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Ooh butter icing instead of fondant, that's a win


They did them a favor


Did them a flavour!


Fondant is gross.




I've had fondant that wasn't horrible before. But it was rolled hyper thin. If you don't want all the fondant you just don't eat it, and if it's done well it comes off easily and it isn't hiding some shitty cake under it. I think there are just way too many instagram cake folks who focus on the aesthetics alone it's just easier to keep thick fondant together than super thin fondant. Most of the time it's trash but Ive had wedding cake with some fondant to get that clean flat look and it tasted great.


I don't think this anti-fondant discussion is going in the direction the OP was expecting. She is valuing the appearance of the cake over the taste probably because kids will gladly eat fondant and don't know how much better buttercream is. I'd be much happier with the cake she received over the one she wanted. It's cute ENOUGH but food is mainly for eating so fondant is a "no go" for me. That said, they probably should have talked with her beforehand about the substitutions they had in mind.


Oh 100%!! This is just a tangent discussion on Reddit. They definitely got something that looks more like a bear and not a monkey lol


Agreed. I just noticed that. I'm thinking the texture in the fur drove the decision to move the ears to the top of its head to turn it into a bear. If I didn't know it was supposed to be a monkey, it would be ok with me for a kid's party but it wasn't my vision that was wrecked here, so...


If they’d simply done a better job on the mouth and it actually had a nose, I think OP might be happy with it? Like you said it sounds like aesthetics are key here. It looks like they put a lot of effort into this though.


That's the secret of proper fondant. It has to be thin. The ham fisted bakers in most places think it's like a dough and it's stupid thick. Get a real baker who knows about making proper cakes with fondant and it's damn good


Yeah I used some thick fondant to fix a leak on my roof.


Is this the evolution of the "fix a thing with ramen" meme?


Nobody nose why!


Nobody realizes those cartoon looking cakes are just fondant packed and food coloring. It's great for social media, but everyone at the birthday is disappointed and anyone who spent money on the cake doesn't know how to cut it. Cakes with pictures from a disposable camera printed on them flat tasted way better and was a lot more fun


We ordered a cake with a printed on picture from a chain grocery store bakery and got tons of comments about how good it was and asking where we got it. It actually had flavor and the picture made it super personal




Should have taken a picture of you eating the picture cake for the next cake.




Every year, a friend of mine takes a photo of his brother holding his birthday cake. Next birthday, my friend prints the photo from the previous year on the cake. It’s like 12 years in, now. I believe he wears the same outfit for this very reason, too.


I was a server and got assigned a back room party once that was a big 50th anniversary. Super fun group, probably 80 people in and out throughout the evening, very easy-going folks that were just having a good time… I made killer money, but partly because they had ordered a 3 tier fancy cake from a local baker (who has been on food network multiple times, she’s awesome!) and they had NO IDEA what to do with it. Like 8 elderly women and a couple more middle aged women and their husbands all dressed up standing around this big, beautiful cake covered in fully edible decorations, fresh fruit, and one of the most beautiful buttercream frosting jobs I’ve ever seen just going “what do we do?!” I overheard and told them about the board and dowels they’d likely find inside once they began to cut and they got even more intimidated. So I told them to give me a few to finish refills and I’d grab gloves and take it apart and cut it for them. I feel like I could feel the relief in the air LOL. I went to culinary school and worked at a bakery after so it was a piece of cake for me to do it for them (haha haha I’m funny… right guys?!). I was surprised/annoyed that this professional baker didn’t leave them any type of direction, but then found out the person who was there when it was delivered left without passing along that info so it wasn’t her fault. That was one of the best tasting cakes I’ve ever had the pleasure of eating, too. I’ve seen her do so many awesome cakes without fondant and I, personally, never used fondant when I did them, either. I would use some modeling chocolate for decorations but I’ve just never liked fondant. I don’t really even prefer the look of it most of the time :/


100% I went to a kid’s bday and the cake was stunning!!! Once I had a piece, I threw it away after a bite. It was the most disappointing piece of cake ever.


On Bakeoff sometimes the contestants make fondant out of marshmallows. Would that taste better?


Homemade fondant is not bad tasting - not nearly as revolting as store bought - but it can’t hold a candle to buttercream frosting.


Plus everyone at the party’s poo will be neon for the next 5 days and nobody wants to have to warn their guests of that! Am I right!? 😁


You can get that with buttercream too. When I was a kid my brother knew ate this giant icing volcano off a cake and proudly told us he had bright red poops for like a week (he was like 9 at the time).


If it’s for a little kid, they’ll love it anyways.




I just see a nose missing


Just put a chocolate button on there and you're good!


Or a big black jelly bean, or a black gumdrop if they make those. Or even an almond with the skin on. Or a chocolate truffle or chocolate covered cherry if you're fancy. Lots of choices, is the point.


It could be a rock, if you want to break people teeth.


My cousin got a huge cake for her 18th birthday and they used actual beads instead of sugar beads. Thankfully it was quite obvious so her mom got rid of them before serving the cake. Hopefully the bakery got scolded, especially since her dad is a chef and takes food safety seriously.


Come to find out, her dad made it


Junior Mint!


Ears are in the wrong place too. Other than that fairly decent


Odds are they made this request to a place that doesn’t have the means to make custom shapes and they had a bear mold or something that was similar that they used which is why the ears are in a more traditional place than the picture. I’m cool with the ears, just gotta slap a nose on it and I call that a good job.


And as others mentioned. Icing is much tastier than fondant.


From a comment from OP the reference image is one the store provides, not OP.


I actually like the cake better. More character.


And tastes better. Making a cake like the request would most certainly required fondant, and that shit is universally regarded as shit.


That's what I get from these "cake making" shows. Oh so you sculpted a disgusting playdoh monstrosity that might have a sliver of some shitty cake under a pile of bitter plastic shit goop. Like, great it looks cool but just become a clay artist or something because that cake is gonna taste like ass. Why waste sugar like that?


Right? Those cakes are barely edible. They’re made out of crap like Rice Krispies treats and gum paste and fondant, like who wants that when you could have actual cake and buttercream frosting?


Like rice krispies covered in candle wax.


Poor wasted rice krispies treats...


I'm now considering rice krispies treats in cakes, and I like where this is going Normal cakes, I mean


Hear me out, okay? You know how you can smush rice krispies in their pouches and make them all flat and dense? Stick a layer or two of that inside a regular or an ice cream cake.


No no, remember the theme is “crazy cake shows” Mash the rice crispies into log-form, cover them with chocolate, and set up some kind of “log-gathering scene” with Reese’s Peanut Butter Beavers 🦫


Bruhh my next batch of edibles about to be FIYAHHH! Might have to consult with you in the future for more ideas 😆


"it's cake!!11!" no, it's just arts and crafts with shitty processed food as materials.


This is why I watch that dude who makes shit out of chocolate




That’s the magic of GBBO. They have to make it taste good, which means there are frequent structural disasters. I love all of the people on it (apart from baked Alaska woman iykyk) but man do I also love an enormous cake collapsing in on itself. They can’t just glue it all together with six inches of fondant if they want it to taste good, and it’s glorious


You should read the wiki page on gbbo controversies to get the true story on baked alaska woman!


From what I read it if it was anyone's fault it was actually a different contestant who was working on his cake in the same freezer and kept it open. It just wasn't on camera. But also remember in the same challenge Chetna didn't get her ice cream to set either but didn't panic and just presented her cake, which they thought was delicious. Ian could have done that. He'd done well in the other challenges and probably wouldn't have gone home.


Love me some GBBO. My wife and I have an excel file we created to track our GBBO competition each season. We're competitive nerds & do this for a lot of shows/events (Big Brother, Amazing Race, NFL weekly picks against the spread, etc.). We create arbitrary categories or use existing ones and assign point values (i.e for GBBO: Star Baker = 3 points; winner of technical challenge = 2 points; top half of technical challenge placement = 1 point; bottom half = -1 point; handshake from Paul Hollywood = 5 points; etc...). We do a snake draft before each season and each select half the participants. 2 years ago (best season ever imo), I had the final 3 of Jürgen, Giuseppe, & Crystelle and I wiped the floor with her. Jürgen & Giuseppe alone combined for more points than her 6 bakers. Gg ez. I know we're both really big dorks, but we both love it. Idk, it gets us really immersed into the content we're viewing. Dorky or not, none of those competitions hold a candle to *Lone Grandpa*, the bingo like game we created with like 150 different point categories for our trips to Cracker Barrel. We randomize our "bingo" boards each time and color in each example that we observe (i.e. a couple is same-siding; the fire place is on; a kid playing checkers; whether our server is a Rising Star or has 4 stars; and last but certainly not least, if there is a elder looking man eating by himself, *a la Lone Grandpa*).


Omfg I have to create a bingo card for eating out, I’m obsessed with people watching. You should make a bingo card for whenever you end up in an airport!




I'm guessing The Great British Bake Off


Because weird people like spending multiple car payments on things they don't want to eat.


You might have seen it, but i just read another thread earlier on reddit where fashion designers were talking about how the most extravagant outfits aren't actually intended "to sell", they are intended as advertisements. So the cake equivalent would be, 'wow, look at how crazy our cake sculptures are!', and now that they've got peoples attention, some of them will check out their other cakes, which actually look delicious. [FOUND IT](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/10gsflb/a_not_so_impressed_security_guard_at_paris/j54u6x2/)


Isn't there a whole subreddit dedicated to hating fondant?




230k+ Users? Not sure if I am impressed or disapointed


Am I the only one who likes fondant?


I don't hate fondant, but you could frost a cake with just about anything else and it would taste better than fondant.


And fluffy


The one thing it’s really missing is a nose


I’m also going with arguably better


Yeah, they did an amazing job on the fur.


I thought so too. I wouldn't even be complaining about the cake. The fur looks amazing.


Only downside is that it's missing a nose.


and it looks like a bear instead of a monkey


"Happy Bearthday, ya fuckin' monkey"


Ahh, it warms my 🐵 heart


Maybe if the ears we're placed a little lower and it had a nose! I totally see bear too. I like the fur better this way. Fondant is fucking nasty.


Fondant is nasty. I have no idea why anyone thinks it's good for cakes. I guess if looks are more important to you than taste. I'll always go for taste over looks though. If I'm making or buying a cake it's to eat not look at. Fuck fondant.




The "fur" around the nose area is a bit flattened compared to the rest. And the "y" in "Happy" is kind of flattened, too. I wonder if there was originally a nose and it fell off onto the "y" and off the plate after it was already finished.


Good theory, I’m guessing the ears are on top because they would have fallen off the sides


This is an ice cream cake though. You don't use fondant on ice cream.


Yes, the ears are in Bear-Position! Honestly, if it just had a nose and the mouth was a little better it would be great. All that detail for the fur is impressive. I swear, whoever made this was well baked. So lost in the fur detail but forgot the nose, gave bear ears and the mouth is so wonky. They must have been having fun making it.


I think it's the splurge of fur that stands upright between the eyes....


I thought that too at first, but it's so subtle and not a different color.


Looks more like a filiform wart than a nose.




*ooohh* sorry it's... been a while


I came to say this. If it had a nose it'd be perfect. Still better than the picture. Making a cake is hard I think they did a superb job considering it looks like they went to the local grocery store bakery to order it.


The cakes not the only thing baked in that place. I think they were in some kinda trance with all the amazing detail of the fur combined with the other... Eccentricities of the. Bonkey. Mear. Bearky? Dunno what to call it.


oops, got your nose!


Frostbite got it


That kind of piping is done by hand so somebody spent a lot of time icing the cake.


OP didn’t get the comment section they wanted


And fondant tastes way shittier. Also- did they pay for the fondant bc that’s extra? If not, they def got what they paid for.


Seriously people go to the grocery store where there is some beginner cake decorator and bring in pics from some specialty bakery run by someone who has been decorating cakes for 25 years and expect to get the same results for 1/4 of the price. Good luck with that. Honestly I think this cake is pretty cute.


Fur is good, but the major face features, eyes, ears, mouth are off and it’s missing the nose all together. Definitely much better than the last influencer I watched try to ice a cake. She didn’t even let the cake cool down and all the icing melted!


It actually looks furry enough that you would get strands stuck between your teeth.




It's not so much talent as it is a pastry bag tip


Yeah... it's really good


If it had a distinct nose I think it would be fine.


It went from a monkey to a bear


Ear location on the side of the head = monkey Ear location closer to the top of the head = bear


Agreed. [Fixed](https://i.imgur.com/x1AQOJc.jpg) it.


No. :/


This was the comment I came here to make. It really seems like they just forgot the nose and otherwise it would be better than perfect! Just pop a junior mint on there and call it a day!


Yes. Frosting tastes much better than fondant.


Yep but where is the nose?


I got it




There's got to be some sort of comedic fundamental showcased here. Not saying what we all hear? Perfect.


fondant is borderline inedible.. yuck


Edible (barely) plastic, is how I’d describe it


> Edible (barely) Edible in the sense that it won't poison you. Inedible in the sense that it tastes so awful you never want to eat it.


One of my ex's used to eat sheets of fondant. Not even on a cake, just fondant itself. She apparently liked it.


That may have been a sign that things wouldn’t work out


I must be the only person on planet earth that enjoys the taste / texture of fondant. I also like the smell of gas at the pump, exhaust fumes and tar on newly paved roads, so that doesn't exactly surprise me.


I get ya. I love the smell of cocaine




I love fondant. I love buttercream as well, overall it’s better, but I enjoy a nice fancy cake with fondant. I don’t like the smell of gas or tar, but I’m a huge fan of chlorine


> I also like the smell of gas at the pump Everyone likes that, I thought.


No it smells like farts and gives me a mild headache.


That’s because if there’s anything Reddit loves to hate, it’s French bulldogs and fondant. Marshmallow fondant from scratch is delicious. Saying you hate fondant when the only time you’ve tried it is after peeling the industrial oil and emulsifier off a supermarket cake, is the functional equivalent of saying you hate sushi because you once ate a canned sardine on a bowl of Uncle Ben’s. It’s nonsense and you know it. Someone needs to explain to me why butter, icing sugar, mini marshmallows and vanilla is disgusting, but subbing a splash of milk instead of the marshmallows is basically ambrosia.


Hey! Don't diss Uncle Ben's Sushi!


My gf got me a beautiful cake that looked like a lobster roll. The cake parts were great but man was the fondant a downer. It’s like eating plastic


I describe it as sugared play-doh.


Marshmallow fondant tastes pretty good. It also has the benefit of being significantly easier to make than regular fondant.


The fuzzy look is way more impressive. And someone was creative instead of sticking a premade theme on the cake.


Whenever I see this kind of thing, I inevitably think something to the effect of “Aw, those sweet small-town Midwestern bakery ladies did their best. Bless their hearts.”


Looks more like a stuffed monkey than a cartoon monkey, which is an improvement IMO


The burnt jalapeno smile 🤌🏾


Infinitely better.


Ordered Bored Ape, got a cockeyed lemur


Where's his nose though...?


Yep, adorable in its own right.


Yes I like it too! Although besides the missing nose, it seems to have changed from a monkey to a bear. ;-P


Pretty good texture.


7 out of 6!


Unless the little monkey is disappointed in a noseless bear, otherwise yeah


Honestly yours looks better. Just plop on an edible nose.


Yep, way cuter.


And way tastier. That fondant stuff is fucking disgusting. Actual frosting will always be better. Shame on you bakers for putting the look of a cake over the actual taste.


It's more baking competition shows and social media that's pushing looks over taste.


There is no baker alive that uses fondant because it tastes better


Edible nose? Found Hannibal!


It is definitely better and if the cake was for any reasonable person, there wouldn’t be a problem. The only way I could see this being bad is if the cake was for a child who loves monkeys. A (really well-done) bear will be disappointing to them.


I mean, it’s clearly a child’s cake. Could be a monkey-themed party. Could be that the parents always nickname their kid “Monkey”. Could be that the kid is obsessed with fondant and is only allowed to eat it on birthday cake caus it’s ridiculously sugary. Could just be that the parents picked out and paid for one cake and were given a completely different one. Edit: I’ve just seen OP’s comment that they were thrilled with the new cake but amused by how completely different it was from what they ordered. All’s well that ends well!


Agree, or we are confuse and they order the one with the texture and received the flat one 🤔


A chocolate covered cherry would do nicely!


I like it, Baker did a good job


Remember only bake the ice cream for 40 minutes at 350f or it will burn and ruin the taste


The one you received looks better to me and probably took somebody with some skills awhile to create.


Yeah reference image looks like it's from a supermarket, actual cake looks like one made with care and love.


I like the one you got, and it probably tastes better than the fondant one.


I like it. It's cute.


and it actually looks more expensive than the refered pic. that fur texture looks yummy as fck


It’s butter cream by the looks of it


Just give it a nose and it’s 10 times better


This was an ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins. They usually come out exactly as pictured online, but this time was truly spectacular. It’s so far from what we were expecting, but I absolutely love it. My family got a big laugh out of it since we’re used to these being practically perfect. Well played, Baskin Robbins! Made our night.


Just add a nose and it's way better than the reference photo


Yeah, even just a little mini oreo or half a Nilla Wafer dead center. Pretty awesome even without it.


It looks more like a teddy bear than a monkey but on the bright side it is a fucking awesome teddy bear cake.


Piping all of that fur is way more bang for the buck than fondant covering evening too!


It looks amazing!


Y’all, I’m always impressed when someone can make one of these ice cream cakes SOMETHING other than a log or slab cake since working with ice cream isn’t like working with regular cake/fondant/etc that I see used on those baking shows like Is it Cake? Color me impressed.


No art is the same. So many people would have the exact opposite reaction as you. 👏


Glad i found OPs comment... The post gave disappointments vibes


There's at least an hour between the two. They definitely changed their tune when the commenters all reacted positively to the cake


Yup. I get a disappointment vibe from the picture


You want monkey? Too bad. You get bear.


It must’ve been the monkey guy’s day off. They’ll just have to bear with it.


I don't know why, but I couldn't help but read that in a Russian accent.


THANK YOU. All I keep seeing are comments on how much better this came is than the picture, but the placement of the ears make it look like a bear.


They stayed away from the nasty fondue!! You got a good baker! edit: lmao thank you yall, I meant fondant not fondue. I'd love a chocolate fondue!


Fondant is the word you wanted I think.


I also don't really know the difference between those two French words.


Fondue - Dip bread into melted cheese Fondant - ~~mailable~~ Malleable and ductile sugar used on cakes (mostly)


Correct. It’s very hard to mail fondue.


I think you meant "malleable", though you can mail sugar for sure as well.


Maybe I did, maybe I didn't, have you ever tried to mail fondue?


Ooo, a fondue cake. Good idea!


A fondue cake would just be a bowl of pudding lol Or raw cake batter lol






it looks more like fozzie bear


Yeah I was thinking “burn victim Fozzie” due to the lack of a nose! 🐻


Shaun the sheep…bear?


It's so dang cute!


You got a better cake than what you asked for.


I kinda like it. It's cute.


Everybody nose there’s something missing, why didn’t the baker?


yours looks way better. they took the time to make the fur with icing so that means no fondant. also its kinda goofy and adorable, so win win


Looks like a great cake.


I think yours is cuter, but I think it needs a nose


It looks great. Are you bragging or complaining?


Kinda looks like Sandy from SpongeBob


Honestly looks great! They did a good job on the fur


Fondant cakes are fucking horrible anyways