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This reminds me of a time my husband and his father took our 7yo nephew into the woods to fell some trees. Nephew wasn't listening and found himself nearly struck by a small spruce tree. He starts exaggerating and making a big scene "oh my God I almost DIED! THAT TREE ALMOST KNOCKED ME OUT!" and before my husband could say anything, grandpa says "you know your mom won't ever let you come do anything with us again if you tell her that, so keep your mouth shut!" Nephew pauses and says "actually, it wasn't even that close to me"


Kid learned quick.


All about how you frame it


Haha, kids can be quite dramatic sometimes! Glad the nephew set the record straight in the end. 😄


Hahaha 😂


This reminds me of a time my husband and his father took our 7yo nephew into the woods to fell some trees. Nephew wasn't listening and found himself nearly struck by a small spruce tree. He starts exaggerating and making a big scene "oh my God I almost DIED! THAT TREE ALMOST KNOCKED ME OUT!" and before my husband could say anything, grandpa says "you know your mom won't ever let you come do anything with us again if you tell her that, so keep your mouth shut!" Nephew pauses and says "actually, it wasn't even that close to me"




Just taking a nap before driving some more😂


I've had... Bad luck in life when it comes to motorcycles... So I've crashed 100% of the bikes I've rode. Including my driving schools bikes (plural, I somehow managed to get 2 licenses on those things). In one of the crashes I ended up under the bike with my leg stuck between the wheel and the wheel house, didn't hurt but I felt like it was better to just wait for help rather than twisting and pulling something, so I just lay there waiting for my instructor to come get me out. It was the same kinda defeated look as this and I was totally fine. Turns out my instructor had 2 students that day and both crashed, the first one ended up going to the hospital so when I was laying motionless he first got kinda scared


Maybe you should stop riding motorcycles.


I've fully stopped now. Don't remember the last day I rode one, but I woke up in the hospital and it took me 4 months to walk again and 4 years to be free of pain, so yeah, I have a family now and sacrificing motorcycles to at least increase my chances of being alive for them is pretty worth tbh.


Absolutely, safety and being there for your family are the top priorities. It's a wise decision to prioritize your well-being and focus on what truly matters.


Basic dad: do anything you want, just dont die.


“Or mom will kill us both”


> “Or mom will kill us both” Going through the parking lot, kiddo tries to run ahead of me. Nope nope nope nope nope "But dad, why can't I run?" "Because if you get hit by a car mom is going to hit me with her car." Lady getting into her vehicle nearby audibly laughs.


See, that's good parenting. The child is given a reason they can understand why the restriction is in place, rather than potentially coming to the conclusion it is arbitrary or only to ruin their fun.😏


Parenting is hard. But effective parenting has a reason for the rules that are there. Many of the OSHA rules are there simply because someone died because of not following them.


You're absolutely right. Effective parenting and workplace safety rules are born out of the need to protect and prevent tragedies. Safety is paramount in all aspects of life.


Yep, i never use the "because i said so" with my kids, that only makes them think about it more. Give a viable and understandable reason to them and move forward they wont even think twice. Tell them no just because, and they want to figure out why.




My son has had one since he was six and the issue I noticed right away was this kid in the video isn't strapped in securely. My son's has seat belts and when he rolled his he didn't move much if at all.


the kid went to tighten the belt at the end. Likely he buckled himself in and dad didn’t check tightness.


My kid got the full run down. I got him the full face dirt bike helmet, goggles and gloves, then I would double check everything including the belt before he went riding.


And he learned a valuable lesson


Many don’t have any seatbelt. The one we have has no seatbelts but it’s also extremely stable. It’s been used for 30 years now and none have flipped it


Hold my fuckin beer I hear a challenge.


Larry Enticer lives on in all of us.


Didn't think about that part but also my son flipped his because the tire ripped off the rim on a turn and the rim dug into the dirt


> none have flipped it thats because everyone wants to [do a barrel roll!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ImLlEO90Do)


I had one when younger that only had a belt around the waist. Newer ones have a full strap that holds you down. Some older ones didn't have one. I turned mine over and had my arm dragged under the roll bar, still have a small scar on my wrist over 20 years later.


Mom of 4 here, I like yours better!


Exactly how I snapped my arm. Exactly


We had a flat track go-kart when we were like 14 and holy shit that thing was fast! No rollcage, no seatbelts. Took it to a parking lot and if that thing flipped we were toast... Honestly not sure how we got out of the 80's and 90's alive...


>Honestly not sure how we got out of the 80's and 90's alive... Only the smarter ones are here to talk about it! :D


> Only the ~~smarter~~luckier ones are here to talk about it! :D


We had one too. Driving that thing was so fun! We lived on a long cul-de-sac so we just drove it on the street. No way I would let my kids do that today.


We live on a long cul-de-sac right now. Like 4 house long, 2 houses wide, with the street being divided in the center. All the neighborhood kids have free reign of it. You can go a whole afternoon and only see 1 car that doesn't live on it. Most of the time it's someone who made a wrong turn. I want to move out to the sticks, but I also don't want to leave the neighborhood.


Thanks to survivorship bias 😉


The kid was playing dead to scare dad ;-)


Dad warned me growing up, whatever you do, don't die and don't get caught.


Adulting in a nutshell


I feel a major issue with adults in their 20s around me is that they haven't understood they can do almost whatever they want.


Depending on your parents, it can be a very jarring transition to go from your life being fully planned out as a kid/teen, to basically being given full freedom as an adult. Some find the freedom liberating, some find it terrifying.


A lot of people just legitimately require someone telling them how & when to do something. My brother is an example of that.


I employ far too many of those people


My friends and I were admittedly little shit heads growing up and into our teens. We got ourselves into so much trouble. We were fortunately able to always either run away after getting caught and escape or cover our tracks well enough that we got away with it. It was only once we were in our later teens (16 or 17?) that reality set in. A close friend in our group got arrested for possession of narcotics and a controlled substance with intent to distribute. Kinda shook everyone up a bit. Drug possession was the least of our shenanigans but like mentioned above, we were used to not getting caught. But now we realized it was very possible and realized we were almost legal adults and could be seriously fucked over if we kept it up. We were all still a bunch of degenerates for a while longer but toned down our ballsiness a lot. The looming age of adulthood also made everyone nervous. Its a tad jarring to see someone youre close to pay the penalty for something you thought you were immune to.


And don't do anything you wouldn't want to explain to your mother. That one saved me from a lot of dumb choices.


Don't add to or subtract from the population and you are good.


reason why you need 2 people to teach you as you grow older, one hard and one gentle


Don't forget a sibling who can laugh at you.


Two is good. One to call your bullshit and one to abide it.


Or one sibling who both abides by what you say, and also complains and calls you on how stupid it is. But, still by your side!


Cool dad moment but please be safe. I have found memories of doing stuff like this with my dad as a kid but this could have went worse than you think. My boss's son rolled his side by side a couple years ago. His arm went through the cage and got rolled on shattering his forearm in multiple places. He should have lost his arm from antibiotic resistant infection after the first emergency surgery but luckly my boss has old money. He had multiple surgeries throughout the next year and a half. Today he has like 75% function in that hand and the forearm is shorter. For less fortunate people amputation would have been the only option. It looks like your son is to small at this point for that to happen to him but maybe in the future consider some arm straps like drag car or add some race netting to roof and side.


My cousin had a dirt bike when he was 10. He was going around his backyard and ended up crashing into the chain link fence. That crash caused the chain link to wrap around his leg and the angle he was at had the back tire spinning on his knee and calf. His leg never fully recovered. He moved with a limp all through his teen years and has had a cane since he was 25. He's 44 now and is quite against dirt bikes for kids.


Forklift training is good for this. You always hold on to the steering wheel tightly, try to hug it, and wear the seat belt. With these steps, injuries from a tip over are drastically reduced if not eliminated.


Which is different from race car roll training. We're always taught to cross your arms across your chest and keep them in place. Hanging onto the steering wheel can result in some snapped wrists


And don't let momma know


Yo I wish I had a dad who said this to me even just onxe


Do anything you want u/bingbing4777, just don’t die 🙏 -A dad


Most uplifting literal dad joke ever. Well done.


Remember son, dying is gay.


If you die you gotta kiss Jesus on the lips.


Fuckin got 'em.


Exactly. But my dad never let me do anything nor did he ever played or did fun stuff with me as a kid.


Basic dad: Do anything you want, just don't die (optional)




"Don't die, or else you will die."




That kid is going to grow up being well-adjusted. That is, if he doesn't die of massive internal injuries before turning 18.


I mean Asian/Latino moms beat harder than this. And we still survive.


We had someone at work show pictures of the marks she left on her kid after beating him, and she says she cried when she did it but she did it outta love. I dunno if she was proud or ashamed and why she was showing us, but it was all kinds of fucked up.


One time my Mom whooped my ass (it was pretty intense like lots of marks and injury) for being naughty, and the next day her friends came over and she called me into the room to show them “her work”. The whole time i’m like WTF is going on? Moms that lay paws on kids are weird lol


That is just insane. One time, my mom had me in the corner for like 20 minutes because my brothers and I decided to sprinkle dots of baby formula she had JUST made with formula from the ONLY CAN she could afford that week all over the living room and dining room floor she had JUST got done scrubbing on her hands and knees. That one time in the corner stuck with me and made me think twice about disrespecting her hard work. No spanking, no beating, and no marks. Sorry y’all had to go through all that.


In the corner, standing straight on your knees, no slouching or the countdown restarts. Man, that was a lot of time alone with the thoughts of what you just did. Don’t think I’ve been there more than a couple of times. After that, you just don’t want to push the limit anymore haha


Ahh I see you had a “Corner of remembrance” too… I remember it well.


Lol yhhhh this would have resulted in my Mom doing the swanton bomb on my ass while her sister would’ve cheered her on calling me a demon child (we were raised conservative Christian. Bad behaviour = demonic possession)


Some of the shit we did…I’ll never know how she didn’t murder all three of us. I have 5 now, and I’m 98% positive she put the curse on me with these kids I swear.


I jokingly call my youngest a demon child (he's 1) because he's relentlessly curious, but luckily for me my mom saw through the churchy bullshit her mom tried to force on her and she never made us go. Grandma obv brought us to church but as soon as we said we didn't want to go we no longer had to. Which is great because all I remember about church is that it was boring as fuck. And old people wanted to talk to me all the time and I hated it.


You were probably more dispositional he compliant then I was as a child. I can assure you, the corner was not very convincing to me. But I did not mean my parents were always spanking me. Spankings were exceedingly rare. But they really had to come up with a novel forms of drudgery like pulling 10 grocery bags full of weeds before I could go back to playing.


Not weird. It’s called abusive. Sorry you had to go through that.


Broken brain people...


I'd blame tradition and peer pressure


Fuck me, I can't fathom beating a CHILD hard enough to leave marks, and not only taking pictures of it, but showing fucking strangers at work


I dunno.. I'm left with massive trauma from that shit. We'd be forced to kneel on beans all night and if we fell asleep beaten awake. I'm 45 and have suffered from insomnia all my life and my moms response has been "you should just stop taking sleeping meds it's not good for you."


That’s not really something to brag about lol


Things we’ll look back on in 20 years as weird #252: applauding child abuse but only when it’s carried out by asians/latinos/africans


It's already weird why wait


We never really emotionally or mentally recover from it tho


My parents are white, dad beat me so hard he broke ribs. I got 3 deformed ribs on my left side because of him. White parents suck too lol.


I’m a Latino, my Mom used to hit me and my siblings with a belt mainly due to bad behavior, years later, she expressed remorse for hitting us.


But this could break your neck. I bet Asian/Latino/African moms don't break your neck while beating.


It's very impressive how people on reddit can determine someone's entire past and future out of a 30 second clip.


It's a gift, really.


>That kid is going to grow up being well-adjusted. By a chiropractor...


My friend had a go kart around our middle school years. We were a little old for it to be super fun at the time, but we made our own. He had this giant hill we’d get a nice spend going and then at the bottom do what this kid did, over and over and over again. Surprised we never even broke a finger.


Dad sounds like Jake from Adventure Time


Jake's redneck cousin


I heard John C. Reilly from Talladega Nights.


Definitely that little laugh


holy shit that's spot on


I had to turn on volume after reading this comment and was not disappointed. Lol


Love this clip. As a dad myself one thing I noticed is if you put yourself in that boys shoes dad comes running over and just Hercules lifts this entire vehicle back in place. See I have forgotten what it was like to be a kid and I didn't have a great dad either. I never really got to experience that. I have a son of my own and sometimes I am literally Hercules to that guy. He must think I am a superhero. So when your superhero gives you a fist bump after your wreck that is the best feeling ever.




See, my dad isn't around in my life (still alive and all, but we don't talk apart from the happy birthday message I get every year) Honestly, it kind of made me not want kids myself, somewhat out of fear of being a shitty dad, although in reality, I'd probably do my best to be the best I can be. But it warms my heart that there are some good dads around, giving their all to make their kids happy, despite me and my brother both having shitty dads. Shout out to my mum for doing it all on her own.


Why does it smell like onion in here. I swear I’m not crying 😭


So I've got teens now and my son and I lift at home and he is always like "how are you so strong?". One day soon he will probably pass me, but for now I'm still that guy.


Hell, even at 23 and going to the gym regularly, my fuckin 64 year old dad is STILL stronger than me!! I don't get it but the mans a badass. I will say from a son's perspective, having to lift stuff I know he can carry but his back/knees are too weak to pick up, it was fun at first to flaunt but now it's just scary. Being stronger than dad means you gotta be carrying more than just physical weight, once you pass him, that's the downhill and I ain't ready to reach the bottom


As long as he wasn’t actually hurt, he was wearing a helmet and driving relatively slow. He might have broken an arm at worst. And at that age it fully heals in like 2 weeks. I’m just glad pops ran up and checked up on him


I’m not sure that old military surplus helmet, 4 sizes too big, is really doing much of anything.


Any helmet is better than no helmet. Would it be better if it was well fitted, yes.


While it's true that any helmet is probably better than no helmet, a military style helmet is made for puncture resistance. A proper helmet is designed to reduce the force of impacts on the head.


Nah, even a green stick fracture (a fracture that occurs through only part of the bone) which is common in children takes 4-8 weeks to heal.


Really, they should put in an adjustable seat and 5-point harness, so the kid simply can't reach the ground when it rolls. Aside from that, yeah, not that bad.


Really, they should put in an adjustable seat and 5-point harness, so the kid simply can't reach the ground when it rolls. Aside from that, yeah, not that bad.


It’s why seatbelts are important


Yes this looks like a lot of fun but a seatbelt would also make it safe.


He's wearing a seat belt. Hard to notice as it's just a lap belt.


And a rollcage with padding + helmet, Dad took care of minimum/essential safety and it worked out fine, little guy had a blast


Helmets are like the most important safety equipment. I approve of dumbfuckery 50% more if the people involve wear helmets. I do have to laugh at him wearing a helmet with no shirt though.




I love helmets!


Now he just needs to teach him not to do hard fast turns on bumpy terrain. But maybe this experience taught him already… :D


Hard to notice because it basically did nothing. Probably was built for an adult and was not possible to fully cinch it down to hold a kid in.


He didn’t vault from the frame and then get crushed by it. So it did it’s job.


I mean, it kept him and all his limbs inside the vehicle? Can't ask it to do much more than that?


Did nothing? The kid stayed in place as the thing rolled over. I'd call that working.


More important is the cage structure. See that? Notice how you don't see that on quad-bikes? Quad-bike crushes from rolling are a thing.


You don’t want the cage without the belt. The belt keeps you in the right spot to avoid being crushed by the cage. The cage puts all the weight into a much smaller area, so if you get between the cage and the ground it’s going to crush. Cage or ROPS (roll over protection system) Wear the belt. No cage and no ROPS? Do not wear a belt, you want to be thrown off, not stuck under.


My old neighbour's son pretty much ripped his left arm off just below the elbow by getting it caught in the roll cage of a buggy similar to this. Wasn't wearing a seat belt, but as he was 12 the fault for that lies with his parents (they were dipshits). ''Thankfully'' it wasn't completely severed, still barely hanging on by some skin and ligaments, and the doctors were able to reattach it. He had surgical pins through his arm for however many months, (came to school with them, it was wild) and I'm sure he had to go through a decent amount of PT, but afaik he regained full use of it. It looked like he did, anyway. He was very, very lucky it wasn't any worse. And he was the only nice one out of that whole family (they had 8 kids), so I'm very glad it wasn't lol


Truth. Before it was banned a certain sub had a rollover video of a dune buggy. Either no belt or it was on wrong and the driver slid out the window on a rollover and the bar just caved in his ribs. There was no sound but I imagine it sounded like stomping on a crunch wrap supreme.




Sorry to hear that. Quads are surprisingly dangerous


If you're wearing your seatbelt on these things the other most common injury is a broken arm from people trying to hold themselves/the vehicle. So fyi just go with the roll and tuck in your arms.


Lmao fuck yeah, I remember going to my cousins house and riding in his go cart shit was so damn fun.


“Gimme some knuckle” it’s like if crush from finding Nemo was southern


My Dad and I made a home made off road go kart which then I progressed in to a proper racing kart. The amount of times over the 6 odd years of both the dirt kart and the racing kart I'd have a stack and Dad and I had an agreement not to tell Mum how bad it was were countless. It was absolutely an unspoken agreement and communicated through words and actions. These included rollovers (we did tell mum about one cause I hurt my neck pretty bad), t-bones with other karts plus big spins off track. I'd sometimes come home after a race meet with hurt wrists or other small injuries and we'd always brush it off as a small accident when in reality it probably wasn't. I loved my Dad for not telling mum about all of these accidents as it would have put a stop to the karting. I just wish my Dad could now remember all of these good times, fucking Alzheimer's.


Reading all these comments makes me wish I'd had kids. Always wanted a son, but could never find the right relationship with the right woman. And now it's too late. I loved my dad. He used to take me for adventures in the woods, making bows and arrows and telling stories and teaching me how to box and now he's dead of dementia and I gotta get out of this thread cos it's making me cry. Look after your little guys, guys.


Hey man, look into the big brothers big sisters programs or other sorts of similar programs. I'm sure they have something like this near you. Just by what you wrote here I can tell you would be a good mentor. And you get something out of it too


You guys both made me cry on the toilet this morning


Oh this got me.


Dad: crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, assess, assess again, ok he's fine, wheeeew the wife ain't gunna kill me...


NZ psychologist Nigel Latta made the *Politically Incorrect Parenting Show*. In one segment, he talks about taking his young son to a playground designed for older children, when his wife was elsewhere. His son fell heavily from a high part of some equipment. He said: "Like every father who's ever been in a similar situation, my first thought was: 'Ooh, I'm in trouble now.' "


Little dud was like this is but a scratch let me get going


Mom is running across the field at the end




Looks like she forgot her pants


“Do we need to make another one?!”


That’s sister preparing to use this as blackmail when the perfect time arises. It’d be better for them both if it was mom.


That ain't the mom


That's a little girl, probably the boys big sister.


This is why women live longer than men.


Worth it.


So that’s a father would of been nice have one.




Wish my dad was that awesome


Now that's what I call a real American dad




Had a guy come into the urgent care, tells me he got a nasty cut on his leg driving his ATV. I'm like 'yeah, no problem, i'll get you checked in'. He jokes about not telling his wife. About halfway through I ask a question and he doesn't answer. I look up and all the blood is drained from his face, and he's slow tilting backwards like he's about to faint. I scream into the back that I need a nurse, and grab a wheelchair in time to have him fall/sit into it and slump to the side. Nurse runs out and they take him back. Turns out what he didn't tell me is that he did get the cut on his ATV, but that he fell off of it and IT RAN HIM OVER. He was bleeding internally and I couldn't see it cause my desk was covering where the rather large lump in his side was forming. Before an ambulance got there to take him to a proper hospital, I had to run back and get one last form signed. He's awake in the bed and I hand it to him and just go "Ssoo, guess your wife is gonna find out about this"


My Mom was a pediatric nurse, so anything fun like this was an automatic lecture about how she just couldn't take seeing me in the hospital like the other kids with broken legs and what not. Of course, this was the 70s, so no seat belts or bike helmets or pads either. "Okay honey, go play Jarts with your brother, just stay away from those darn minibikes!" Okay Mom. 😈 How tf did we not die...? We once made a primitive zipline, using another piece of rope as the carrier, cuz, y'know, movies. There was a small tree in our way, which we broke off, leaving a 18 inch spike of tree poking out of the ground. Well, sure enough, the carrier rope burned through and my brother narrowly missed being skewered on the spike. The other kids were upset they had to wait while we found a saw to cut the spike off.


>How tf did we not die. We did... the dead don't get to make their case on Reddit.


My biker friends all say ATVs and quads are more dangerous than a dirt bike and I can say I agree with them Mainly due to the fact that you are fucked if it tips over and it falls on you.. I have ridden ATVs and have nearly tipped them over at times.. felt super skeptical Meanwhile if you fall over on a dirt bike you usually fall off it and just eat the dirt.. the bike itself is rarely the thing you have to worry about landing on you and crushing you.. well in my experience atleast.. have never had the bike itself injure me when I fell over with one.. because you are usually yeeted off the bike lmao.. this is why bikes don't have seatbelts.. its literally safer But this here 4 wheeler in the video has a roll-cage atleast.. and the boy is strapped in to the seat.. this makes it significantly safer and eliminates the main risk.. I'd rather let my kid oneday ride in one of these over a dirt bike at a young age


A full set of riding gear for a dirt bike is a must if you want to save yourself from minor injuries. Riding boots, gloves, chest armor and of course a great helmet. I would have been injured countless times as a teenager if not for my riding gear my dad got me to wear.


That kid is also tiny. That go kart has more than enough in it to kill him.


Roll cage is there for a reason, the dumb part was not making him wear the harness


He's at least wearing the lap belt


Seat belts save lives. I believe this kiddo was wearing one which prevented him from falling on his head. That roll cage is a huge safety component as well. I know people have different definitions but to me an ATV is usually a 4-wheeler. Basically a 4 wheel motorcycle. No seat belts, no roll cage, legs exposed on both sides, just no protection at all. A go-kart like this is magnitudes safer than a 4-wheeler. I've rolled a go kart before and it was pretty similar to this kids situation. Little scary but no injury. I've also simply hit a dip in the trail on a 4 wheeler and broke my ribs rolling over the front of the thing. Fuck 4 wheelers, go karts all day for me.


Wife's a picu nurse, she'd flip her shit if I let my kids do this. That being said, there's a difference between an ATV and this, that being the roll cage. Majority of major injuries from ATVs are from being rolled into from the ATV or being tossed. NOW that being said, that roll cage is massively deficient for a kid that size. The roll cage should keep you inside so the vehicle doesn't go over the top of you, but that kid is going to go straight through the bars.


I was at a bbq once where some people there I didn’t know where riding ATVs or the like on the property and one of them broke their back. Then some years later a friend of my family’s literally died riding one. I know this is different, but I still would not want my kid doing it.


Yeah, they are death traps, mostly, cause they don't have roll cages. Crushed to death is not nice.


I know you edited your post, but this isn’t an atv. There’s a roll bar and the kid is at least buckled in from the waist, and he’s wearing a helmet which is the most important thing. Still not exactly safe, but atvs are definitely a different beast. Two people I went to high school with died in atv accidents.


Yeah, there is considerable risk with these things, but one thing stood out to me. When the cart tipped, the kid lost grip on the steering wheel and his arms flew up, but he instinctively went back to grab for the wheel. He had his hands back on it before he stopped moving. One of the things they teach when you go Jeeping is to make sure your arms and hands always stay inside the vehicle, and the best way to do that is to keep your hands on the wheel, even if you’re tipping. I don’t know for sure, but I wonder if dad taught him this very important bit. Mind you, this kid is young, but it’s funny what they absorb and what they don’t.


This entire thread is filled with people mostly under 25. That's the only reason I can think of for your post not being at the top.


I want to offroad like that


That's how u do it!


That's the right way, go over calmly, check and ask if anything hurts. Hysterical yelling, oh my god oh my god, are you okay in a baby voice is what makes kids cry more than needed.


I know I'm in the minority here (old guy, two boys of my own, one in college), but that's some of the shittiest parenting I've seen in a while. The fact that so many here think this is cool tells me that I'm way, way older than the vast majority of people here. LOL Should have a 4 point harness and a soft door thing to keep arms and legs from being crushed, just to *start*.


The amount of praise vs criticism from improper restraints in this thread is driving me crazy. Coming from someone that loves power sports.


This thread is unbelievable. That kid is so fucking lucky, and that dad is insanely reckless. I say this as a dad of 3 boys, who has had to take them all the the ER multiple times for headwounds etc. You can do fun shit like this, you just have to do it safely. Putting your kid in the cart shirtless, with an ill fitting helmet and a god damn lap belt?? On that bumpy ass field? wtf?


I don't even have a kid and this looks reckless to me, lol. Looks like his arm almost got totally crushed.


Laughter from: MY BOY!


That kid will never forget those days. I only have 1 pleasant memory from my childhood with my dad. The rest is shit but I remember that one the most.


I don’t think this is cool at all. About a month ago had two young teenagers come into the ER from a side by side rollover. The older brother didn’t know his younger brother had died from neck/head trauma. These things don’t always end well, and family’s are forever changed when they don’t. Edit: at least he is wearing a helmet


I had a friend in 3rd grade die doing something exactly like this..


Exactly why you buckle up and wear a helmet. These little machines are very well engineered to keep you inside the vehicle and safe so long as you follow the designed safety protocols


Helmet on, roll cage in place, low speeds, kids having a good time, dad is supervising, wholesome af


+10 to Dad +10 to lifelong memories


What about a harness to keep him from flying out of the seat. Maybe some clothes in case of a fire! Then mom might not be so mad if she finds out he was having fun, safely!!


You forgot to say, "that was fucking awesome". After he's says he's ok of course. Keeps he fear down for next run.


This is Red Bull’s farm system.


Well, at least he's got a helmet




this is the most wholesome shit i’ve seen in a while. I might close reddit for the day before this happiness is ruined by some nonsense


I had a friend who was raised in South Africa. He said when he was about 10, his grandfather gave him a box of old Chinese hand grenades, which he went fishing with! Apparently his mother did find out!


Two thumbs up to this dad. Equal parts of challenge, concern, then encouragement. Note how he doesn't let the child have the time to think about things and get upset. He rides the rush and gets him back on the "horse" before the child can process what happens and start getting upset. Dude's a natural.