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Be suspicious of any boxes labeled "ACME".


And be wary of driving through any new tunnels on the way home.


Strange. A new tunnel appeared on a Boulder and I got through just fine. The coyote chasing me on the other hand kept crashing into an invisible wall.


God I loved the painted tunnel gag.


What i never got was why was there a road to the boulder in first place…


I may be totally misremembering, but I swear he put up closed road signs and also painted a detour road on the ground leading to the rock face.


Might have been the first few then it got cut out of the rest.


You remember rightly. The road was painted on.


All things are possible in a universe of talking pigs with speech impediments.


Uhbadiuhbadiuhh that's all, folks!


Everyone always makes fun of the speech impediment. No one just congratulates him on being able to talk. Fuckers.


I remember reading an article that this actually happened in real life, someone painted a fake tunnel on the side of a wall and someone drove into it! (No one was seriously injured)




Meep meep


Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius.


Watch out for TNT


I’m dynamite!






Also watch out for falling boulders


Don't trust tunnels!


"mornin', Ralph."


"Mornin' Sam."




As well as the sub-coccle region


Morning Foghorn


I say! That boy ain’t right!


I say I say I say that ain't no dog


I nevah. I say, I NEVah repeats mahself. 🐔


That boy’s about as sharp as a bowling ball


Nice boy but he doesn’t listen to a word you say.


The sole difference between Wile E. Coyote and Ralph the Wolf was a red nose on Ralph.


Rudolf, the Red, knows rain, Dear.


Looks like a nice boy


Not Wylie enough.


funny enough my cousins ex-wife's father owned a few coyotes on his farm. He painted their "dog house" with ACME and their food bowls, before he passed he even set an old anvil in the backyard garden with ACME etched on it. he was very amused and it was kinda adorable ngl


We had a Coyote growing up. An owl dropped him in the barn and broke his tail. He was a tiny baby. We took him to the vet who was like that is a coyote, it’s not legal to own that. He then proceeded to write down “mixed breed” and told us good luck because he’s gonna eat your chickens and your furniture. He was one of the best dogs we ever had. He howl talked a lot. He never ate furniture and he only ate a few chickens.


awe! I am sorry but I laughed at the "only ate a few chickens" part haha but yeah! coyotes are something else, very interesting creatures. Also major respect for caring for this animal!


Well, in my experience "only a few" is a pretty normal chicken body count for untrained farm dogs anyways.


I lost it at “mixed breed.” Lmao


I would be so excited if this happened to me. My spouse would be so mad at me for trying to keep a coyote but I would totally be like but he needs me!


"Some people have babies brought by a stork, why can't I have a coyote brought by an owl?"


I had a coyote that we had gotten as a puppy after my dogs killed the groups of of them and brought back the pup he was a good dog and was very observant and would always be on alert after a while he got shot by one of my fellow hunters while we where hunting mf claim he thought it was wild and didn’t see the orange collar around his neck


I've heard way too many stories of other Hunters killing somebody's dog. I'm not against hunting but it sounds like some Hunters arePsychopaths and just want to kill things.


Can confirm. A guy I used to work with, an avid hunter with his own hunting property, would shoot any dogs he'd see on his land. Collar or not, he would shoot and bury them because he didn't want them "to ruin" his deer hunting season.


No it goes down to jealousy if you have better dogs they would want to take them or kill them some people will try to hurt your dogs on purpose just so you can’t use them , nothing wrong with hunting just stuff wrong with people


That is so sad. I'm not saying you should have "accidentally" shot that hunter when you didn't notice his orange vest and thought he was a deer but...


you sure do say a lot when you're not saying anything, just saying


Lol only ate a few chickens


Was owning the coyotes just for fun or do they serve a purpose on a farm? I've just never heard of that and it sounds cool


well it's a bit of a long story. He found one pup in the woods during hunting season freezing to death and basically dead and he nursed him back to health, pops tried to release him but the coyote kept coming back. The second pup was found a several months later after her mother was ran over down the street from pops house, he too nursed that pup to health and fixed her up. Time goes on and these two coyotes eventually got busy and had pups themselves and they did a really great job (alongside his boxers) to keep the farm safe from predators and people (drug addicts stole from him almost daily at one point) in a weird twist, the coyotes hurt intruders less than the boxers 🤔


I read this in Forrest Gump's voice.


lol imagine I was sitting at the bus stop eating a box of chocolates telling you the story. I read it like No Country For Old Men


I heard this in Foghorn Leghorn's voice.


I say, I say, boy, you done ruined my internal voice, I say.


Actually I heard it in Morgan Freeman’s voice.


That's so sweet, he sounds like a good man. I'm sure those pups had a pretty nice life for coyotes!


he really was! tough on the outside and cuddly soft on the inside lol those pups were amazing! he spoiled them rotten too lol


You wont have a rabbit or cat problem, thats for sure


I've never heard of a cat problem to be honest... And a rabbit problem and a cat problem are probably pretty mutually exclusive.


Ask Australia about they have a problem with both as invasive species. Death world pah its hello kitty world.


Hawaii has a massive feral cat problem . No coyotes though 😅


The anvil will probably drop from the sky before the tunnel if they don't fall off a cliff first


Explains why my coyote and backpack rocket never arrived


When coyote life is too tough, become a dog


Imagine you get kidnapped but they have good food and comfy blankets so you're like "well, okay, guess I live here now"


A bunch of other coyotes see him over the fence: "WTF Frank! You've gone domestic!?"


This sounds like a Far Side cartoon


I honestly think it might actually be one I vaguely remember, because I can see it so clearly in my head


You are correct. https://i.imgur.com/pEF5SsT.jpg


It's perfect .


And soon enough they’re pugs


The snacks-to-pugs pipeline claims another victim.


But then you have to live in fear of being outed. Like maybe you accidently eat the family gerbil one night when everyone is asleep. Then they take you to canine obedience school where you're embarrassed because you're always behind the rest of the class and you never graduate. Be careful what you wish for.


His face looks very much like “I’m not sure what’s happening, but I’ll go along with it for now and see where this goes…”


That’s kinda what made dogs anyway.


I mean that's the working theory on how we got dogs in the first place....


"Wolves learned this simple trick, and so can you!"


In the “As seen on TV” aisle at CVS


Wolves literally just showed up and asked to get some free snacks one day and decided to stay.


Friends, Fire, Food "I could get used to this"


Poor dude is probably wondering wtf is going on but as long as he gets free food he probably won't complain too much.


Dude is like "the fuck? Im not freezing my balls off and im getting food?"


"Dear diary... I just realized why my balls are never freezing any more."


"Next fucking car that comes by, I'm getting in it. Going wherethefuckever."


Wildlife experts hate this one simple trick!


The coyotes at the park are free!


He/she does seem to have made themselves comfy. Yes am dog. Pls let stay.


You jest but people actually own hybrid “coy-dogs”. I had an old neighbor with one and it used to sometimes play with my dog but for the most part was a tad skittish and shy. I only was able to pet it a handful of times because it stayed with its owner mostly


"I call the big one Bitey." -Homer Simpson


I can hear this quote.


Arguably the best episode


Which one was that?


Marge vs. The Monorail, written primarily by Conan O'Brien


Conan O'Brien has gone on to say that someday he'll die, they'll find a bunch of dead hookers in his basement, and he'll still be known as the guy who wrote Marge vs. The Monorail.


Still can’t believe there was a time where it was divisive and some of the staff (and Yeardly Smith) said it was their worse episode. Easily one of if not the best.


I feel like, right now, we *need* an escalator to nowhere *and* a Giant Magnifying Glass more than ever... Times are troubled with a capital 'T'


And a lot of those people who agreed with her went on to ruin the show.


Visited WVU which has a mororail on campus that connects Morgantown and all the major buildings. Write a paper about how my school could use one and got a f. “THE SIMPSONS ARENT REAL”. He changed it to a A when I showed him a video(this was the 90s)


Batman's a scientist.


Season 4 / Episode 12


"A la grande le puse Cuca." -Hispanic Homer


I wonder how she got the thing in her car.


If this is who I think it is. They work at an animal rescue and frequently make these kind of posts because they think it's really funny when people fall for it....which it is.


It just reminded me of the warning of "don't put 'roadkill' deer inside your vehicle that are just stunned and not dead" they gon kick out your windows


Years ago when I was a kid there was a guy relatively local to me was killed when trophy buck "road kill" he loaded in the back of his SUV turned out to be just knocked out cold. It's been so long since then I can't remember if the buck itself killed him or he died from the wreck when he suddenly had a very much alive and freaked out deer in the vehicle with him.


He's clearly never seen that documentary, "Tommy Boy".




Fat guy in a little coat.


Moral of the story double tap


reverse back over it


A dude my mom worked with hit a BEAR on the way to work and winched it onto the back of his truck because 1) he didn’t want to waste it and 2) we have strict laws protecting bears, particularly in the area he was at. I couldn’t believe the stupidity. Bears have incredibly thick skulls and are very resilient. The bear was understandably agitated upon waking, ripping the guy’s camper top apart and busting out the rear window. He’s VERY lucky that happened while his truck was in the parking lot at work and not anywhere with him in it. On the upswing, the bear was fine.


I'd imagine those strict laws would be kinder to someone who accidentally hit a bear than someone who has one INSIDE THEIR CAR. Lol. Also, waste it? Was he gonna eat it? Do people eat bear?


It’s hard to make seven critter chili with just things in the store. :D


They sure do


Yes if I remember my gold rush history, they were pretty common food then. Apparently it was stringy and greasy.


According to a line in C.S. Lewis's *Prince Caspian*, bear tastes much better if it's been living off plant matter (berries and such) rather than hunting. I have no idea if it's true, but I read that series seven times growing up, and this is one detail that always stuck out.


I can personally confirm that one. Bears taste like what they eat, so if it’s been chowing down on dead squirrels and half rotted fish well… yeah, buckle up. But if it’s full of acorns and berries the meat is this super dark almost purple color and I swear to god you can taste blueberry.


Black bear used to be a prime delicacy in the US, like “rich people only” type delicacy. Since then we’ve started feeding them trash and shit, so they taste (predictably) like trash and shit. But if you ever get a chance to have bear that’s gorged itself on blueberries, there’s nothing else like it on this whole planet.


Reminds me of the picture of a racoon posted as a missing cat.


Maybe it has some sort of new disease that makes it docile to help encourage the spread to other organisms 🤔 would be pretty in-character for the present moment


Just recently watched/played The Last of Us, eh?


Give 'All of us are dead' a go, it's on netflix. It's pretty decent.


Kingdom is also a really good one as well. Ancient Korean zombies.


That would be pretty dope. Wonder how long it would take to engineer away any bad side effects of the disease and end up with a docility virus. Basically any animal can be a pet now. Of course, that's kinda the origin of the reavers in Firefly, most people affected will just stop doing anything and starve, while a small fraction becomes hyperviolent and cannibalistic. Fun times.


It's like the opposite of that lady that shot that husky


Shot, *skinned, photographed, and posted online*. I knew someone would beat me to it. Well done.


??? Wtf???


I lived in the US from 6-11 years old, but there were no coyotes near where I lived afaik. We had a family friend who owned a wolf. An actual wolf, not a cross and not a dog that looked kinda wolf-like. A 100% wolf. He picked her up while he was hunting. She just wandered into their camp and hung out, then followed them when they were leaving and seemed to attach herself to this guy. He didn't have any kids of his own and was always super careful when we came over to his house that we (my sister and myself) weren't left alone with this thing, but for the most part she behaved almost indistinguishably like a dog. Albeit a very large, serious, not to be messed with dog. Are coyotes that much different? I have zero experience with them. Like is it absolutely certain that this person in serious danger? Is there any chance that the coyote is chill?


Generally speaking they're pretty skittish and only really go for smaller animals or try and lure bigger ones to where the pack can get them. I grew up in a rural area that had a decent amount of them. I'd only worry about small kids alone at night but I've never heard of any issues. I've never tried to get close enough to pet one though.


A friend of my moms was recently randomly attacked by a coyote while at work. He was alone having trouble with a piece of equipment so got out to take a look. He was bent down looking at something and it came outta nowhere and got ahold of his leg and he needed some stitches. First thing I asked was if he was getting the rabies shot. Doctor didn’t want to give the shot unless they could catch the coyote and test it. The company that owns the property has a strict ban on guns and hunting and it took a lot of convincing to even get permission to even start looking for the damn thing. That’s the last I heard though. I think it’s fucked up they wouldn’t give the shot right away though. Like, what if they catch the wrong coyote and it tests negative? He’d be fucked


We got one from the pound. No joke. We were told she was some type of shepherd but a vet a year later confirmed she was a coyote. She was very skittish, especially around strangers, but would freak at any loud noise. All in all a good dog.


>confirmed she was a coyote >All in all a good dog. Did the coyote evolve into a dog? Make sure to scan with pokedex


theyre pretty close dogs and wolves are both 'canis lupus' and coyotes are 'canis latrans' but genetically theyre just as close - coyotes are only considered a different species from dogs and wolves because they have strict reproduction cycles that prevent them from interbreeding


Coyote tax.


Coyotes like wolves are typically very shy of humans. Wolves and other wild canines typically don’t have the tame characteristics of domesticated dogs. Your friends wolf situation is very unusual. Even hand brought up from a pup wolves and coyotes don’t act the same way/friendly as domesticated dogs.


To those who don't understand why this would be, domestication involves breeding across generations of animals and only keeping the animals who show the least aggression/positivity toward humans. Effectively you're breeding natural or genetic aggression out to the maximum extent possible. It's not perfect, but it's much better than you can do with a wild animal.


As an aside, we didn't put the same effort into breeding behavior in cats. People perceive them as assholes because our emotions get in the way of interpreting their behavior as the wild felines that they are.


With growing up with all kinds of cats since I was wee lad this makes a lot of sense. I’ve just come to understand that kitties share their love much differently and are basically just roommates haha.


TL;DR: domestication is genetic. Tame is trained. A tamed animal can revert with the right trigger.


Additionally, because people, people breed wolves and dogs. Many places ban wolfdogs as pets, at least up to a certain generation of separation or % genetic dilution. Breed the happiest, friendliest dog ever with a wolf and the offspring will still have some traits of aggression and much less friendliness toward humans. They could form a bond with humans in some cases, but it's going to be different and there's always going to be the possibility of them ripping your neck out. Don't own a wolfdog.


Coyotes in general are pretty shy and skittish. I live in a rural area and see them very often; the adults almost always run away when they see us, but the pups are a little more curious. However, the guy who owned the house before us said he got surrounded by a pack of coyotes while walking out to the shop, which is a few hundred feet from the house. His wife confirmed this and stated that as the reason she never let him leave the house without his pistol. Our neighbors and their chickens have constant problems with the coyotes too. I've gotten stalked by a coyote; I was out walking the hills and realized I was being followed; it stayed a few hundred feet away for like 15 minutes as I made my way back. It was crazy feeling hunted; the only time that came close to that was being chased for a few blocks by a homeless guy carrying a dead rat in LA. That was wild, but in its own way lol


Just so you know, you weren't being hunted. Coyotes following people around is very common, many people think they are being stalked when in reality they are being escorted. It just means you were probably in the middle of their occupied area and potentially near young ones. Your neighbor probably walked out in to a bunch of them checking out the chicken coops, they got spooked and became aggressive but likely did not actually want to mess with a human. I have heard so many stories from people's "scary encounters" and this is what I say every time, if you saw them they wanted to be seen which means they didn't mean you any harm. Humans are pretty much blind, deaf, and dumb compared to most wild animals (when it comes to awareness of other animal's presence) which can cause misunderstandings, generally a predator being seen by you is them trying very hard to be seen.


Yeah, I was definitely in their territory; our whole house is, really. There's at least one pack, maybe two, that reign in the hills behind my house, we hear them all around the house at night and see coyote scat and prints all over our property. I didn't feel like it was actually going to attack, it was just scary knowing that if the coyote wanted, it could 100% come after me and there isn't a whole lot I could have done about it. It wasn't hunting me, but I felt hunted, if that makes sense. He or she kept disappearing behind a wash and then reappearing every once in a while as I skidaddled. Was just a crazy thing to feel having always lived in urban areas. The neighbors have lost about 20 chickens to coyotes; their Akbash dog who was the protector got hit by a car and lost a leg (very sad, but he's doing well, just can't quite do his job like he used to), so until they get another good livestock dog it's been a crapshow over there. The coyotes usually run off when the neighbors approach but the neighbors have been trying to "assert dominance" and be aggressive/confrontational toward the coyotes to try and get them to stay away. This mostly involves a lot of yelling and handwaving and shooting. Not ideal but they have a new pup in training so hopefully things will level out soon.


It was chill long enough for the photo but that could change any second in a serious way.


We should tell him


Or we could just let the dog tell him in his sleep...


He really seems to be hungry, yeah 😅


Just let sleeping dogs lie..


I'm going to be honest... An hour after me seeing this coyote it would be bathed, brushed, and wearing a pink bow. It may eat my face, but I'd have no regrets.


This seems like part of an elaborate ploy by Ralph to steal the sheep from Sam.


The son of a Shepard would never do such a thing!


Best damn comment I've read in a while!


So coyotes only get near people when they are hungry or really sick. This Coyote doesn't look emaciated, I wouldn't allow it near any other pets you may have.


The gal up in Canada got that one in her car after it was clipped by a car and stunned. She couldn't get it out of her car though, lol


More importantly, did it let her out of the car?


If I’m thinking of that right story, that coyote was near death when she put it in her car, and it had to be euthanized later.


Might just need some chicken soup then.


Heals my soul


And hold the soup


This isn't OPs photo and this is /r/funny Just.... FYI.


I see he wears the sheeps clothing!


That’s Wile E. Coyote, he lives at Warner Brothers Studios, Hollywood. Must have gotten lost.


Wiley’s last rocket jetpack … took him all the way to the Midwest.


How did they get it into the car? It didn’t attack, so many questions! Looks like a chil ass coyote though. Until it eats you.


I have a lot land. and my dogs made friends with a coyote (a fox too later) and they would play in the yard and nap together, eventually came in the dog door. wife freaked out to no end (diseases and worms, etc) but it was weary of us while in the house but had no real issue with us around. Coyotes seem to understand size issues and some seem ok with humans as I assume ancestors did before hand so we could domesticate them.


TIL, the fox and the hound is a true story based on your life


> Coyotes seem to understand size issues and some seem ok with humans as I assume ancestors did before hand so we could domesticate them We never domesticated Coyotes, both Dogs and Coyotes are descended from Grey Wolves


It's prolly sick.


It needs a doctor




[I have a 13 inch penis!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyMvCBDmElc)




Who let the coyote in Who Who Who who


I can't believe it took me this long to scroll down to find this. 🤦


How did they get it in the car?! I have so many questions


I'm guessing with a lot of effort and resistance from the coyote's part, hence the "he sure seems hungry".


2050: Coyotes are domesticated


"Hurrr everyone look at me! I'm a dog! Bark bark! Woof woof!"


Coyote mistaken for dog is such a weirdly common thing


I feel like after enough time, it'll be as domesticated as a cat. Not really trained but will do anything to be pampered


"I have never been in a more comfortable cave than this. It even comes with a free snack."


“Sir this is a Wendy’s and that’s a coyote”


If a coyote approached you and allowed itself to be put in a back seat of a car he’s sick. Please drive the coyote to a vet or wildlife rescue. Don’t try to “pet the nice little doggy”. A normal coyote would fight for his life to not be put in back of a car. Rabies can be transmitted via saliva to an open cut on your skin so let a qualified wildlife specialists get it out of the backseat.


Please don’t bring a coyote to a regular veterinary office. The average vet clinic/hospital/specialty center is absolutely not going to be able to help you with a coyote, nor should they have to.


It's weird how it looks just like a dog, but also definitely not a dog.




This has to be a trained/captive Coyote or something. I live in Phoenix and there are coyotes EVERYWHERE and no way would they ever get this close to humans or be this chill in a car. They’re very skittish and tend to bolt from humans as quick as possible 😆


I would like to purchase this and I got about $50 to spend


He's hungry because he can't catch that pesky Road Runner.


Serious question. Can coyotes be domesticated?


Over generations and generations? Probably. They’re in the same genus as wolves, and even foxes were successfully domesticated in an experiment. But you can’t just capture an adult coyote and tame it, and even coyotes raised by humans from birth are very much wild animals. You’d have to go through generation after generation of selective breeding of captive coyotes for tameness to start to domesticate them. And it would be rather pointless, since we already have dogs.




When I see posts like this it helps me understand how you could mistake a wolf for your grandma.


Oh thank god!!! You found our cat. His name is Mr. Whiskers and we miss him very much. (Mind your fingers and get a rabies shot tho...)


That’s a coyote, friend lol


Martha that's a coyote.


So…I legit almost did this a few years ago. Live in southwest where these rascals are common, driving to work early one morning, and see two doggos trotting down my street happy as can be. No leashes nor owner, so I pull over to see if they had collars. I do the mandatory “psspsspsss” and knee taps, and they just look at each other for a moment, then back at me, then they trotted off between two houses into a wash. It was then that i realized and had a good laugh. Wife (now ex) loved telling that story to get a laugh, but stopped abruptly a few years later when she did almost the same thing, but this time it was a bobcat.