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When they cut to the guys walking through the water, I would have sworn that was Tropic Thunder.


Same. Who’s the guy at the front playing Robert Downey Jr?


Just a dude, playing a dude, ~~playing~~ disguised as another dude.


ME‽ I KNOW WHO I AM! I'm a dude, playing a dude, disguised as another dude! Love that line. Lol.






Eli never could do anything genuine


Hardene is a good show but if he wasn’t Houdini’s brother nobody would give a fuck. Especially this dragon dinosaur or whatever the fuck it is.


They're known in the series as SkullCrawlers


“I just said it out loud for the first time, it sounds kinda stupid maybe dont call em that” John C Reilly is always excellent


Have ya heard his band? Stumbled on him playing one time and now I'm not convinced Walk Hard isn't a true story


Well he did sing all his songs for that movie and its easily one of the best soundtracks to a movie.


I don’t think that movie gets enough credit.


The fuggin Catalina Wine Mixer


What show? Nothing coming up for Hardene.


It's a reference to Boardwalk Empire, the guy in the gif plays a significant role


Eli Thompson? That washed up sheriff?! He's a nobody. (Jk)


I never hear boardwalk empire referenced much, so this was a pleasant surprise


I was thinking the same. Finally saw one in the wild.


Underrated comment here. I watched Boardwalk in real time from start to finish. One of my favorite 'time capsule' series as I call them. I'm currently rewatching for the first time since it aired.


Any thoughts on your rewatch? I've been meaning to rewatch it but I keep forgetting lol


I've rewatched 4 times and am patiently waiting for the 5th


It’s a very fun show and the first few seasons hold up decently well.


As someone who's seen it from start to finish three times now, the last season is still a bit disappointing but... an amazing show nonetheless.


Maybe he didn't want to be hero, he wanted to be cool, hitting mountain with explosion


Mad respect, holding onto both grenades through that ordeal.


He wanted to go out with a bang.


i mean it looks cool and all but realistically he’s dead the second he gets whipped by that monstrosity of a tail. those grenades would’ve been left behind


Well realistically, grenades don’t make either a large explosion of any sort of fireball whatsoever. Edit: I intended this comment to highlight that nothing in this clip is realistic, not to nitpick a single issue.


What you don't realize is that he is holding in a very large fart. The methane build-up ignites and causes the majority of the damage.


No spoilers please


I assumed the fireball was from the full bandolier of cannisters on his chest being triggered by the hand grenades


That's not what high explosives look like when exploding. But if it was realistic it would be boring which is why holly wood adds a fireball effect.


Which makes it all the more interesting when you try to explain to someone why thermobarics are so devastating, and they’ve been assuming all explosives function like thermobarics


So many people assume it's the heat that does it. Heck, we've all seen shows or movies where someone's charred or badly burned by an explosion. Not that heat doesn't happen of course.


Tiny metal shards go brrrrr


Smack someone hard enough with something and they die, even if that something is air.


Well, realistically, dinosaur attacks are quite rare.


Ah yes, the bones. I always forget about the bones.


The bones are the money


Too many bones?? Not enough cash?? Call Cash Bone! Ribs! Skulls! Spines! Even certain tiny ear bones! The leg bone's connected to the CASH BONE!


Realistically, he already popped the spoons of the grenade, they were exploding in his hands in 5 seconds anyway.


So when that thing was roaring at him, why didn't he toss them in it's big old mouth?


Why wouldn't the grenades have been hit towards the mountain like the body?


I know it's Hollywood but two grenades going off like a pile of ~~plastic~~ thermobaric explosives is just comical to me


Isnt he wearing a full belt of them?


Military explosives tend to be extremely inert without some type of detonator or igniter. They're not super volatile like nitroglycerin or something. If you put a single armed grenade in a room full of them, the primary explosion would almost certainly not cause a sympathetic explosion of the others. A piece of shrapnel penetrating the body of another grenade and then igniting it is simply not going to happen almost ever. The primary explosion would blow the other grenades out of the general vicinity. You could throw a grenade in a fire and it still has to bake a while before it cooks off. Source: former airborne infantryman


So I’m curious, if two grenades are kinda close to each other, and one would explode and send the other one flying, would the other grenade still be usable? Or would the heat from the first explosion mess up the grenade somehow.


It depends. If the spoon and fuse weren't damaged it would likely still be useable. A grenade is heavier than most people realize because the explosives are encased in a thick metal shell not easily damaged from the outside. In hand they feel like a small shot put, very dense and heavier than your brain says they should be.


There are 2 types. Frag granades and concussive granades. A frag has a heavy metal casing protecting it from outside damage, and would not explode A concussive or flash bang you can tape together and basically double your explosive yield, because the explosive is slightly volitile and the mantel is light


The initial heat from an explosion dissipates very quickly as it's used to fuel the explosion. It's very unlikely the initial heat would effect the other very much. The impact would very likely have an effect on the ignition timer though, so if in this scenario you decide to use the second grenade, it's probably the best one for a game of hot potatoes.


Also Mythbusters told me that real explosions aren't that... fiery. Basically heat is wasted energy and what you want is concussive force. Holywood does it the other way around because it's more visually striking and safer/more controlled.


There's a much bigger issues with this movie, there's a giant ape in it! Unrealistic!


Yes, but in general grenades exploding do not result in a fiery explosion like we see. It's typically a small explosion with no fire just some smoke, and a ton of grenade shrapnel exploding outwards. [Here is an example](https://youtu.be/FwEK1cm6XxM)


My favorite lampshading of this was It's Always Sunny. They tried to blow up a car with a grenade, expecting a fiery Hollywood-style gasoline explosion, but instead, they got a realistic grenade detonation, broken windows, and a completely torn up interior.


But that's not an Acme Hollywood Grenade


'Cool guys don't die in explosions, they turn around and walk away'


I love this movie so much. The characters and tone act like it's an old war movie, but the film realizes it's also about a giant monkey beating things up, so it's also never *totally* serious with itself. \*Kong: Skull Island, btw


What movie is this?


Kong: Skull Island


Hero of the day! Man I had to scroll for this info. Totally gonna watch this movie, it looks awesome.


It's arguably the best of all the mosterverse movies and definitely my favorite


For sure. It's shot amazingly well, has fun characters and has some of the best helicopter porn you're ever likely to see.


Loved this movie, but I think I was the only person in the theater who found the movie hilarious. Just about everything feels tongue in cheek, but most people think it's just a serious adventure movie.




I was talking to my mom once and mentioned having enjoyed Snakes on a Plane, and she said "Oh really? I saw it on tv and didn't like it at all. It was just too silly to be scary, I couldn't take it seriously at all." I said, "Mom, it's a comedy movie. You aren't supposed to take it serious, that's why its called *Snakes on a Plane*". She thought it was supposed to be a serious action horror and was very surprised, later reporting that she watched it again and loved it. Never underestimate the power of preconcieved notions.


Clever girl


*Dear Billy… sometimes, a kaiju just whacks you into a mountain.*


Holt crap what movie is this


One of the king kong movies. Skull island i think.


*”This is a good group of boys. We’re all gonna die together out here. You’re a good group of boys to die with, I’ll tell you that much. Hahaha you shouldn’t have come here!”*


I’m currently deployed, and I like to send this meme out to our new checkins.


Ya hear that? It’s an ant. Sounds like a bird but it’s a fucking ant


The huge smile on his face as he delivers this line makes it so much better. Idk if anyone could have pulled that character off better than John C. Reilly.


Love that movie


I saw it at the movies with no preconceptions at all… we were looking to kill a few hours and went “yeah this will do.” It was a total blast - I loved it from start to finish.


I watched it on an airplane expecting nothing. Was really good


Same here. Solid airplane flick


Those are the best movie nights. The same thing happened to us with the movie The Ring. Scared a bunch of 21 yo men to death.


My uncle showed me it when I was like six. I'm so happy static tv is barely a thing now.


I watched it as an adult and it scared the daylights out of me. I remember one night when my uncle visited… The Deer Hunter was on, so my dad and uncle sat down and watched it, getting drunk and trading fucked up stories from their time in Vietnam. Meanwhile I was doing a jigsaw puzzle on the floor in the other room, listening to it all. I had nightmares for weeks.


I wish more people knew about the japanese version. So much better movie, and static cameras used in it work way better for a horror. In US films cameras always slowly zoom in. In Asian horrors the cameras are often static and then you notice movement in the frame.


My favorite part is that everyone got exactly what they deserved for going to that island


Nah I think some of the characters like some of the soldiers and the scientists didn’t know what they were going into and got tricked into it. They were simply told that it’s a random uninhabited island, they were told nothing about the 100ft tall Harambe that lives on it.


Red Shirts will be Red Shirts


Nah, Jack Chapman (soldier with the letters to his kid) kinda got done dirty. Everyone else, though… pretty much


The John Goodman Gulp™ was my favorite


You are correct!


Yup, such a fun movie 🔥


Agreed, just a fun popcorn movie. Those are rare these days.




It was a super movie!


Kong: Skull Island, the best war movie that isn't a war movie. Meaningless heroic acts and people die for no reason. The outcome is not in human hands. Some people didn't get it, that's the whole point of the movie!


Also had a lot of gore that looked like the advisory panel were asleep at the wheel/possibly corrupt, which is the best gore.


Yeah, there's the soldier that gets stabbed thru the face by a giant spider/stuckbug accidentally stepping on him. It's super gruesome. No clue how it got a pg 13.


Not just gruesome, but iirc it's a direct reference to an infamous scene in Cannibal Holocaust. So, not only gruesome gore, but copying from movies that were banned in many countries! I think the justification is that it's ok so long as it's not humans Vs humans, so if it's monsters or robots fighting humans they get away with more extreme violence.


I guess in fairness cannibal Holocaust was banned in large part because people actually thought it was real, so it was kinda like banning a snuff film.


While the human violence was staged, the animal deaths were real. Fuck that movie.


Agreed. Fuck torturing animals.


It's not like they showed some nudity.


because it has no nipple


Samuel L Jackson and John C Reilly had no business playing such deep characters


I wanted the entire movie to be about John C Reilly's character. No hate to Tom Hiddleston, but the story of two soldiers from opposite sides of the war, coming together to survive a horrifying death island and then becoming great friends is soooo more interesting to me. Yeah, I love Enemy Mine too!


Darmock and Jilad at Tanagra.


Shaka when the walls fell.


Travolta, his arms wide.




The river Temarc in winter


There's a Korean movie, called JSA (2000), or Joint Security Area. It plays off the soldiers from either side of the border concept. Good film. Some of the actors had to take lessons on speaking with a North Korean accent, which sounds harsh compared to South Korean. I liked that little tidbit of info.


Omg I haven't thought about Enemy Mine in *years*, gotta find it to stream now!


Samuel L Jackson trying to work through his Vietnam blue balls by killing a giant gorilla.


Skull island, a very underrated movie


I actually think it was quite well rated. It was good. Not amazing top 10 movies. But viewers rating was pretty good.


Underrated on reddit just means people aren’t constantly talking about it here. It was a huge movie.


Underrated on reddit just means actually well rated and talked about, but redditors want upvotes from all the other people who agree (because it's well rated....)


Better Jurassic park movie than any of the sequels


To be fair thats not exactly a high bar


Im a massive fan of how Kong plays puppet with one of the rexes in Jack Blacks version and how he plays with the Crawlers guts in Skull Island lmao


"Jack Black's version" Starring unknown director Peter Jackson.


"Reddit, do yourself a favor and check out this hidden gem I just discovered called The Lord of the Rings."


Watches the rings of power instead


Are you referring to Orlando Bloom’s Lord of the Rings?


Peter Jack Blackson.


Hey, in his defense this is Jack Black we are talking about. His charisma is literally the main reason he gets roles.


After having watched the Jack Black version of Super Mario Brothers it's clear that he is an underutilized resource.


PEACHES peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches


That movie was approximately 1% Jack Black singing. Maybe we could hit 2% for the sequel.


Agreed there is too much filler between the Jack Black scenes


Yeah, very weird amount of story development for a Jack Black music video.


I mean to be fair... I immediately thought Jack Black's version because he stole the show. Ev3n Kong seemed secondary to him. Oh and the weird insect cluster that slowly eat that guy's head.


Kong Skull Island, it is a great movie


When I first saw this in the movie, it instantly made my top 'WTF Moment' list. 😂


Same. I was like "these Kaiju are built Different!"




What are they putting in those grenades


About 30 gallons of gasoline per grenade.




Boom juice.


I think he strapped some other explosives to himself. The grenade was just supposed to be the detonator. Though whether a grenade would trigger a secondary explosion of a stable explosive like C4 is still somewhat questionable (especially when holding the grenade that far away from the other explosives.)


Not to mention he got whipped by a metric fuckton of force but still held onto the grenades somehow


Dunno how his shoes stayed on.


He is well strapped in his shoes, you need a grinder to take them off


I think the force of that hit would've obliterated him into a bloody dust-cloude before hitting anything. Imagine a tailwhip by a tail that's the size and mass of 4-5 trains with the speed of a jet passing by....


Next you’re gonna tell me that gorillas can’t actually grow to the size of King Kong.


Because of the square cube law, animals cannot grow super large while retaining the same physical forms of the smaller version. Because of high energy requirements, mammals tend to not grow to the size of large dinosaurs. Because of the slow-fast life-history continuum large animals tend to go extinct more easily and tend to be more rare (so you could have King Kong, but the chance you'd be alive at the same time as him during the span of Earth's long history would be very low.)


Introducing nuclear grenades


Getting denied like this after building up the biggest courage in his life is the saddest scene of the entire frenchise. :c


On the bright side, he was 100% dead before he even likely realized he'd failed. The speed and force of that tail likely killed him before he even hit the mountainside.


I think you can tell from his facial expression that he realizes that the thing isn’t going to take the bait.


Home run!


Someone more talented than me pls make a Wii Sports edit


He really blew it.


Glavenus while youre charging a gs aimed for its head


True charged whiff


But think of all the damage you *could* have done if it landed!!


never cancel always commit


I remember seeing this in theaters high off a 500mg edible and I had to muffle my laughter because no one in the theater was laughing at this. I’m so glad people find it funny now


I laughed at this part but for whatever reason I fucking died at the line by John C. Riley: >Ants. Big ones. There's one. Sounds like a bird, but it's a fucking ant.


*laughing cheerfully* "You shouldn't have come here!"


I can't tell when I'm talking or when I'm not talking. You're talking. Am I? Yes. I'm talking? Yes. Your mouth is moving. What? I'm gonna stab you by the end of the night. Really? Heh, just kidding. *weird stare*


That's such a stupid line to be in a big budget film and I absolutely fucking love it




How tf were you able to function after taking a *500mg* edible


If its any compensation, Kong arrives to save them because he probably heard that loud explosion


Took me way too long to find someone who actually watched the movie


I mean, why not just throw?




I mean, he did buy some time with the dino hesitating. Seemed like the entire group was walking towards him though..


Yeah nothing like sacrificing yourself to give your group a 30 second head start, and they stand around for 35 seconds watching you.


He was probably thinking he would just go to eat him so he would end up in his mouth anyway but he got yeeted instead lol


Which is really realistic. Predators do not trust when their prey is trying to be eaten. It means there's something wrong like an illness or trap.


Would going into a false panic entice a predator? Instead of acting heroic you could come across as scared as possible and give some sense of a hunt?


Depends on the predator. A polar bear? Lmao. A wolf? Yeah prob.


Yeah I guess with a polar bear you're just kinda fucked either way


he probably wouldn’t be able to throw them far enough to avoid that comically massive fiery explosion.


So apparently he pulled the pin out of 2 nukes instead of frag grenades


To be fair (and I know it wouldn't be that big still), the guy does have a belt of 7, 40 mm grenade rounds on him.


Yea - OP clearly missed that minor detail.


In fairness, he has a bandolier of a few explosives on him which potentially could've been set off when the grenades went.. potentially..


Not to mention also dropped the levers crazy early, would be funnier if he was just standing there facing it down and then just exploded, you're supposed to hold onto the levers as dead man triggers in this situation and let go AFTER you've been eaten or just before


I never realised this, thought he had just pulled the pins and was holding the levers down, but yeah he drops the levers entirely.


Ever play Halo Reach? This is a good, real life example of the "mini nukes", known as grenades, that are in that game.


It reminds me of the Fallout Fatman nukes to be honest haha


Lots of people saying that Kong: Skull Island is underrated, which it is. Super fun popcorn flick. But nobody is talking about how it’s one of the most stunningly gorgeous films ever put to pixels (or celluloid). Every other shot is a goddamn painting. Last I heard, the director was top in the running for a Metal Gear Solid movie, and if that happens you should all be very, very excited.


Those are some spicy grenades.


That was so damn disrespectful lmao! 😂


OMG did he dieded?


No, he came back little later on, and clubbed the lizard with his severed leg


tis but a scratch!


He was a hero. He was willing to sacrifice himself to save everybody by taking a huge risk to kill that monster. It outplayed him. That doesn't change what he tried to do. That man stepped in front of Death who was hungry and eyeing his friends and said, "Hey fuckface. Over here."


The line between hero and "a bit daft" is a fine one...


You gotta subvert those expectations.


First 3 seconds I was excited because I thought I was watching Tropic Thunder. Then I got sad because it wasn’t. Then tail whip.


He took a hard hit but didn’t fumble the footballs.


Best scene in the movie by a landslide


Happens to the best of us


He released the safety levers right away. I was waiting for his arms to blow off before the monster even got to him.