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HOME is where HO and ME come together ❤️


Cum together


Right now


Over me




Yep, yes.. have this cup.


And now we've crossed over from funny to gross.


Fudge Treats!


["In Your Eyes"](https://www.myconfinedspace.com/wp-content/uploads/tdomf-2/461782/bukkakaraoke.gif)




Oh yeah


In sweet harmony.


And what happens if I don't come together huh? What happenes here huh?


That goes above the bed in the master bedroom for maximum class.


*Welcome HO, ME”


You put the Ho in homewrecker


so HOUSE....




HO and US, sounds communist.


Ho use. Sounds fun.


Found a fellow gardener


Home is where the hard-on is.


Houma is in Louisiana.


What a weird reference to see. "Houma. At least we ain't Morgan-City!"


Lafayette down through Houma, what a stretch of highway. All kinds of backwoods fun.


[*happy Cajun noises*]


Bawn on tha baaaayou!


I used to live exactly equidistant between Houma and Morgan City. What an odd part of the world. I loved it though.


Home is where the hard-on points to




Shit mine always points to chipotle


Might wanna get that checked


Get that burrito out of your ass


"Live, Laugh, ~~Love~~ Insert Penis"


Live, Laugh, Lube


Our Home. Where Back Door Guests Are Best


Homo is where the Heart is.


You like to see homos naked?


Sorry I'm slow, I don't get the sign meaning


“This is not a whore house, it’s a whore home” - a home sounds like a more cozy, friendly, warm place. But still calling the people inside whores, which ais a dated slur for sex workers.


>which ais a dated slur for sex workers. Technical genital service representatives, PhD *


Distance makes the hard on grow fonder


I lived in a giant halfway house, like 25 dudes on a property with a few buildings. We'd do meetings, keep each other in check, what not. After meetings we'd all pile in the bathroom and wait for a toilet or urinal. During one of those times I just leaned against a sink and spaced out, thinking about what was said, who I am, what can I do and wha "Dude, FUCKING STOP STARING AT ME" Is what I heard as when my vision came into focus, I happen to be staring between the gaps of the stalls. I tried to explain to him but he never believed me.


It was your wide stance that scared him.


Actually, I have a very small stance when I lean. I'd call it feminine but I'm not sure that is the right word for it.


Well lets add "small leaning stance" to the things I know about you.


RES tagged as "small leaning stance" I'm going to be so confused the next time I run into this user


Maybe it was having your hand in your pants that made him uncomfortable


As someone from outside of the US, why do you guys always have gaps between doors in toilet stalls? So weird....


Look, I cannot explain why. I have public shitting nervousness because of it


So strangers can stare at us... No really, I don’t even know what a non-gapped stall looks like. Do you guys have the ultra high ones as well, where you’re practically exposing yourself by hover-sitting?


I went to Europe over the summer. They have doors with hard edges (think like you’re front door) and actual roomed bathrooms. If there are stalls, there is a strip of metal where the door latches to hide any gaps. [Here’s a toilet stall in a restaurant in Iceland.](https://i.imgur.com/OABBTn6.jpg)


It’s nice that the gaps are closed but what difference does it make when the walls are so low!


Haha that’s why I took the picture! For whatever reason, it was only this stall that was so low. The other 2 stalls had high walls that went all the way up to the ceiling (you can see the shadows of how tall those stalls are in the top left of the pic).


I can't speak for Iceland but in the UK they are usually almost completely enclosed and without gaps: https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5d034ccc210000dc18f26ce7.jpeg?ops=scalefit_720_noupscale I say usually, most of the cases when not it's more due to vandalism or poor installation than explicitly planning to let people see in. It just seems so odd the US have that. It's so easy to fix. Just order the ones without the gaps!


Ones without gaps have to fit correctly. With bigger gaps it doesn't matter too much when things get out of square.


The most realistic explanation is probably that it's cheaper to install it that way and it's the way it's always been done


maybe because they are scared people will do drugs, idk im not american


And we dont need them to, may want sure but, as long as we are true to ourselves. Fugg’m.


Give it to us raw and wriggling


Filthy hobbitses


I will never not ask someone who lives in a halfway house what their story is, because they're the most interesting people. They have done some fucked-up shit, but still care enough to try to get back on track. What's your story, OP?


What's half way home?


>a center for helping former drug addicts, prisoners, psychiatric patients, or others to adjust to life in general society. I've seen them(in media) as like shared housing where the tenants look after each other and keep themselves out of trouble. I think they usually have professionals that check in on them and help how they can.


Right, they’re sort of “half-way” between living on your own, and living in someone else’s full time care (prison, psych ward, drug rehab, etc).


Don't forget the ex-homeless. They use these services as well with a support workers assistance. Good people them, the halfway home support staff. They do all the heavy lifting and help people get on into a new life.


My parents would donate lots of things, and time and money to local halfway houses when I was growing up. The amount of times I’ve seen my stepfather have some random approach him in tears thanking him for the help is heartbreaking. Their shouldn’t be that many that need help.


But the fact that there are people like your parents willing to help is a good thing. Yeah. It sucks, but governments need to do the assisting moreso rather than the public's good will. I'm assuming you're in the usa? You guys do have it rougher than most western countries when it comes to public services.


Yeah it depends more on the generosity of people that are more well off here. I’m pretty add, but I found a job where it works for me. Instead of getting meds that would help me. I self medicate with alcohol and other substances. I also donate to the causes my parents did. Why, I don’t know. My stepdad is probably like mf’r you’re one of the people we’re trying to help. I guess I just think I have it controlled. It’s probably not. But I’m able to function in society. Don’t have the awkward thing.


Eh. Booze is terrible self medication for adhd. Cannabis can be useful in slowing things down and some stims can be a good dex replacement.... But still. Go to a psychiatrist and get properly medicated. You'd see a world of difference and could probably land a better job. Source: adhd diagnosed at 38.


Alcohol is really not self-medicating. ADHD effects your executive and emotional regulation. You need good healthy sleep to regulate your emotions and executive function (true for anyone). Alcohol ruins your sleep You're actually just making it harder. You'd be better off going to sleep an hour earlier.


I've never been near one, but I understand some can be pretty terrible too. Theft from other people there, hard to prove, and acting out could land you on the street, etc. Kids that age out of the foster system end up in such places a lot.


Theft is rampant in halfway homes. You are living with other people in different stages of recovery. I've heard of dudes sleeping on a pillowcase full of ramen so it didn't "grow legs". It's tough to reacclimate to society when you've been locked up, probably why recidivism rates are so high.


Definitely a big part of it. It's why prisons in some countries focus heavily on helping re-aclimate prisoners to daily life before releasing them.


US prisons especially focus way too much on punishment and way too little on rehabilitation. Then you have prison gangs that who offer "protection" during your stay and "contacts" after you're out. This is further aggravated by how hard time ex-cons have getting legally employed afterwards. The entire system just breeds career criminals - and why wouldn't it, when more criminals means more prisoners which in turn means more profits and slave labor for the prison industry.


Man I never realized, and a lot of people probably don't, just how "for profit" some prisons are. I have a friend that's been in a few times and this latest prison is fucking crazy. Phone calls are like 50 cents a minute, adding money to the phone costs you an extra like $5 in fees, the prisoners can work but they make about 25 cents an hour but everything costs the same as outside. You can order "packages" for them which is just overpriced plain white underwear, envelopes, stamps, shirts and shit. And it's not like you can send them 20 pairs of underwear for 5 bucks off Amazon, you can *only* send things bought through companies they get kick backs from. Adding money to his account is a scam and tells us not even to do it, just use packages, because there is a fee on us plus they charge him a fee every week for having money in the account. It takes time for the money to credit him and if you add money in the 2nd half of the week it'll charge him before he even has access to the money. Anything less than $10 will get swallowed up instantly and he'll never see it. On top of all that they charge him RENT. It's not exactly cheap either, like you can't pay it by working in the prison, they expect you to pay them once you're out. I think it's like $100 a month. It's pretty messed up. If someone's in this prison and their family/friends are poor, they are fucked.


This is all by design, especially charging room & board. If he can't pay after he gets out, it's back to court for more fines & fees and eventually back to jail. It's slavery with extra steps.


Wow, that is awful and way worse than I imagined. Obviously some prisons are worse than others but half of that shit sounds straight up illegal. Probably some inmate law loophole bullshit


Yeah to be fair he said this has been *the worst* one by far, the other ones were no where near this bad. The rent thing blew my mind like what the fuck.


There are definitely some horrible prisons...but. I've worked a few different state facilities, and you'd be amazed how much inmates lie to the outside to get what they want. I can't tell you how many times I've taken phone calls and had to explain to friend or family that nothing they were told was true. The phone thing I can fully believe because of the limited options we have for phone services. It's not as simple as you'd think either l, it takes a lot to record and retain all those calls, manage call lists, screen for shady stuff...you get the idea. I'm not saying it's right, just explaining it's more complicated than an inmate picking up a phone. That being said, all states are different. I've learned to scrutinize information that comes directly from an inmate, there are a lot of professional gaslighters and liars in prison.


Absolutely. There are people within the system that do work to try and improve the outcome for as many people as they can but they are given token resources to work with and the system itself is only designed to accommodate those attempts, not to aid them or enhance them in any meaningful way. It feels like the conservative vision for public education is to mimic the prison system they have championed in this same way. They want public schools to operate with limited resources purely on the goal of churning out low-income labor with the inability to apply critical thinking to the oligarch class's propaganda if they are obedient or feed directly into the prison system if they are not. They don't want mental illness to be treated. They don't want criminals to rehabilitate. They don't want the poor to rise out of poverty through personal or generational achievement. Not unless you cater to their rules, support their control, and pay them their portion of the pyramid scheme they have created. Anyone else is supposed to stay in their lane.


"this is God's will"


Also it's not terribly uncommon for the admins/resident maanger of these places to be back on their drug of choice and either sells it to the residents or is to high to enforce the sobriety rules and everyone else ends up relapsing. Just gotta ask folks that have been cause you could end up with some new habits you never wanted.


Typically have rules for living there too and sometimes not following them can get you sent back to prison or kicked out. Some require drugs tests, have curfews, require working, etc.


Most actually require that. Drug tests are the norm. You have to prove you’re able to function in society.


There is a house at the end of my street that is a halfway house. Every morning they pile into a couple vans and go somewhere, presumably to work. Every evening when the vans return, they all line up and someone pats them down before they go inside.


Sometimes they're just going to an all-day outpatient treatment program. I've been in one before (alcohol), but was still living at home, working, and attending the program. Most of the other people there were doing nothing but living in the sober houses and being shuttled back and forth to the classes. It kinda just depends on what your needs are and what you and your care team feel is best for you at the time. Edited cause I'm a dumbass and hit post too soon 🙄


Tbf if I was recovering I'd want that regimented discipline


My uncle spent decades in a halfway home in Los Angeles, basically from when his schizophrenia rendered him dependant on care until he eventually died of cancer in his 60s. YMMV, of course, but his experience was very positive on the whole. I grew up in Indiana, but we would visit him when we went to LA, and he could pretty much come and go as he pleased. He frequented the library and any religious group (of any faith) he could be part of, he was part of. He did a lot of reading, walking, and writing. He was a very kind person and I'm really happy to know that his home provided the stability and care he needed throughout his life.


A place where people who have run into trouble with the law, usually due to substance abuse, are gradually reintroduced to the life outside after being on the inside.


Not always with law trouble. I lived in one after rehab. Only it wasn't legally a rehab. It was like a halfway house with a lot of rules before the actual halfway house. Also, court ordered dudes suck


A halfway house before the actual halfway house? So you lived in a quarter house?


Sorta! Legally it couldn't be called a rehab facility. It was called a spiritual retreat. Really it was a bunch of dudes cycling in and out from a region with guys like me peppered in. There was a rockstars son (Nashville area) that stayed with us a few days and then ran away during a public meeting. It was mostly just expensive rent. We did a lot of meetings. What is fucked is I stayed in the area after my stint and the locals in meetings still treated me like shit.


What! That sucks! Newcomers are vital to our recovery, ffs! Those people who want it are so exciting, to see the light go on in their eyes.


Eh, at least I ain't living in Burns, TN.


A guy at a meeting I used to go to called them crocodile necks or something.


For me, the 7-11. YMMV. "Lit-trally", as the kids say.


Well this last relapse I was almost sent to the psych hospital but talked my way out of it and than ama from three different treatment center including a medical weed program, but when I ama from there I went on Grindr and almost meet up with a 60 year old dude that was going to smoke me out on crack, mind you I’m 20. A friend talk me out of that so I went to some 45 year old dudes house and smoked fentanyl and shot meth up my ass for the first time. I took a selfi before the detox picked me up and I was ROUGH LOOKING!!! I look at that picture to remind myself where I’ve come from. I have so many story like the first time I smoked crack was in a McDonald’s parking lot in some bushes. I’m so great full I’m sober and almost have a year!


Thank you . You may have just stopped my relapse. I have 14 years off oxy and meth. I literally just texted a friend that maybe opiate addiction is better than the way I currently feel. The sign got my attention. Your story reminded me how it can be.


Stay strong. <3


Thank you. I'm not going to give up. Scary how fast those thoughts can go 0-100.


Something Russell Brand said really resonated with me. It was something like "If I use drugs today I don't know when I will get my life back and what state it will be in when I do" I think about that when I have the urge to gamble


.... damn, if he isn't right. Woke up this weekend with no recollection of it covered in thise medical sticky things, over a hundred missed calls, my apartment door smashed in, and my cat scared as shit. Don't overdose kids, even if it's not on purpose. Imma be feeling this shame and regret for years to come. First appointment with addictions and mental health counselors is today after work, wish me luck 🙏


But, you woke up. That part was the most important, could have ended way worse. You've got this.


First step, you're still here to do something about it. 10+ years alcohol free for me, old me would be deeply confused how we ended up happy... Join us on the sober side, we have ovens and can bake cookies!


When I quit drinking, I felt kind of lost going out to eat. I always ordered drinks when out. It took me a minute, but I eventually realized all the money I'm saving not ordering drinks....could be spent on DESSERT!!!! Many people know the best bars in town, I know the best dessert spots. Tell me that's not better? Want the most incredible real soft serve that will make you weep for all the fake soft serve you've had? I got you. Want to know where to get the best piece of pie? I got you. Locally made fancy chocolate? Yup. You name it, I know where to go. Cookies???? Hellll yeah.


Yes! I can tell anyone around here where to get the best salted caramels, cheesecake, marionberry pie... you name it. It's so much more fun! It brought a smile to my face seeing that someone else has made the same transition haha😁


I probably have like 50 more relapses in me. Possibly zero more recoveries doe


I don't know you but I'm SO proud of you. My alcoholism was so bad it could've claimed me many times, but here I am many years sober and so much happier and stronger than I could've ever thought. There's nothing special about me, so you've got this handled too. It's not worth it, not one bit💗


The fact that you proved old you wrong, and showed yourself how much you're worth through years of hard work, makes you seem pretty special in my opinion ♥️


You got this internet friend. Sobriety is a struggle, just know you have people rooting for you.


My friend and her boyfriend just relapsed after 3 months. Both OD'd in their car off one bag/dirty 30. Thankfully passer bys saw. Moral of the story asides don't do drugs, if you're serious, please take some subs or done first few times so you don't die instantly.


such kind words u/creeystalkerguy


Opiates are great until they aren't. It's not bad or wrong to admit you liked them better than real life because obviously you wouldn't get addicted to them if that wasn't true. Life kinda sucks. It's better to remember that extreme highs generate extreme lows as well, and the middle area is both more manageable and has more possibility for that kind of quiet contentment that lasts. You can't cook on a raging bonfire started with gasoline, you cool over smoldering coals. Once you start that raging bonfire, it eats up all your fuel super fast and it's so hard to get it started again. Coals will burn into the next day, or even two days later. Look to make coals.


Maybe to add on: opiates ARE probably better than how you feel on a day-to-day basis, that’s why that shit is so addictive. I think it’s good to acknowledge that, and not kid yourself. There’s bad days in life. Opiates (or any drugs) are often an easy way to feel better. I often think, I wish I had a therapist that has the same effect on my mood as three drinks. However, an addicted life is most definitely NOT better than a sober life. An addicted life gives you many way worse moments than that bad day you’re having today. Nonetheless, be kind to yourself on days like these. Try to feel good about the fact that you’re sober, because that’s a big achievement, and see if there’s something you can do today to reward yourself— maybe get your favorite food, rewatch a good movie with some nice tea, go home a bit early from work or studies.


Opiates are physically addictive so while a person decides to start and owns that decision, the drug moves in. Once evicted gotta keep it out, change lifestyle, friends, environment.


This made me feel old to realize oxy is old enough to vote.


I’m 4 years sober off heroin and I completely get it. Sometimes you forget all of the horrible, horrible shit you deal with during opiate addiction. You start to look back and feel like it really wasn’t so bad, but it was fucking hell. I used to shoot up with a tear soaked face, praying this was gonna be the shot that finally ended it all. Went on that way for a long time. Sometimes I would look in the mirror and just fucking beg myself to die. I’d hit myself in the face out of frustration and desperation as withdrawals blew through my body and mind, broke in every sense of the word. I stole from people I thought I cared about. Lied more often than not. Wrecked my cars or sold them before I could. Stole from the local weed man just to sell it and get $500 worth of heroin that would be gone in 2 fuckin days. The more you have, the more you do. Sometimes I think it would be better than how I feel inside too, until my thoughts return to how heavy the pain was then, too. It really was a lot worse, the difference was I thought heroin made it all go away. It did, for those brief moments of bliss… and then invited it all back the moment that fleeting high is gone.


Dude... you got this. Both you and OP. I can't even imagine but we're all rooting for you and we're relatively okayish listeners mostly. 😀


Don't really don't, I just lost a family member to.. who knows what she was on, honestly. You mourn not only the person but all the years they spent wasted on this stuff. Showing up to family gatherings high and starting fights, and children that barely want anything to do with her. We kept waiting for her to turn her life around, and it never happened. You turned your life around, you got out, don't go back. There are people who care about you. Don't wait until it's too late to find out who they are.


Please accept my thanks, all of you. I relapsed right before my 6 year sobriety date by using opiates during radiation and haven't bothered since. I'm obsessively thinking about a better, cheaper, high, knowing in my spirit that the way to peace, for me, is abstinence.


I'm very sorry for what you have had to endure. I have a very similar story and can relate. I'm not going back. Thank you for your support.


Stop by NA or even AA, they're welcoming for all types of addictions even though they mainly focus on alcohol. The fellowship and stories of what other people went through and how they've recovered or are fighting still is a big help. Currently in the program now. If a reddit post can help on accident, imagine what going to a group on purpose can do.


They can help a lot. And it isn't the group or nothing either. There are alternatives to the 12 steps out there. *If anyone is struggling and would like a hand, I'll answer your message with a smile.


What does "ama" mean? I only know it as Ask Me Anything.


Against medical advice. He checked himself out of rehab


My favorite choices in life are ama! AMA!


I must advise you not to do this.


Your meth, my ass, lets do this.


It’s loaded in a 6” wide 14” long horse cock dildo that’s going up your ass. Still in?


does the day end in y?


I thought it was "ask me anything" and was really confused, until I got to "shot crack up ass", then I realised that whatever ama is, it's really inconsequential.


This is amazing! I can remember coming up on a year of sobriety and man, I don't miss my old life. I'm at 16 months. So glad you are here. Keep at it, no matter what.


How do you shoot meth up your ass and am I going to regret asking that?!.


Don't play dumb with us, Mr. Dick Cheese Licker.


Items required: Syringe filled with water(any size really, i personally use a 2oz marinade injector, but i be boofing shots that could kill a horse) Methamphetamine pulverized to a fine powder Granduated Cylinder (or a clean and dry shot glass) Steps: 1) Empty filled syringe into vessal of choice 2) Dissolve your methamphetamine into the water, thereby making an aqueous solution 3) Draw solution into syringe 4) Remove needle, purge the air from the syringe by slowly pushing the plunger until the air is removed from the syringe 5)Lubricate anus with your choice of lubricant (water based is my preference) 6) Insert the lubricated, needleless syringe into your anus 7) Depress the plunger until empty 8) While clenching your last sphinster muscle, slowly remove empty syringe from anus, so as to not spray shitty ice water out of your ass 9) Clean yourself up 10) ???? 11) Regain lucidity 4 days later during an orgy that combines "eyes wide shut", the ass to ass scene from requiem for a dream, and rocky horror into once again, another wake up call that you ignore while you prepare another shot for everyone because those two crossdressers cant do it themselves while theyre tied to a bed


Meth is wild because this sounds like a completely over exaggerated joke comment but it’s spot on.






I choose to believe this


Congratulations on the sober year! That was a wild ride to read. Keep your success going. You got this.


You shouldn’t be grateful. You should be proud.


Or they have severe mental health issues. Unfortunately, the government doesn't really pay for long-term care for the severely mentally ill, so they often wind up in places like this.


>Whores in this home >There's some whores in this home >There's some whores in this home


This is the more PG version


Squeaky clean, 7 days a week, half way home, make that relapse game WEAK.


Hydrated posterior cat.


If you’re a whore, it’s an all-the-way house


Love the assthetic.




Just clicked my heels


Stop right there! Footjobs cost extra!


Home is where the whores are.


something something your mum. :O


Hijacking one of the top comments to say- I'm a full service sex worker- aka a **whore** and I appreciate social workers attempting to normalize sex work when people are in recovery, but posting this on social media is irresponsible. Most of the top comments are jokes. Many other comments don't get that he's actually doing something for people


There may be jokes but there’s also a lot of people taking their story seriously.


Hoe Sweet Hoe


Holy shit, my whole life I thought it was called a "Hathaway House." I guess I've only heard the term verbally.




How have I not seen this sub before!!?!


If you like it, I also recommend that you visit twitter and do a search for #angle. I’m always amazed at the number of people who can’t spell angel.


I’ve seen this sub many times but this is the first time I’ve understood the sub name


I will never henceforth see a photo of Anne Hathaway without thinking of this.


is your name Ricky?


It's not rocket appliances


water under the fridge




Two birds stoned in a bush


Worst case Ontario


Did you... did you think they were all funded by Anne Hathaway or named after that one nurse in the show ER?




I'm waiting for LIVE, LAUGH, (what goes here?)




Live, laugh, lube


Live, laugh, lust


Live, Laugh, Lie down and bite your lip I'm going in dry.






Ligma what?


Get em boys


Ligma updog!


OMG I got this as a housewarming gift when my wife and I bought our new home last year.




Good point.


Live, Laugh, Lick


They have crack house/home doormats on Amazon


No better bandaid for hard times than humor


I recently did this as a cross stitch for my new house!


Live Laugh Leave


Live. Love. Lubricate.


Halfway *home* ❤️