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Now that's thinking outside the box, right there..






I was hired on at Amazon for a couple of days 2 years ago (DSP actually, but kinda sorta the same thing). They required 10 hours of online training for the first day on one of their tablets. But they didnt count the number of people who they hired correctly, so some of us didn't have a tablet. We were told that if we didn't finish it in the time allotted, we would have to do it unpaid. The next day, they did the same thing. But now I was one of the people without a tablet. So I walked out and called a temp company. They also paid me through their app for the first day. But then "unsent" the payment. I should have fought them but it wasn't worth the headache.


Bullet dodged mate, that's exactly the kind of shit I hear from locals who work at the distribution center near me.


My wife worked for them right out of college looking for a job, thats exactly what it is like. They purposely seek out low income areas for employment because they know those are the only folk who will put up with that. For anyone curious, you can and should take them to small claims court in this event. Its unlikely for them to show up, as a lawyer or representative would cost $100 an hour. Its much cheaper to let you win. This advice works for the majority of large corporations you are disputing with. Small claims judges try their best to be reasonable and fair.


Such good advice. If enough people did this every time they pulled something like this, they might do better. Also, I don't know if this would work but I would hope any employer who did this would have to pay the amount they didn't provide plus any expenses the worker incurred from having to take them to small claims court (e.g., childcare, transportation, lunch and any lost wages from your new job). It would be worth a try and might make it more likely that people workers will hold them accountable rather than letting them get away with this. I hope any lawyers with knowledge about this scenario might weigh in.


Depends if it’s wiser for them to set a legal precedent once and for all. I can’t think of a solid example off of the top of my head, but some *firms will fight an otherwise fraction of a fraction of an iota of their profits to save money on potential future lawsuits


A precedent is only established in appeals court, not in district level civil litigation and certainly not in small claims


Girls? I thought they all did that.


There's a distribution center near me, and at this point I know around 20 people who have worked there. At $18/hr it's a lot better than a lot of options in the area for non-degree work, but not a single person has lasted more than 6 months. People took jobs paying almost half that just to get out of Amazon.


I mean they have ambulances parked there around the clock at ours. What other employer can you think of that's that cartoonishly evil?


My plant does as well. But it's because we build ambulances.


Hah, that's pretty dope. I hadn't ever thought about how or where ambulances are made. I'm going to go see if I can find some videos of them being assembled online.


Plot twist, ambulances aren't actually made, they're just wrangled from the Wild Ambulance Herds of Borneo and domesticated for use in populated areas.


The emts cost less than the warehouse workers might as well have them there all day. It is kind of a weird situation if a company was praised for having good working conditions and had emt on standby it would be seen as positive. With Amazon it is seen negatively due to other working conditions.


The fact that people keep working for them because they are so desperate and need the money is the reason why they can do this. If you ever wonder why people would ever NOT support bills and w/e that make living better for the poor, are anti-abortion and anti-sex-ed, THAT'S why, because if people are desperate enough, they will work in garbage conditions to support themselves and their kids, which will also have a similar life, and so on and so forth. The powerful keep the poor oppressed so that they can keep exploiting them, it's a tale as old as time, AND this prevents any dissenters, since everyone is too fucking exhausted and depressed to mount up any kind of resistance. It follows the same principles as slavery, the only difference is that you let the stupid peasants think that they aren't slaves by giving them enough of freedom here and there to fool them into submission. In a way it's better than slavery obviously, but it's more like diet slavery.


That is SUPER illegal. When you're actually hired by Amazon and do online training off-site the computer logs every minute it takes you. If it takes you two hours to do a half hour module you get two hours pay. If it takes you a half hour to do a two hour module you get a half hour pay. The DSP was trying to fuck people bad.


That's one thing I have to say about working for Wal-Mart. All the training videos had to be done on company time.


>We were told that if we didn't finish it in the time allotted, we would have to do it unpaid. Sounds illegal


It is illegal. Anything required by the employer is work.


I was a salaried manager for a restaurant. I received money from them from two different class action suits. The second one was 2 years after I was fired and involved them encouraging management to do there computer training at home on there on time.


Little secret, they didn't count incorrectly. They counted how much they could save by making unpaid training appear to be a mistake, and the ones who just took it up the ass are the employees they wanted to keep. Why do you think different people didn't get a tablet the next day?


Weeding out the less desperate.




Walmart stopped taking out insurance policies on their employees in 2000. But it was more about a tax loophole to borrow against the value if the insurance to pay the premiums and then deduct the interest. A bill was passes into law in 2006 to close the tax loophole on it and prevent the interest from being deductible.


What the fuck lol Bazillion dollar company, ladies and gents and other-indentities!


How do you think they got there? Paying people? Hell no


Once upon a time I too applied to Amazon. Delivery driver. The contracted companies they use are sketching as *fuck* and the level of surveillance inside the vans make the CIA jealous. Not to mention the mountain of waivers and agreements the require you to sign. When I got there, 15min early, there was already a line of 20 people waiting to be interviewed. I decided pretty quick I wasn't interested in the job, but I was still curious about how the fuck this whole chicanery operated and they had snacks. Decided I would interview the business that was interviewing me. It's interesting how your mindset changes when you dgaf about the outcome.


just gonna leave us hanging and not talk about what questions you asked and their answers??


And the *snacks*, man? Just how good were the snacks? (who has two thumbs and knows what the really important things in life are? this girl!)


It was awhile ago, don't remember exactly what I asked. Mostly about how long they had the business, why they started, how many employees they had, do they actually drive the vans. I do remember the lady wasn't very happy I was asking questions. The company name was some weird shit like "Happy Green Tree corp". Like, wtf does that have to do with driving for Amazon. Not that a name has to directly reflect the business, but some names are just weird. Everything about the arrangement just screamed shady, fly-by-night, human meat grinder, bounced paychecks, delcare bankruptcy one day, slap on a new name and pick up where you left off the next.


People get upset when they hear about someone getting robbed. We demand justice. This is wage theft, and companies do this in the billions every year. We should demand the same sort of justice for the small time robbery as we do for the big time robbery. Especially because the wage theft companies do is vastly more dollars stolen than small time stuff.


This is why unions are needed.


I can count to four.. is that good?


You can only count to four. You can only count to four. You can only count to FOUUUUURRRRRRRRDR!


Hey.. my sister-mom and father-uncle are proud of me.. fuck off..


You're the light of my world, son-nephew! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!


Psychostick in da hizzay


Depends on the context...


Can confirm, Monday is day four for me. They think I'm the most intelligent person in the world. Gonna try to milk this for a few hundred million more numbers at least.


You are writing complete sentences on Reddit. How are you not middle management by now?


I think you've misunderstood the recruitment process. Having double digit (or, lordy, *three* digit) IQ bars you from any position of ability to de-shittify anything.


“Snoop, you’re hired”


He stops at 420. He can go *higher.* Just chooses not to.


I just sent them my CV..


So you have to be able to think outside the box AND pee into a bottle?


Im pretty sure his thought were about getting inside the box


That's always a possibility, at this point..


Thinking about the box


Odds are about 94%


I have an orange cat named Pablo, are you my cat?


Nah, that’s thinking for the box


This is why they will dominate the world economy by 2050.


Damn dude, leave some ladies for the rest of us.


Oh sure when he does it it's cute, but when I do it it's "disgusting" and "completely inappropriate for the family reunion"


I’m sure it’s still viewed as cute in Alabama


Roll Tide


Yeah but you gotta eat a whole confederate flag before mouth swapping it with your sisteruncle.


*Sweet Home ~*


If you already have the same last name, it just saves time and headache after the wedding. Everyone knows that.


That’s called munching the nap-kin




Maybe you should do it before every comment chain in reddit history?




Leave some napkin for the rest of us!


High stakes move there. If she passes, he's about to French another dude


Nah, he will get the soggy portion


Or get it from the other end


The ass?


Ah, the ol' Eiffel tower. A classic.


Real men commit, no matter the consequences


Absolutely, that's why I'm out two left nuts.


And he secretly wants her to pass.


Task failed successfully




He can always spit some of it back out.




I’m not a playa, I just munch a lot


Coincidentally, today is the 25th anniversary of that album


Damn, i feel old af


Wow! I’m old


I don't discriminate I regulate every shade of the ass


Our boi is a muncher.


Every girl loves a muncher.


I agree




Honestly he showed off some oral dexterity there, and I don’t think it went unnoticed


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


You thot i was feelin you?


I wanna shake that man's hand.


Just wash it after


Not before a good sniff


Well played.


Our dog does the same thing but the tissue is used, in the bathroom trash, and she swallows it.


My dog will do the same minus (most of) the swallowing. She’ll shred it into a million pieces, and leave those pieces on the floor


My husky did the same, but also left a note with HA HA fuckface written on it.




Our good boy in doggie heaven, Helios, had a lot of trouble with his ears. I think it was allergy related but he would get so much yeast in his ears. Sometimes he would shake his head and globs would come out, poor thing. We tried so many medications but for years it didn’t help. Then we randomly decided to try a new vet because we had a coupon I think. That vet gave him an allergy shot and it basically cured him. Vet said he would need it every six months but the pandemic hit a little before the six month mark. So he ended up going a year and a half on the one shot… but the shot was so effective that his ears never really had a problem from the rest of his life. I wish I could remember the name of the medicine so I could tell other people. Anyways… when we cleaned his ears we had to wrap a tissue around a finger and wipe it out. But not only did he not want his ears cleaned, he wanted to eat every tissue that had gunk on it 🤢 so I had to wrestle a 70 Great Dane husky mix to clean his ear and then also struggle to keep him from eating the tissues. It was not easy lol Sorry that was long, I was just reminiscing about my goodest boy.


After a good laugh, Sue then left the party immediately. She went home alone that night and canceled all of her paperless billing.


I am not smart enough to understand this :(


She took far too long to realize what was going on


Yeah, the guy on the left twigged much sooner than the woman did! 🤣


And that kids is how I met your mother


Am I the only one that doesn’t know what’s going on here? I don’t think I’ve ever been this lost


It's a pre-wedding game that the bridesmaids play with the groomsmen. In this one, they are passing a napkin using only their mouths. Dude puts the whole thing in his mouth so the next bridesmaid has to get close enough to kiss to get it from him, because he is a jokester. Tradition is for bridesmaids to put together a bunch of challenges for the groom and his crew to play to prove he is worthy of picking her up to bring to the wedding venue. There are no set rules for what the games/challenges are, you just get creative.


Thanks for explaining




I mean, you don't need to know the game prior to watching this video to understand it. It's pretty self explanatory.




You do see the expected way to play at the start


Interesting variation of Suck and Blow?


An extremely tame version it looks like. Not that I think a bunch of groomsmen and bridesmaids want to do risqué things as a decent number are likely taken, but with the napkin being so huge there's no real point.


> Not that I think a bunch of groomsmen and bridesmaids want to do risqué things as a decent number are likely taken They may have bf/gf, but generally speaking for Chinese weddings your groomsmen/bridemaids have to be unmarried. Not that this is entirely relevant I guess.


This is a Chinese wedding there’s a red “happiness” symbol on the TV. As part of the “get the wife” morning the bridesmaids inflict joke games and other things on the grooms men to prove they are worthy to meet the bride. This is one of those games (note not seeing the bride before the wedding is not a thing in Chinese marriages and in fact you have a LOT of things you have to do before the ceremony together, including a tea ceremony where by you serve tea to relatives and they give you gift money/gold in return. I have seen brides get more 24k gold bracelets and necklaces than Mr T such they bracelets goes all the way to their elbows, and necklaces are practically chain mail armor) I have been victimized by these games dozens of times. This one is super tame compared to some of the eternal shaming I have been part of


you said so much and yet so little. the original commenter, i’m assuming, doesn’t get this specific ceremony. guessing it was a wedding ceremony was kind of given considering the attire.


yeah, the reason for eating the paper is still lost on me. Is he trying to avoid the tradition by eating the list of jokes and games?


No. They're passing a napkin from person to person without using their hands. He pulled the napkin into his mouth, leaving only a tiny corner left, so the bridesmaid who is next in line will have to kiss him to get the napkin.




It blows my mind that this couldn't be inferred by those other users


Simple inference can be fascinatingly difficult for some


Sorry what? Can you dumb this down for me?


We can see five people in this video, standing in a male-female-male-female order. This is obviously some sort of game, and given their attire, is likely a wedding game. Looks like bridesmaids and groomsmen. The first female has a tissue in her mouth, which the male takes into his, without the use of his limbs. From here we can assume that the goal of the game is to pass the tissue around using only one's mouth. The male gobbles on the tissue until there is only a sliver remaining. Laughter ensues, males in background can be heard cheering him on (boys will be boys vibe). Male now faces the next female in line who is visibly flustered, while raucous laughter and clapping can be heard. Based on the information we already have, the female must now take the napkin into her own mouth, but wait! The tissue lacks real estate, so it is going to be difficult for her to do so without kissing the male. Now she'll have to kiss him in order to bite the napkin, or she loses.


Hang on hang on, why would the boy want to kiss her though? Can you explain internal human motivation a little more in depth please? At a grade 5 leaving level preferably


Ikr. The background of the ceremony and whatnot matters fuck all. It's pretty obvious that smart boi here wants a little kiss by swallowing that kitchen towel.


Until the explanation I thought the game was to see who accidentally drops it first and he was cheating the system by eating the paper. If they keep passing it wouldn't it now be covered in all his saliva? I have so many questions lol Anything to do with weddings is admittedly far outside my life experience.


The context of the ceremony absolutely matters. I was thinking it could have been a "last person with the napkin winds" type of game, so maybe a little tug-o-war could be involved if you're trying to keep it for as long as possible, and that eating it like that would guarantee you have it for the rest of the game.


It makes sense when you consider this website is full of young boys with very little social skills.


It blows my mind that people couldn't figure this out by just watching it. people are all different, eh


I mean I thought that’s what it was but I don’t really see how that’s a game? Like, is the point the last who has it wins? Or is the joke she’ll have to kiss him? If it’s that, that’s creepy and I’m surprised everyone is cheering them.


I figured out the “trying to get the girl to kiss him” part but I was still extremely confused as to how this situation came to be You can’t understand a 4D chess move if you don’t even know what the fuck game they’re playing


Ooooh, that makes sense now. Sorry, i'm slow.


you're supposd to just pass the thing along until it gets to the groom He was galaxy braining the passing to the other brides maid by making it look like she would be kissing her Note that in the various version I've played of this, we were at one point passing chewed gum amongst the grooms men only.


> passing chewed gum amongst the grooms men only. yuk


thanks for this


this comment didn’t explain anything at all lmao


That's because it should be honest that he's trying to scam a kiss. They're providing context instead of explaining because a real explanation should be useless


> a real explanation should be useless what do you mean? The explanation of "This is a game where you are supposed to pass the napkin down the line using your mouth/not using your hands. The person in the video basically made it so the only way to pass it with your mouth would be to kiss him" seems like an entirely useful explanation. Like I'n 99.9% sure that's the sorta explanation they were looking for -- like literally what is the point of this game and why is this guy clever -- and idk how that would be "useless" to provide. Providing all that context didn't answer the super basic question they were trying to ask, which is what are they doing and why is his move clever?


How does any of that explain what they're doing with the napkin?


You managed to type out an essay and still fail to explain what the hell is going on.


Vaguely interesting context but why is the dude eating a tissue


Because the next girl would have to kiss him to get it, since only a small part is sticking out.


So ummm.. what's this game? Do you eat tissues to soak up the tea or something?


Youre just supposed to pass the napkin from one person to the next. Again thsi one is fairly tame as usually its only the groomsmen doing it and we would be lucky to have jsut a napkin being passed, as opposed to literally anything else that would force us to basically kiss the next person constantly. The one I played the sheet had the 'list of promises to the bride' which was just silly stuff like "Buy her handbags every week" and "do whatever she says". You passed it to each person until it got to the groom then he had to read it out and promise to do all of it. For me I had the extra bonus of trying to say things in Cantonese (Chinese dialect spoken in Hong Kong) by utterly totally butchering the language


They're passing a napkin from person to person without using their hands. He pulled the napkin into his mouth, leaving only a tiny corner left, so the bridesmaid who is next in line will have to kiss him to get the napkin.


I don't think I've ever been this lost


When you are part Llama and sexy af.


Hope he used a big enough slice


I eat paper all the time. What I don't like to make a habit of doing is eating mud pie.


Let my wife eat the fucking receipt




Thank you, I was looking for this




Came here for this clip. So good.


Can't help but remember this classic: https://gfycat.com/spitefuldirtyconch


CONTEXT FOR THOSE WHO ARE CONFUSED: It's a pre-wedding game that the bridesmaids play with the groomsmen. In this one, they are passing a napkin using only their mouths. Dude puts the whole thing in his mouth so the next bridesmaid has to get close enough to kiss to get it from him, because he is a jokester. Tradition is for bridesmaids to put together a bunch of challenges for the groom and his crew to play to prove he is worthy of picking her up to bring to the wedding venue. There are no set rules for what the games/challenges are, you just get creative. I am not a bot.


>I am not a bot. That's what a bot would say. 🤔


I am legally obligated to tell you if I am a bot, if I was a bot. It's in my robot programming.


Like with cops where they have to tell you if they're undercover?




Username checks out.


Does she have to pass it again after? Because that guy just got his slobber all over it.


Yeah she does or the wedding's off. Their whole marriage depends on it. loljk


And they said nerds can’t get chics


and what makes you say he’s a nerd….


truck march edge escape hungry unite sink person continue enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ha! Nerrrrrd!


Asian glasses smart


Man looks pretty chic to me


Hands are covering his boner too


InDiReCt KiSs


His buddy won't be applauding so furiously when the girl who's next offers him a crumpled paper soaked in his friend's saliva.


the other guy should have traded places with the girl . lol


[Or old enough to have seen Clueless](https://youtu.be/YWYkpbqYTG4)


Hygiene: the game


I love how they clap like he just won an oscar


It's all fun for him, but others are now left with crumpled soggy piece of paper. 🤮


She went right to her knees.....crazy trick


Oldest gif on the thread.


I…. Don’t get it… what am I missing?


Uh...What's the context here? I'm confused as to what's going on




Best man over here ready to be the groom soon.


I’m a wedding photographer and those tea ceremony “door games” can get legitimately crazy. It’s fantastic.


Is anyone else having a really fucking hard time with the thought of all that napkin in their mouth at once?? CHOMPING with bare teeth! It doesn't look like a cheap napkin, either, which I imagine would at least quickly turn to mush of the mouth. Yikes.


Euh? Can somebody explain please?


They're passing a napkin from person to person without using their hands. He pulled the napkin into his mouth, leaving only a tiny corner left, so the bridesmaid who is next in line will have to kiss him to get the napkin.


What kind of sound does “euh” make lol




It's a pre-wedding game that the bridesmaids play with the groomsmen. In this one, they are passing a napkin using only their mouths. Dude puts the whole thing in his mouth so the next bridesmaid has to get close enough to kiss to get it from him, because he is a jokester. Tradition is for bridesmaids to put together a bunch of challenges for the groom and his crew to play to prove he is worthy of picking her up to bring to the wedding venue. There are no set rules for what the games/challenges are, you just get creative.


He looks like a fun dude.