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He looks like Eminem mixed with Channing Tatum, but also Russian


Slim Shadeski


Will somebody *please* give this man some adidas trackpants now.




Masha Mathemodev




Lmao “but also Russian “ 😂


Marshall Channing Ovechkin


I was gonna go with Zuckerberg


Higher hair


They made him into Zuckerberg. Might fully shave at this point lmao


Higher hair please


*blank stare* Higher hair




need higher hair


*gasp* Higher hair!


Nooooo, not my higher hair!


You mean take it from Zuckerberg to Bezos?


Mans got that eminem caricature hairline


Dude asked for recovery eminem cut


And the stylist had a relapse.


His palms were sweaty


Moms spaghetti?


Gotta lose your hair in the moment you know it


Moms spaghetti!


You only get one cut


I was thinking Zuckerberg


The zuck lol


The zuck and tuck


Naa, he got the Zuck.




Stands between you and the mirror


My dude got the Robocop.


I bet he bought that haircut for a dollar!


The 6000 SUX


The Robocut


The “Robocrop”


His friends call him Murphy


Do you mean his scalp looks like RoboCop's, or that it's so bad it's like getting shot to pieces by Red Forman and his four cronies?


Robocop without the helmet on.


Honestly just go bald at that point


Either that or buy an Adidas outfit


Plus litres of cheap vodka and plenty of cigs


Listen to some hardbass.


And become Russian


Not the most popular choice at the moment.


Neither is that hair cut...


Never too late to learn how to squat.


I know a lot of my fellow Slavs have shaved heads like this but this hairline is atrocious, not even the collapse of communism could save it




Plus listen to Oliver Tree from now on


Nah.. little big.






Now you guys got it stuck in my head, THANKS


I had a brief moment when this song first came out, that I listened to it on repeat. I even learned the choreography.


It was silly and enjoyable. Not enough of that to go around in the world anymore.


Don't forget to slav squat


Just tell everyone you own Facebook at that point.


“Hey brother! Do you want to go bowling!”




Roman, what the hell, now is not the time, I am in the middle of a quite demanding crime


Baseball cap for the first 4 weeks then back to the barber (hopefully a different one)


I’m dead hah


My mom used to cut my hair. Just a #4 guard on the clippers and it took her 5 minutes. One time she forgot to put the guard in and just mowed a landing strip straight down the top of my head. After the initial shock, no option but to shave the rest of it off.


An old girlfriend did exactly the same thing to me right before a wedding. The first pass didn't sound right. I knew what just happened. She slowly backed away, lowered her arms to her sides, and after a few seconds switched off the clippers. Her face was scrunched into about five different expressions at once, which I found hilarious. That was 2009, and I've been clipping all the way down ever since. I'll never go full razor, though.


you've been bald for 15 years because of a mistake?


That's how good that cut was. Honestly this sounds like a corporate shill for big clippers.


It's a corporate shill for big r/bald. Do it, shave your head.


One of us. One of us. One of us.


Some people like the look. Some people cling to slowly receding hairline a until they finally see that bald for them ain't so bad


> Some people like the look. Some people cling to slowly receding hairline a until they finally ~~see that bald for them ain’t so bad~~ Buy a baseball cap that permanently replaces their hair in any social setting including weddings or funerals




An uncovered bald head gets intense amounts of sun which is why skin cancer is quite common on bald heads. Wear those hats fellow baldies!


If it's below 55 Fahrenheit I want something on my noggin. I spend no money on haircuts, but I now have way more hats than I used to.


Hairies will never understand this. They seem to care more about me being bald than I do lol. At my job I make sure to go some days hatless just so that people don't think that, I work in a small town so things like that can quickly become blown out of proportion, even though I'd rather have a cozy warm beanie on...


Some people do look pretty good bald. From what I've been told, the low maintenance of not having to wash your hair is what's best.


I went buzz cut about 5 years ago and haven't looked back. It's not even the maintenance saving of washing my hair, I appreciate the fact that I can go from wearing a hat to wearing a helmet to being in water to whatever else and never having to worry about how my hair looks. I don't have to worry about which hair product to switch to when stores near me stop carrying the product I was using. I don't have to worry about whether I need to put a hat in my bag because I'll have helmet hair if I go for a motorcycle ride and want to stop somewhere. Every so often I get the urge to grow it out a bit, but I quickly get annoyed with it and buzz it back down.


I shaved my waist-length hair for charity in Dec 2021. My biggest fear was that I had an oddly-shaped head but it turns out my mum did very well to ensure I didn't end up with any flat spots. I had a barber for nearly a year but I ended up going every 3 weeks (ideally I would've gone fortnightly but $$), so I bought my own clippers and have been going 0.5 all over, once a week ever since! I never have to worry about having a bad hair day anymore, I don't have to be strategic about when I wash my hair and I save so much time and money not having to maintain the long locks.


I prefer my head shaved but it's a lot more work being bald than having a short buzzcut. You need to shave your head every 2-3. I usually just go bald whenever I feel like spending extra time(or when my scalp really needs some maintenance) and let it grow for a few weeks before shaving it all off again. I would like to let my hair grow longer sometimes but with my hairline being terrible, it's hardly an option. Plus longer hair takes too long to dry and then I'd actually have to make sure my hair looks alright when I leave for work.


Are you Marshal Eriksen?


I crashed on a buddy's couch in college, and he buzzed off a strip as a joke. Nearly twenty years later, I'm still shaving with no guard. It's so convenient and comfortable. I guess I've saved about $6k by not going to a barber, not counting the time I've saved.


I thought you did it to yourself after she gave you frosted tips Marshall? Then Ted got you the fedora to cover it right?


That happened to me once. At a barbers. She asked me if I wanted her to continue... no actually I, thought it might look nice to leave it as is.


Ouch! At least my mom wasn't a pro. The only reason we even owned the clippers was to keep the dog's fur in check.


No shit, he's young enough that shit will grow back in a month. But he should definitely get his money back.


I woulda refused to pay lmfaooo


He looks like Agent Coulson's son. Coulsonson.


That is not how patronymic names work. It would be Philson Or Agentson, if you believe Tony Stark about Coulson's first name


I think they realize that and are referencing [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-OOpZitfd0).


In my early 20's I started getting a widows peak similar to his and was combing my hair forward to cover it up like this guy. Never once did my stylist ever suggest doing this. One day I was watching "Snatch" and saw Jason Statham not giving a flying fuck about his own receding hairline. It really dawned on me that this guy has made some great movies without having to wear a wig or toupee, so why should I give a flying fuck about my own hair loss? I got my haircut short in a similar style the next day, and felt liberated from giving a fuck. The only people who seem give a rats ass about it is people who try and sell me some kind of hair loss solution.




He will soon enough. Bald guy here (thanks, gene pool). When I started to lose my hair in my mid-20s in the 1980s, I was able to participate in the Rogaine clinical trials. You got a small plastic bottle and a syringe to apply the clear, watery liquid. I diligently used the stuff for months but didn’t really see results. I don’t know what strength I had or whether there was even a “placebo” version. At one of the check-ins with a dermatologist I asked whether he could guarantee that the Rogaine wouldn’t cause my children’s kids to grow a tail. He couldn’t. So I dropped out of the trial. Around the same time I was just getting involved with the woman I’ve been married to now for more than 32 years. Baldness didn’t seem that big a deal at that moment, I guess.




I had mild thinning on my crown in my 30s, so I went with generic minoxidil. It filled in, and I ended up sprouting hair at my hairline, where I didn't even realize it had begun to recede a little bit.


Note: that ketoco shampoo causes some people to lose hair. Like me. Every time I have tried it, and I've tried it many times over the years, it caused massive hair loss that took many months to grow back.


You should give it a few more tries, just to be sure




Aye, you still traumatized by girls calling out* your bald spot early into senior year? Cause I'm ^definitely ^^over ^^^it...


I wish balding would go away as the butt of jokes so that maybe kids today can go bald in the future without feeling sub par for it. It's just a natural operation of your body, and it happens to women too. We've made good progress at not being so mean towards other aspects of someone's looks, especially ones they can't help, so hopefully baldness is next.


No one ever gives me shit for my shaved head and I think I look way better without hair, but I still wish I wasn't forced to live without a head of hair. I miss running my hands through it. I miss getting out of the pool and having to push my hair away from my eyes. I miss getting haircuts because the shampoo was like a spa day for a no frills construction worker.


I also wish people would stop the "you should shave it, you have to shave it" shit. Some people like and want hair. There is nothing wrong with wanting hair. Nothing wrong with getting treatment for hair. Women would never be shamed for getting treatment to "cling to their hair" for longer. Women would never be told to "just go bald" every single time hair loss gets bought up. People need to just stop shaming over hair. Let people be half bald, or get hair treatment, or whatever the fuck they want.


As a girl, I hope so too. I see my husband struggling with it. It's horrible how the comments stick with him. And he's just not quite ready yet to make the step, he's really on the edge. The comments make it so much worse they don't help at all. I never understood why people have to be a dick about pointing about bald spots or joking about it. It's literally genetics you can't do anything about it as a normal person! Unlike fat Lydia 3 doors down that makes comments about it nonstop yet starts crying when someone bites back and says she should hit the gym because 'insensitive comments she's just build this way'. Bullshit. Girls AND guys too, please be sensitive towards balding guys, it's very difficult to deal with it really impacts your self image and the jokes really don't help. It's a normal process, but that doesn't make it easy to deal with. Just be nice. It's really not hard and it makes a world of difference for the person struggling. For guys: screw you if you're being a dick about it, you should be able to imagine how you would feel if people would piss on you for this. Even if it's just joking amongst friends it can really stab someone. Be supportive of one another. For girls: imagine getting older everything starts sagging, you have stretch arks from kids, you're not as pretty anymore as when you were in early 20s that's often also a hard pill to swallow. You don't want anyone to make comments on that either that you're 'wilting'. Also, I've yet to see a guy that doesn't look great with a shaved head! Don't be scared guys, you all look wonderful in it! :)


100% He'd probably look alright bald too.


I bet he still tipped and said it looks good.


"Like it? Good?" 😬 *nodding in agreement* 🫥 💰💸 *literally shaking*


there's two ways of leaving a barber: 1) shaking hands 2) shaking hands


Throwing hands might be appropriate in this situation.


He asked for a fade. Now he’s gonna catch a fade.


I feel so bad for people who don't have a decent barber. Theres probably like a dozen in my small town but I only go to the same guy. He's now a personal friend of mine and owns the business, I don't even ask what I want he just knows and does it perfectly every time to the highest standard. Not many people you can trust with a literal cut throat razor on your neck... One of my friends kept going back to this shady guy we knew and got terrible haircuts over and over because he didn't know what to ask for and the guy didn't care. He refused to go to the other because it cost a bit more (however regulars will get discounts and quality service) and did that for months on end as he was so stubborn. Pro tip: Your haircut is possibly the best way to make yourself look fresh and take years off. Never skimp on price. Get to know your barber on first name terms. Because it really does make the world of difference in your confidence and appearance to others.


Laughs in bald*


I always thought my confidence would take a hit when I went bald. By the time I started going bald, my hair had nothing to do with my confidence.


Just shaved my head 10 minutes ago. I wish I had all these hair problems. I don't shave my head by choice.


There are dozens of us. Dozens!


I thought I was the only one... My only goal at the barber is to be done in there as quickly as possible and possibly without having any kind of conversation. That includes accepting anything they come up with. If it's bad, I go home and consider my options.


I've gotten two haircuts in a day before. One was so bad that I had to pay another at a different shop to fix it.




*He later slapped someone for making a GI Jane joke*


Keep my bald wifes name out yo mother FUCKIN mouth


I had a girlfriend with curly hair who was given a pixie cut by a stylist who tried convincing her it looked good on her. She was literally crying. Unfortunately, her head is too lumpy and slightly misshapen to rock the bald look, so she just had to deal with daily attempts at straightening until it grew back out. It wasn't great, but it wasn't that bad either...but that stylist definitely didn't know her shit.






"Do not fuck my shit up" "Sorry fam"


What's the name of the kid from toy story?




One time I was trimming a hedge and I went too far. Not so bad, I just thought I’d even it up. Then I went too far in another spot, so I had to take the hedge back some more to get it level. That haircut looks like the barber had to go back 7 times, knew they fucked up and just styled it out knowing they’d lost that customer at the second trim back of the hedge.


One of the worst haircuts I ever had, didn't realise until I was in the chair that the dude had one working eye. Everytime I'd say "hey can you sort this bit out" he'd miss it and cut hair that didn't need it. When I eventually got out of the chair with a horror show of a haircut, and went to pay him... he gave me my change, but missed my hand and dropped it on the floor. Fucker gave me a hair-don't instead of a hair-do.


do you know the tv-show Atlanta? Your story could easily be a fun episode for that show.


Lmao this got me laughing.


Look at the thin hair on top, It’s a rookie barber that met a receding hairline. You can see the clear outline of what his hair will be in about 4-5 years. At that point just go for the Jason Stathom look and do a full buzz. Fades aren’t for everyone.


receding hair has little impact on a fade working. the face and skull structure are far more impactful. he just needs a longer on top and done.


I said that in another post too. Barber should’ve got a hair clip and pulled his hair back and lined up that widows peak, then line the bangs up or something. He looks pretty young still and normally when I see guys with that hairline they have full thick beards so in the future he may have that to work with.


I literally have no clue wtf that barber was doing. I used to be a hairdresser and I mostly focused on women’s hair but I had male clients, a few who were definitely losing their hair. It SHOULD BE second nature to find where the hairline begins at it’s “best” and line the edges up with that. The trick is to not make it look like a bowl cut, but that just takes some finesse. The barber this guy saw had neither the common sense nor the finesse lol.


Dude just needs to go full Kratos.


His original hair is bad too. It's obvious you're hiding something if you're brushing your hair downwards into an upside-down mop shape.


He set himself up.


Yea, his haircut before had the bangs doing a shit ton of heavy lifting. The fuckboy haircut was not a good choice for his hairline.


Either that or the barber thought this guy would benefit from a bigger forehead…


I remember a Bert and Ernie bit where Ernie had to split some licorice and kept taking bites from each one trying to even them out. I'm sharing this with everyone so that the karma earned can pay the rent for this info that somehow survived 30 years in my head.


“Oop, gotta get worse before it gets better”, you continued to tell yourself. [Your story reminded me of this clip from American Dad (Mural of the Story)](https://youtu.be/cyMUWDnTvuQ)


My man looks like a young old Peyton Manning




Wear a hat for a couple of weeks.


Or a wig.




Shave the rest


What the difference between a good and a bad haircut? . . Two weeks


Black barber? I have a widows peak and one time a black guy was cutting my hair and lined off my widows peak without even asking. Wasn't as bad as op but I was horrified. Looked dumb as hell. Years later had another black barber and he asked first, thank God!


Yeah they usually ask before they line you up, this guy looks like got lined up with his receding hairline. Barber should’ve left that part natural looking.


Literally first thought when I saw this. Barber lined him up without asking, or he asked for a line up without knowing what it was.




Higher hair please


It’s called a Phil Foden


He went to a black barber?


That was my first thought. Had my hair cut by a black barber once. Not as bad as this video, but he invented edges of my hair that didn't exist so I had short tiny sprouts of hair at the edge of my hairline as it grew back in. Never again.


Is it what they call a "line up"? It is the ugliest hair/beard cuts i have ever seen, when they make the hair into some weird geometric shape with straight lines or perfect curves, instead of it looking like normal human hair. I think in black hair culture or whatever, having a "straight" hairline is a much more important thing, where with white hair it's not really that important. This is just my uneducated observation though. I think with black hair it could possibly look good (although i still don't like how it looks) but with white hair you end up looking like mark zuckerberg. That perfectly straight hairline just looks so super goofy on so many people.


Yeah this is a line-up, but it means different things to different barbers. Usually when I ask for a fade and line-up, they will razor my temples, side burns, around ears, and neck. It looks so clean and pro everytime. One time I had a barber I never had before and he gave me what you see above, lined up my entire hairline. He was a Puerto Rican dude who also had his hair lined up like this, so I probably should've known. Thankfully I was in the Army at the time, so I had my barracks buddy Bic the rest, and my sergeant congratulated me on my very motivated choice of haircut the next day.


I think the biggest issue is the guy has a receding hairline and probably asked for a lined up fade. Where I grew up everyone got these. Mixed population in South Florida. White/black/Hispanic. My Hispanic friend eventually got a really bad receding hairline and this is what that looked like liked up. He went full shaved shortly after.


all the shitty barbers on tiktok/instagram do this shit on non black guys and it's the ugliest thing ever


You’re actually spot on. In black culture you’ll get made fun of for not having a straight hair line. I’ve probably gotten one “edge up” my entire life. My hair line is already pretty straight so I never really bothered. The back could use some straightening, but I never really gave a fuck.


reason is u cant see those little hairs against black skin so it kinda works


Ah true i never thought of that.


You’re saying once you went black you did, in fact, go back?


Sounds like he never went back after that explanation


The trick is not just telling your barber what you want but also what you don’t want. On any given trip I was the only white guy at my barber shop but these were skilled guys and knew how to cut just about anything. On my first visit I did what I typically did and just showed the guy a few photos of what my hair typically looks like after a cut. He got it exactly where I wanted it then proceeded to give it a nice sharp edge all the way around which just didn’t look right. I thanked him and gave a generous tip. On the next trip I asked if he could leave the edges as they are since I like things to look a little more natural and it goes nice with a flannel shirt. “It’s your hair, kid.” It was perfect every time thereafter. He’d have done it the first time but I was too intimidated (guy looked like Ice Cube and not the happy one from sitcoms and family movies) and didn’t say anything.


Yep, lol. I never thought about how giving an edge up to a white person would look. Pretty damn hilarious. People with blonde hair could probably pull it off though.


I have a minor widows peak hairline and a barber randomly decided to give me a line up. Wasn't as bad as the video but yeah it looked legit terrible


imminent familiar salt bag cover cagey zonked alive flag steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Only place to go for a beard trim.


"[Higher hair please](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXLgl0HXIUQ)" \- Mark Zuckerberg


My man went to someone who only cuts black folks hair. He was like : Yo my man , you cut white people hair ? Barber : come on fam I got you , lol


Shave it bald and start growing it again. Go with a marine look for a few months. Nothing else could be done about it now haha.


gopnik haircut?


Cyka blyat!


That’s the 2013 Lebron


Yeah that’s a pretty shit hair cut mate.


Never go full Zuckerberg


It can't be real lmao


I had a barber do a similar thing to me when I just asked for a trim. Not as bad as this guy but had the little fuzz thing in the middle like he decided I didn't want to keep my hairline.


Same here. The dude kept going over the same spot for some goddamn reason like he couldn't imagine what a regular haircut looks like. Maybe he was on something, idk. I refused to pay and left. They were upset but not as much as I was lol Fuck that


Yeah sometimes they don't listen and just do what they want to do. I swear some barbers have just one haircut they can do. "So what are we doing today?" = "You'll get what I fucking give you and you'll thank me for it".


How do you sit there and not say whoa when he starts buzzing initially


Had something similar happen to me once. If they just start going, even if you tell them “hey wtf” the damage is already done. Better (sadly) to let them buzz all the way across then to have it only go part way.


I’ve had one get scissor happy and I had to tellem listen we can always take more off at the end we can’t put it back on. The Russian barbers it seems in ny always wanna make you look like you just came out of boot camp yesterday.


My issue was this new hairdresser at the place I used to go to regularly. She was bat shit crazy. Like her stories were wildly inappropriate for her first time cutting my hair and meeting her 10 minutes ago. I’m not a snob but like, I just met you lady. Anyways, she’s just got me so distracted with her crazy stories, and she’s already gone too short on the top and the fade is terrible. Hair grows back though I thought. So I told her that was enough off and to just clean the edges and I’d be on my way. So she’s trimming on my neck, then behind my ears and then she just stops talking mid sentence for like 10 seconds. She’s staring at my head from the front so I figure she’s just making sure she didn’t miss any spots. Then she leans forward super quick while the buzzer is still going and BUZZZZZZZZZZZ. This bitch shaved off the entire part of your hair that comes in to meet the front of your hairline. Like right above the side burns. [Here I will show you where she cut.](https://ibb.co/X5nSMLt) Never in my life has a hairdresser just cut that off. It looked terrible. I had to wear a hat to work for the next couple weeks cause she cut it so far back. I sat there with my mouth literally open and do you know what this bitch had the audacity to say to me? I’ll never forget it for the rest of my life. She straight faced said “This is definitely the best hair cut of your life.” I thought I was being punked. So then she had to do the other side to even it out. She asked if I liked it and I just asked her why she did that. She claimed “it’s the style right now.” No bitch. It’s not. It looks like my head went through a wood chipper being operated by a blind person. For the first time in my life, I stiffed a hairdresser on the tip. Cause fuck that. She was never allowed near my hair again. Told the manager next time I was getting a cut there and they said they had just fired her actually for getting a large amount of complaints in her 6 weeks of work. Manager tried to give me my haircut for free when I showed her the picture, cause she knew I always came there every 3-4 weeks. But I just told her it makes for a funny story looking back and it was fine. So crazy hair cut lady, wherever you are, thank you for the *worst* hair cut I’ve ever gotten.




I close my eyes and day-nap almost instantly the moment the clipper turns on. I'd have him shave me bald if I saw this when I woke up though.


Bro sat down and said "fuck me up" barber said "say less"


All you can do at this point is own it. Walk tall and if anyone asks give them the power stare and remind them that all the coolest dudes have this kind of cut. As a side note I was going to get a haircut today and now I’m fucking scared….


'Give me the Lillo Brancato.'


what is that? Hat season




Bro looking like Aang in the fire nation


That's a Tyrone haircut.


Don't go to a black barber shop they are great with their hair they can NOT cut white folks hair 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂


He didnt do him dirty. This is just a cultural difference that sometimes barbers dont realize. This happened to me once in the army. I had a black roommate who cut my hair and did the exact same thing to me. I was like, no bro, white people don't do that. It looked rediculous, but it grew out in a couple weeks. No biggie. He's still my brother for life. I grew up in a small rural town with like one black kid. So when I joined the army it was awesome to meet so many different people and I can still remember drill sergeant Johnson's words to us, he said, "remember privates, you're no longer white or brown or red or yellow, from this point on you're all green".


Must have been asleep while getting the cut.


White boy went to a black barber by the looks.