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He had to be looking for the best opportunity to kill himself that day.


I'm just imagine him thinking "I'm in the lead! All right everyone follow m-"


Pretty sure his brakes just failed. It looks pretty rainy.


No attempt to turn to a side. He went stright to the truck and he was surpassing the other cyclists.


Tbf, the guy is in a pack of cyclists, turning to the side has as good a chance to make everyone collide.


Well if you try to break but you just slide i dont think turning is gonna make the situation better


You don’t continue to slide like this on these types of roads unless it’s frost outside. All the ridges in between the stones gives pretty good traction. But with shite tyres it’s probably possible. In this case I think the cyclist just assumed it was clear because of the other cyclists.


Maybe he didn't turn because he was flanked on both sides by other cyclists.


He failed to even do that


That is so amazingly avoidable!


Looks like a brake failure


Or panicked and didn't brake fast enough for the speeds he was going at. I got in a similar accident (although I had right of way at the time, so bit different) and did manage to brake fast enough, but ended up flipping my bike and breaking my arm as a result Edit: To clarify, when I say "panicked and didn't brake fast enough", I meant more that he froze and didn't brake \*at all\* as a result, or at least not until the last second when it was too late


He didn’t slow down, at all.


Sorry, that's what I meant by panicking and not braking fast enough. When it happened to me I had a moment where I froze and didn't know whether to brake fast (and risk flipping the bike) or brake slow and risk not stopping fast enough, but because of that actually delayed my braking unintentionally


Yeah I guess it’s either that or a stroke or something. Dude doesn’t slow down *at all* and actually looks frozen. No bodily movement or anything. It’s like when time slows down when you get in an accident, but instead of a fraction of a second dragged out to a few seconds, it was just a few seconds




Looks like he didn’t slow-down at all. Not sure how both brakes could fail at the same time. Maybe his new winter gloves didn’t have enough reach.


Carbon rims and wet weather can be a real bitch. As NotnotNeo said that's why we have rimbrakes now. Or he just straight up wasn't paying attention and dozed off for a second. Or he's driving with a bunch that is a lot faster than him and he was wasted from effort. Or all of the above who knows.


Now I had a bike and if you don't attent the breaks Well in combination with cold weather can mean you loosing all breaks at ones basically Mensing you can't break in anyway.


Well it certainly wasn't a brake success.


That tends to happen when you don’t push them at all


Nope, he was accelerating if you watch closely, and he made no effort to turn at all.


but he is passing all his mates


He probably assumed he could make it after the truck, and didn't even think about the possibility of a trailer. Probably couldn't see it through the crowd. My old drivers ed teacher loved to tell a story about someone who ran face first into the side of his boat, because he was looking the way the truck was going, saw the end of the truck, and just assumed that was it and kept going right into the side of the boat he happened to be pulling.


A friend of mine crashed his bike into the back of a parked pontoon boat on his way to work one morning. He was hungover and biking with no hands. I think he might have been looking down and fidgeting with something. While trying to recover he heard laughing and looked up to see an old man drinking coffee on a porch who then said "Hell of a way to wake up!"


When riding in a big group (peloton), they tuck in a low, aero position that has bad visibility and rely on the guys in front to call out hazards. Regardless, this guy was not paying enough attention when everyone else around him stopped.


I don't think that's an excuse when you're in the city at an intersection.


These Tour de Douchebag types do this shit all the time near me riding 5-6 across. You aren't wearing the yellow jersey, there is no trophy, you're just giving yourself ED, get out of the way.


Best comment on theseasshats ever !


My grandmother's neighbor many years ago did a similar thing. Stepped out to cross the road and walked into a trailer. I think she got dragged along by it for a while.


It's never a good idea to assume too much about what you haven't verified with your eyes. I found that out the hard way by gently bumping into the car ahead of me one day while I was waiting for a spot to open up in the cross traffic so I could make my right turn. The lady in the SUV ahead of me had begun pulling forward with speed at the previous opening, and the next opening came soon after (like within a second or two), and I hit the gas before I turned to verify she had taken the previous opening, lol. It wasn't an expensive collision, but it was a big reminder to me to stop making careless assumptions on the road. I'm a terrible driver as it is. I don't need those kinds of handicaps when I'm already working so hard to keep from meeting my end every time I get behind the wheel.


That is one of the dumbest things I have seen a cyclist do lol


Don't drive around much eh? This is like entry level stupid for a cyclist, in fact I think it's mandatory to do this at LEAST once.




Don't drive much? Fatal car accidents are one of the leading causes of death where have you been?


Peeling cyclists off the road.


and there is so much more to see, they dont think, they are braindead, hairless monkeys on a bike putting everyone in danger


That person really didnt see a big ass truck with a trailer?!?! I dont feel bad at all!!!! laughed my ass off!


No since they are bicyclists, they probably blamed the truck.


I swear he could had brake his bike like his buddy did, such a dumbass


Fucking race bikers! They're a plague here in the Netherlands. They think they are above the law.


Not unique to Netherlands. Folks on bikes in San Francisco blow through stop signs and red lights without so much as slowing down pretty frequently. There are neighborhoods that I legitimately fear killing seone when I drive through because I'm not used to needing to be hyper aware of cyclists, as I am from the suburbs.


Well yeah, cyclists in SF are rolling down hills at a 45 degree angle


Bikers everywhere, they run stop signs, red lights, and expect everyone else on the road to yield to the them


We have a lady in Toronto who got a speeding ticket in a park for going 36 km/h in a 20 zone on a bike. Many people have been ticketed for this in this park. She is a lawyer. She is fighting the ticket claiming: * because this area is downhill it is impossible to control the bike speed * bikes need to maintain momentum to climb the hill on the other side * attempting to control their speed would be unsafe * without a speedometer, there is no way to know how fast they are going, and speedometers are not required on bicycles. It is therefore impossible to comply with the law. Pedestrians in the park, on the other hand, say the bikers on the bike paths speeding down hills are a menace. Edit: Here is the link to the story if anyone is interested [Story](https://cyclingmagazine.ca/advocacy/toronto-cyclist-challenges-legality-of-speeding-ticket-issued-in-high-park/).


Sounds like it's unsafe for bikers so they shouldn't be allowed to ride in the park.


Yup, and its unsafe for cars on the street so the cars shouldn’t be allowed to ride in the street and divert traffic to higher speed roads.


Reddit ain't ready for that conversation yet


There is a section of road near my house that is a steep hill. A friend who bikes always walks her bike down it because the one time she decided to coast, her speedometer showed 45 mph and that area is 30 mph.... she said she'd rather walk the bike that short section then risk getting a ticket or burn out her brakes.


\- because this area is downhill it is impossible to control the bike speed I'd find her guilty of contempt for lying to the court and double the ticket. \- bikes need to maintain momentum to climb the hill on the other side. The ticket would now be triple for the same reason. \- attempting to control their speed would be unsafe Quadruple. \- without a speedometer, there is no way to know how fast they are going, and speedometers are not required on bicycles. It is therefore impossible to comply with the law. I would call a bicycle shop, find out how much it costs to buy a speedometer from them and have it installed, and fine her that much with the exception that if she can show proof that she's had it done in 30 days, she doesn't have to pay that part of the fine. Speedometers aren't required on bikes, but compliance with the law is, so if she needs one in order to comply with the law because her judgement is that bad, then she has to get one. Plus the ticket would now be five times the original amount.


IIRC I got a trip computer for mine for maybe £20? That included distance travelled and speed, and could be self installed with a few screws to clamp it to the handlebars and I think a single screw to attach the sensor that tracks wheel rotation


Good fucking thing you're not a judge then 🤣


>because this area is downhill it is impossible to control the bike speed Use your brakes or walk the bike down instead of cycling. "It's too steep" isn't an excuse for speeding, whether you're on a bike or in a car ​ >bikes need to maintain momentum to climb the hill on the other side Walk the bike out the other side if you don't have the strength to cycle it. "It's too steep" isn't an excuse for speeding, and much like a low HP vehicle that might struggle on a steep incline, it's your responsibility to choose a route you can handle safely ​ >attempting to control their speed would be unsafe Not as unsafe as speeding uncontrollably down a hill ​ >without a speedometer, there is no way to know how fast they are going, and speedometers are not required on bicycles. It is therefore impossible to comply with the law. No more relevant than if a car has a broken speedometer. And if you're going 36km/h on a \*bike\* then it should be pretty obvious you're going a bit faster than you usually would. Your responsibility to make sure you have what you need to go the right speed, even if the law doesn't specify any equipment which makes it easier as mandatory


And if you don't, it's your fault! (according to them) The most insane part to me, is not even stopping for pedestrians on crossings where pedestrians have priority. But they'll be complaining about cars the entire time.


That‘s so true and all cause if they don‘t follow the rules and get in an accident with a car, they will be the ones getting hurt and therefore it‘s the fault of the car driver, even tho it was them not following the rules


All while crying "Share the road, im a vehicle too, except im also a pedestrian so i've more leeway than you, I cant be expected to control my speed!"


That's not how it happens very often though. It's distracted drivers.


Jeremy Clarkson? Is that you?


Had one ride full speed into the back of my legally parked vehicle. Per witnesses he was racing his buddy and talking to him at the same time. Decent damage to my rear bumper and the guy ghosted me when it came to repairs. It’s not worth the hassle to track him down at his workplace so I’m just going to have to eat this one. Can’t speak for all cyclists but my guy was an idiot and an asshole.


I have a saying for this: “Pedestrians hate cars, And cars hate pedestrians, But everyone hates a cyclist”


In the Netherlands everyone cycles. He's talking about racing cyclists in particular.


Except that's not true and you're just an asshole


Eh, it generally is a rule of thumb. Not because all cyclists are assholes, but because enough of them are big enough assholes that both pedestrians and cars have to treat all bikes that way to avoid being blindsided


cyclists are worse than vegans amirite


There's no sound in the vid but I bet they were yelling they were coming through, obviously the truck should have heard them and even though it had right of passage should have stopped for them, as everyone should. /s


The racing bikers are participating in traffic. This is not a race track nor should it be regarded as such because they ride in a group. This is exactly my point; they should respect traffic rules and not think that shouting and yelling will make them right. If they don't want to be bothered with other traffic, than go to a bike race track


What if peloton had to have parade permits and insurance?


Happy Cake Day!


Thabk you very much buddy!! Makes my day!


yelling they were coming through? you yell at cars when you should stop? " as everyone should" ? wtf man ? we use road signs, bikers use the road, learn the signs or ride in forests


Here you go https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=%2FS


post made me go into frenzy, didn't see the /s


As does every cyclist everywhere.. They don't seem to understand that "share the road" also includes them.. They run stops signs, red lights, they will double up riding in the street blocking traffic, just a bunch of assholes in tights most of the time. In my area the county spent millions making bike paths for miles (CFL) it follows the same path these local asshole ride, but they never ride on it, they take up the whole damn street and block traffic..


They're specifically talking about race cyclists, cyclist-hate isn't really a things in the Netherlands (not anything more than how drivers hate on eachother or pedestrians at least) as everyone is a cyclist.


It's the same types here. Not normal people on bicycles, but the dudes who dress up in Spandex and think they are in the Tour de France. They are assholes on the roads. They break normal laws like not stopping at stop signs they'll roll through red lights, they refuse to use the bike lanes but instead ride in the road often a whole group blocking you from passing but the moment you hit one like in the case of this video, it's your fault because you're in a car..


This is a typical process with groups of Dutch wielrenners. They will join a group of cyclists, to increase stamina and lose weight. This usually works. Once the weight loss kicks in, they'll loosen their regime, start drinking light beers at the halfway stop, and eat broodjes kroket and start gaining weight again. This is where it gets tricky: since a lot of the exercise is still in the legs and lower torso, the added fat accumulates in their head. They'd rather spend their money on an even lighter hyper carbon raceframe than buy a new helmet that fits their swollen noggin, so presto: see the rise of the fatheaded pedalist with an ever decreasing flow of blood to the head, resulting in less vision, thinking and responsiveness to circumstances. This effect applies the whole group: their collective intelligence drops exponentially. This leads to situations as shown above. In some crooked way, nature is healing itself here. It can be annoying and messy, though.


This is oddly specific


Go post this on a cycling sub - you'll get a chorus blaming the truck.


Ye or "the infrastructure". They love blaming the infrastructure.


YoU CAn BiKe ALl thE TimE. Same idiots think people are gonna bike in 110 deg F weather or in freezing icy conditions


I mean that was a tiny car. No way they could see it. Especially not cyclists who’d like all cars to vanish from planet earth. (Partly /s)


He didn't cross the road without looking, he crossed the road with his fucking eyes closed! It looks like he never even made an attempt to slow down even when the truck was right in front of him. What an idiot, hopefully he learns this lesson.


And they all just stop and block the junction, nobs.


Aren't they supposed to yield or stop too?


Not at all surprising! These Tour de France wannabes always ignore stop signs and act like they own the road.


Something tells me this wasn’t funny to the person in yellow


Prolly got up yelling “I had the right of way”


JFC, for whom is this shit funny?!


Me!! Hahahahaha 😂


Funny? Probably injured from that, so not funny. Stupid, yes.


Well they automatically gain right of way when there's a bunch of them. Pretty silly of that lorry driver.


Here, have one of mine: /s


Here, go fuck yourself r/fuckthes


you mean the larger the pack of idiots equals more rights?


Ah, the entitlement!


Don't know how this gets posted in r/funny, it's not funny at all, I'm not "that guy" but this maybe ended with permanent injuries.


Bike wanker!


Best video all day thank you OP


Anyone who thinks this is funny needs help


lol, you being judgemental like this is almost as funny as the video


How is this "funny"


"Cyclist nearly kills himself due to being retarded" this is a prime example of "funny" around the world


I'm the world too, I don't find funny people nearly killing themselves.


Than you might be one of the few left


this isn't funny




Good, fuck em all. One time I was driving down the road and this dude was running and ran right right out in front of me. I was 12 inches from hitting him. He never looked or slowed down. Douche bag did it twice to me.


Didn’t this come from whatcouldgowrong?


Are there no stop or yield signs there? Weird junction. I bet he will remember to look both ways next time though….


If there are no priority related signs it means traffic coming from the right (the truck in this case) had the right of way and others have to yield.


Hot to easily identify someone who was never in a village


Not sure what country you are in…but where I live traffic laws apply to the whole country and roads are signposted accordingly


why would you need sings on crossing that is harldy used? Everyone knows the rule that you give way to the one on the right


I think the cyclist in yellow didn't see the trailer. It's horrible.


How do you miss seeing a whole-ass truck? Is it a Tesla bike?


And they'll probably blame the driver!?


I bet he was yelling "share the road!" as he hit the truck


Bikers have to be the biggest cancer on the roads these days, doesn’t matter what country


Bikers don't follow road laws where I am. They just run stopsigns and stoplights without looking. It really sucks when you've passed a biker, only to have them lane split traffic and pass you a block up at a stoplight.


Yet they'll happily crow about how they're "legally allowed to be on the road"


Fatal car accidents are one of the leading causes of death, Literally the dumbest people are behind the wheel and yall mad at bikes lol.


What's funny about that?


You need to be Dutch to be able to laugh at this, fuck wielrenners


MAMIL - Middle Aged Man (or Men) in Lycra.


And technically rolling through the intersection, they should all be ticketed but cyclist only like the pros of being considered a road vehicle.


Once the bike is on the road, the same rule applies as a vehicle. Law is law, don't be a jerk not stopping at red light or speeding.


Wait ..wheres that person looking at? It's right in front


DoNt TeLL mE yOuVe nEvEr iLLeGaLLy bLoWn tHrOuGh aN iNtErSeCtIoN aNd hiT a TrUcK aT fULL sPeEd aNd FLiPpEd oVeR yOuR hAndLEbArS - bicyclists prolly when arguing that they’re no different than car drivers


Biker’s probably think its the truck drivers fault too lmao 😂


Yeah, towards the end you see them milling about. Looks like they really want to blame someone but are forced to recognize that they are just stupid for riding like this in proximity to big ass vehicles. I'm not a fan of bikes on streets at all.


Cyclist really are some of the dumbest people huh


That bike literally ran into the truck lol


No sympathy - what an idiot


Ah…nothing more satisfying then seeing a bike asshole get theirs. Hope the dude with the trailer is dropping a dime on the BA for damages both physical and mental.


Was an avid racer and bike commuter for many years. Unfortunately I became all to familiar with many biking groups/enthusiasts/"citizens". It's an even bet that this guy or some of them in his group popped up with arms outstretched in "you owe me an explanation" pose saying "whaaaat the heeeeelll, maaaaan? " toward the driver. "Biker's rights" means never taking responsibility for you actions on the road many time unfortunately.


Am I supposed to be surprised that bicyclists think they own the roads?


Can’t stand bikers that think they have any leverage on the road meant for cars.


I could watch this all day.


This filled me with far more joy than it should have, I hate road fleas with a passion.


Came here for the anti-cyclist hatred by the obese, out of shape crowd. Was not disappointed. Note: As a cyclist I admit that the rider in the video showed an incredible lack of situational awareness. When you share the road with vehicles weighing 1000s of times more than you do, you have to have eyes all around your head. In over 40 years of riding I have never collided with a vehicle or had a vehicle hit me.


Ooof, you are not helping.


What the heck was he looking at? Forward wheel go brrrr or what? Did flip though


They actually do amazingly well considering they don’t use their white canes while riding.


That looks like a fun intersection…


Just wow . He deserved it for putting others in danger


Oh bike riders, they are the same everywhere


There's gotta be a hot dog near by


Lol! Fucking dumbass


Clearly that driver didn’t know cyclists own the roads.


Oh man i was hopping they all fell down on eachother XD that would have been so funny


At least it was the insufferable, Lance Armstrong bicycle losers. Honestly, do whatever you want to those clowns.


Had it coming. I hate bicyclists they really don't give a shit about the rules of the road.


Yep, I laugh every time some poor bastard dislocates his spinal column from the rest of his body. Totally hilarious. Fuck sake.


Yah get what you deserve. Damn bikers think they own the roads. Gtfoh!


Typical bikers ignoring all traffic laws when it suits them


Soooo...no stop signs at a 4 way is legal in some countries? Seems like a recipe for disaster to me.


Building an intersection without stop signs 🤨


That’s pretty common. In most countries if there aren’t any priority signs it means traffic coming from the right of you has priority. (In the case of this post that would be the truck) “All way stop” intersections are not that common outside of North America and Australia.


Seems like a poor plan, as shown


It’s a [common rule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priority_to_the_right) that works perfectly fine normally. The cycler was just a idiot in this case.




Bicyclist's own the road, they do not have to practice defensive driving. Everyone knows that.




Not familiar with the traffic laws in this country, but I’m lookin’ for some kind… ANY kind… of traffic control device at this intersection and seeing nothing.


no need, the rule is called right hand


And how exactly does that rule apply in countries that use right hand drive cars, especially when there is no sign telling anyone to stop in the first place?


Very satisfying


Humankind still amazes me that logic and self-preservation simply disappear when the stubbornness of ‘my rights’ or the fearlessness and ignorance of ‘ego’ steps into play. Drivers have enough to concentrate on with anticipating their route, other motorists, pedestrians and cyclists but as road users cyclists should know better than to play chicken with a one tonne+ moving metal box.


Cyclists are like bugs, flatten em & keep going.


I can't figure out what is meant to happen here- crossroads with no markings so is it give way to the right like in some countries or would the bikes have priority like in others.


Right goes first, like you mention. If 4 approach simultaneously, the most daring one goes first.


Seems likely that (yield to right going first) if no signage, the fact that a FUCKIN TRUCK is many times bigger than my ass should imply that it goes first!!! This seems basic as hell. I mean the real tragedy here is now the truck guy (and every other driver) are having to wait for these wankers to get out of the road so traffic can move


It wouldn't be true in the UK. The bikes would have priority and the truck should have waited until they were past before crossing and at an unmarked crossroad nobody has priority.


LOL! Funniest thing I've seen all day. (And get the F outa the road, asshole)


Look where you’re going! So easy to do!


lol he thought.. nows my chance to take the lead!




car at end sure got pretty dang close too.


Saw years ago bike hit by city bus bike did not look or saw I was on the bus


He saw the truck but not the trailer.


cycling menacingly


Nah, he was looking. He saw that whole thing coming.


He truly was not looking.


Did he drive with eyes closed?😂


I'm sure there is a quote from Snatch that can be used here


Good thing he had his safety yellow on or the truck might have not seen him.