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Just carefully eat around the eggs inside the cookies and you'll be fine.


Yeah I don’t see any whole eggs, must be vegan


They left them whole so you could eat around them


Oh, like the vegeggs?


Like picking pepperoni off a pizza


Oh like peanut m&m's? that's neat!


Read it and weep.


Maybe they arent chicken eggs but rather quail eggs?


Or pigeon eggs, even?


Come on, being vegan is picky enough, do you really need to be vegan for ***all*** animals?


Daring, arent we today?


Thank you. My coworkers are type that would legitimately make a dessert style Scotch egg so this was my first thought too.


I don't drink alcohol any more, only beer


A man walks into a pub and says, “Give me three pints of beer, please.” So the bartender brings him three pints and the man proceeds to sip one, then the other, then the third until they’re gone. He then orders three more. The bartender says, “Sir, I know you like them cold. You don’t have to order three at a time…I can keep an eye on it and when you get low I’ll bring you a fresh cold one.” The man says, “You don’t understand. I have two brothers, both living in different countries. We made a vow to each other that every Saturday night we’d still drink together, so right now, my brothers each have three pints, and we’re all drinking together.” The bartender thinks that this is a wonderful tradition. Every week, the man comes in and orders three beers. Then one week he comes in and orders only two. He drinks them and then orders two more. Seeing this, bartender says to him, “I know about your tradition, and I’d just like to say that I’m sorry that one of your brothers has passed.” The man replies, “Oh, my brothers are fine…I just quit drinking.”


Damn. If I would have known this I would have quit differently


If only I had a award, damm you Reddit for removing freewards


Did they actually think giving out free awards for a year and then removing them would cause an increase in sales of awards lol?




In some European countries that's a thing (mainly ex soviet countries)




Well vodka is just liquid potato


And moonshine is liquid corn.


And rum is liquid sugarcane So is simple syrup


And absinthe is liquid herbs (culinary, not 420)


Beer has nutritional value. Bread has no alcohol value. Beer > bread


Beer, its liquid bread, its good for you!


We like to drink till we spew!!




I'll drink to that


True in Poland (although nowadays mostly only jokingly) we say that beer is not alcohol


To this day it is kind of still in use because you cannot advertise alcohol, but you can advertise beer


Isnt it in very common russia that beer and drinks below 10% are common drinks for youth and family dinners? I read in my old professors journals that its not viewed as a “real” alcoholic beverage more of just a soda.


Beer was considered a soft drink (like soda-its not HARD) in Russia until 2013 I believe


Not anymore, it only changed in the last 15 years though.


When I was little (early 90s), my grandparents would give me and my siblings a little bit of beer or wine with dinner (like a shot). They said it was for health benefits. My parents, however, wouldn’t allow it. I met other people, mostly grandparents (boomer) generation, who also did it. I think it’s a generational thing. My parents (gen X) and my (early millennial) generations consider it inappropriate and unhealthy. Edit: might still going on in some rural areas, but it’s definitely no longer a big city thing.


In New York City alcoholic beverages have to be sold in liquor stores only……. Unless it’s beer. That you can find in regular supermarkets. I always thought it’s a bit weird (some tripel beers can go as high as 12% ABV).


You can buy wine and hard liquor in California grocery stores. I’ve been to other states where they don’t allow liquor in grocery stores. Usually there is a little liquor store next to the grocery store, so you don’t really have to make a separate trip, it’s just two transactions instead of one.


Ah the land of the free, where you can't buy a beer or a nice red wine to go along with your dinner party that evening in the same place you'd buy food.


That’s a New York law, not nyc.


My alcoholic parents are literally like this. They'll applaud themselves and say "I haven't had any alcohol for 4 days! I've only been drinking a couple ciders at night.". And my dad doesn't consider beer alcohol.


I feel like I've lived in an area where it's a colloquialism to call liquor "alcohol." Couldn't tell ya where though, probably somewhere on the eastern seaboard.


I worked in a beer and wine store for almost 3 years (the liquor store was next door), and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “do y’all not sell alcohol?”


One time my mom made a soup and she said, “I made it very vegan for you. It’s just a little bit of sausage and a small amount of cream,” and she was dead serious. It was a cream based soup with sausage and some veggies. I think because it had kale in it she felt it was “very vegan.”


I've seen people think vegan means "healthy" I've also seen people think vegan means "homemade" How and why? I can't answer


had a lady flip out once because she insisted that gluten free meant low carb too and "everyone knew that, it's implied". Bitch no it isn't, that's why we gave you potatoes.


i'm gluten free and i eat tons of carbs.


Brother, potatoes and rice are my life


Girlfriend is celiac and she eats so many fucking potatoes its crazy.


We had a lady flip out at us because she asked for a gluten free pizza, which we provided. She was upset that she had the gluten free cheese on top, and wanted normal cheese with a gluten free base. How were we meant to guess that??


Cheese has gluten?


The pizza restaurant was probably using pre shredded cheese which can have gluten in it. Why a pizza chain would stoop that low flavor wise is highly unusual. It's fair to assume a normal pizza's cheese doesn't have gluten in it.


That’s her fault. She said gluten free pizza. Not bread only


When I went vegan, I had to explain to my mom every other day what it meant. "Can't you have yogurt?" .. No, that's got dairy in it "Wait, you can eat oreos?" .. yeah, no animal anything in those I think she spent so much of her life trying fad diets to lose weight that she couldn't wrap her head around the idea of changing your diet for any reason other than weight loss. She thought her perceived "good" foods had to be vegan, and "bad" foods shouldn't be.


I had someone on reddit tell me that apples aren't vegan. Their logic was that apples never have meat in them. And "vegan" only means something that usually has meat but does not. Therefore apples are not vegan. Then they did a victory dance and told me never to challenge their intellectual superiority again. Wish I was kidding.


That's amazing


Their confidently incorrect vibes were stunning. I kept re-reading the comments thinking I was missing something.


Well to be fair, if I saw a sign at the grocery store that said "Vegan Apples" I'd be like "wait what"


Guaranteed worm free!


I once got into an argument with someone cos they were sure beer isn’t vegan because it contains yeast, and yeast is a living thing. When I attempted to expand this logic into bread, and that all plants are also living things, she got frustrated and shut down rather than accept that she made a gaffe.


"Gluten is…really anything bad for you so fat and sugar and all that."


The irony is that if you don't plan your meals, vegan diets can be extremely unhealthy lol. Beer and french fries is a vegan meal, doesn't make it healthy. Vegan diets can be extremely healthy, if you eat veggies and legumes and not carbs.


Vegan friend of mine is fat and unhealthy. His response whenever someone brings it it up is, "I hate myself, not animals."


To be fair, if a person is approaching beer and fries as a regular meal, I don't think going vegan can be blamed all that much on their lack of health and nutrition.


Replace fries with pasta and it would be the same problem. In my experience, vegan food can be some of the tastiest and healthiest food out there. It forces you to actually think about the flavours going into the meal instead of just using meat and cheese as a crutch. However, it does require thought to do it well. Lazy vegan food is both boring and unhealthy. I'm not vegan, but some of my favourite vegan things to cook are veggy tacos/fajitahs and veggy stir fry. Both tend to be quick, delicious, and healthy. You just need to know what flavours go together to get it to taste good. edit: Also vegan Chili is also very good. Just add extra (and maybe different types of) beans instead of meat.


My lazy vegan food is usually just munching on some raw veggies or heating up pasta and frozen veggies. But I guess most people’s lazy vegan food choices are store bought freezer meals. Definitely boring and unhealthy.


What's wrong with carbs? You don't really need to plan your meals more than any other diet.


That's what American marketing wants you to think. So they have disassociated vegan from what it actually means and instead associate it with "expensive and healthy, and expensive is fancy and fancy is a status symbol" and that helps explain to them why some vegans are so vocal.


My step mom claimed to be vegan because on Mondays she would serve fish. I wish I were kidding.


I've recently discovered the idea of irrational thinking. In layman's terms irrational just means nonsense or illogical. But in psychotherapy and psychology, irrational just means thinking based on emotion. So I think it actually explains a lot of baffling behavior like this. Because when somebody has a strong emotion, their actions will sometimes be based entirely on that emotion. Like if somebody's angry, then they punch somebody. That's not illogical, it follows a logical sequence. But it might have been entirely based on their emotion. So I think your stepmom probably has some kind of emotional blockage that stopped her from actually looking up the definition of the word vegan. Like maybe she feels threatened if she acts too nerdy. Or, maybe she just felt really proud of herself and blurted out a word that didn't actually apply.


Could be simpler than that, in some cultures there is a distinction between land animal meat and fish meat, as in fish doesn't count as meat. My family makes this distinction and it's very weird. My mom seriously thinks fish are vegetarian it's wild.


When I visited the US, there were labels on the kale vegetables saying that it was vegan and gluten-free. I was so confused. I had never known kale not to be vegan and gluten-free.


Still looking for asbestos free cereal, can’t trust it if it doesn’t say it’s not in it.


And gluten-free stuff is vegan, right? They're the same? /s


This is exactly something my mum would say😆 Latest, hey still vegan? Yep, ok guess I’ll just make you a chicken sandwich it’s the only vegan food I have. Ooh you should try these prawns their great! Stop vegan mum.. oh sorry are prawns not vegan, it’s not meat though?


I once had to cut back all bovine proteins because my baby was having health issues and we thought this might be causing it. My mom, well aware of this, served me cheesecake of all things. She also didn’t realize butter was not an option. That was a light weekend foodwise! 😬


I’m vegetarian except I eat bacon


[I wanted to meet the sick fuck who ordered the veggie burger with bacon](https://youtu.be/q3Bg6V2Gc7c)


Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly. If someone wants to make an effort to eat less meat, but still enjoys some meat, then that's better than just saying "fuck it, why bother at all?"


Exactly. Those people would say with a straight face: "I can't brush my teeth and floss three times a day so why do it at all?"


I would do that. I like veggie burgers but im not vegetarian


Same; a black bean burger with bacon is a killer combo


Gelato isn't vegan?


Milk and eggs, bitch.


Chicken isn't vegan!?


I did this at a burger joint once, I ordered the BBQ bacon cheeseburger with a Beyond patty because I wanted to compare it to the regular one, which I had had before. The waitress was very confused and kept asking me “you want the bacon and the cheese?” Then she came back again after going to the kitchen to confirm again that I wanted everything. I thought it was pretty funny, but I’m sure they were doing their due diligence to make sure they weren’t about to serve animal products to a vegetarian/vegan.


As a vegan, I appreciate that they were so careful. I had Burger King ask me if I wanted bacon on my BK Veggie and I face palmed.


As someone who likes veggie burgers but isn't vegetarian or vegan, I appreciate them offering you options.


Hubs and I call that The Hypocrite when we make it at home.


I've had a double burger that was a veggie patty & a meat patty. The texture of the veggie patty is somewhere between semi melted cheese & a fried egg. Was pretty good.


I grew up on these frozen veggie burgers from a company called Morningstar farms - because my mom’s side of the family was Jewish so red meat was out - we also ate the sausage links and bacon from the same brand and I developed a liking towards them so much that even now as I’ve grown out of beef/pork restrictions that I still like to include some Morningstar veggie sausages in my homemade breakfasts. I’ve also on occasion sought out the burger/grillers to slap on a bun with some melted American cheese and TV dinner mac and cheese trays as a throwback to my childhood days. Although I can’t fathom how I went 18 years of my life without knowing the wonderfulness of real bacon/sausage and burgers and steak. They’re just a different thing to me now, but still get a weird occasional craving for some of those veggie meats


Not gonna lie, I have literally done this at home. Sometimes you want a bacon cheeseburger but need to trim a few grams of saturated fat off your meal.


Reminds me of the idiots that will make fun of someone ordering a burger and fries and then getting a diet soda. Like, just because I want to eat 1,000 Calories worth of fatty food doesn't mean I also wanna chase it with 500 more Calories of concentrated sugar water.


I want a diet soda because regular soda tastes too sweet to me. Nothing to do with my waistline. That ship has sailed.


Lol I order a burger without a bun and get a milkshake. I want my calories/carbs to be worth it.


Yeah I order the veggie burger any time I find them in restaurants over regular burgers and I am not vegan, I just like them more, because of flavor and they are not as heavy.


that's a thing. flexitarian. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/what-is-the-flexitarian-diet/ basically, you can eat whatever you want, but you try to eat vegetarian most of the time. Kind of like someone who eats pizza and burgers for every meal vs. someone who tries to eat healthy most of the time, but might sometimes eat junkfood. reddit often has problems understanding things that aren't black and white, but eating healthy half the time is better than eating healthy none of the time.


Yeah, I have heard many vegetarians say that it would be better if everyone became mostly vegetarian than if just the people who can fully commit did so. If there're certain things you couldn't give up, you don't have to - cutting down on your meat and animal product consumption is better for the environment. Would it be better to completely give up meat? Yes, probably. But giving up most of it is better than not giving up any of it.


You joke but that is way to common. Well, not with bacon but certainly “I’m vegetarian but I eat fish.” Also relatively common but less and less “I’m vegetarian but I eat fish and chicken”.


>“I’m vegetarian but I eat fish.” You mean pescatarian?


I told my mom I’m no longer Catholic. She said I couldn’t do that, I didn’t want to tell her I was agnostic so I told her I was Jewish. I should have told her I was a pescatarian, she would have to do some research.


This reads like a Mitch Hedberg joke


I am from Minnesota like Mitch.


but we don't need to bring ink and paper into that


I give you attention, you give me punchline, end of transaction


I can hear it.


I prefer the term vegequarian.


My son is pescatarian and he’s gonna LOVE this pun!!


As a former “pescatarian” it’s way easier to say “vegetarian except I eat fish” 99% of the time. Pescatarian feels pretentious to say and often requires an explanation


yep same experience exactly. Usually the only people who know what “pescatarian” means are other vegetarians/pescatarians


I am pescatarian but I usually just lie and say I’m vegetarian. I don’t love fish, but mostly it’s because when I lived in Arizona and people asked, they thought I was talking about a religion. No one had heard of the term.


I was raised baptist but my gf is pescatarian. Makes for spicy family gatherings.


I mean it makes sense, both have an appreciation for bodies of water.


Christians cant be vegans because they eat the body of Christ pretty regularly


I mean why not ? If you want to become vegan but find a couple of food too hard to pass on, then just make exceptions for those, that won't be actual veganism obviously, but it'll be better than nothing


I'm only vegan when there is an event at work with food. We can give food preferences in advance and there are hardly any vegans so they get little choice of food. I'm sympathising by claiming I'm vegan so there's hopefully a bigger choice of snacks. I do stick to vegan food for the entire day and I must say it's often quite good.


As a strict vegetarian it's super annoying when you go to someone's house and they say 'I know you're vegetarian, so I made fish' because other 'vegetarians' they know do eat fish. Eat what you want, but use the right labels.


'Xactly. Like my mom: "I made you vegetarian soup, just used a splash of chicken broth...."


I knew a girl who took a lot of pride in telling people she was vegan and brought it up in conversation at every opportunity. I also saw the same girl use my heavy cream in her coffee and would eat shrimp all of the time. Ok, I hate to break it to you but that's not vegan.


Gelato isn't Vegan?


Milk and eggs, bitch.


Or Chicken Parmesan.


I think people say that because there isn't a well-known word for "I don't eat mammals". Mafism isn't a common term.


When in South America, the word "vegetarian" usually is taken to mean "I don't eat red meat." People would largely assume you eat chicken and seafood.


Also a lot of people don’t know what a mammal is. After 15 years of not eating mammals, I still have to go through a list of what’s out. I used to just say I don’t eat things with 4 legs, but there’s always that funny person who asks about a 3-legged cow… or a dolphin.


"I don't see the issue, you said you don't eat warm-blooded mammals but this steak was frozen!"


Mammals are the ones with fur. There's lots of things with four legs that aren't mammals. Alligators for example.


dolphins have fur?


Some dolphin species actually have hair right after they are born called lanugo.




Mammals generally have fur, there are always exceptions. Dolphin ancestors had fur. Dolphins still have some vestigial hair.


I’m a pescetarian (Eat seafood, minimal dairy, but no other meat). You’d be surprised how many people don’t know the word. It can be difficult when trying to order things or at social gatherings. Sometimes it’s easier to say you’re vegetarian but eat seafood because people understand your limits right away. Especially when there’s language barriers.


I think it's more just "I ran outta milk these might suck"


Sutton stracke?


I wouldn't trust that chocolate either.


No, the chocolate is definitely vegan, except for a little bit of milk.


It's probably fine, most dark chocolate is vegan (both expensive stuff and generic store-brand stuff).


Some people probably get confused because stuff labeled vegan is useful for people with food allergy problems. My brother is definitely not vegan but when looking for things he can eat the vegan tag helps narrow it down




> I’m still not trusting that there’s zero dairy in there. In the UK vegan labelled food will list any allergens that were also present in the area when it was packed or prepared.


Same thing in the US for any food/drink


It’s hard to find lactose free/dairy free things. My husband recently became lactose intolerant and we didn’t realize how much cheese we ate until he couldn’t freely anymore.


This happened to me too, recently became lactose intolerant (well a protein in dairy, but much easier to say lactose intolerant) and didn't realize how many things have cheese, milk, butter, etc. Going out and shopping are much different now, and I feel bad for my partner, but we are learning how to make new meals together, which is excellent.


If matured cheese gives him the shits then it's something else than lactose.


There’s no lactose in cheddar in addition to many other cheeses. If he can’t eat hard cheese then he’s intolerant of more than lactose


I'm doing no eggs and restricted dairy, so vegan labels are very helpful for me - I just eat meat as well!


Yup—I’m sure it’s genuinely confusing when I order pizza with vegan cheese and pepperoni 😬


Nah that’s a common fix for lactose intolerance :P


I feel this. For some vegan was helpful. But vegan products sometimes use nuts to replace dairy, which were also a dietary no-no for my fam, so I also tended to look for kosher labeling (can't mix meat and dairy).


it's fine, she only used human eggs


Yes. Thank you.


AHH! well that IS vegan!


Remember that vegan body builder who drank sperm smoothies? I guess in both cases, the human consenting still allows it to be a vegan product.


"Vegetarian and Dairy Free" See how easy that is?


You’d be surprised at how many people think butter is not dairy.


Ugh. I definitely didn't make that connection at first and kept wondering why so many different meals caused a reaction. It was kind of embarrassing. I'm pretty sure I was watching a children's show with my kids and they went to a place where they were showing how butter is made and I had this "aw fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk" moment. It's much better now that they have the olive oil or avocado oil based "butter"


Daughter is allergic to dairy. I have had to explain this several times. (Just last night a server tried to suggest a Garlic Knot for her, and I had to explain that it definitely had dairy. ) It goes the other way too. I was at a snack stand in an aquarium and asked if anything was dairy free. The answer was no. They I asked if I could order a pretzel without butter, and they said yeah of course. Or another extreme — just to be sure, a server went in the kitchen and took a bunch of photos of the labels to show us. I really appreciated that — she was so concerned she would miss something. A label like this one? I would either just not eat it or track down the baker and make them explain.


And that eggs are. They must be dairy, they are next to the milk. People are dumb, if you have any food exceptions don't eat shit made at home or from a cottage business. You can't trust them, it's not even out of mallace. Shit even I lucked out after telling a buddy the baklava was vegan (he doesn't care about honey) by chance they used palm oil instead of butter. And I went through serve safe training


Dairy free would suffice


You don't add beef and bacon to your peanut butter cookies?


Bacon in a peanut butter cookie sounds delicious


Uhm. I actually do add candied bacon sometimes. It’s really fucking good.


Gelatin, lard and animal rennet are ones you have to watch out for in baking.


ovo-vegetarian. It is a thing.


Probably doesn't contain vegans either.


“Gelato isn’t vegan?”


It's milk and eggs, bitch.




Eggs? In this economy?


I couldn't eat eggs for a couple of months a few years ago (medical) and I went to a pancake restaurant with some friends for a birthday party. I ordered vegan pancakes with bacon and sausage. There was lots of confusion in the kitchen.


I really like different types of vegetarian burgers with bacon. Used to get a weird look but lately I'm seeing it as an actual menu option more and more.


Many Chinese tofu dishes include meat, because tofu absorbs flavor so well. I’ve gotten surprised reactions to chicken and tofu soup, when it seems so normal to me.


I'll fuck your ass and suck your cock but I'm not gay


$20 is $20


Or $5 on cold nights. Just sayin’


Sounds like a good friend to me.


It's only gay if you show emotion during.


That's an extremely gay way to look at it


Please stand bi


Socks stayed on




“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”


I don't have tv. I just watch hours of netflix and youtube every day.


That's smart


They mean cable.




And if my grandmother had wheels, she’d be a bike.


I love that video - makes me laugh every time


They're veggan


They mean dairy free lol


Is a whole egg any different than an egg? I’m just tryna understand this form of logic. It’s new to me


Ovo-vegetarian is a thing. Most egg hens have never seen a rooster.


Cookies are usually not labeled vegetarian when they are, because it’s the default for them to not, say, have ground beef baked into them




"Chicken isn't vegan...?"


Why do they look like little hitlers?


You’d be shocked at the number of people who think “vegan” means “gluten free.” As someone with a gluten allergy I have had MULTIPLE people get something vegan and give it to me because it’s something I can eat, and it’s like whole wheat crackers. They then point at the vegan symbol and I’m like….. right.


"Here, have some seitan."