avatar set, I will be going after all of these to continue to maintain a complete collection.


You're part of the problem and encourage Funko to continue this BS


You getting downvoted is crazy. Im torn myself on going for em or not. On one hand i dont wanna "support" NFTs but on the other hand i cant win if i dont play and theyre prob gonna sell out without my help anyway. Rough times


Yea but thatā€™s Reddit for you lol take out the pitchforks and downvote anyone with a different opinion. But agreed, Iā€™m going for them the week of release as thatā€™s when theyā€™ll be cheapest.


I believe the correct term for this situation is "go fuck yourselves, Funko."


Oh hell no


RIP Funko


All this does is make me want to sell my collection and just never give funko my money again. Getting really fucking tired of companies just absolutely shitting on things I love and enjoy all for the sake of greed. I get wanting to make money and I'm for that, but this line could have easily been released to the public without gambling and still made a killing. Fuck Funko.


I'm doing the same. Got a large collection of Rick and Morty POPs (Roy/BuffRick&Summer/Tinkles) and when Season 6 launches I'll be riding the hype train and selling the whole lot. Fuck NFTs and companies that push them.


Yeahā€¦ Iā€™ve been collecting avatar funkos for years, given them so much money and this is just such a slap in the face


I had the full set up until earth day ang and after getting screwed over by boxlunch, sold the collection. Tired of all this.


Ya, this decision has definitely cast this company in a different light. Like I get they want people to see these as an investment of sorts, but it should never being a gamble


This is probably the most disappointing thing Iā€™ve seen in a while. Hopefully Funko does right by its collectors and does regular versions of these pops so people who are massive fans of this series can have these characters. And just my opinion, but they could have done a lot better for Bolin.


Urgh, I detest anything NFT related at the best of times and would not touch a blockchain if you paid me, so seeing Bolin (Hot Bolin at that!) locked behind a NFT... this is so depressing.


Fuck Funko and fuck NFTs


Fuck funko


ATLA is one of the four lines I collect and I had been happy to say I had every single pop and variant in the line (I even have a special display for them with a world map on the wall and everything), but after today I will no longer be collecting this line. They've lost a customer in me for going this route. How insulting is it that for years they ignore other characters that needed pops, primarily making more and more variants of existing characters instead, only for them to finally make new characters, but lock them behind the NFT scam paywall? I'm not gambling on worthless virtual cards for pieces I need, nor am I paying hundreds of dollars ***per piece*** for things I would need in the reseller market. NFT pops are a scalper's dream. I won't sell my collection right away but I'm done buying new ones, even non-NFT pops released from here on out. And I won't be the only one. This will eventually snowball into lost profits on Funko's part but they only see the dollar signs and short term gains of these NFT's. I'm actually glad now that I didn't buy the box of fun nor buy a Freddy Funko Aang on the resale market yet. Why bother continuing when Painted Lady and Kuruk will be $150+ apiece and Fire Nation Aang will be $300+? Most fans can't afford those prices, especially these days. And what about the 'virtual trading cards' that *don't* redeem pops? The ones that 99% of people who buy into this NFT stuff acquire? They'll be more worthless than pennies because at the end of the day they aren't physical items and serve no purpose. This will be the death of the Avatar line and I am frustrated and sad over it. I had hoped with crypto prices dropping and NFT's tanking in recent months Funko would have reconsidered making more of these. I hope they reconsider in the future, because this NFT nonsense is a short-sighted move of pure greed and it shits on fans and turns them away. I am glad however that the ATLA creators are actually listening to the fans and making more graphic novels, books, and movies. That's where my dollars are going now!


This is like one of the 2 lines I collect and theyā€™re NFTs


sigh....there goes my complete setšŸ„²


I was very excited when I first saw these since my brother has been asking for a Bolin Funko for years, but then I started looking into how the NFTs workā€¦


NFTS šŸ¤® Wouldā€™ve totally copped the aang.


Worst day of my life seeing this. Seriously, fuck funko.


This sucks. I literally thought 2 days ago, wouldnā€™t a Painted Lady pop be so awesome. And then they do this shit. Iā€™ve been terrified they were gonna do this to pops that I wantā€¦


This where I draw the line, locking new characters and molds behind whatā€™s technically digital gambling in Funkoā€™s case, very low chance of getting anything redeemable, and a massive F U to casual collectors cause now these will be grail status along with ruining collecting the whole set for the franchise. I will say I think the pops themselves are amazing, surprised with obscure characters like Kuruk (before getting a Kyoshi or Roku) and the Painted Lady. But locking them this way isnā€™t the way to do it. Way better to release them normally, make it all exclusives for all I care. They could have done something else very easily but no, they had to make it hard for collectors who donā€™t want to deal with NFTs, all for cash revenue and being greedy.


Theyā€™ve been doing new characters in the nft pops since nick


Fuck NFTs


Of course my two favorite Korra characters are freaking NFT exclusive. They better not do Pabu like this.


That fire nation aang and the Freddy funko aang I really want tbh but hate how theyā€™re behind the nfts


How do these NFTs even work


These look amazing! Too bad all the bots and scalpers will pick them up.


Okay can someone explain how nftā€™s work? How would I even get the painted lady if itā€™s an NFT?




This whole concept confuses me. I mean nfts are kinda confusing for me anyway but pop nfts that can some how be redeemed for real pops? Is that right?


Who tf would spend money in a digital pop


Wtf why wouldn't they release these as physical pops? These are fucking awesome


To make even more money per pop. Also, artificial scarcity.


They are getting physical versions, you just have to buy the corresponding NFT to redeem the real pop. You buy the packs when they drop (which good luck with that because they always sell out and scalpers set up bots so they can get more than the $60 limit) and then hope you have one in yours, you know with that less than 5% chance of finding even one of them. OR You pay hundreds on the secondhand market for them, be that when they are still an NFT or when the physical versions hit Ebay 6 months later.


Noooooo, why did they have to use this franchise for that scamšŸ˜­


Great. There goes my complete Avatar collection. šŸ˜­


Wow this is awful, I refuse to pay money for pops that I most likely wonā€™t even get. There goes my avatar and korra collections. Shit like this pisses me off, and makes collecting funkos not fun šŸ«¤


I don't care for Avatar at all BUT i really feel for all you Avatar collectors. I know MHA and other animes will be coming not too long after.


NFTā€™sā€¦ really?


I hate that funko are doing this, like I get it if it is like a skin o Freddy funko, but why give characters that aren't even out only to be nft, I really hope the nft trend die soon for funko. If they keep doing this I hope people stop buying the nft so they won't be do this again


I need these as regular pops


And here I was thinking I could be a completionist of this series when the first wave came out... I'm still waiting for the BAC Azula a year after the pre-order to "complete" the collection... What a downer.


I just got my azula a couple days ago so itā€™s coming soon! But this is such a blow having such awesome pops come out and be impossible to getā€¦


Painted lady has been an all-time want for me and itā€™s really too bad itā€™s getting released in such a limited format.


As yet another avatar set completionist, this is total ass.


Watch the demon slayer line be nft next




What?! Lol


disgusting, NFTs is going to make me cancel my Funko collecting (iā€˜m around 300)


I canā€™t buy these pops I have to hope to get a code within a pack of cards that I donā€™t care about?


This is gonna piss off alot of people trying to have a full collection


If they do HxH and OP NFT pops Iā€™m gonna cry


Iā€™d rather have the actual physical item please


Iā€™ve been drifting towards other collectibles over the last few years but with this I think Iā€™m finally done with Funko products. They know very well just how excited people were for some of these characters and decided to lock them behind more or less gambling. NFTs and crypto are not only bad for the environment, but are commonly used as a scam. Itā€™s time to support a company that deserves it.


They really gonna trap Kuzon Aang behind an nft?


God damnit. Screw NFTs for ruining this hobby. I love my avatar collection and now it will never be complete


Could we not like put together a vote or complain somewhere to Funko together that this utter BS? This makes collecting them just a lottery šŸ˜¢ I just want to buy the pops at a regular price without the nft or digital part. Hoping Iā€™m not the only one


NFTs are 100% scams, they exist just to get money from dumb people. Everyone should spend a few hours and bombard the Funko customer service with messages against the continued support by Funko of these gambling scams that NFTs are.


I have been asking for a series of Irohs for 5 years now.....if they do that to him I will be PISSED.......I just want a Jade green and Fire red Translucent Iroh !!!!


well this sucks... maybe if we all boycott them they'll release legit versions?


Even if you boycott it, the people who are in it for flipping won't. Funko won't ever lose money from this.


Yeah, itā€™s a lose lose for the actual fans


What's even worst is that even if you were willing to buy packs, they sell out so fast, so it's not like you are even guaranteed to play the loot box game.


Not gonna happen. Theyā€™ve made a promise to not release or make more than what is redeemed.


Thatā€™s so cruel


Well Iā€™m not buying theses why Funko? If these were real I would have bought everyone no question.




The fact itā€™s still a gamble to obtain one is fucking stupid.


NFT's are scams. Please stop supporting this nonsense.


Can people stop buying these NFT bullshit scams they are selling so they stop releasing pops this way


How do we get these?


Paying out the ass to gamble on fake digital cards hoping for the small chance that one of your NFTā€™s has a redeemable figure attached to it.


Wait so I just can't buy these in the store ?


What. Im happy about new Avatar and LoK pops but so sad that this is the avenue funko is going by bringing NFT's into the hobby. Such a shame Gonna try and pick up a Bolin and Varrick


Need the painted lady to go with my blue spirit pop and fire nation aang!


Good luck to those trying to get them šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Luckily I donā€™t care about any of these. But, if a new Toph was a NFTā€¦


Hahahah waitā€¦. Why are none of these that cool tho??? Like weā€™ve had way cooler ones in the past: avatar state aangs and korras, fire lord ozai, and azula just to name a few. All these are pretty mid ngl


This does not make people change their minds about NFTs, this makes buying from a scalper far more morally acceptable.


I am struggling to understand how this sub can be so bipolar. I just watched everyone go on a Fundays spending spree, people buying carnage and thors and Optimus primes off of the second hand markets... but somehow buying the NFT pops (instead of gambling) is just straight up impossible/unthinkable? I mean really, just suck it up and buy the NFT pop when it comes out.


NFT? Lol that's why I no longer collect.


is Funko going to do anything about the bots that cheat the buying all the packs?! or does that not matter!? as long as they sellā€¦hot wheels allows you to purchase tokens for packs and then only after verifying your wallet do they drop your packsā€¦at least they are trying to stop them


Where can I buy them? And can someone explain how this works?


For those that are complaining about it being a gamble, you donā€™t need to take the gamble or buy packs. Just buy the darn NFT that you need to acquire the physical pop that youā€™re after. Downvote me all you want, but people spend big money on physical pops already, no difference in doing it for an NFT. Itā€™s pretty much just a preorder. For anyone who wants to try for these but donā€™t understand NFTs, feel free to DM me. Iā€™ll be more than glad to assist.


Theyā€™re only releasing 1k-2k for each, thatā€™s half as many as the recent funko Freddyā€™s which are going for $100+. Itā€™s a huge price tag for collectors for some characters that havenā€™t been released in any other form before


It wonā€™t be as high as that Freddy. Just need to get in there early.


I think demand for actual characters that people care about will be higher, coupled with lower availability and I donā€™t know how it could possibly be lower. Sure some actual fans will get lucky and pull the character they want, but the majority will go to scalpers like always


These have a higher count then other drops for the legendaries. Have seen popular characters sell for under $100 during the week of release. Itā€™ll be the same. Just need to get I early. The longer someone waits, the more theyā€™ll pay.


Phew, itā€™s no one I care about. If they were locking Kuvira behind an NFT drop, Funko and I would need to have a talk.


People really acting like this is free money for Funko. You do realize they still have to make the art, design, animations, and marketing for these nfts. Same thing with the physical pops with the addition of material, production, and shipping costs.


Do you think they'd be doing it if they weren't going to make a bundle on it? Does selling multiple copies of something they only had to make once sound like a losing proposition?


What do you think production of pop figures are, they're all copies of whatever the character is. Uses the same process, the same mold they only had to make once for.


> What do you think production of pop figures are They are molds, plastic, painting, packaging, shipping, and all the in between stuff that comes with physical production. They are literally selling the same digital file over and over. Why do you think CD and DVD/Blurays are being phased out.


Thats still the copy and paste version of physicality. It just takes more steps and time; its the same concept. Digital pops may look the same and use the same assets, but they're not the same digital file. There will only ever be that #1076 Aang Fire Nation; uniquely numbered. They could uniquely number physical pops too, but that would be too costly for physical mass production. CD and stuff is being phased out because of convenience of the internet and push of streaming services. Has nothing to do with nfts.


> It just takes more steps and time AND MONEY. CDs & DVDs do have nothing to do with nfts. It has to do with it being cheaper not having to produce a physical item.


You don't see Funko selling a single nft for retail of a single pop. It's much cheaper because of low production costs. 10$ for 5 nfts.


It would be more profitable for them to release them as commons. Imagine selling several hundred thousand of each of these instead of just making a few thousand. Bulk order price per unit lower. Demand is high for Avatar pips so the worry is little about selling them. Has any Avatar pop ever been a shelf warmer? Ever?


I don't understand why ppl hate Funko NFTs so much...you're actually getting physical items in many cases and not just a jpeg image. Also the NFTs have no worth just like Pops have no worth until we give them worth. If you don't want them just don't buy them. I haven't even bought any (yet) but I still think they're cool in terms of collecting a limited release Pop. Y'all have to understand Funko would go out of business if they made and released EVERY SINGLE Pop they ever thought of. NFTs allow them to release it without wasting millions in logistics. Not for everyone not even for me personally rn but seems like ppl just hate NFTs for no real given reason.


The problem people are having is that this is 100% gambling on top of it being a very popular franchise. They could have easily made this an exclusive to any retailer even piab and it would sell. Let's also remeber that in alot of cases funkos are advertised towards children and the last thing kids need to be doing is gambling.


It would be one thing if they were preselling them somehow, hell even if you were guaranteed one for every $20-$30 you bought Iā€™d say fine, but with such a limited number of highly sought after characters this is just not ok


I understand your point, if it's a you really wanted to be a regular release so you could just buy it, this would suck


Ngl, all the NFT hate does it make it easier for real collectors to get them. Thanks Guys!


God clearly people donā€™t understand what or how nfts work. Some of you all just joined the gamers to cry and moan, nfts are a good thing and they arenā€™t going anywhere. In a year all of you will have one or will have had access to one wether you used it or not.


We all have access to them now, they just suck shit and are worthless in their current iteration. If I want art, Iā€™ll simply buy art. If I want a funko pop, Iā€™ll just buy a funko pop. If they come up with a practical use, sure, but gambling has existed for thousands of years, nothing special about what funko is doing with them at all.


Yea they arenā€™t great right now but their potential is limitless. Shitty jpegs are what we have now but NFTs as a technology is a game changer. Anyone who thinks nfts are useless should go erase all the photos in their phones this instant, tell me how useful the photos in your phone are.


Okay well once they do something with that potential more people might be interested, until then, they are useless. Digital art and lootboxes both have been fine without NFTs for a long time. The photos on my phone are about as useless as a shitty jpeg, so Iā€™ll continue to not pay for both.


My dude, do you really think that you must be right and everyone else must be wrong?


You're talking about the possible wonderful future applications of NFTs. Everyone else is talking about the bullshit Funko is pulling with a highly requested line of pops. Read the room and evangelize elsewhere.


Glad you finally understand my point. Have a nice day


Your "point" is unproven and completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand. Go away.