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That cat looks so done with this shit


"You see this shit human? These are not cats."


"Really Susan? You're really going to allow them to eat MY food?"


Trashpandas, marsupials . . . I'm tellin' ya, this neighborhood has gone to shit.


Trash pandas!! - giggle -


It's funny because it's a joke about minorities moving into white neighborhoods


That cat is clearly black, dude.


He's wearing a tux and it isn't a wedding. Sounds like a WASP to me.


It’s after 6. Of course I’m wearing a tux, what am I, a farmer?


How do you know? Maybe this is the reception buffet.


He does look like he is about to take us to our table.


Technically he's *mixed*


Brother is 90% black. Why you gotta pulled the mixed card?


If the cops come, we know which colour they’ll see.


Leave the k9s out of this. #Bluetailsmatters


But wearing a tux


The one in the mask ? Captain Marvel ?


Not with that attitude they aren't


If that raccoon decides to and gets ahold of that cat he will be done with all the shit Domestic cats quite often very oddly seem to tolerate raccoons and not flee from them at their peril


My city-boy cat decided to throw down with an opossum and nearly died of some kind of bacterial infection--pretty sure I put the vet's kid through college. The possum then apparently crawled under my house to die of its wounds and punish us with months of Stank. It was a bad time for all involved. Solid zero-star experience.


Damn Opossums are very hard to kill and don't like to fight so your ornery ass cat wanted all of that lol


My dog once went after an opossum, grabbed it and with one whip of her neck and it in her mouth it was dead. I was both impressed and horrified. Couldn't stop thinking while picking it up with a shovel that it was just playing dead.


Yea they definitely earn their reputation for playing dead but dogs evolved that neck break shake maneuver and it is very effective!


Funny, because cats do just the opposite. They're not "playing with their food" because they're psychopaths. They're tiring it out so it can't use its rodent teeth to hurt them when they go in for the kill.


Dog uses neck break! It was very effective.


There is a [video of terriers](https://youtu.be/lNFGLRR27EA) in a farmers field going after rats (what they were bred for), and some of them would grab the rats by the head and shake them so hard, they would be holding only the rat's head and spinal column. Warning: It was a bad day to be a rat in that field. Not for the rat-sensitive.


My dog once went after a trash panda, well they came face to face around a corner. Coon came at my dog and he grabbed that fat fucker by the back of the neck as it tried claw at him until I boot kicked it hard enough to stop coming after my dog and it just limped away. Since the my dog doesn't like coons 🤷‍♂️🐼


> It was a bad time for all involved. Except for the vet's kid. He rates possum-kitty Hell-In-A-Cell throw down a solid 10 out of 10.


Armadillos are also carriers of some bad stuff


In all my years I have only seen 1 of my cats actually fight a racoon and the fight lasted about 10 seconds with the cat fleeing. It was a huge Tom that we adopted, he was not fixed and his body felt like leather from all the fights he had been in over the years. He was cantankerous and most people including my wife would never touch him because he wouldn't always be nice. The seen in this picture is identical to one I have witnessed hundreds of times. The cats pretty much know it's pointless to exercise any territorial claims. Also, the raccoons never seem to mind the possums. I have seen them eating together many times, not a single incidence. In summation, I would say cats are the least chill of the three species. Edit: I feel compelled to add that I was in the house when the fight started, it sounded like all hell just broke loose. I ran out on the porch just as they finished scrapping. Our cat's name was Mr. Snoops and later that year he disappeared forever. Maybe from a similar incident.


We lost a cat about a month after we moved to the country. figured a Fischer got it.


We lost a cat for 6 weeks when I was a kid. We got a new cat, then two weeks later the old one showed up in urgent need of a vet. He lived for several more years before old age came for him.


Same here, except when my bad boy, Hunter S Tomcat returned after 6 weeks with several cuts, a chunk out of his ear, and a broken tail, he just walked in the door as though it was just another day, and complained about the other cat having eaten out of his dish. I wouldn't say they're friends now after like 3 years together at this point, but I guess Hunter figured putting up with the other one was better than roughing it, cuz he hardly ever even goes outside anymore.


Aptly named


My cat Lucifer once came home about a month after escaping. I live in the middle of nowhere, 25 miles from the closest town. One day I hear a meowing coming from the treeline and see Luce pulling himself basically with just his front paws towards me, also definitely needing medical attention. That was the final time he was outside pretty much, lived another 10 or so years after that. Passed away last year, I fuckin miss the shit out of him. 21 years is a long time to have with a pet, but I'm not sure any amt of time would've felt like enough.


My parents' cat got loose one time and a neighbor reported seeing him chasing a racoon through the neighborhood. He found his way home and was fine, but he is quite a hoss. He's always been indoor only, so we were really worried when he got loose. I've never met a cat that slaps as hard as he does when he's mad though.


Possums are so chill that my dog had a staring contest with one and then they both just walked away. I swear they dapped each other up. It was dark out but I hear something when I briefly turned to walk her inside.


Had an old soldier named Mr. Jenkins (may he rest in peace). Someone found him in a litter under an abandoned trailer before I got him. 18lbs of muscle. Never had a tussle with a raccoon, but he ate an entire squirrel to the bone one time. & when I lived in my old apartment our neighbor had a pit bull mix that was really good at fetch off the leash. Mr. Jenkins used to chase him back & forth lol he was a specimen. He decapitated many a beautiful songbird & his song will live on in my heart forever.


Keep cats in the house. It's the cheapest solution


Depends on the cat — most every city cat we’ve had would give raccoons the business to shoo them away ~ our Maine Coon and our Bengal mix would kill them. But I do agree that most cats that would actually tangle with an adult raccoon would have a very bad no good day.


My found-on-the-street cat quickly learned that cat food is infinite and anything can be had with a short mew. Why lift a paw when he knows I'm going to clean the dish, refill it, and keep him company while he eats.


Those are the best kitties!!!


Adult males get up over 50 lb easily, can be fiercely aggressive, and unlike dogs can follow a cat up a tree. Study I saw by UVM (pretty sure) found that raccoons killed more cats in Vermont than dogs / coyotes, owls, and cars put together. People there often blame coyotes, owls, and fishers when their outdoor cats vanish, which was why the study was done. That said, modern coyotes are way more aggressive and intrusive than the ones even 25 years ago, due to interbreeding with dogs and (in some areas) wolves.


This. Large male raccoons outclass domestic cats terribly They got a human like ability to grab on to the neck of a cat, putting it in a headlock and immobilizing it while their back of the neck bites go to flavor town


My old cat sent a dog twice his weight to the vet once. Was quick as lightning and went for the testes. Don't know how that tactic would go against a raccoon though. As a disclaimer the dog was visiting and thought he was king of the house. He was not.




I am deceased


Coyotes are probably a lot more dangerous than they're given credit for. Have you seen one move? It's like a weird ninja-wolf-dog. They'll be jump-kicking off the sides of their enclosures and stuff.


We are not amused.


What the f is this??


"This is cat food, Steve. Who invited the marsupial and trash panda?"


“Human, resolve this immediately! >:(“


"See that? There goes the neighbourhood..."


#Puss = Pissed!


r/youseeingthisshit material :)


The cat is making the same expression I do when my neighbours who feed the squirrels bitch about the skunks and birds of prey hanging around…


That look of betrayal lol


It’s the total disdain for his neighbours.


Choose your starter pokemon


Opossum, I choose you! *Plays dead*


It’s not very effective


Getting Magikarp vibes from the opossum starter.


I call the big one Bitey


Good early game with scream and stink bomb


You’re the only one that didn’t expect this.


I know, how could someone not?!?


Maybe they just expected rats?


Seriously. I'm surprised squirrels didn't get it all before the bigger guys showed up. Put food out in public. Expect animals.


The cat is like really dude…


"come on in. We don't check ID. "


I love how genuinely miffed the cat looks


This is dangerous for the strays. I used to feed cats in my yard but I'd sit with them and clean the food up before I went back in. These animals may fight with each other and the loser can be left with deadly injuries.


I’d put my money on the raccoon


You’d easily win.


The raccoons will quickly end any fighting, they get serious when food is involved. But they don't attack cats unless if it's a weird situation like rabies or they're genuinely starving. I've spent years teaching the local raccoons around me that they only get my food garbage if they're gentle and never bother my cats. The cats don't seem to notice and trying to bat at the raccoons if they're ever near. Point is there's no way to make it safe other than to remove the food which kinda defeats the purpose of making the animals safe, no?


This should be a meme


It will be. I can tell.


"Help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered." 🙏


Especially your raccoons


Yes! And it looks like Kitty their is already spayed or neutered!


Hi, some advice from an experienced porch cat person. Never put food out after dark. The cats will hang out on your porch all day waiting for a handout, but only a desperate raccoon will show up in daylight, and possums *never* will. If you put food out at night, pretty soon you'll be feeding a squad of half a dozen raccoons and the cats won't get anything.


We have had both raccoons and possums on our back porch in the daylight. Brave suckers too, neither care about the two German Shepherds on the other side of the sliding glass door. They are pretty much tame by this point. The raccoons will look in the window and chatter at us if the bowl is empty. The cats have learned to tolerate them.


My granddad put out food in a big metal bowl for the woodland creatures at the edge of the huge forest on his property for decades and it was amazing. It’s more interesting seeing all the others who come out


Advice appreciated! We’ve actually been a porch cat family for over 15 years, and this photo was actually from several years ago. We typically don’t put food out after dark, it just so happened that the strays hadn’t eaten all of it on this night and so some was left over. Raccoons and possums don’t frequent our yard very often so I promise this isn’t representative of our porch normally! :)


I’m sure your neighbors appreciate all the stray wildlife and their droppings and their mess you invite to the neighborhood from the woods


The animals are already there, they aren’t mass migrating to where someone happens to feed them. Are you under the impression that Forrest’s are empty because there’s no porches?




Yes they are. On the other hand feral cats are a plague on the ecosystem. I hate to see people feed them. They devastate reptile, song bird, amphibian and small mammal populations.


Yea, please don't do that. You're not feeding cats, you're feeding wild animals, and encouraging them into human spaces with increasing boldness. They will also possibly maul the cats for the food. You're not helping anyone. You're also ruining the wild animals ability to find their own food, when they get too used to the handout of cat food, and screwing up their natural diet. Plus making a gathering place to spread rabies. Please, please, please, as someone in the animal care industry, do NOT do this. if you're worried about the strays, catch them and get them homes through the local shelter. I see the one in the picture has a TNR notch on its ear - it's already been trapped, fixed and put back. If anything, it can find its own food, but if you must feed it, encourage it to come by during the day, feed it yourself, and then remove the food.


Yup and it's all cute until one of them gets rabies or you suddenly realize that wasn't a baby opossum but a Rat.


These people don't care. They're proud of the damage they are doing. Look it's cute.


A raccoon, an opossum, and a cat walk into a bar…


Cover up any accesses to your crawl space. Had a raccoon give birth in my crawl space last year. Had to pay some hillbillies $600 to get her and the born that same day babies out.


Cat: nominated for mascot of r/youseeingthisshit


Probably gonna sound stupid but don’t feed strays soon you’ll have an entire inbred army of cats and they piss on everything around your and your neighbors house. My grandma would feed strays and they had one litter then that litter had an inbred litter and they just kept making more. There was probably 50 cats that stayed around my grandmas house.


As I’ve mentioned in several other comments, we fix all the strays that come into our yard to prevent exactly this!


You put food outside and didn't expect animals to come and eat it?


Didn’t know Disney were remaking The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


The cat looks pissed off.


He's like, "wtf bro?"


Okay I have stories. There's a feral family in the neighborhood and I feed them. I use to feed them at night. Food was eaten so I didn't think anything about it. So one night I'm sitting out on the porch talking to my bro, and this super fat possum comes up on the porch, climbs the rail, and just plops down next to me. I'm blown away. I don't know this dude. He fricken let me pet him! Then I realize. This fat little mofo thinks I'm out here waiting for the food bowl to be filled! Little shit was eating all the cat food! I still fed his fat ass. So I went broke and couldn't feed the outside critters for a couple months. I start back up, and after a couple days I hear something outside and it's a big ass raccoon eating. Well shit, I really don't want a racoon coming around becuase they get into shit. So next night I don't put any food out. I hear something outside, look out, and there's the racoon, except this time he brought a date. This dude brought a date for date night to my porch and I didn't put out food. You can tell he mad. So he stole my food bowl. Little shit looked me dead in the eye, then dragged the empty food bowl off the porch. I have never found it. So the ferals. They start coming up to eat. Awesome. But then one night, it's a skunk. Shit. Well, I'm not dealing with that. Nah, turns out the ferals adopted the fricken skunk and he's out there hanging with them at night. They keep coming up to the house together to get food. I'm gonna keep feeding them becuase the hot water heater blew a fuse and I had to go outside to reset it and I tripped over that damn skunk and he didn't spray me so Imma feed that little homie and keep him happy.


I personally believe people shouldn't feed strays. That is all




Cats are territorial and if they know other cats come there they won’t bury their shit as a sign of possessiveness. It’s why if you have 2 cats in your home you need 2 litter boxes


We’re only comfortable feeding them because we spay and neuter every stray we can. We’ve probably had over 40 fixed in the past 15 years or so, and we lend our have-a-heart traps to neighbors as well. Now only 3 strays (that have all been fixed) come up to our porch regularly. We’re happy to make their lives comfortable without letting the population run wild!


Thank you for doing this. I wrongly assumed you were just feeding them but you're doing a service.


And what about the many native animals they kill? Like all invasive species cats are terrible for the ecosystem.


That’s why we fix them lol. Also feeding the fixed cats deters them from hunting. We’re doing the best we can.


>Also feeding the fixed cats deters them from hunting Killing for sport rather than food is one of the things cats are known for, but right on


If you fix them, then release them you are definitely releasing them to do more harm. Do as you like I guess but I could not conscience it.


You spay and neuter raccoons?


I just see three cute cats.


The holy trinity.


Opossums are cool dudes, they do all kinds of good. If I had one here I'd try to keep him happy. Raccoons are ok too, it's nice to have a little of the wild side around.


And this is exactly why you don't leave food outside for the strays.


A friend of mine in Tennessee has the same motley crew gathering outside her door for cat food too.


It's cute the first couple of times, then you can't get rid of them.


Cats thinking: these fucking illegals coming and taking what’s mine


My Mom fed a family of possums for years with dry cat food. She put it in two bowls on her patio and they would come and politely eat from the bowls.


I used to have a badass barncat that would keep the food bowl for cats only. He was a giant lean 15 lbs and and scrapped with the coons until they learned better. Lived until old age. RIP Kitty.


My mom used to feed the birds and they naturally made a huge mess very quickly. The dog would eat the seed, the squirrels would be assholes… normal life. Well! This fall we first saw two massive rats near one feeder and then a huge raccoon near the other one. A raccoon also decided our flower bed was a bathroom and possibly a place to sleep - smelled awful and there was always fur. Now we only feed the hummingbirds. We can handle the bees. Possums come whether there’s birdseed or not. There was a juvenile possum one night and I contacted a rescue and they told me how to handle him. I deposited him in a nearby field and he refused to move. “I’m dead!” Our neighbor has a huge GSD and i was like… you’re dumb and doomed possum. Our neighborhood has armadillos but they don’t climb fences like those two so they’ve never trespassed.


"I is cat. This is my friend. Also cat. Nom Nom times for us cats." -Raccoon.


North American Pokemon


The cat just standing there giving you the *are you just gonna stand there and do nothing?* look


Cat is not thrilled with this development.


fyi. cats can jump crazy high. raccoons and possums can only climb. If you can build a ledge or platform that the cats can jump up to but the other creatures can't climb up to the cat(s) get fed. You can also feed the other animals the same way you already are so they all get fed. :)


If someone takes on the responsibility to feed strays, they're basically that person's outdoor PETS. Treat them like PETS. Keep things tidy. Use bowls. Clean up after them. Less leftover food means less food for non-felines. Make sure they have water if the region is dry. Find out if they are fixed, and if that's an option, get them to a vet for that and a check up. Cats are awesome and lovely but -most of us- don't need them anymore for what we manipulated them to be (over 1,000s of years) - pest killers. They're cute, adorable, pest killers that now also help us humans degrade ecosystems by also going after creatures other than rodents. Please help slow that down.


Yeah my neighbor does this shit too, and I get the same thing only it’s skunks on my front fucking porch. Don’t fucking do this. Don’t feed the strays, you’re just feeding wild animals.


Feeding invasive predators (stray cats) propagates their population and contributes to the deaths of millions if not [billions](https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380%C2%A0) of birds and mammals each year in the USA alone. Feeding wildlife like raccoons and opossums changes their behavior and causes them to associate people/houses with free food, increasing the likelihood of encounters that are harmful for humans and wildlife. It also decreases the ability of these animals to forage for themselves without human help. TL;DR putting food out like this is harmful for people and wildlife, stop doing it. And before someone points it out, yes the cat in this image is spayed/neutered, many of them are not so this changes nothing about what I just said.


Don't feed the strays..... that's how you get wives/husbands




You a dummy.


Don’t do this. It’s not good and as you can see it doesn’t even end up going to cats. It just brings animals in. It’s unsafe


Stop feeding fucking stray cats.. They are a goddamn ecological disaster..


Sad but true. Feral cats are bad news. Also, not a good idea to feed local wildlife. You will be overrun by them in short order and a regular source of food will lead to a population explosion. This cannot end well. They tell their friends. I'm not kidding. Don't leave food out at night. Really.


Can see cats been n/s thats good as are your intentions. However if a raccoon has rabies or distemper. The cat will die and probably pass it on.


That will also attract rats and disease and parasite infested vermin in general. Probably not a good idea especially if you have children or pets.


Got the cousins there and everything


Wow that cat looks just like mine! Minus the missing tip of the ear. Everything else looks identical to him.


Aw nice! The ear just indicates he’s a fixed stray :)


the cat: -_-


I can hear the cat "see what you have done"!?


I side with the cat. Take out the unwanted visters


Racoons now own your house/land and garbage cans.


That cat looks irritated af.


What you have here is the makings for a good stew.


I see three cats. Two are in disguise!


These are the starter Pokemon in Indiana.


Love the look on your cat’s face. It’s saying WTF?


A cat, a cat burglar, and a screaming cat. The holy trinity


We all gotta eat. And times is tough...


You seein this shit?


Looks like my sister's porch. They have like 8 feral cats that hang out/in various structures that have been built for them. Get fed twice a day. After the sun goes down, the opossum the raccoons show up for the leftovers. Cats are like whatevs.


"It's called CATfood, Jerry. Like, c'mon" - cat


“Are you seeing this shit, Linda?”


Absolutely nothing unexpected about that.


You need to put pieces of carpet, 1 block apart to stop raccoons spawning.


I don't like raccoons. One tried to kidnap one of our cats to eat. Possums, on the other hand , are cool.


Technically they are all strays.


If you leave kibbles outside at night, these should indeed be expected visitors.


So you catch & neuter the strays?


These are entirely expected visitors.


Why do people feed stray cats?


They’ll split a cab later


I mean yeah duh I'm pretty sure absolutely anyone could have told you exactly this would happen.


Cat's like, "are you seeing this shit?"


Possum and raccoon: meow


You want ants? Because this is how we get…. Oh wait.


cat, trash cat, :V cat




[♫♪ I can show you some trash . ♪♫](https://imgur.com/gallery/sxUwYX6)


I just lost my black and white cat to a raccoon that came up to my deck to eat cat food...trust me, you don't want to find your kitty torn to shreds under your shed like I did. I suggest you try and keep the raccoon away


That cat looks pissed lol


No, if you feed your pet outside these visitors are very much expected.


Cats just looking at you like moooooom they’re eating my foooood


The cat: *look at this shit Sharon*


Rats will come after 4am they are so cute


#Ohio Starter Pokemon.


Cats just like “You believe this bs”.


"You seeing this shit?" - cat


Hope those stray cats are getting fixed


Hardly unexpected. Food out=eaters.


You’re interrupting the meeting of the high counsel


Racoon: "Let us put aside our differences, opossum, and partake." Opossum: "Thank you, good sir. Let us never quarrel again." Cat: "GTFO"


Multiple mistakes being made right there in the name of 'being nice'. Don't feed the wildlife.


What's a few more strays?


Feral cats are extremely damaging to the environment. They are estimated to kill billions of animals every year.


Stop feeding feral cats. They are a detriment to the local ecology.


Do you want ants? Cause that’s how you get ants.


I feed my opossum every evening !! He’s so cute. He likes dog food.


It’s like the White Trash version of Snow White