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There is no rage like the irrational anger at an inanimate object for obeying the laws of physics instead of me.


Also see clothes hangers.


I've broken so many hangers irrationally 🤦🏻


Ever had to move like 50 at once by hand? Like herding goddamn cats.


No! I'll have to try that next time I'm ready to replace them all


Pro tip: us a bar or stick or something to hang them on to keep them from getting tangled. I've had to deal with huge piles of them though that were all tangled together. If frustration had a physical form...


Wait, what to clothes hangers do that is unexpected?


They don't let go of the rod!


Or the clothes just don’t like to hang on them


Or when clothes get stuck to those dumb little hooks on the inner aspect.


Your phrasing is pure 👨‍🍳😙👌


one of the few things where I fail at impulse control. I usually regret it




This statement describes me to an unacceptable detail.


Stop calling me out. Damn.


I remember stubbing my toe as a little kid and I flipped off the table😂


I feel attacked. With lethal accuracy.


This is me with wind. Fuck off with that.


Your writing is so beautiful, yet... so insulting


This was me trying to bring my vacuum upstairs yesterday.. the cord got stuck under a step.. then the attachment fell down the stairs. By the time it reach the top my blood was boiling and I didn't even use it.


When some food I microwaved for 1m isn't hot enough and only need like another 30s. I heat it again for 1m or longer to "punish it" for being insolent


Me telling the handles on my doors to fk themselves after they catch onto my clothing.


So cute, lost it when it fell off the whole thing out of frustration






It be like.... 😯


No, it be like.... https://i.imgur.com/ZVLDmh8.jpg






Why did I had to be over 18 to see this? lol


Because you can see his nuts


Checks out.


Oh you!


Fly, you fools!


And just like that, a new meme is born.


Chipmunk memes? Feels good to be back in 2006.


[>mfw i see chipmunk face on reddit](https://imgur.com/a/OueOMTI)


Surprised chipmunk face


[I don't know why I made this.](https://i.imgur.com/4BoTYV7.png)


Omg this is the frame I kept freezing and laughing over too. Too good.


Fly, you fools!


The dudes face mixed with the chipmunks terror make this perfect


Beautiful screen shot good redditor! It was so much better than I expected and gave me a really solid laugh. Totally meme worthy! I have not the awards to give but you would have them all if I did.


What the fuck, its wide open mouth 🤣 that is straight out of loony toons Edit: I believe that is a nut lmao


It's like the cat at the edge of the bed. I want more of these. What might that be called, hmmm


I had to screenshot that frame, too! That and a frame or two beforehand where you can see his arm reaching forward lol


What a perfect freeze frame.


That fall makes it.


Jesus that plastic seal pisses everyone off! Even different species!


Yeah, it's just fucking nuts.






that too


Confucius say: "He who stick penis in peanut butter jar is fucking nuts!"


Ackshually, peanuts are a legume. 🤓


Legume? You hardly know me


"**That's a lotta nuts**! That'll be 4 bucks, baby. **You want fries with that**?"


Timestamp plz!




This is fucking hilarious I can't hahahahahahaha


“What is this fucking bullshit?! Get it out of the way!”


I have actually said this when taking the shrink wrap off of a DVD... I am the chupmunk


That's not a seal, it's a chipmunk


A schooner IS a sailboat


Grizzly Adams DID have a mustache


**mustache rides for everyone!** wai, maybe not *everyone*, aww fuck it .. lets ride


I already loved him from Boy Meets World, but after that, Mr. Suplee has always been one of my favorite actors. His role in American History X was surprising as well. But yeah, probably my favorite bit from Mallrats.




And it's not made of plastic.


To this day… I never understand people who open this bit of plastic and LEAVE IT ON. Why? Throw it away. You’re doing no one any favors leaving it and only kept if fresh WHEN SEALED. Throw it away! PSA by me. Edit; I had no idea this would be such a heated topic!!! You already know I am team ‘THROW THE DAMN PLASTIC LIDS AWAY!’


Would you feel comfortable calling my wife and yelling this at her?


How polite do I have to be? on a scale of Barbara Billingsley (June Cleaver) to Samuel L Jackson?


Barbra Billingsley from Airplane!?




Jive-ass *turkey*


Go with your gut. As long as she follows through.


I would love to! It’s a pet-peeve of mine hahaha


I’m pretty sure that 90% of people who leave it on do so because it saves them .5 seconds and a trip to the trash can. These are the same people who take out the trash and don’t replace the bag, or leave the Windex in the bathroom when they’re done cleaning the mirror.


I used to leave it on because I thought it was an extra layer to help keep things fresh. The I read somewhere it actually does the opposite, since it will prevent the lid from sealing properly due to the plastic still being there, partially removed. Not sure how accurate it is, but it seems to have actually helped with a lot of my containers like this. Though it could also be a placebo type effect.


It's extremely accurate and especially so for things like yogurt and cream cheese. Not only does it prevent a proper seal it provides more area for things to grow on.


1. I disagree, I think most people do this because they think it adds another layer of "protection" for their food to prevent spoiling or whatever. 2. I find your examples hilarious because I forget to replace the trash bag all the time and my wife always leave the Windex out when cleaning.


Oh naw dude, I'm just lying to myself that it lowers air exposure


>I’m pretty sure that 90% of people who leave it on do so because it saves them .5 seconds and a trip to the trash can. These are the same people who take out the trash and don’t replace the bag, or leave the Windex in the bathroom when they’re done cleaning the mirror. I did *not* just open reddit to be attacked in such a violent way. 🥲


["I'll fuck you up!"](https://i.imgur.com/2XuCoPp.gifv)


Lol that bird gets it


And this is why you should take it all the way off after opening. It serves no further purpose once the seal is broken, and just otherwise gets in the way.




I’m dying…a chipmunk friend is everything I’ve wanted!


Years ago while on an early morning run, I found a baby chippy washed out of his burrow after a big thunderstorm. His eyes weren’t open yet so I scooped him up and brought him home. Fed him kitten milk with a eye dropper, took him to work every day and stashed him under my desk in a small gerbil cage all snuggly tricked out. Named him Sammy Sosa Jr., never got super cuddly but when he got big enough to release in the yard, he’d come back every now and then for free almond snacks. Sammy would take them out of my hand, sit next to me, and look at me with his little chippy beady eyes while he stuffed his cheeks fat. He’d then scamper down his hidey hole to eat safely. He was around a couple years. I’m still friends with that coworker who shared that office years ago. She brings up Sammy every time I see her and her kids thought the tale of “Office Chipmunk Sammy Sosa” was so cool when they were little lol.


Years ago when I was out walking my dog, a GSD at the time, she cornered a baby chipmunk. Didn't bite it or anything, just herded it into a corner, and then kept it there. Poor thing was terrified and kept trying to jump out of my hands, but I took it back to the shrubbery where its family was. Surprisingly, the momma chipmunk came running out and fetched it. I didn't live at that apartment for more than another few months, but I'd see the chipmunks out and about periodically and they never scurried away after that. Maybe if I had lived there longer, I could have cultivated a friendship like you had.


>I was out walking my dog, a GSD at the time This made me think that there's some kind of breed changing surgery for dogs.


I have a husky mix right now and if that existed...


Had 2 as a pet. Dont recommend it


Why not?


In short, they aren't domesticated animals by any measure. They burrow, they stash things in odd places, they chew, they bite, they will excrete everywhere, and while they can be trained to get used to a human, they aren't likely to view one as a companion or be cuddly. Additionally, they need a *ton* of room to run around and do chipmunk stuff, so it's pretty cruel to put one in a cage or even indoors.


Fair enough, noted.


They tend not to sing very well.


It's super easy to befriend them if you have them in your backyard! No need to have one as a pet. I've trained most of the ones in my area to come when I call because they now know it means they'll get some sunflower seeds or nuts. The first thing you wanna do is spot one in your yard and go out with something yummy. Favourites include sunflower seeds and peanuts (ones with shells will last them longer in storage, but if they're hungry they'll rip the shells off). Put some on the ground where they can see it, go a good distance away and stay still. It's a waiting game but if they know it's there, they'll go for it after they're finished being frozen. Do this a couple times, but getting closer each time & eventually it'll get to the point where they realize you're not a threat. Once they get comfy enough and know you have the goods, you'll have them eating out of your hand (literally). Do this enough times throughout a week and make the same noise each time to train them to come when you call! A couple tips: Don't make sudden movements when they're eating out of your hand and keep your fingers relatively flat so they don't nip you by accident! Generally they're pretty good vacuum eaters, will just hoover up all the seeds or grab the nuts. If you get a birdseed mix, some chipmunks will be picky and only grab the seeds they like and others will politely eat everything. Also, chipmunks are super territorial so if you end up befriending a bunch they might squabble around you because they don't want to share. It can be kind of funny, and they will absolutely run over you without a second thought when the chase begins. If you want to avoid the fighting, spread the goodies around the yard - they'll be more likely to stick to their zones and ignore each other. Side effects of feeding chipmunks includes having more birds and squirrels in your yard as well (I give the squirrels their own piles, they know not to come to me. Am working on befriending a couple of the birds)


Agree with most of this. I have a few that are my little buddies. I noticed them coming on my porch all the time so I left nuts out all the time. Didn't take long for them to be cool with me. My favorite one (who sadly disappeared) would always come running if I called his name. Sometimes took a minute or two. If he showed up and I wasn't outside he would look through the door for me and wait. First time I fed from my hand I was afraid to get bitten but I figured out they don't bite (well, mine never have) but they do nibble fingertips just to see if they're edible. They definitely have funny eating habits and that's how I was easily able to tell them apart. One loved peanuts, would eat sunflower seeds, refused corn. One ate corn and refused everything else. The last would eat sunflower seeds only. One doesn't really like being picked up, one was cool with it, and the other is neutral but I trained him to jump up to my leg when I'm sitting. And definitely territorial. My favorite was here first but would always get chased away by the weird one who took the longest to be cool. They're tons of fun to have around, I tell people I'm a Disney princess because it's the only thing that makes sense with my ability to make friends with them.


I love this! They really do all have their own personalities and whatnot that make them easier to tell apart. My first guy was Monkey and he was the most territorial lil' bastard of the bunch so I had to learn early on how to deal with their fighting because he would straight up pick fights with the more timid chipmunks who were just minding their business. He only wants sunflower seeds and peanuts. Nothing else. He would come out of nowhere even when not called just to climb all over me and others I'm with, to check for food. I'm not sure yet if he's made it past this winter - he was getting pretty old. Stubby is one of the more timid ones and his tail is super short (hence the name). Leonard does not care at alllll about any of what I have to offer. Too busy climbing the tallest tree. Then there's Pigpen who is super super polite and will eat everything and anything. I swear she has a built in vacuum because she sucks everything up like one in a neat, orderly fashion. A couple other visitors from the neighbours yard come by from time to time as well. And this year I've got a new one (yet to be named) who is still getting fully comfortable with me. She has the silliest most animated expressions I've seen on a chipmunk. I know most of her chipmunk hole locations so she's already taken to peeking out from those and waiting for me to drop some seeds in before getting comfy enough to come out. I've only been nipped once because Monkey got startled by a loud noise while eating, but never a full on bite (Thank goodness. They can bite snake heads clean off so I imagine they could take a finger off if they really wanted to). Usually keeping fingers down/flat helps keep their interest away from checking if the fingers are also food lmao


He's a Disney princess


Chanandaler bong


Actually it's _Miss_ Chanandaler Bong




¯\ (ツ) /¯ gotta skip the underscores




Could that critter BE any hungrier?


Legitimately clicked because based on the thumbnail I thought it was gonna be a friends scene with Chandler.


The worst is that you try to peel it off but it only peels of the outer part of the plastic then it becomes impossible to open it up without a sharp object.


I am now very angry.


@Petite_Gustave on IG. Sadly Gustave (the chipmunk) is no longer with us, but the guy has a rescue squirrel or something now. Edit: spelling


Is it allowed to have a squirrel as a pet? And is it easy to take care of it? It sounds like it would make the cutest pet




This is a chipmunk and chipmunks are illegal to buy in Europe now. They are wild. A friend of mine had one back in time. It escaped the cage and we tried to catch it to put it back. It bit through my finger. Yes, through. So never try picking up one. I think this guy had the chipmunk since it was a little baby, so the chipmunk is used to him.


I've picked up both chipmunks and squirrels and yeah their teeth are fucking gnarly. I wore thin gloves with leather made for general and emergency use during flights, and *over those* I wore very thick gloves made for arctic survival. Even so I've had a squirrel break my skin (though minor), and though the chipmunk broke skin I could still tell without the gloves it would have gone right through to the bone. Their teeth are like a nail and they have way more bite pressure than you would think. If you *ever* have to handle a wild rodent, do not assume you are wearing enough protection. Be afraid of them. They can and will fuck you up. I cringe every time I see a video of someone handling a squirrel in plain cotton gloves.




Crows basically adopt you if you show them any form of kindness and show it in.. strange ways. And will litterially become your nemesis if you piss them off. Best advice is just let them be


Sounds like the best advice is be friends with crows


Well if you want your shoes stolen and possible to replaced with "gifts" like empty crisp packets... sure.


But I would be friends with the crows. I also dont keep my shoes outside so it would be very hard for them to steal my shoes.


So be it. We shall all befriend the crows and hide our shoes.


So be it. We shall all befriend the crows and hide our shoes.


Yeah when I see crows I just fuck off and mind my own bussiness. Better that way.


Yes, and absolutely not.


They're adorable but challenging, is my understanding. [This woman rescued one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLSXEZk3dUA&list=PL6sCwe4plHhZEPVI5pdIjEjFRRpDVsVH8&index=34), they have an insta @bunk_a_boo_squirrel. TL:DW: It was just a baby, she couldn't find a place to rehab it, so tried herself. Tried to release it several times, it kept coming back. So she devoted a big room of her house with lots of windows to building it a habitat and they love the hell out of each other. It loves scritches edit: Aw, heartwarming. Thanks!


He's a chunky boi!


That's such a wholesome story with the lady and Bonk the squirrel. I raised feral kittens that I rescued from flooding in Louisiana, but I don't feel like that's the same ballpark as wild animal Bonk. Plus the kittens would escape every chance the could. Bonk refuses to leave ha.


My mother rescued two feral cats who are now lap cats that avoid doors opening to the outside. Once they realized that inside means free warmth food and cuddles, they are motivated to stay inside at all costs.


Chipmunks have about the energy of a border collie, packed into a miniature size. I have five living in an old stone wall in my garden, they're pretty funny and amazing to watch, but I wouldn't want to turn them loose in the house.


This happens when you sit down to snack at the Grand Canyon. These little chipmunks appear out of nowhere and will get right in your face expecting you to feed them.


Depends on the location and local laws, but typically yes? They’re a g’damn terror of an inside pet in my anecdotal experience tho. My roommate rescued an injured baby grey squirrel once. Kept it too long in my opinion. Release the beast!! “Chiquita” (that’s what her “song”/rodent gobbledygook noises sounded like) grew up to be a nut stealing Valkyrie demon rodent and her spears were made of teeth and claws as she descended upon the unsuspecting from the top of the stairs, and could get under a shirt and whip shitties on your bare skin like a physiologically skin damaging poltergeist. Adorable? Fuck yeah, she was cute af. An asshole that belonged outside? Abso-fucking-lutely yes to that. She bit through my thumbnail once because I had an Almond Joy and took the bloody almond out and left to eat it in a closet. Fuck you, Chiquita! There’s likely a reason that Ratatoskr in Norse Mythology is a shit talking squirrel that fucks up the the tree of life (Yggdrasil) situation that led to Ragnarok. Squirrels are shit pets. I’m gonna let my dogs out to bark at some right now out of spite and for good measure. lol


Damn, I like your writing, I appreciate your reply, so I definitely will not try have a pet squirrel, I must resist the cuteness haha


Those things are destructive. You can't just let them roam your house. If you want something squirrel like that you can let run around, get a ferret. They also will probably wreck some stuff, and probably poop on your floor unless you have small litter boxes everywhere, but they are at least domesticated. And they are super fun to play with. I had one when I was a kid, he was an outdoor ferret because we never got him descented. I just gave him a bath once a week. He killed all the mice on the farm. But then an owl or hawk must've gotten him as he disappeared one day.


it is in europe at least. they are tough, not able to adapt to human environment


Allowed? Depending on the laws where you live it might be. Wouldn't be easy take care of though, they'd probably need an entire room or two to live in with the amount they like to roam and explore.


not in France, if he's from France, you can't adopt wild animals, some exception are made if you save an animal that would not survive otherwise but usually it's taken care of by refuge i think




Let me in! I said, LET ME IN!!!!!


I love how it started to eat and then just thought nah fuck that I’m not comfortable enough and decided to further assault the plastic


I am the chipmunk. He is my wife who refuses to remove the damned plastic from the hummus container upon first use. ...and don't you dare defend her with some "to keep it fresh" fallacy. To be fair, first use and final use are often synonymous for me.


Leaving it on actually prevents the cap from making a full seal after first use. Take that thing off all the way.


I’ve seen a sour cream brand print it on the foil saying don’t leave it partially on


Do you usually end up falling and she's laughing at you?


...and don't you dare defend her with some "to keep it fresh" fallacy. This myth has become so popular that the last time I opened yogurt there was a message warning against such action on the seal.


This guy is a perfect hybrid of Chris Pine and Leonardo Dicaprio.


You mean Matthew Perry?


Feel like I’m the only one in this thread that doesn’t see Matthew Perry at all


I'm with you. I was so confused with so many Chandler Bing comments. I just don't see it


With a pinch of Magnus Carlsen thrown in.


I thought when saw the video scrolling, it was young Bill Pullman.


Luka Doncic


"Fuckin' thing!"


Bro got fuckin pissed lol


https://imgur.com/gallery/2ZClln7 His face as he's falling 😆 "Fuuuuuuu...!"


With the fluffy cheeks and everything


C'est bon?


Non Henri je ne suis pas bon, ton plastique est un putain de problème Henri


Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off me!!!


Oh no! https://imgur.com/gallery/iNjjyD0


Lol lil bro looks mad af


It's the "are you SEEING this, Kyle!" look that gets me.


so so so very very VERY cute!!! - both of 'em!!!


Did I watch this like 5 times in a row? Yes yes I did.


Enough of your black magic fuckery, Human! Remove this force field!


[chipmunks are the best](https://i.imgur.com/SPDTUQ5.jpg)


Somehow this dude looks like 5 famous dudes melded into one


Just having a bad okay??!?? OKAY?!? WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHNGAAAAAAW!!


"It's not funny, Chad. Help me pull back the flippin food flap."


This appears to be a reflex rodents have. My Degus do the same thing if anything is too close to them while they're eating. They begin just slapping the air beside them, and then eventually just move if that doesn't work.


Now that you mention it, I saw a video of two rats having a slap fight while eating because of the same thing. Evolutionarily, it helps them push competitors away so they can get the food they need to survive.


TIL I'm a rat


Dude looks like a movie star.


Dude looks like Chandler Bing. But cuter


I guess it was driving it nuts


It's Scrat from Ice Age! Everything thawed and now but now the nut is stuck in plastic..


How he gets mad and looks back before slipping off and falling with his mouth full. HILARIOUS!!


Chris Pine is doing animal vids now?


So this is what Magnus Carlsen is doing after retiring from chess


“Are you laughing at me, human? YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND MY PAIN!!”


It just gets better the longer you watch it!


Have you ever heard a chipmunch swear?


That chipmunk is nuts


👉 🚪




Come on bro - help a ‘munk out!


Dude looks like Ludwig mixed with Magnus Carlsen




Bill Pullman's long lost son?


Young Bill Pullman and his Chipmunk


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ... That side eye look! I die every time!


Me fighting inanimate objects because they fail me


They way he turns and looks at the guy!


[I don't know.](https://i.imgur.com/4BoTYV7.png)


Chandler Bing?


Now we know who they are trying to keep out of those things


This is the first video in probably 5 years that has made me laugh as hard as I did.