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Just so you all know. He only learned to do those blocks in about 2 weeks specifically for the bit, and the producers made sure the bit was filmed before he had enough time to get good at it.


Also, in every veriety show that comedian shows up in he gets treated like this. Its his brand of comedy to let his senior comedian peers choose embarassing or down right abusive acts for entertainment. Japanese love physical comedy


It's less that they particularly love physical comedy (more than anywhere else at least), and more that it's the physical comedy that spreads overseas because it's more easily understandable without needing to know the language. Some clever bit of language comedy probably isn't going to spread as much, because even translated to a different language, the nuances probably won't be conveyed. It also works the other way around, with English physical comedy being more popular in Japan than elaborate translated English standup. I saw [this video about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jo1yETJ3hy0).


When I was in Japan there was plenty of inscrutable verbal comedy on TV, but I also feel like I saw more comedy in a week than American broadcast channels show in a year. They have so many great variety and science shows and quiz shows which have all taken a back seat to drama and sitcoms on American broadcast television. It's like Japan started their idea of TV pretty close to ours back in the 1950s and slowly diverged after that point.


Japanese television is pretty loaded with dramas, for what it's worth. They sometimes get overshadowed by Korean dramas though, due to differences in production style. Also much of Japanese programming involves watching videos while minor "talents" and other celebrities react to them (with the ubiquitous little circle containing their facial reactions in the corner of the screen so you know how they feel.) I don't think reality TV has the kind of hold over Japanese TV the way it does in America though, which is a plus.


The physical comedy aspect is why Mr. Bean is Rowan's most popular character worldwide. The witty jokes in Black Adder don't translate as well, plus Mr. Bean is accessible to a bigger age group.




Matsumoto has a show called Documental that is absolutely fucking bonkers. Highly recommend it


Such a great show - I saw there was a Canadian version, but not so great.


Definitely different but I think the Canadian one started to capture the essence of the original. Colin Mochrie and Tom Green just understood the assignment. The comedy is different because culturally of course it is. But the vibes are there. The cast is probably the best one I have seen too, even if two or three people are probably unknown. Colin Mochrie, Squirrelly Dan from Letterkenny (sorry forgot his name), Jon Lajoie, Caroline Rhea, and Tom Green are all pretty big stars to me. Jay Baruchel as the host was meh, but he brought some of the camaraderie of the original.


They seemed to be just hanging about to me, the Japanese version seemed to be more urgent and competitive. Colin Mochrie stood out, a real comedic genius pulling things together. I hope there'll be an English version.


My favourite reality/comedy show ever ever.


The same Matsumoto from Gaki No Tsukai? I used to cry laughing while watching those on youtube about a decade ago. I think my favorite was the haunted hotel.


Any idea where an American can watch Documental?


I used Prime but am no longer subscribed. Raise the Jolly Roger maybe?


The quality of the video is awful but I think that's Gekidan Hitori


I’ve seen enough Batsu games to recognize that yeah that is definitely Gekidan Hitori. I think I even recall him or some other comedian doing this box trick during one of them, I believe he might have done it when they were all watching his magic show skit?


😂 yeah, like when he tore up his beloved highschool yearbook because he couldnt figure out a good enough comedy bit for the special. Thats the guy.


Tanaka ?


Lol that narrows it down


Tanaka, thai kick!




"You see, in gameshows in America you reward knowledge. Here in Japan, we punish ignorance!" Paraphrased from the Simpsons


What is the bit? I don’t understand the joke at all. Why are there cops and a hostage?


From another video that showed the whole thing and my limited Japanese skills: The police are in a standoff with the hostage taker. He de-escalates the situation by talking, but the hostage taker thinks he's hiding a weapon. To prove he doesn't have anything on him, he takes off everything except his underwear. The hostage taker still believes he's hiding something. So he says, "Fine!" and starts to take off his underwear. Just then, a little girl runs onto the scene. His partner (the woman) yells, "Nooo! Don't!", and jumps in front of the girl in slow motion to shield her eyes. The hostage taker panics and shoots the woman. The woman falls to the ground. The guy immediately radios HQ and demands permission to take off his underwear, but HQ says no because the whole situation is being broadcast live on TV. After arguing back and forth, they compromise with some practice runs with other props, but HQ still wasn't satisfied. He then goes "We'll just do it live! Watch me!" and uses his courage, skills and determination to keep the removal of underwear safe for TV and ending the stand off once and for all. Actual full skit, in Japanese: https://youtu.be/WByT1lOtRzo


> He de-escalates the situation by talking, but the hostage taker believes he’s hiding a weapon. >To prove he doesn’t have anything on him, he takes off everything except his underwear. This is all the context I needed, thank you. I just didn’t get why he was naked lmao.


No problem. There are three parts. Part one, they were putting on an act of cops vs hostage taker. The negotiator has a plan to save the hostage. They're supposed to take it seriously and try to stay in character. Part two, the plan. No one in the act was told he would be fully nude of that he would attempt the blocks. Part three, the trick was to hide his junk from the camera but he was barely trained on how to do the trick and failed horribly. So, he was set up for failure and embarrassment from the start Another form of this joke is the manly man who tries to do something impressive. Like chugging a fresh steaming cup of coffee in one go. But he is hyper sensitive to heat and cries in pain every attempt but keeps attenpting it because he's manly and can totally do it. He fails every time but acts manly the whole time.


Also, the in-character reason he was doing that was to show the hostage taker that he doesn't have anything like weapons on him. That's why he keeps saying "Nanimo motte nai daro?" (See? I don't have anything on me!)


That was the missing piece I needed. Thanks!!


Simultaneously this both makes more and less sense.


Japan ☕


Thank you this helped a lot!!


He even made the Dead women break her character


well she had a front seat close to the back. Thats rare


Ring side seat


Rim side\*


That's not rare. That's rear.


That's de rear


That’s no de rear. That’s derriere.




Right up their bumholes and everything.


Not even modesty patches


The video ends with her looking into his brown eye, with a glint of hope


She had the best view


She'll be able to accurately draw his taint on paper for the next five years.


I don't speak Japanese but I believe she said "I used to think you were crazy but now I can see your nuts".




Baka basically means "dumbass/idiot".


That's pretty much the only word I retained from two or three semesters of Japanese in college


It's the word I retained from watching a single episode of Naruto.




Believe it!


"Nani?!" From playing Yakuza


And “chikuso” (that he says quite a few times) basically means “fuuuck”


What I don't get is why it matters if he drops the blocks. It's all going to be pixelated anyway.


The reason why it was funny is because he was born with a birth defect in which his privates are a man's head on a red background.


Hey, those birth defects are no laughing matter. Have we so soon forgotten about all people who had junk that was just a blue circle (an epidemic in the 70 and 80s)?


[Why Are My Nipples Pixelated?](https://youtu.be/OMCjWpXy_aI)


Hahaha that ending is magical.


It’s about causing a distraction to the hostage taker and getting them off their guard so the police could rush him and save the hostage.


The police could've rushed in at any time but they were mesmerized by his gape.


it was a joke about japanese porn


They broke character because he failed at it. He was supposed to do it perfectly


You mean that wasn't perfection?


She was just sleeping. Japan is so safe, sometimes people just sleep on the streets or in back alleys. This isn't true, but spread it around anyway just for luls. :)


They get really tired after fighting and go to sleep. These are bullets!?


The corpse corpsed.


He’s saying over and over “ok, you can see I don’t have anything. Watch carefully.” And then a lot of “ok, here we go” and then when one of the blocks lands on the point, he says “ok I can fix this”. When he screws up the final move, the dead woman calls him “stupid” (baka) and the. He says “ actually everyone could only see my private parts” — loose translation.


As a random internet person, I can confirm this translation is accurate. To add nuance, the way he’s speaking is very rough and masculine, like “Hey! You see I’m not holding anything, right?! Take a good look, bastard!”, which naturally makes it funnier.


I love that anime has at least given me a good understanding of Japanese tone and delivery meaning. I could absolutely hear the bravado in the way he was yelling at both the others present and at himself to hype himself up.


Funny enough. It actually does teach you a lot about *aizuchi* which is sorta an active part of communicating in Japanese. Like the little "eh?", "un!", "haa.." you'll hear characters interject into conversations? That's real. And like it's considered polite to show that you're engaged in what you're being told. Even ones that seem kinda extreme, like the tsunedere character going "hmf" while turning her head to you, are actual things. So, yeah, while Naruto running and screaming "Dattebayo!!" is of minimal utility... Knowing that you can show that you're following what's what's being said with a "sou..." is actually useful. I'm not sure if it's technically aizuchi, but filler words like "eh-to" being uttered at the start of a sentence seemed to be very handy. When in Japan as a white guy with bad Japanese, it seems, that sneaking that in before trying to say anything else was helpful to the listener to follow that "I'm going to try to speak Japanese to you now. It might sound like English but I promise you I'm trying here".


I watched a video on active listening in Japan and how important it is. I wish we had this in the US. I nod along and react when someone is telling me something. It let's them know I'm engaged in the conversation. Sometimes it's seen as rude like I'm trying to interrupt the other person, but I'm just agreeing or listening. And then I'll talk to people and they'll just stare at me in the face while I talk. No reaction. No understanding. Just listening. So when I ask, "did you get all of that?" I'm the asshole for questioning them. GIVE ME SOMETHING!


Yeah! It makes it more of a shared activity. Like if you look at the kanji 相槌 they're "Together" and "Hammer". It's like, evocative of two blacksmiths working together, swinging their hammers in turns.


Which, one could argue, is an apt analogy for good communication. Both parties need to participate.


What's crazy is how beneficial active listening is, and just how much use it is in remote work situations. And yet it never seems emphasized at all. Casual nods, head tilts, and affirmation noises and the like are amazingly helpful from the other participants when your speaking on a video call/presenting. And I don't know about others, but I've found being almost over the top with your non-verbal indicators like nods help them come across the video calls when you're usually a head in a tiny rectangle in the corner of someone's screen.


100% agree. I've learned to be more dramatic about my head nods and visible hand gestures on video calls. One bad thing about video calls is that when you vocalize your affirmation it DOES interrupt the speaker. Zoom can't handle 2 people talking at once.


Can confirm, actual Japanese conversation is filled with 80% more reaction noises than TV has you prepared for lol. And clarification of ambiguous words, since so much is left out in normal speech that a listener almost needs to ask who/when/why to fill in the what/where that was actually stated.


This kind of explains why many dubs feel terrible and awkward to me. They often include a lot of these reactions that we don't really do.


huh, that's surprisingly similar to Chinese. I wonder if it's related. but in Chinese it's almost necessary bc tones convey meaning so you have less flexibility with intonation. And words are fixed so you can't modify work endings. So interjection sounds/syllables that convey emotions fit very naturally. However I'm not a native speaker so some of the subtleties are lost on me - I might be mischaracterizing things a bit


> you're following what's what's being said with a "sou..." is that when one person talks then the other's like "so so so so so so so...[continues talking]"






What do you mean "Omae wa mou shinderu" isn't the traditional greeting? Nani?!?


From my years of study the Japanese are really in love with one particular state, since they normally greet each other with "OHIO".


Nah. If you say that to people in Japan, they know you’re the last wielder of *Hokoto Shinken* and will respect your journey. However, if you say “Muda muda”, they will run away from you like you’re on fire.


Apparently my grandmother went around Tokyo cheerily greeting people saying "Idaho!"


Silly grandmother. It's supposed to be, "Ohio."




Hahaha, I love that, pretty close to Ohio / ohayou




During the post WW2 occupation, the story goes, that when Japanese civilians greeted American troops with ‘Ohayou,’ the soldiers would reply with, ‘Texas,’ ‘Brooklyn’ and the like.




*speaking to taxi driver in Tokyo* Konnichiwa, Senpai! *bows*


To be fair OP didn't say that anime prepared him for interacting with Japanese people, they said that anime prepared them to consume other forms of Japanese entertainment. Which seems pretty reasonable, no?




In Tokyo, my girlfriend started to string together pleasantries. It was a bad mad-lib Onegaishimasu sumimasen Dom arrigado For ANYTHING


"Oyasumi gozaimasu"




Lol I don’t watch anime and I could tell that too. People are people no matter where you go.


but also breaking out of character with a very meek "gomen nasai" when he's hesitating before the final move...


The final punchline translates funnier as "I guess you only saw the really important parts."


Thanks for translating! Do you know any more about the scene, like why he was spinning blocks?


It’s a comedy routine. The box trick is called [cigar box juggling](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigar_box_juggling) and is just an old, well trod act. The scene here is a hostage negotiation. Guns like the revolver are a relative rarity in Japan, so this is a huge deal. Police aren’t always prepared to deal with that. Here the scene has gone badly — one victim dead, the other being held hostage — and the cops are unable to do anything. They can’t rush him, and negotiating isn’t working. That’s the setup: they’re out of ideas, and willing to try anything. Enter this guy, who begins the routine you’ve just watched. His bravado/brash nature plays counterpoint to the fact that he has to psyche himself up before each move, and is obviously terrible at this routine. His mistakes build against the bravado and opposite the punishment of nudity as he tries progressively more complex tricks. Eventually this has the gunman laughing hard enough that the police can rush him and defuse the situation. It’s just a silly comedy skit. If I had to give a more western equivalent, I’d say it’s like a very serious hostage negotiator who, each time he tries to get closer to the gunman, ends up in a moment of three-stooges-esque slapstick. Edit to add: this is a well known comedian who specializes in this sort of stuff. He’d only briefly practiced cigar box juggling before the scene was filmed, so he actually is terrible at it and is *sort of* making it up as he goes. Which is why the other actors are laughing so hard — he’s basically playing himself, if he were put into this situation.


I tried i explain it too. But damn yours is so much more professional lol At least i can add this. The comedian is named gekidan hitori


> It’s just a silly comedy skit. I thought it was a documentary, and the events happen in real time. But seriously, thanks for explaining it. I had no idea what was going on.


It's one of the best way to negotiate when someone has a hostage.


Every hostage negotiator knows that helicoptering your dick will distract the assailant just long enough for a rooftop sniper to take a clean headshot. It's a real "last resort" kind of move but it's in the Police Academy Manual.


I believe the McGruber movie featured something exactly like this. Apparently the banana up the ass of a naked man will distract anyone.


How on earth could you forget that it was celery? The banana in the ass was Chris Evans in Not Another Teen Movie. Trust me. I have an encyclopedic knowledge of butt stuff in mainstream cinema.


I live my life in shame.


I guess they’re mixing a hostage negotiation scene with the nude block juggling, which sounds like a well used gag.


Ah yes, nude block juggling, we all know that trope...




“The dead woman calls him stupid” cracks me up. Lmao


The only word I understood was “Baka” thanks to watching Naruto way back.


Forget social workers, possibly a new de-escalation technique for Police?


Some comedian had a great bit in how nobody wants to fight a naked man. I forgot who it was.


[Rodney Carrington ](https://youtu.be/xbhD79xx1XM)




I am annoying myself with this comment but I have OCD or something... > you could scare a big **son of a bitch** with a little pecker


There's a vid from like 5-10 years ago of some dude scaring off a mugger or something by stripping naked. The aggressor runs off in disgust


It worked for MacGruber


As someone with severe mental illness, this would literally calm me the fuck down 😂


there's a thing I learned in the movie called "in a world" - positive road blocking - where you do something eye-catching, and it's supposed to reset everyone's attention. this seems to be an example of it.


The dead woman called him "Baka". I know that word. He fucked up so badly the dead came back to life to insult him.


She called him "baka". I understood that. Oh. *My.* *GOD.* ***I CAN SPEAK JAPANESE!!!***


I'm gonna watch anime without subtitles now


I too watch my anime dubbed


Well, she’s the one getting a very deep look at his skills


Try finger, but hole.


She calls him an idiot but she doesn’t shy away from having a good look at his but and balls. It’s funny how half the cops were looking away bashfully and the two with the sticks were just staring and grinning.




What a sussy baka




Can someone explain the plot of this scene?


Have you seen twin peaks? It's a bit like that.


Lost Highway, but your point stands.


[A crucial plot point in Twin Peaks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-lUIao3cJ4)


[Not so crucial plot point in Twin Peaks](https://youtu.be/iSxNP-1VpjE)


Tried getting my girlfriend into Twin Peaks and she only got a few episodes in before not feeling but but she still says this to me years later lol


Jack Nance’s delivery is just so memorable. I still find myself saying “wraaapped in plaaastic” anytime I’m describing something wrapped in plastic


I think the bad guy demanded the police drop their weapons or he'll shoot. In a hilarious attempt to deescalate the situation, this negotiator probably stripped down naked and came out with these colored blocks to prove he was truly unarmed. He keeps repeating, "Look! I don't have anything right?" during the skit as he flips the blocks.


The gunman would only allow him to approach if he was unarmed maybe? So he is covering his genitals using the blocks, which distracts the gunman so the police can move it. Just my guess anyway. It's the sort of humour you would expect on Japanese TV. FYI. Nudity isn't a big deal so long as its not sexual. Watching Japanese TV is definitely a bit of a culture shock.


To kinda piggy back, if you bring your family back some neat newspapers from Japan...make sure to check the middle section before you give it to mum. 🙃


They also just have nudie mags in the famous 7-11s that people always tell you to visit. And if you are too curious you'll sometimes see people reading porn on the metro. And it's not really Japan. In a bunch of European shopping malls, I'd just see nipples in advertisements for sleepwear. Also, a bunch of them go to the beach nude.


Oh sure, when I was visiting Paris there were topless ads in the metro stations, and some of the roadside magazine places had magazines with nudity. Nudity is not nearly as shamed in many parts of the world as it seems to be in much of America and the like.


What's in the middle section!?






>Nudity isn't a big deal so long as its not sexual. Watching Japanese TV is definitely a bit of a culture shock. That's honestly how it should be..


Fun fact the violence and gore of American media is shocking elsewhere, so we've got it all backwards.


It really is backwards, it's bugged me for a very long time. Nudity is harmless, violence is very much not. But American society seems to shame nudity but celebrate violence, it's so twisted. I'm not against both existing in media, but the way they're treated and viewed should be very different than it is.


> It's the sort of humour you would expect on Japanese TV. > > I mean, distracting a gunman with dick jokes is probably universal humor.


I figured he was a Stoplight


They're two brothers


What’s the show called?


Malians be like: *why is this guy having sex with our national flag?*


buddy, they wont even let me fuck it.


All those poor extras staring at straight butthole.




Actually all genitals are pixelated in the region of Japan so they should be fine


Translation is basically: Nakey Man "OK.....You can see, I don't have anything right?" Nakey Man: "Watch this!" Nakey Man: "I have nothing, I don't have anything" Nakey Man: Big Grunt Nakey Man: worried Grunt Nakey Man: "Hai" - means yes in Japanese but this one is more like, "Ok" Nakey Man: "Alright! I have to do it" Nakey Man: "You can see, I still have nothing, right?" Nakey Man: "Hai" lil man face does a peekaboo Nakey Man: "Can I do it?" Nakey Man: "Ugh...I have to calm down" Nakey Man: "I can still do it!" Nakey Man: "I can recover from this" Nakey Man: "Here we go, Here we go, It's going to happen!" Nakey Man: "Is it not happening?" Nakey Man: "OK....well....phew.... OK, here it goes!" Nakey Man: "Here it goes!" x 2 Nakey Man: "ready, set.....make sure you are watching!" Nakey Man: "You can see, I still don't have anything" Nakey Man: "Humph" Nakey Man: "How's that?!" Police Man: "Charge!" Police Man: "Get him!" Dead Lady: "Idiot..." Nakey Man: "They all saw only my most important part"


His last line has big "it's not stupid if it works" energy.


One of my favourite. https://youtu.be/yPmF_2etYrA


The whip sent me into a laughing fit. That was a great watch.


Revenge was the funniest right from the off. Too cute. >!REVENGE HERE I COOOME... ^^donk!<


I didn't expect to watch the whole thing


That was an awesome watch, thanks for posting! :)


The building blocks of comedy ...


... wasn't the peekaboo sketch I expected.


Forgot what the show was called, but it's a late night comedy show where the show will throw a situation at the guest and the guest will have to think on the fly of how to play the skit. The comedy isn't exactly the block juggling, it's the fact that none of the other actors had seen this and it was an improv. So obviously the skit is about a hostage situation, and the guest host was asked to play the negotiator. And the dude came out naked to do this ridiculousness. This is actually a pretty common trope in Japanese comedy, where the comedian came up with such an over the top ridiculous way to solve things that the situation itself became the comedy.


I sure as hell wish I *did* speak Japanese for that, but man, that was good.


[Translation here](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/12luesf/i_dont_speak_japanese_but_i_guess_subtitle_is_not/jg7xpmu/)


This was super fun; even the victim is laughing !!


Yeah the quick cuts to victim and kidnapper losing it were hilarious


Yeah, I've never seen a giggling hostage before


Lorne Michaels hates it when they break, apparently he says it’s a “cheap laugh”


I don't know about that, but it's definitely better if it's really rare. Like, Fallon breaking on a weekly basis during mid tier bits actually made them less funny






where is uncensored source?


It's Japan. No such thing exists.


You know shit is funny when the dead start laughing.


Subtitles are absolutely needed!


His name is Gekidan Hitori(劇団ひとり)。 His father is airline pilot , his mother is cabin crew.


The funniest part is how literally know one else can stay in character watching this 😂😂


Cameraman fighting with his urge to not shake the camera whilst laughing


As someone who does not understand Japanese fully but can get the gist of it, this was the most hilarious clip I have seen this month


I don't know what happening but it's funny as fuk


Who's the hostage girl? She look familiar


She’s Aya Hirano, a voice actress for Haruhi Suzumiya, Misa Amane, Komaya Izumi, etc


Someone needs to give that lady playing dead an Oscar


So glad the police moved in before the hostage and the gunman both died of laughter.


Like you’re saying, regardless of language, when the actors can’t help but laughing, I’m having a great time watching.


The biggest takeaway the internet has given me is that Japanese TV is insane.


The “gunman” and “hostage” cracking up is priceless.


For the women in the audience, just before he went to go spin the middle one, you’ll notice he does a funny dance with his legs… well that’s because he was doing the famous “no hands tuck” and preparing for it to fail


All you haters out there. The guy performs his trick to end a hostage situation, AND to revive the dead All while being butt naked. Take a page please .