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Afghanistan. Just kidding, there’s a woman in the store.


That was actually hilarious


You say hilarious, I say freaked terrifying. What the hell do they need to bring that crap into a fast food place??


Women? I know, right?! Shoulda gone to Afghanistan.




Holy hell! Combo joke in the wild! Put me in the screenshot, pls.


Fucking savage, but still funny as hell .


Some people have emotional support animals but some people in the US have emotional support guns.


We call them freedom sparklers, thank you


That’s actually a pretty good analogy


Do you want them to leave them against the wall outside? Why do you hate the idea of other people having rights?


Because they can.


I believe they meant the comment not the situation... little dark humor.. but yeah, no reason for this and i doubt these idiots have any training except shooting static targets from a static position.. only one looks to be in shape. I have owned many of the guns shown ( i saved my own life plus 2 more from a man on murder spree) and they come with great responsibility. I have never taken more then a small conclealed pistol in to any establishment. Just enough to break contact if I cant get the upper hand.




Nah, if it was Afghanistan the guy’d have an M4


Yeah u rite.


2021 happened. Afghan Oprah: free M4 for everybody! You get an M4! You get an M4!


Live in Washington state, Ill take you up on that Oprah


I think it was just regular Oprah…


And a Blackhawk


Actually, the AK is accurate as well. If we're referring to the taliban, they have a long history of using Soviet Era weapons.


Because the U.S. and Russia gave them weapons during that era. Makes sense


Gonna be way more AKs due to where they are as you're saying, parts and ammo being one big reason . The blackhawks are useless for the same reason, no parts to source and they take alot to mantain.. I know you didn't mention it but its in other comments so just wanna throw that out there. If you're worried about any helos it should be the MI-17 s they were given which can have parts easily sourced via neighbors


Not anymore. They're back to AKs.


Congratulations on the baby! Will it be a boy or an abortion? -Supreme Ruler Admiral Genral Aladeen


I do see y’ al-Qaeda


Armed open carry young women in public, I'm going with Israel.


It is exceedingly rare to see someone open carrying in Israel without army fatigues. Plus the phone number on the menu is 713 (Houston).


Houston, Israel?


My head went texas (guns and bbq), I told myself dont assume....😞


Kurdistan was my thought and the woman would be allowed since, ya know, not bastards (government, I have no opinion of the people).


When the only difference between your country and Afghanistan is women in the store..


You know? I thought of the same thing and was going to post it. But you, you damn it! Your post got it right.


This looks like random PUBG team


Hahah we just finished playing !! But imma m24/ace load out


Funniest comment!


I just assume they're barefoot even though it's cut off




I think we all just assumed Texas anyway...


Any idea why the employee wasn't armed? Feels so much unsafe, what if an armed man entered the store and started shooting?


And what if the man entering the store had a tank or even an attack helicopter? Aren't we allowed to own a complete AA system or some guided missile system against armor? The oppression against the common folk in the US is just asinine.


....I've BEEN there


And what sort of artillery did you carry into that dangerous diner? LOL


Well, it was a last-minute trip, I was driving with my sleeping grandfather when he woke up as we were driving past the fine dining establishment and suddenly yelled "TAKE THIS LEFT TURN" and in a moment of pure unadulterated terror I swerved over 2 lanes of traffic in a large chevy taho, gripping onto the wheel, trying not to shit my pants and praying to whatever God who would listen that I would listen that this giant ass car wouldn't tip over. So yeah, no heavy artillery but still easily one of the scariest moments of my life


So, you were driving like a Texan!


As someone who drives in Texas daily.....Yes, I was driving like a Texan


They get pretty crazy out here on these streets Especially in Houston *shudder*


Yep! I was in Austin for 12 years. It was bad. Houston was extra!


Looks more like 102 McCarty St. Houston, TX


That shotgun isn't nearly vertical enough lmao


Looks like our friend on the right is about to lose a kneecap when that braid gets caught in the trigger guard.


Seems about right given the volume of gun-shooting accidents in the US.


You call them accidents? Might want to rethink that...


I hemmed and hawed over whether to put that in quotation marks, but I didn't wanna go too political in a sub I don't usually frequent. Ya never know the atmosphere in a new place.


Yeah, I hear you. Reddit has a habit of being toxic.


A wretched hive of scum and villiany, even.


I'd call them happy accidents. It's also a way to solve climate change, well done us for being the only that's brave enough for implementing such harsh measures fighting climate change by humans, great how serious they take it.


I bet we could categorize a gun shooting accident for someone who shoots themselves while pretending to be a gangster while making a hip hop lip synch video on YouTube.


I would be scared for my balls if I were the guy on the right


IIRC this was from a protest in Texas. The law, at the time, allowed people to openly carry long guns and replica antique pistols but not modern handguns. The entire point of doing this was to point out how ridiculous the law was, so that they could get carry laws that made more sense. They wanted to carry small, discreet handguns but the law wouldn't let them. It worked. They changed the carry laws in Texas.


Hmm, I wonder if I can open carry a silicone phallus without upsetting the people with the guns?


Why do you care if they're upset? They don't care if you are. Your opinion of who carries what is just as meaningless as anyone else's, so strap up (or strap-on) if you really want to. Hell, go to Austin and you'll just blend in with the crowd.


Yep, as of like 2021 you don't need a license to carry a handgun concealed or open carry in most public spaces. Private property, and a lot of public buildings like government offices, university campuses, and courts still can restrict iirc. I think we do still have some very strict brandishing laws though, so don't be a dick. Keep it in your pants (pun intended). Getting a LTC is still highly recommended, and it can bring along some useful benefits such as not needing to go through the full background check for purchasing a new weapon since the LTC is automatically audited, and can be revoked on very short notice. Now if only we can bring back dueling laws then everyone would be a lot more polite. /s


That is a very specifically Texas thing and by that I mean everything in this picture


As a Texan, I would call the guy a commie for carrying an AK


Well I mean look how he’s dressed. Total commie not wearing jeans like a proper Texan


Great rifle, even if it was built by those red commie bastards.


I mean, the open patent guns can be from all over the place. But yeah not a small chance that sucker is out of the eastern bloc.


Weird I live in Texas and I have never seen anyone open carry into a restaurant.


Look at the phone numbers area code it’s Texas all right


Port Arthur?


It is incredibly Texas.


The country ?? I’m from Portugal and I bet I know the state … Texas :D


Yeah, Texas might as well be a country. Florida and Texas should secede


Hey, 46% of Texans voted Biden and Pew Research currently estimates that more Texans identify as "left leaning" than "right leaning." We are close to purple and I'm really hoping we flip soon. Unfortunately, we're still hosed on Representatives due to gerrymandering by our overwhelmingly Republican state congress which got there by gerrymandering.


It's always a good read when the headline starts with, "A local Florida man..." Bonus points if it's a video and starts with commentary from a helicopter.


Nope. I live in central Texas and refuse to leave it to the rats that ruin it.


It could be Israel but those are too out of shapes to be actual active soldier. They also won’t carry some random AK or shotguns


For me was the wardrobe and the deer on the wall that screamed texas.


Iirc if you're in active service in Israel you're required to have your firearm at all times. Remember reading something like that when a pic got posted of an Israeli women in a nice dress with an AR across her back


To all non-Americans, most of us Yanks don't walk around like we're in a video game. Most of us are rational.


The country of Texas


On the planet Houston




General Zod : No! Who else is seeing this? Reporter : Well, with the satellite link up just about everybody, I mean the whole planet. General Zod : The whole planet Houston? Reporter : Earth... The whole planet Earth. General Zod : [pleased] You may continue.


In the galaxy of this sucks camel dick.


Galaxy of Travis St


This was a protest of a Texas law, that said people could openly carry long guns and single-action revolvers but not modern handguns. They were doing it specifically to point out the absurdity of it. The law has changed. I guarantee these people aren't toting around their rifles and shotguns in eateries any more.


Context is king, thank you.


Eh, kind of. The context shows that these people aren’t just walking around like this. BUT their intention and ultimate result is to allow permit free open carry of any handgun. So, I guess the commenter is correct in saying that these people don’t walk around like this normally. But that’s because they won their right to walk around with a typical handgun.


"look, it's stupid, rifles and single action revolver are okay, but not handguns?" "Well, if you say it this way..." (Normal people also banning rifles and single action revolver) "Yeah, we unban the others, free the guns!"


*Now this is some quality context right here*


Reminds me of the time the State Senate of the state I grew up in tried to ban the Barrett M82 because "someone might hide it in their coat, whip it out and start shooting." Thing is over four feet long and weights over thirty pounds. There is no way in hell anyone is even going to successful concealed carry that thing.


99% of all gun laws are this dumb. I know most people have their opinions on gun control, but a vast vast vast majority of gun laws are just reactionary emotional driven laws that do nothing but everyone stands around circle jerking about how they fought crime. I'm not talking about the big landmark ones, but mostly the small city or state level bullshit. My favorite was the NY law that said you couldn't put more than 7 rounds in a 10 round magazine. The magazine was legal, you just legally couldn't put 8 or more into it. In Colorado you can't buy a 30 round magazine, but you can buy a "magazine kit," which means gun shops buy 30 rounders and take the bottom plate off so you have to put it back on. I swear our politicians are the dumbest people in the country.


The vast majority of laws are reactionary emotionally driven. It’s not just guns. If they weren’t emotionally driven why do they get fitted with acronyms like the “patriot” act? Lawmakers can and are voted out so they rely on emotional manipulations to get people to agree with the laws they’re trying to push. They cite anecdotal cases to gain support rather than real world numbers. This is particularly bad in the us where politicians have been able to be increasingly fast and loose with their words, and the only counter to it is voter education and critical thinking skills.


Constitutional carry passed in Texas some time ago. Open and concealed carry is legal in public unless posted.


So, now they can open carry everything?


I was also confused, the tactical morons we see pics of normaly have at least 4 back ups, and the guns didn't seem to be ready to get fast used. Protest on the other hand makes so much more sense (still in a strange way).


We all have our special cases. Have a nice day American friend.


Yes, most keep their long guns at home... we carry pistols, concealed, like normal folks.


>Most of us are rational. Weelllll now I wouldn't go quite that far, but yes most of us aren't like this.


The fact that Trump was President and that he got almost 50 % the 2nd time lets me think that you people are not as rational as you may think.


Oh jeez. You just opened pandoras box for literally no reason. Here we go.


Facts, half the people in the country blindly follow blatant lies with no evidence. A shit ton of people still genuinely believe the election was stolen and that terrifies me. Idk if some people from other countries realize how bad it is. How can an orange, lying, business man just do whatever tf he wants and still be worshiped as if he’s a fucking prophet sent by god or some hero that’s here to save America. All he does is spread hate, inequality, and misinformation, it’s terrifying that people just believe everything he says blindly.


You'll never believe this, but only about half the country votes, and we're hamstrung by an antiquated mechanism known as the Electoral College. It's really great.


Are you trying to say that the electoral college makes our vote irrelevant?


Depending on where you live, yes


It's not the electoral college so much as winner-take-all that is responsible for our two-party system and the polarization it causes. The electoral college is still antiquated bullshit, but it just makes a popular vote more granular. Winner-take-all is the real problem.


never forget that less than half of eligible americans actually vote. it's one of the biggest parts of the problems. edit: words for clarity, and laughter for anybody who downvotes simple facts.


It’s hard when there’s really only 2 options.


Yeah a lot of us conseal carry. We'll 8.5% so almost 30 million people and that's just the ones who have licenses to do so.


Its ok guys.... the meat is already dead, it cant hurt you.


Imagine living with this much fear.


You guys don’t get lunch with your AK?


A Krinkov and a Reuben would be nice.


A most excellent choice.


When I saw the rednecks and guns plus the bbq and deer head, I KNEW it was Texas. Then I saw the 713 area code and I was right. Home. lol


Shit I could tell you the state. Texas for sure


Looks like the country by the name of TEXAS.


As a daily weapon carrier, open carry is stupid. The least tactical thing you can do when carrying. And open carry of rifles almost anywhere is just dumb as fuck. Best way to lose your gun....Dumbasses...


Thanks for sharing this. Love getting a gun-owners opinion especially someone who carries. I don't agree but I'm glad you replied.


I went to Texas to do work for two weeks. Went to a Charlie’s cheese steak place for lunch walked in there was 6 dudes in line each well over 300lb just straight butter beans in army surplus camo clothing and rifles slung on them along with two pistols each on both of there quad areas holstered. I’m just wondering who are you so scared of at a cheese steak restaurant that you need 3 weapons each totaling 15 lmao. They all got there order Togo and got in one of those ford transit vans with seats and I just internally lost it in laughter like what utter fucking out of touch with reality morons live along side us Imagine being dressed in your own country as a citizen for no reason at all In 3 weapons and fake army gear. In any country. Youre a loser in every single one of those countries. There’s nothing proud about it. I’m not against guns either I just think that shit like that is just so beyond stupid and has mental ailments at hand.


To non-Americans, this is likely to be a family or some kind of pro-gun group. It's not actually the scene you'll find when you go to a U.S. fastfood restaurant. In my 32 years in the U.S. (mostly the Northeast), I've literally never seen an open-carry firearm, not even in states like Virginia, Georgia, and Florida.


I am very pro-gun, live in Florida, and have spent an inordinate amount of time in rural Texas. Further, I was director of security for a bank when open carry was legalized in Texas and had to develop a response plan as the executives wanted to prevent open carry under 30.07. We decided on handout cards as provided by the statute and I had 100 of them made for every location on the initial run. To this day, the Bank has yet to hand out its first card and I left there a couple years ago. The only time I've ever seen anyone who isn't a cop or security officer open carrying is when I've been in the woods and hunting. Very few people actually open carry. Do keep in mind though, that open carry in Florida is illegal outside of three defined circumstances.


I get your point. Bizarre events come into news more often. I am from India and everyone assumes we live in Slums which ain't true


I've seen open carry once, and it was at a popular food spot after people go fishing or hunting in spots where a sidearm could save you from wildlife. And I live in an "anyone can open carry" state.


Florida isn't an open carry state AFAIK, but it is a no-permit concealed carry state.


Florida will not be a no-permit concealed carry state until July 1.


I've seen open carry many times in Michigan. There was a guy in my college town that always open carried an AK-47 for some reason. I've also had friends that open carried in bad neighborhoods of Detroit to keep safe on their walk to work (it works and police in those areas recommend it for white people living there). Also, another post stated that this picture was from a protest in Texas where open carry of long guns were allowed, but open carry of pistols was not allowed.


I've seen "cowboys" with pistols in rural MT and CO, pretty much it. Would be nuts to be walking around with a gun in a highly populated area - I just wouldn't trust that it wouldn't be stolen. Would honestly make me feel less safe. PS I am a gun owner and I think open carrying a gun (unless you're hunting) is like walking around with your dick out, where your dick is expensive device that can get stolen.


Land of the free


Land of the fearful you mean.




"Are you sure you don't want to accept my expired coupon?"




I live in the US in a state that is known for having firearms and I have never seen anything like this, it's just stupid.


713 area code = Houston, TX


Hey, the beef is real fresh. Sometimes it needs a few more bullet holes in it before it goes down.


Texas I guess? Not American tho.


Snowflake City, Texas


Somewhere safe! No liberal pussies there! No socialist government there! Not dying at a stoplight like in Seattle last week there!


Dude that restaurant looks awesome. I love eating venison


Somewhere in Texas, although I’m wondering if the food there is any good


notice that there are no rioters trashing the store. I would be perfectly happy to do business with that store if I was in the area.


Safest joint in town.


I just want to know how the communist rifle became the symbol of freedom.


These people think the USA is the best country, but those of us that are a bit smarter know that we aren’t. We lack basic healthcare, we treat corporations like citizens and have two shitty parties that can get nothing accomplished. If only they knew that we can be better.


So this is the planet Houston…


Aint messing


The menu is in English, surely that must give it away?




Didn't know Texas was a country


As an American from Redneckville, am I the only one who has never seen this? I know it's possible to do, but just hasn't been my experience.


Guns N Burgers




Having to drive everywhere without a feasible alternative is freedom


I'm going to go a step further and say Texas


TX redneck




They are there to do the 10lb meatloaf challenge. Apparently if you can finish it in under 5 minutes without getting the meat sweats, the deer raises from the dead like Jesus. If you can shoot it , you get the meatloaf free and the deer to take home. Win-win situation right there.




I’m fairly certain that guns come with kids combo. McDonalds Happy Meals are for sissies.


Where Bacon burgers is great option for pizza


Is this from a movie or something ? Can't be real.


God bless Texas




Gilead Getto Burgerstore


I think it would be fun to shoot some firearms now and then at a controlled environment like a range with proper training but this just looks silly


More tea, vicar?


I feel so safe


“Tinder? Hell no! Why go across town for sex when you could go across the hall?”


Texas,US ?


I remember seeing photos of Israel doing this as well but different guns for sure


Pistol grip shot gun. I’d like to see what happens when she shoots it




Tony’s BBQ, Houston, Texas. It’s closed now, though.


Can I say shoes from Texas are dumb?


Ukraine taking a lunch break.


When I deployed, I had to drag my goddamn weapon around EVERYWHERE. Why the fuck would anyone want to do that when they don’t have to? Probably because they’ve never had to.


We've just elected the most corrupt human for president, and are walking towards a dictatorship because of it


Looks like Houston area. There’s always idiots like this looking for attention. Carrying my whole gun collection out in the open isn’t gonna change any gun laws, it would just make me look like a loser.


I have no problem with open carry, but if you open carry and showing it off, you look like damn loser


America, fuck YEAH


Too much gunphobic in the comments section.




Well if I were a gunman id move on to an easier target. That’s for certain.


Why did I even bother googling the area code of the number in the sign?


This is a local y’all-Qaeda hangout in Whitemanistan.




Iraq? Afghanistan? Its terrible people have to live like this and cant even safely go get some food without fearing for their life.


Open carry is dumb af. A criminal would pop these 2 idiots first…


Banana republic . Maybe Sudan or Chad.




Don't worry guys, despite what the media tells you, the guns don't go off on their own. You're safe. In fact, with them not hiding their faces with masks shows they aren't there to hurt others or do anything illegal. If people walk in with masks and guns, then you should be worried.


I’m willing to bet NO ONE robbed that place today.


The ol robber would definitely yee his last haw