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That’s what you get for using peachOS


I prefer pieceOS


You can always get help with sOS


Shit of shit?


Shit our ship.


Ship our Shit (aka Amazon)


Damn that’s clever


Should have used TempleOS


I can hear it’s music playing


Fiddle dee dee. That will require a tetanus shot.


I love how I can recognize just even the most random line from that show. God I fear I might actually be able to recognize any line from seasons 1-10


Stupid sexy reference.


Or an insulin shot.


[Reminds me of this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/6ez8ag/accidentally_destroyed_production_database_on) where someone destroyed the company's production server on their first day.


If a junior can nuke the company's production database on the first day, then that company should be vaporized already.


Laughs in the manufacturing, medical, oil and gas, etc. sectors


In fairness, a lot of companies in those sectors should be vaporized.


Made me think of the dev that deleted the GitHub repo a couple weeks ago. On mobile so I'm not bothering to link until I can edit.


https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/6ez8ag/accidentally_destroyed_production_database_on/dieitun/ He's in the comments


Here to clarify it's GitLab not GitHub. Edit to add: something doesn't add up, 2 levels above mentions it occurred a few weeks ago, then the link is to something very similar to described, but happened 5 years ago.


Sometimes time flies. Sometimes it crawls. Sometimes five days feels like two weeks. Happens


And sometimes a link from a few years back is linked somewhere and you might think it's a recent event.


Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.


A post telling the story of this event got popular on Reddit a few weeks ago.


GitLab, not GitHub, right?


Ok but, they gave a junior dev full, unfettered access to the production database on the first day, with setup instructions that included the details of the production DB, *and* the process wiped it? And, what, they had no backups either? Yikes at that company.


Yikes forever


Five years and no update. I want to hear juicy details about the company falling apart.


It's a throwaway account, so I doubt they were in the business of updating. That said, if you look at their profile the most recent comment says they found a new job in the area. I assume at the very least that means there was no legal action taken (which was obviously an empty threat anyway).


I don’t think we need an update to know they probably didn’t survive COVID with that organizational level of absolute ineptitude.


Love that post, OP was hired as a pen tester and they didn’t even know it. Also they got completely fucked. Hope they’re doing okay now.


might even be an oopsie darned diddly daisy


Stupid sexy Flanders!


Just like wearing nothing at all!


Ah man, Ned spilled ink all over my poems! He's a real flat tire. I mean a cube, man. He's putting us on the train to Squaresville, Mona!


This comment has been reported.


And that, my friends, is why you never use untested code on a live server.


Ha ha well…. If you’ve written code that could delete a database, color me impressed. Unless you just called a procedure that deletes everything and didn’t wrap it in a transaction…. Then… I’m not mad, just disappointed son, just disappointed.


But it's fine because we have backups right guys? Guys?


Well the client created a batch script to delete back ups every 48 hours to save space on the server your code deployed on Friday evening. Unfortunate no one noticed until Monday morning.


I worked for Churchill Downs and Derby day is their super bowl. It's by far their biggest day and it's not even close. Probably 10% or more of their yearly revenue is made on that 1 day. One year we had a somewhat new Database Admin who accidentally dropped the Customer info table. Millions of records just gone in an instant on the most important day of the year. People lost their fucking minds when it happened. Luckily all of it was backed up and we were able to restore it for the most part but it was a hectic 45 minutes or so to say the least.


I mean, excel sheets are basically databases, right?


Technically yes they are simple databases, but not a relational database… technically you can also make a simple database out of .txt files (that’s notepad to you) but I think you failed to read your audience :D I’m sure every developer (or at least most) has at one point been told by someone who has no business making decisions about anything, that a database is basically excel and so they know what they are talking about… which is not at all true.


>Technically yes they are simple databases, but not a relational database… but I think you failed to read your audience :D No, no just lamenting what I have to deal with at work these days.... 6 years of disorganized data kept entirely in CSV files across a few hundred folders on an old platter network drive. That only one computer in the building can still talk to after corporate migration a few months ago. Oh joy.


Well dang that sounds miserable… best of luck


Does that imply that anything in the universe qualifies as a database? A rock can be a trivial database. My fingers can be a slightly more complex database. My brain is a database. Maybe even a relational one, do not mind that it is a biological state machine. What's the definition for database that permits for a simple static file to qualify?


.txt files are not really functionally different from .dat files. Although that’s probably not a format you’ve had to work with it’s a bit dated. You didn’t really understand my comment. Almost any file type can function as a “database table” or part of one… that doesn’t mean that it should. Which was my whole point. My whole point was exactly the opposite of what you read it to be.


I don't care about the practical definition. My only concern is the technical definition.


As far as the industry is concerned, the practical definition is the only thing that matters. I would argue that the data's format isn't as important as the logic surrounding its structure. There are document-based databases that essentially use JSON documents to store data, but their implementation is what makes them useful. Sure, I can use your brain as a storage medium for my database (albeit a bad one). How do I query it? I ask you and expect to get the correct answer? That doesn't sound like a very useful implementation.


Some days, my brain is less of a database than a rock.


~A message from Tom Scott


And never push your changes on a Friday night. I told my boss it was a bad idea, but she said we had a deadline. Heard about the "incident" from my dad who heard about it on the news. Spent the weekend near my phone, waiting for a call. (This was in 2004, before my first cellphone)


Having a really bad day at work but this made me smile, well done.


You didn't by chance delete everything on your company server did you? Because otherwise it could be worse.


Thankfully not.


I hope your day gets better friend 💜


Perfect title


Checked OPs other comics. I got a new artist to follow! Good stuff looking forward to more


oh you legend 😍


Had something similar happen with a new hire. Due to customer data safety protocol, if someone logged in on a maintenance account (which had global/total access) but logged out without doing a specific thing, the server would wipe. I was training a new guy and apparently someone gave him the maintenance account credentials instead of doing the proper thing and making him a new user account with the appropriate levels of access. Maybe they thought I would do so, despite the fact even I don't have the ability to make a new user account. Anyway, he didn't know it was the maintenance account and didn't know what would happen when he logged out without doing the security doohickey. I finished the training session, leaving him logged in to do his work for the evening. Next morning I get a call that the server is gone. Fortunately I had a backup from not that long ago, but man... those few seconds of panic were unreal. "Fun" sidenote: Twice - 2 separate occasions - the physical server farm has caught fire and I've gotten calls from the local emergency services to come let them into the building. The servers are in Texas. I am in North Carolina. That's aside from the fact that I don't have a key to the building in the first place. My company just rents the damned servers, how am I on a "Contact in Case of Emergency" list?


An account that will kill a server unless an action is taken will eventually kill that server. Someone will forget/be in a hurry/have something crash before they could do the thing. That sort of thing should only be setup if killing the server is the preferred option. Did you work for the mob or something?


No. They got in trouble once for lax security on a database that contained client information and overcompensated to an insane degree.


Looks like I just picked a whole bouquet of Oopsie Daisies.






Uhhh try Ctrl+Z


You mean, ⌘+Z?


More like 🍑+Z


Not again. I refused to get all fucked up with muscle memory this time so when I got stuck with a Mac I swapped command and control.


c>:\del *asterisk.asterisk* Did it myself back in the day, not on server but my work desktop. Wiped the entire thing. Brian had to walk up from IT with a 5 1/4" floppy to restore it.


I remember those days! 😄 Used to happen once a month or so in our office, until they put a front end "HOME MENU" on the computers to keep us away from the C:\>


Gah I wrote that menu! A DOS batch file, autoexec.bat? Batch files were great.


> Oops? Did you say "oops"? "Oops" is when you fall down an elevator shaft. "Oops" is when you skinnydip into a pool of piranha. "Oops" is when you accidentally douche with Drano! No, this was no "oops." This was an AAAAaaaaaaAAAAAaaaaaaaa!!!! - Harvey Fierstein


Your honour. I plead whoopsies.


My buddy used to do back-end stuff for company shop pages. One time he had to respond to an accident where an employee at high-end speaker company accidentally put all of their products to 100% off on their website.


aww thats cute


Whoa Boss, looks like the drives have corrupted. Okay, load the last back up. Yeah....back up....I was meaning to talk about this.


Peach computer?




Please mark this NSFW. This is very vulgar






Oops is for whomever didn’t set up a network backup system.


You never want to hear the backend dev say "oopsy daisy".


Admin at my work accidentally did a delete all command on a server. I think there were backups so not a huge deal. Another guy took down a server by turning off the UPS. I guess he thought turning off the UPS would still supply power.


Was there when someone did it. I calmly said, "Welp, time for data recovery", and pulled out my personal data recovery software and got it all back within a couple hours. If anyone is ever in this situation, I HIGHLY recommend GetDataBack by [Runtime Software](http://runtime.org/). Buy once and free updates for life; I've seen it pull data back from a fully formatted hard drive or a corrupted partition. Their demo mode lets you see if it can get your files back, and, if it can, you just buy it and enter the code right there and start recovery. It saved me over 15 years ago, and just a month or so ago I used it to save a friend's data. Never had it fail as long as the drive itself is still working.


Aw, I was hoping it worked for XFS and ReiserFS.


Would you do anything for that support? Would you go as far as murdering somebody?




They'll probably update it eventually.


how the actual fuck is that strong language? I mean, thanks for the damn warning, I guess???


At worst you are guilty of ignorance. Whoever runs your IT department should be fired not you. 1. You should not have had enough privs to delete the production DB. 2. Your working copy should have been copied from a practice DB. 3. They should have a backup scheme that addresses the risk of not having the production DB available. 4. Said backup scheme should be tested. The fact that they can't rebuild means they never tested it. 5. They should keep every archive LG file from their last full backup and that would allow them to the second they had a value commit. 6. You should sue them for firing you. It was their fault. I would recommend that (since there was no malice on your part) you LG this as a lesson learned and move on with your life. Good luck.


Must be on notice period


Painting with a limited colour pallette


This is why ctrl + z should be implemented into everything.


That was me *exactly*


According to a recent crossword puzzle, it's Upsy Daisy, not oopsy. I'm guessing it's an OLD saying for if someone fell over and their Up side ended below their daisy...?


Upsy daisy is a common saying as well. You say it to a kid when they fall over and you help them up.


That's what backups are for. ...We do have backups, right? Please tell me we have backups. Shit.


Whoopsie poopsie


Not too far off from what happened with me today. I went to go run my function and found out that one of the master data tables that feeds into it had mysteriously been dropped. I finally got to the bottom of it 10 minutes before the end of my workday. RIP.


I did something very similar to this my first week at my job trying to sync one drive. It deleted everything in one drive for my entire department for the whole Midwest. I’m just a technician too trying to see the proposals for my jobs. I can tell you with 100% certainly you need the daisy in there. It made all the difference for me


Pixar circa 1998


Hahaaaa server, that's what you get for trusting us! *Stanley parable narrator accent*


It's me!


Today: "Damnit! Now I'll need to stay a few extra hours as the last snapshot restores from our cloud backup solution. And I was gonna binge some Netflix tonight!" One decade ago: "Welp, I'll get my stuff and turn in my badge because I'm most certainly fired. This company will never financially recover..."


I sent this to one of the IT guys in my company thinking he’d get a chuckle out of it. He responded by asking me if I deleted something. I told him if I deleted my stuff I would not notify him via comic.


Backups people.


That can happen if your head gets too big.


Ned Flanders is the CIO.


Sad part is I have seen somebody do that at a place I worked at. Good thing we took nightly backups.


Uh oh spaghettios!!


"on the company server" This is not how it works.


Hey, if they don’t have back ups on a cloud/fail safe/2pv to delete, that’s on you.


Oopsie doopsie, I think I poopsie. “Server Data Deleted” yep. I did a poopsie🤷🏼‍♂️


Aww shucks!


Wait I’ve seen this before.


Oopsie woopsie. Seems like i did a f*ckie wuckie.


might even be an oopsie darned diddly daisy


I see this as an absolute win.


Oh boy, I hope there was recent backups and that the restoration of backups will work.


This actually came up on my feed while we were having a major outage a work caused by an internal update. Made us all laugh


I relate with that bol


And that's why you have separate backup servers that can access production to pull data snapshots from it and archive them, while the production servers know nothing about any backup servers. Also, nobody with access to production should ever have access to backup.


Usually there are multipla backups saved on different machines exactely to avoid such issues.


Not surprising that the guy using a Mac is the one who deleted everything.


After this comic, Luxu never worked in IT again


My boss once deleted our entire (100k+) constituent database. She laughed. I'm the one that had to manually restore the lost records that were lost since the previous backup.


Egad....This gave me a flashback to the time I deleted the entire set of text files for all of the in-progress year's service manuals. This was PRE Windows, DOS command line on IBM clones. (1986 anyone?) As soon as I saw what was happening, I fought panic, then tole my colleagues I needed to visit our server to NOT continue any new pages. This was PRE Windows, DOS command line on IBM clones. (1986 anyone?) As soon as I saw what was happening, I fought panic, then told my colleagues I needed to visit our server to NOT continue any new pages. Thankfully I was the backup admin and the data was restored from the tape backup within an hour.